Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Monday, February 04, 2019
Venezuela Trying to Sell Gold to Stay Afloat / Politics / Venezuela
By: Richard_Mills
Venezuela is reaching for its last card as the deck collapses on President Nicolas Maduro’s failed regime.
The country is selling its gold in order to provide liquidity for imports of basic goods.
You know your regime’s days are numbered when you start eyeing your bullion. Indeed gold’s status as store of value, as money, the only currency available when yours is worthless, has come into play with respect to the crisis that has been unfolding in Venezuela over the last couple of years and appears to be reaching its peak.
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Saturday, February 02, 2019
Without A Currency Board, Venezuela's Opposition Will Fail / Politics / Venezuela
By: Steve_H_Hanke
Venezuela’s currency, the bolivar, has tanked. Just take a look at the ugly chart below.
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Thursday, January 31, 2019
Flash-Balls, Pitchforks And A Backstop / Politics / European Union
By: Raul_I_Meijer
It’s educational and even somewhat entertaining to observe the role of the western press in the ongoing erosion and demise of democracy in Europe. But while it’s entertaining, it also means their readers and viewers don’t get informed on what is actually happening. The media paints a picture that pleases the political world. And it it doesn’t please politicians to lift a veil here and there, too bad for the public.
The Shakespearian comedy that was performed last night in the UK House of Commons is a lovely case in point. Basically, MPs voted whether or not to allow PM Theresa May to change the Brexit deal she had told them about a hundred times couldn’t possibly be changed. Brexit has turned full-blown Groucho by now: “Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.”
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Wednesday, January 23, 2019
BrExit War: Why REMAIN Would Win a 2nd EU Referrendum / Politics / BrExit
By: N_Walayat
Last week Britain's inept Prime Minister Theresa May who has stubbornly refused to do the right thing by resigning further lost what little power she had left by means of two House of Common Votes, first on her EU Exit deal on which Parliament delivered a humiliating defeat on Tuesday, losing by 230 votes (432 to 202) the largest defeat of a Government in Parliamentary history which was then followed with Wednesday's vote of confidence in her Government that only just managed to survive with the aid of 10 DUP MP's resulting in 325 to 306.
It should not come as much surprise that Parliament rejected May's deal which was nothing other than complete GARBAGE, one that gives the EU £39 billion for NOTHING in return! And then there is the 'backstop' or more accurately the 'backstab', a means by which to ensure that the UK can NEVER LEAVE the EU without the EU's permission!
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Tuesday, January 22, 2019
A Government of Socialists / Politics / US Politics
Brace for the most bizarre government that Congress has ever seen in your lifetime. The Democrats installed a band of untested novices bent on adopting a socialist utopia. The House of Representatives has become a chamber of horrors that only libtard groupies could embrace and the Senate reflects the bluest of blue from metropolis and the coastal cultures. The gangland underworld families that make up the Deep State and are controlled by the Shadow Government elites have shifted tactics for electing the next generation of Federal legislators.
Monday, January 21, 2019
Britain's Manchurian Prime Minister Scraps Residency Fees for 5 Million Economic Migrants / Politics / BrExit
By: N_Walayat
Britain's inept Prime Minister, Theresa May has decided to scrap residency settlement fees of £65 due to kick in today for as many as 5 million EU economic migrants, with the costs for processing applications now to be born wholly by British tax payers. This is a further example of the nightmare that a pro European REMAIN supporting Prime Minister and 75% Remain Parliament has put Britain into. A nightmare of a Parliament determined to subvert BrExit, which cannot even sign itself upto Theresa May's "Back Stab" deal that was so feeble that effectively ensured that Britain would be unable to LEAVE the EU without the EU's permission!
Britain is suffering the consequences of not only having a Manchurian Prime Minister but also a majority Manchurian Parliament that is acting in the best interests of the European Union rather than the British people, which is determined to water down Brexit to being only Brexit in name and not in practice, turning Britain into a global Dads army laughing stock!
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Monday, January 21, 2019
REMAIN Parliament to Subvert BrExit with Peoples Vote FIXED 2nd EU Referendum / Politics / BrExit
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This week Britain's inept Prime Minister Theresa May who has stubbornly refused to do the right thing by resigning thus further lost what little power she had left by means of two House of Common Votes, first on her EU Exit deal on which Parliament delivered a humiliating defeat on Tuesday, losing by 230 votes (432 to 202) the largest defeat of a Government in Parliamentary history which was then followed with Wednesday's vote of confidence in her Government that only just managed to survive with the aid of 10 DUP MP's resulting in 325 to 306.
It should not come as much surprise that Parliament rejected May's deal which was nothing other than complete GARBAGE, one that gives the EU £39 billion for NOTHING in return! And then there is the 'backstop' or more accurately the 'backstab', a means by which to ensure that the UK can NEVER LEAVE the EU without the EU's permission!
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Sunday, January 20, 2019
The News About Fake News Is Fake / Politics / Mainstream Media
By: Raul_I_Meijer
In the last few days I was looking around for stories that could illustrate what fake news actually is, and I had a nice collection, but then last night Robert Mueller of all people clarified what exactly fake news is better than I could have. At first the BuzzFeed crew that was caught staring straight into the headlights has a feeble response (what exactly was untrue in our article?), but was silenced by the WaPo of all publications: Mueller’s team said every bit of the article was false.
And still I wonder if people now understand better what fake news is. Which I think has a lot to do whit the fact that the term was monopolized by a section of US media as meaning things that had to do with Trump, more or less exclusively. That way, when Trump accused these same media of publishing fake news, they knew their loyal readers wouldn’t believe him.
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Saturday, January 19, 2019
Why Brampton Manor Academy State School 41 Oxbridge Offers is Nothing to Celebrate! / Politics / Education
By: N_Walayat
The mainstream press has been busy today focused on how one London State school, Brampton Manor Academy has managed to achieve 41 offers of places at Cambridge and Oxford Universities, as though it is something to celebrate when the exact opposite is true! What about the hundreds of thousands of students from all of the other state schools? All this shows is how Oxbridge admissions are highly skewed towards those who know how to play the admissions system so as to engineer places into the Universities. Which is pretty much what the likes of the private schools have been doing for decades.
So, NO Brampton academy achieving 41 offers at Oxbridge is NOTHING CELEBRATE! The exact opposite is true! For it shows how little of Britain's state school talent actually makes it into Britain's top Universities which means they will not tend to churn out the best of Britain.
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Saturday, January 19, 2019
REMAIN Parliament Prepares to Subvert BrExit with Peoples Vote FIXED 2nd EU Referendum / Politics / BrExit
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This week Britain's inept Prime Minister Theresa May who stubbornly refused to do the right thing by resigning and thus further lost what little power she had left by means of two House of Common Votes, first on her EU Exit deal on which Parliament delivered a humiliating defeat on Tuesday, losing by 230 votes (432 to 202) the largest defeat of a Government in Parliamentary history which was then followed Wednesday's vote of confidence in her Government that only just managed to survive with the aid of 10 DUP MP's resulting in 325 to 306.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2019
US Border Barrier Solution / Politics / US Politics
Rational discourse has been the overriding casualty of the border war. The break down in language is more than semantics. It has elevated into a divergence of culture that no longer shares a common value system or a cherished dream. The camps of discontent reside in separate and distinct jurisdictions. Government has failed at every level. People have become so polarized that trust in a community of citizens has been discarded for the purity of totalitarian globalism. The continued controversy over a border barrier differentiates more than a line between two countries.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Theresa May to Lose by Over 200 Votes as Remain MP's Plot Subverting Brexit / Politics / BrExit
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Parliament looks set to deliver Theresa May an humiliating defeat in today's vote in the House of Commons on her dogs dinner "EU Withdrawal Act" at around 6pm. Theresa May requires 320 MP's to vote for her deal to get it through the House of Commons, with the mainstream media consensus pointing towards Theresa May only being able to secure support from between 190 to 200 MP's.
However, don't be under any illusion that May's deal is anything other than complete GARBAGE, which gives the EU £39 billion for NOTHING In return! And then there is the 'backstop' or more accurately the 'backstab', a means to ensure that the UK can NEVER LEAVE the EU without the EU's permission! And where Northern Ireland is concerned it's simple, the EU gives the NI £380mln per year, whilst the UK government gives Northern Ireland a £11 billion block grant per year, so it does not take a genius to figure out on which side the bread is buttered!
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Monday, January 14, 2019
Europe is Burning / Politics / European Union
By: Raul_I_Meijer
There will be elections for the European Parliament on May 23-26 2019. They will likely change the face of Europe more than anything has done since the EU was founded. That is not some wild prediction. Many European countries have held elections since the last European elections in 2014, and just about all had outcomes that shook up domestic political ratios.
In most cases, countries went from traditional parties to newly founded ones. France erased the Socialists and center-right in 2017, and the final round of the presidential elections was between Marine Le Pen’s Front National and Emmanuel Macron’s brand-new En Marche. Macron won sort of by default, because France as a country would never have voted for Le Pen.
In Italy, M5S and Lega have taken over. In Germany, Merkel’s CDU/CSU coalition lost bigly though it remained the biggest party, but Angela lost her ‘socialist’ SPD partner which gave up so much it didn’t want to be in government anymore. In Spain, Mariano Rajoy’s center right lost enough to cede power to the Socialists who came up tops because they played a smart game, not because the Spanish wanted it to rule.
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Saturday, January 12, 2019
Trump's Impeachment? Watch the Stock Market / Politics / US Politics
Will Negative Social Mood Oust Trump? Watch the Stock Market
Special Q&A With Alan Hall on Elections and Impeachment
At the end of this article you'll have the opportunity to hear Alan discuss his impeachment research with ETV Correspondent Dana Weeks.
You cannot afford to miss Alan's insightful political analysis. Please login to view the interview after reading the article.
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Friday, January 11, 2019
Jaguar Land Rover Exporting 3000 British Jobs to Slovakia / Politics / Auto Sector
By: N_Walayat
Thursday, Jaguar Land Rover announced 4,500 job losses most of which will take place in the UK that comes on the back of last years announcement to cut 1500 jobs with the car manufacturer putting the blame on a slowdown in China, a slump in demand for diesel vehicles as the trend towards electric cars gathers pace and of course BrExit uncertainty.
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Thursday, January 10, 2019
America's New Africa Strategy / Politics / GeoPolitics
By: Dan_Steinbock
Recently, the White House released its new U.S. Africa strategy, which seeks militarization and portrays China as a threat. Both are misguided. Africa can greatly benefit from Chinese and U.S. economic development.
On December 13, 2018, U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton gave a speech in the conservative Heritage Foundation about the Trump administration’s new “Africa strategy,” based on Trump’s ‘America First’ foreign policy doctrine.
In the United States, the media focus was on Bolton’s attack against U.S. adversaries and American aid. Specifically, Boston accused Russia and China of “predatory practices” in Africa.
Tuesday, January 08, 2019
Here’s Why Trump Could Soon Turn on Europe / Politics / GeoPolitics
By: John_Mauldin
2018’s Buenos Aires G20 summit was a chance for world leaders to forge common ground on important global issues.
That’s not exactly what happened. But President Trump’s trade discussion with Chinese president Xi Jinping looked initially like a bright spot.
They agreed to stop making things worse for a few months, at least. Markets were more skeptical after digesting the news. And rightly so.
Sunday, January 06, 2019
The Fed IS the Ugly Truth / Politics / US Federal Reserve Bank
By: Raul_I_Meijer
This Fed thing just keeps going on, and it needs to stop. There is nothing in the discussion about the Federal Reserve these days that has any value other than it provides even more proof that the Fed has killed off the most essential elements of what once made the US economy function. All markets, stocks, bonds, housing markets, all price discovery, all murdered. No heartbeat. Pining for the fjords.
And instead of addressing that, and I’m not even talking about addressing fixing what is wrong, all I see is neverending stuff about Jay Powell using, or not using, terms such as “patient” or “accommodative”. Like any of it means anything coming from him and his ilk. Other than for making ‘investors’ a quick buck. Like a quick buck could ever trump the survival of entire market systems.
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Thursday, January 03, 2019
Will Technology Save Baby Boomers? / Politics / Demographics
By: Patrick_Watson

Much of the blame is unfair. But there is no doubt the first postwar generation brought a lot of changes—culturally, economically, and otherwise.
Last month, I helped John Mauldin write his Pyramids of Crisis letter. As a result of decisions made decades ago, there’s a rapidly growing proportion of older people in the US.
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Tuesday, January 01, 2019
2019 From A Fourth Turning Perspective / Politics / US Politics
By: James_Quinn
“An impasse over the federal budget reaches a stalemate. The president and Congress both refuse to back down, triggering a near-total government shutdown. The president declares emergency powers. Congress rescinds his authority. Dollar and bond prices plummet. The president threatens to stop Social Security checks. Congress refuses to raise the debt ceiling. Default looms. Wall Street panics.” – The Fourth Turning – Strauss & Howe
“An impasse over the federal budget reaches a stalemate. The president and Congress both refuse to back down, triggering a near-total government shutdown. The president declares emergency powers. Congress rescinds his authority. Dollar and bond prices plummet. The president threatens to stop Social Security checks. Congress refuses to raise the debt ceiling. Default looms. Wall Street panics.” – The Fourth Turning – Strauss & Howe
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