Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Saturday, September 05, 2015
Could a President Trump Put People Back to Work and Help the U.S. Dollar? / Politics / US Presidential Election 2016
By: GoldCore
Despite happy economic reporting from the government, ShadowStats' John Williams warns that underlying problems from the crash of 2008 were never addressed, leaving the United States in a recession papered over by sleight of hand and a workforce redefined out of existence. Bottom line? "Holding gold is the best way to weather the storm that is coming when the fundamental weakness of the stock market and the U.S. dollar becomes apparent," Williams tells The Gold Report.
The Gold Report: In honor of Labor Day, let's discuss unemployment. You estimated that when all workers are counted, the unemployment rate in July was 23% compared to the government's reported rate of 5.4%. What is different about the job market today than before the recession?
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Saturday, September 05, 2015
Sturgeon Plays Politics with Syrian Refugee's, Solution Settle Migrants in Hungary and Poland / Politics / Immigration
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Nicola Sturgeon, leader of the Scottish Nationalists has jumped on board the criticise David Cameron bandwagon for not doing enough towards the Syrian refugee crisis and is now demanding that many more tens if not hundreds of thousands of refugees be housed in mostly England whilst announcing Scotland is willing to take in 1000 refugees as a first step.
Friday, September 04, 2015
Jeremy Corbyn’s “Quantitative Easing for People”: UK Labour Frontrunner’s Controversial Proposal / Politics / Quantitative Easing
By: Ellen_Brown
British MP Jeremy Corbyn has proposed a “People’s QE” that has critics crying hyperinflation and supporters saying it’s about time.
Dark horse candidate Jeremy Corbyn, who is currently leading in the polls for UK Labour Party leadership, has included in his platform “quantitative easing for people.” He said in a July 22nd presentation:
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Friday, September 04, 2015
Another Hysterically False BLS US Unemployment Report / Politics / Employment
By: James_Quinn
It’s that time of the month again, where the Bureau of Lies and Scams issues their latest manipulated, massaged, and falsified unemployment data to the willfully ignorant masses. The MSM will unquestioningly regurgitate the lies with breathless enthusiasm. The Wall Street hucksters will interpret any data as positive for the stock market.
Thursday, September 03, 2015
Eurodystopia: A Future Divided / Politics / European Union
By: Raul_I_Meijer
This is a rerun of an article I wrote on August 10, 2012. It seems to have regained quite a bit of relevance in recent days. I was thinking earlier today, how can I write about finance when Europe continues to offend people’s, and humanity’s, most basic dignity the way it does, but it does. It gets more incomprehensible by the hour, what happens there. But it does.
So here’s a different view, 50+ years old, of what Europe could, and perhaps should, have been, instead of the sad and amoral place it has become. Just for perspective.
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Thursday, September 03, 2015
Europe Rethinks the Schengen Agreement / Politics / European Union
- Rising immigration and fragile economic recovery in Europe will reduce political support for the Schengen Agreement, which eliminates border controls among member states.
- The Schengen Agreement will likely be reformed to make room for countries to tighten their border controls more frequently.
- Friction between Schengen members and other countries will remain, as will tension within the bloc itself.
Thursday, September 03, 2015
EU Migration Crisis and Population Density, Why Cameron is Right, England Really is Full / Politics / Immigration
By: Nadeem_Walayat
In the wake of Germany's announcement to take upto 800,000 refugees this year and images of dead refugees washed up on the shores of Turkey, David Cameron and the UK government are coming under intense pressure to change their stance on refugee migration that continues relentlessly as each bordering nation acts to funnel over one hundred thousand migrants each month northwards towards destinations such as Germany and Britain.
Wednesday, September 02, 2015
Give All Refugees A Free Ticket To Brussels / Politics / Immigration
By: Raul_I_Meijer
A few days ago, I joked to Nicole that Paddypower should by now have a bet open on how much longer the Schengen open border treaty will be valid in Europe. Didn’t check if they actually had one, mind you.
But it can’t be long anymore, so it wouldn’t be a big money maker even if it existed. I give it a few days at most. Italy just announced it wants guards at Brennero, one of its main border posts with Austria. One down, a few hundred to go, and they may go at a rapid clip.
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Wednesday, September 02, 2015
Syrian Refugee Crisis - Is Germany More Islamic than Saudi Arabia? / Politics / Saudi Arabia
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Whilst many european nations are positioning their storm troopers on their borders and ports to repel the swarm (David Cameron) or hordes as other politicians have referred to the mass migration underway, instead Germany has now taken the opposite position by opening its doors to this year settle as many as 800,000 mostly Syrian refugees out of a potential total of 1 million Syrian refugees expected to enter Europe this year which itself is out of a total Syrian refugee population of more than 4 million who today are mostly sat in refugee camps in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon, most of whom seek to follow the now well trodden migration paths northwards.
Tuesday, September 01, 2015
Pondering Hitler's Legacy / Politics / WW2
By George Friedman: Happenstance has brought me today to a house on the Austria-Germany border, just south of Salzburg. That puts me about 3 miles from the German town of Berchtesgaden, on the German side of the border. Adolf Hitler's home, the Berghof, was just outside the town, on a mountain in the Bavarian Alps. To the extent that Hitler had a home, this was it, and it was the place where Hitler met with many notables, particularly before the war began.
Tuesday, September 01, 2015
Mainstream Media Goes Berserk / Politics / Mainstream Media
The practice of objective journalism has been effectively banned from the body politik. The social culture is driven by the embodiment of an unceasing drumbeat of disinformation; spoon fed prevarications and carefully shaped distortions, projected by a mass media that is in the tank for protecting the ruling elite. The myth that the press is endowed with an inherent courage to confront the establishment has been laid bare for any honest observer to witness. However, the problem is that the bulk of the marginally functioning intellects that still accept the mind control of the corporate media, continue to linger on in their dream world of obeying the prevailing order.
Monday, August 31, 2015
US Presidential Aspirants Resemble an FBI Most Wanted List / Politics / US Presidential Election 2016
By: Stephen_Lendman
America is run by a criminal aristocracy - a one-party system with two wings, serving monied interests exclusively at the expense of beneficial social change.
Their agenda no matter who’s president or heading key congressional committees features:
•an obsession with national security at a time America’s only enemies are ones it invents;
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Monday, August 31, 2015
The Real Refugee Crisis Is In The Future / Politics / Immigration
By: Raul_I_Meijer
Perhaps Angela Merkel thought we didn’t yet know how full of it she is. Perhaps that’s why she said yesterday with regards to Europe’s refugee crisis that “Everything must move quickly,” only to call an EU meeting a full two weeks later. That announcement show one thing: Merkel doesn’t see this as a crisis. If she did, she would have called for such a meeting a long time ago, and not some point far into the future.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Independant Scotland 1 Year on, UK Civil War If the SNP Fanatics Had Succeeded / Politics / UK Politics
By: Nadeem_Walayat
What to know what would have happened if the SNP fanatics had succeeded in convincing the Scottish electorate into voting for independence?
Well the following video gives an idea of the path that not just Scotland would have been set upon but the whole of the UK as Scottish independence would have unleashed forces that would literally have torn the nation apart, something that the SNP fanatics continue to remain blind to today, this despite the fact of the oil price collapse of 2015 which alone would have collapsed the Scottish economy.
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Friday, August 28, 2015
UK Immigration Crisis Hits New Record, Trending Towards Becoming a Catastrophe / Politics / Immigration
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Britain's Immigration crisis is fast trending towards becoming a catastrophe as the latest immigration statistics once more bring home the stark reality that the UK has no control over its borders as 5 years of Conservative government rhetoric of controlling immigration have yet again been revealed to be a case of "the emperor has no clothes", where rather than annual net immigration of in the tens of thousands as David Cameron promised at the start of his Premiership in 2010, instead net immigration has once more soared above the previous record high of 318,000 announced in May, to now 330,000.
The Conservative / Coalition governments failures to control immigration for the past 5 years have just marked a continuation of the Labour immigration catastrophe that set in motion a 15 year long immigration mega-trend for importation of over 8 million people (total immigration) where approx 90% of the adults were expected to vote Labour (90% on benefits such as tax credits).
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Thursday, August 27, 2015
Refugees Expose Europe’s Lack Of Decency / Politics / Immigration
By: Raul_I_Meijer
This is a story I’ve been wanting to write for a while now, at least two full weeks, but haven’t gotten around to because I have my dying mother to attend to. Something I can to an extent approach from a rational point of view, because she has expressed her explicit will to die. But it will of course never be easy, if only because I’ve been close to her all my life even in the 20-odd years I lived thousands of miles away. It’s a thing of the heart.
And so must be, at some moment or another, my dealing with what she goes through, and what I will go through when she finally gets her wish. A wish I would have thought would be reasonably easy to fulfill in a country as supposedly advanced as Holland, but that’s not true. People have to suffer more, long after they’ve signaled they’ve had enough, just to satisfy someone or another’s idea of ethics who has little to no involvement in the situation. Unless they’ve been through endless series of conversations with total strangers who will then decide when it’s time.
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Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Citizenship as a Weapon: Travel Controls and What You Can Do About It / Politics / Social Issues
By: Casey_Research
By Nick Giambruno
It’s an extremely potent weapon, yet most are not even aware of its existence.
That is, unless they have been unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of it.
The weapon I’m referring to is travel controls, also known as people controls. It’s the power any government has to limit the ability of its citizens to travel. They do this by restricting the issuance of travel documents like passports.
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Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Economic Nationalism: Alternative to Globalism / Politics / Social Issues
Ivory tower economists, corporate business analysts and financial experts routinely trash any discussion that America needs to institute a national economic policy that actually benefits our own country. The mantra of unchallenged doctrine that globalism is the only path for world commerce has been intensively pushed for well over the last half century. How well did the United States fare? An honest evaluation must acknowledge the diminishing middle class has paid the greatest penalty from the corporatist sedition that has destroyed internal independence and productive prosperity.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Hurricane Katrina: A 10-year review of lessons NOT learned / Politics / US Politics
By: Walter_Brasch
This week is the 10th anniversary of the destruction of the southeastern gulf coast by Hurricane Katrina.
More than 1,800 people died. There is no estimate for the number of pets and wildlife. Damage was estimated at more than $100 billion.
About 80 percent of New Orleans was flooded. In Mississippi, the water surge flooded as much as 10 miles from the beaches.
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Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Israel: The Case Against Attacking Iran / Politics / Israel
George Friedman: On Aug. 21, Israeli Channel 2 Television aired a recording of Ehud Barak, Israel's former defense minister and former prime minister, saying that on three separate occasions, Israel had planned to attack Iran's nuclear facilities but canceled the attacks. According to Barak, in 2010 Israel's chief of staff at the time, Gabi Ashkenazi, refused to approve an attack plan. Israeli Cabinet members Moshe Yaalon and Yuval Steinitz backed out of another plan, and in 2012 an attack was canceled because it coincided with planned U.S.-Israeli military exercises and a visit from then-U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.