Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Unknown Voluntary Servitude and the Creature from Jekyll Island / Politics / Social Issues
By: Richard_Mills
Here's a long debated topic. Should we leave the creation of new money in the hands of bankers or place its creation solely with our government?
Let's try and answer it.
The Creature from Jekyll Island
On the night of November 22, 1910 a delegation of the nation's leading financiers, led by Senator Nelson Aldrich, left New Jersey for a very secret ten day meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia.
Aldrich had previously led the members of the National Monetary Commission on a two year banking tour of Europe. He had yet to write a report regarding the trip, nor had he yet offered any plans for banking reforms.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Could The Internet Be Set To Be Shut Down On The Eve of Jubilee, October 1st? / Politics / Internet
By: Jeff_Berwick
Ever since we caught on to the Shemitah timetable that Jonathan Cahn had discovered, we’ve discovered clue after important clue about the potential timetable being followed by the globalists towards creating a New World Order.
Christine Lagarde, with her “magic number 7” numerology speech caught our interest. Then, William White of the IMF talking about how a debt jubilee was coming which will wipe out most paper assets also got our attention.
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Monday, August 29, 2016
The Right Lessons from Obamacare's Meltdown / Politics / Healthcare Sector
By: Paul_Rejczak
The decision of several major insurance companies to cut their losses and withdraw from the Obamacare exchanges, combined with the failure of 70 percent of Obamacare's health insurance "co-ops," will leave one in six Obamacare enrollees with only one health insurance option. If Obamacare continues on its current track, most of America may resemble Pinal County, Arizona, where no one can obtain private health insurance. Those lucky enough to obtain insurance will face ever-increasing premiums and a declining choice of providers.
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Sunday, August 28, 2016
Theresa May Instructs Police, NHS Gp's, Public Sector To Stop Racial Discrimination in Service Delivery / Politics / UK Politics
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The whole spectrum of the public sector from the Police, to the NHS, to education is not governed by the pursuit of excellence for all recipients so as to maximise competitive advantage and increase market share but instead operates under the fundamental principles of delivering that which is free at the point of delivery. In which respect whether someone gets good or bad service is dependant upon the public servants own prejudices, usually dictated by stereotyping, the mass media and what's said in the gossip columns or on social media.
Saturday, August 27, 2016
This America, this house divided ... cannot stand / Politics / US Politics
By: Michael_T_Bucci
In an election cycle that has scored the lowest in human decency, civilized behavior and speech; a cycle characterized by hate, viciousness, competing scandals, voluminous unproven allegations, scapegoats, fear-mongering, incitements to violence, death threats, and general moral decline bordering on decadence, I advise no child be exposed to any of it – none!
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Friday, August 26, 2016
The IMF’s Internal Audit Reveals Its Incompetence and Massive Rule Breaking / Politics / Global Financial System
By: John_Mauldin
To understand the sordid tale of the IMF, we need to look back at Greece. We think of Greece as the epicenter of the eurozone debt crisis, but it had company.
As the Fed’s initial QE program pushed US stocks higher, Greece’s growing budget deficit led credit agencies to downgrade its sovereign debt rating in late 2009. So, the government cut spending… but not by enough.
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Friday, August 26, 2016
Why I Left Canada and Became A Citizen of the Dominican Republic / Politics / Social Issues
By: Jeff_Berwick
It took nearly ten years but this morning I was sworn in as a citizen of the Dominican Republic.
Many might ask, why would a Canadian citizen want to become a citizen of the Dominican Republic?
The answer is actually quite long and lengthy.
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Thursday, August 25, 2016
Why Putin Might Be on His Way Out / Politics / Russia
By: John_Mauldin
BY GEORGE FRIEDMAN : Russian President Vladimir Putin recently did three very interesting things.
First, he fired his long-time aide and chief of staff, Sergei Ivanov, and moved him to a lower position. A few weeks earlier, Putin fired at least three regional governors and replaced them with his personal bodyguards.
Removing that many governors is a bit odd. Replacing them with bodyguards is very odd. Then removing someone like Ivanov is extremely odd.
Second, Russia raised pressure on Ukraine. The Russians claimed that Ukrainian special forces attacked Russian-held Crimea. They announced that they sent S-400 anti-air missiles to Crimea. With a 250-mile range, these missiles can reach deep into Ukraine.
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Thursday, August 25, 2016
Here’s the Real Reason Behind Closer Russia-Turkey Ties / Politics / Turkey
By: John_Mauldin
BY GEORGE FRIEDMAN : Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan met on Tuesday. It is not clear what came of it, but it is clear what is at stake.
Russia is weakening. The state of the economy is now the main issue (read my extensive overview of Russia’s geopolitical situation) Ukraine remains at the center of its strategic concerns. Turkey is an emerging power. It is managing its internal crisis effectively, if brutally.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Merkel Prepares For a Deliberate Crisis While White House Plans For a Disastrous Succession / Politics / War on Terror
By: Jeff_Berwick
Europe is convulsed by Islamic immigration, Brexit and a brutal economic state-of-affairs that are making it difficult for the average European citizen to live anything like a normal life or plan for the future.
Germany is one place where this sort of fear is being aimed at the population on a daily basis. Angela Merkel’s government has just urged Germans to stockpile enough food and water for ten and five days, respectively “in case of an attack or catastrophe.” Germany is also mulling a return to a military draft.
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Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Ceding ICANN and Internet Control to Globalists / Politics / Internet
It does not take a great amount of brain power to comprehend that for the U.S. to surrender the final oversight of ICANN that the internet as it has functioned with relative acceptance of political emancipation is fundamentally at risk to end as we know it. In this campaign cycle of American First Nationalism vs. Internationalist Global Despotism, the stakes are most clear. Where is the public indignation and anger that a cornerstone of most people’s lives is about to be ceded with little or no outrage?
Monday, August 22, 2016
EU Olympics Medals Table Propaganda Includes BrExit Britain / Politics / Olympics
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The EU's ministry for propaganda is painting a picture of erasing its member states sports persons hard work by slapping it's EU logo onto the medals table resulting in artificial result of twice the number of medals won than the US sporting hyper power at the Rio Olympics by including BrExit Britain in its medals tally when the truth is the Olympics exposes the European Union as being an entity that is literally suffocating its nation states in all aspects of life from sports to security to economy. When the truth is that NO athlete competed for the EU, not one!
Monday, August 22, 2016
BrExit Win's Britain Olympics Success Freedom Dividend, Economy Next / Politics / BrExit
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Britain's Olympic team has beaten all expectations of a target 48 medals by achieving 67 that includes 27 Gold's and just as importantly Britain places second to the American sporting hyper power and thus even out doing the highly successful London 2012 home games tally when Britain placed 3rd to the US and China.
Monday, August 22, 2016
Ron Paul - What Should We Do About Crimea? / Politics / Ukraine Civil War
By: Andre_Gratian
Is Crimea about to explode? The mainstream media reports that Russia has amassed troops on the border with Ukraine and may be spoiling for a fight. The Russians claim to have stopped a Ukrainian sabotage team that snuck into Crimea to attack key infrastructure. The Russian military is holding exercises in Crimea and Russian President Vladimir Putin made a visit to the peninsula at the end of the week.
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Monday, August 22, 2016
(Really) Alternative Banking Systems / Politics / Social Issues
By: Raul_I_Meijer
Our by now regular contributor Dr. Nelson Lebo III, the New Englander ‘lost’ in New Zealand, sent me another article, and it’s great (well, in my view). His title for the article may put some people on the wrong foot, but I think that’s alright.
I’ve been to New Zealand a few times, and Nicole of course has even moved there, so I was aware of how poorly constructed many homes are -and often made of wood-, but I’d never heard of ‘curtain banks’. Still, they exist all over the country. Turns out, lots of New Zealand homes are so damp and moldy that curtains can literally save lives, and certainly make them more comfortable/bearable. But many people are too poor to be able to afford curtains. Hence the curtain banks. I’d be curious to know if similar initiatives exist anywhere lese on the planet. Do let me know.
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Thursday, August 18, 2016
The Olympics Have Become Ideological Rivalry Between Nations / Politics / Olympics
By: John_Mauldin
BY GEORGE FRIEDMAN : The Olympics have begun in Rio.
The Brazilians greeted the games with massive demonstrations. With Brazil facing hard economic times, many thought spending more than $12 billion to host the games was outrageous. But supporters argued it would add to Brazil’s worldly luster.
The Olympics of ancient Greece focused on the individual athletes. Spectators knew which city the participants came from, I assume. Still, the glory went to the athlete, and it was his tale that was told.
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Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Europe Has Two Options: Revolution or Elections / Politics / European Union
By: John_Mauldin
In my recent Outside the Box (subscribe here for free), Charles Gave offered an incisive and absolutely scathing indictment of the latter-day European project.
Charles thinks that European leaders have responded to new challenges in this post-war era with old solutions. Chief among them is the forced integration of Europe into a single political and economic construct.
The elite are starting to admit that they’ve made Europe’s problems worse.
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Monday, August 15, 2016
Here’s How Millennials Can Weather the Perfect Storm / Politics / Pensions & Retirement
By: John_Mauldin
BY PATRICK COX : Millennials are struggling. We see it in the media every day. About 45% of Millennial college grads are working low-wage, dead-end jobs and have record levels of student debt. The number of young people making less than $25,000 per year is higher now than at any time in the last 25 years.
Boomers and Gen-Xers like to pile on, too. They say young people should be out on their own instead of living at home. They agree that Millennials don’t work serious jobs (if they work at all) and wonder why they put off marriage longer than any generation before them.
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Monday, August 15, 2016
The Central Bank Takeover of Brazil - Video / Politics / Brazil
By: Mario_Innecco
hi it's monday $MONTH $DAY august 15 2016 monaco 64 here home of alternative
economics and contrarian views this morning I want to talk about the central
bank takeover of Brazil and I guess with the Olympics going on in real right now
it's an interesting subject i was born in Brazil actually in 1964 so that was actually the year as well that there was a military coup in brazil and they overthrew a
democratically-elected president goulart you know when you read through wikipedia
you know the story is that he was left wing and the United States was scared
that he was going to fall into the under the influence of Castro in Cuba and so
the military in Brazil with the help of the United States overthrew his
government around in April April time 1964 so that's the story we're given
that he was a socialist he was gonna you know like take over everything even
though you look at you read about the guy who owned gloire he was actually..
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Rebirth of a Nation / Politics / Social Issues
By: Jeff_Thomas
Regular readers of this publication will be familiar with my frequent comments that all countries have a shelf-life – that they experience a slow rise, typified by a strong work ethic and a free-market philosophy, which results in a highly productive country. That productivity later results in a high level of sympathy for the disadvantaged, which political leaders turn into a justification for government largesse. That, in turn, results in a population that grows complacent and, eventually apathetic, culminating in a decline into totalitarianism.