Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Wednesday, August 24, 2011
NATO Targets Syria After Libya for Regime Change / Politics / Middle East
By: Patrick_Henningsen
With globalist restructuring plans for the Middle East and North Africa looking to be nearly complete, one major hurdle remains. After a relatively easy path to victory in Tunisia and Egypt, and with the project to dismantle and re-privatise the Libyan state nearly complete, only Syria remains as the last serious contender for resistance against a globalist effort to dominate the greater region.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
What Happened In Tripoli From 20TH To 22ND Of August - The Truth !! / Politics / Middle East
By: Submissions
Forest Lane Submits: It’s no longer a surprise that a media war is being waged against Gaddafi and Libya. In March, all news were breaking and highly contradictive towards each other. It arose in global media approximately on 15th of August, when a Saudi Arabia newspaper Asharq Alawsat told that Gaddafi is allegedly ill and ready to leave the country. Saudis, mortal enemies of Muammar Gaddafi, were, of course, such a reliable source, that all other papers followed.
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Monday, August 22, 2011
The Illusion of Safety, Government Cannot Protect Us / Politics / US Politics
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
Recent incidents of violence in Norway and London have made us understandably uncomfortable here at home, as many fear that a worsening economy will lead to violence and unrest in American cities. This is why Congress must view the economy as its first priority and a matter of national security: unless and until we get our fiscal house in order to foster economic growth, civil society will continue to deteriorate.
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Monday, August 22, 2011
Totalitarian Collectivism, Liberty for the Ron Paul Generation / Politics / US Politics
The stark reality about the Ron Paul revolution is that the power elites could not survive in a society based upon individual liberty. Nevertheless, this statement does not imply that a Paul presidency would guarantee the elimination of the oligarchy. The faint memory of what a free nation could be or even what our country once was, could be revived under certain circumstances. Imagine the abolishment of the Federal Reserve and the fractional debt created money system. Consider a non-interventionist foreign policy that allows for actual national defense and secures the borders. Or, best of all, a limited government culture that is based upon the principle that government exists to serve citizens in their pursuit of freedom. Thomas Jefferson’s soul lives within the Ron Paul generation.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Zombies Born of Government Spending / Politics / Government Spending
By: Bill_Bonner
Zombie, zombie in the night
Making cities burn so bright
What immortal hand could frame
Thy fearful symmetry?
Sunday, August 21, 2011
U.S. Homelessness: how many will lose everything? / Politics / Social Issues
By: Pravda
Thomas Kelly, 37, died on July 10, five days after being beaten with electric walking sticks, flashlights, leather and chains, as well as kicking by six police officers who were part of a police patrol in the town of Fullerton, California.
After this incident, Thomas was sent to a nearby hospital, but arrived in a coma. His face revealed multiple bruises, scrapes and minor cuts.
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Sunday, August 21, 2011
Monetizing Electoral Politics: TV Networks Are Out To Sell, Not Tell / Politics / Mainstream Media
By: Danny_Schechter
Already the projections are in—not for who is going to win the election in 2012---but for how much it is likely to cost.
Public Radio International concludes: “Campaign spending in the 2012 US election could reach $6 or 7 billion dollars as outside groups pay for electoral influence.”
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Sunday, August 21, 2011
Roubini Says We Ran Out Of Rabbits But Don’t Despair!! He Can Save The World / Politics / Economic Theory
By: Andrew_Butter
Running out of rabbits to pull out of hats in the Year of the Rabbit sounds a bit far-fetched, but apparently that’s the situation right now. At least that’s what Nouriel Roubini says in a recent post “Marx was right: Capitalism may be on brink of doom”.
He should know; because, as we keep hearing, he predicted everything in sight from as early as 2003 and if only anyone had listened to him disaster might have been averted. Oh well, perhaps someone will listen to him now, and perhaps if they do another disaster can be averted?
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Sunday, August 21, 2011
Gadhafi's Days Numbered, Libyan Rebels In Tripoli / Politics / Middle East
Reports of explosions and heavy gunfire in Tripoli on Aug. 20 indicate that rebel fighters may be beginning an attempt to lay siege on the Libyan capital with the aim of removing Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. Based on the limited information available so far and the immense complications entailed in trying to seize a metropolis like Tripoli, however, it does not appear that the rebels are in a position to wage a final assault against Gadhafi.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
The U.S. Budget Deficit and Debt Crisis in One Picture / Politics / US Debt
By: Jesse
I like this graphic for several reasons, but especially because it puts everything in proportion with regard to the US' current obligations.
One thing I would like to highlight is the large surplus funds in the Social Security Trust and others. These were 'invested' in a special type of intra-governmental Treasury note.
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Saturday, August 20, 2011
The Root Causes of the Global Financial Crisis / Politics / Credit Crisis 2011
By: Bob_Chapman
Every professional has their own method of analyzing markets, finance and economies, and some do well coming up with the direction of social and political issues as well. The other 97% miss one-half to two-thirds of the time. That is not very good and one asks why? The answer is simple they really haven’t studied history as well as they should have.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Enough Already With the Macho U.S. Dollar / Politics / US Dollar
By: Ian_Fletcher
A strong dollar, like a strong defense or strong democratic institutions, sounds like a naturally good thing. But it's not. A strong dollar is an unwise goal.
I recently had an e-mail exchange with an extremely distinguished conservative commentator-a familiar name to most-who was worrying that the dollar isn't getting the "respect" it used to.
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Friday, August 19, 2011
Evidence Banks Bought Off Washington / Politics / US Politics
By: Mike_Stathis

What does this really mean?
It’s quite simple. Control over government by corporate interests is defined as fascism. This is precisely the type of government that has presided over United States for well over three decades. As long as corporate interests control Washington, the United States will never have a government that resembles a democracy, much less a republic.
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Friday, August 19, 2011
Chavez Tells England "Hand Back My Gold" / Politics / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Andrew_McKillop
A long-running saga of the 1980s and 1990s was the strident demand by England's Margaret Thatcher for the European Commission to hand back what she considered was Britain's over-large contribution to European Union spending on themes that Mrs Thatcher did not like - for example trying to cut youth unemployment and stop industries delocalizing out of Europe. As she said: this was a wanton infringement of free playing go-go markets.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Globalization and Global Financial and Economic Chaos / Politics / Global Economy
By: Submissions
Ron Hera writes: As social and political upheaval and civil unrest have spread across the globe, it has become clear that the problems facing Western countries are neither transient nor temporary. Europe, the United Kingdom and the United States share a common set of problems over and above economic decline and sovereign debt issues linked to problems of the global financial system. The issues surrounding civil unrest comprise a lack of economic opportunity, political disenfranchisement, erosion of individual rights, a systematic lack of accountability from local authorities to national leaders, deteriorating credibility of political and financial leaders and disintegrating national government legitimacy. The reason that the above problems are common to Europe, the United Kingdom and the United States is that they are all linked to globalization.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Joint Chinese-Indian Oil Tanker Patrols Possible? / Politics / Crude Oil
By: OilPrice_Com
Aside from cost, the major problem for oil importing countries is getting the purchases safely home. Essentially, there are only two options - pipelines and maritime transport.Both are vulnerable to attack and this is increasingly preoccupying Chinese leaders, especially as, according to China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China's dependence on imported oil rose to 55.2 percent for the first five months of 2011, surging to 9.61 million barrels per day. Read full article... Read full article...
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Economic Riots, The U.S. Is Becoming a Very Frightening Place / Politics / US Politics
By: LewRockwell
Economic Collapse Blog writes: You should let the video footage of the wild violence that just took place in London burn into your memory because the same things are going to be happening all over the United States as the economy continues to crumble. We have raised an entire generation of young people with an "entitlement mentality", but now the economy is producing very few good jobs that will actually enable our young people to work for what they feel they are entitled to. If you are under 30 in America today, things look really bleak.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Don’t Swallow the FED’s $16 Trillion Suicide Pill / Politics / Central Banks
By: LewRockwell
Michael McKay writes: In case you missed it, on July 21st 2011 the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a 266 page partial audit of the Federal Reserve (FED).
Here is the punch line: The Federal Reserve secretly kept the Phony-Fiat-Money-System afloat by "lending" out $16 Trillion Dollars to various corporations and banks, many of which were foreign, non-U.S. entities like The Bank of Scotland, UBS (Switzerland), Deutche Bank (Germany) and Societe Generale SA (France) between December 1, 2007 through July 21, 2010 (read this as: Created-Out-Of-Thin-Air and had refused to tell us). The details are on page 133 which you can read here.
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Thursday, August 18, 2011
The Mainstream Media Are Paid To Lie for the State / Politics / Mainstream Media
By: LewRockwell
Scott Lazarowitz writes: It’s bad enough the possibility that there might have been some hanky-panky going on regarding the vote count at the Iowa Straw Poll this week, in which Ron Paul received 4,671 votes to Michele Bachmann’s 4,823, a difference of just 152 votes. But to see one national media outlet after another completely ignoring Dr. Paul’s virtual tie for the #1 spot, and others who continue to dismiss Paul as "fringe," despite Paul’s being the most mainstream and commonsensical of all the candidates, is amazing.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Planet of the Taxpayers / Politics / Taxes
By: Jeffrey_A_Tucker
The remake of The Planet of the Apes — the apes look real this time — purports to give the backstory of how it is that the world came to be governed by primates while the handful of humans are caged and abused.
The story line is so conventional that you could make it up just sitting there. A private-sector biochemical corporation rushes to test a drug that is supposed to reverse Alzheimer's. It is tested on apes and the drug makes them strangely intelligent. But the same drug unleashes a killer virus among humans. The rest is science-fiction history.
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