Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Why Are We Banking On Banks To A Promote Economic Recovery? / Politics / Credit Crisis 2011
By: Danny_Schechter
This week the financial crisis finally went prime time in the form of a big budget HBO docudrama called “Too Big To Fail.”
It was a well-acted docudrama focused on the BIG Men and some women in the banks and in government who tried to put Humpty Dumpty back together again up on that wall to prevent a total economic collapse when panic dried up credit and financial institutions faced failure.
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Monday, May 23, 2011
Central Banking Quicksand, Nothing Learned from History! / Politics / Central Banks
By: Submissions
John Rolls Submits: George Smith writes: In 1903, a lawyer in Germany took out an insurance policy and made payments on it faithfully. When the policy came due in 20 years he cashed it in and bought a single loaf of bread with the proceeds. [1] He was fortunate. If he had waited a few days longer, the money he received would have bought no more than a few crumbs.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Ron Paul Says Stop Raising the U.S. Debt Ceiling / Politics / US Debt
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
The federal government once again has reached the limit of its legal ability to borrow money, meaning it cannot issue new Treasury debt without action by Congress to increase the debt ceiling limit. As of this month, our "official" national debt- which doesn't include the staggering future payments promised to Social Security and Medicare beneficiaries- stands at $14.2 trillion.
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Monday, May 23, 2011
Principles of Domination, Complex But Clear U.S. Foreign Policies / Politics / US Politics
By: Jack_D_Douglas
I've heard Congress people and others say repeatedly that the U.S. has no real or clear foreign policy for the Middle East. I think the U.S. has a clear but complex and changing, general policy in the Middle East which we can infer from U.S. actions, but Obama et al. keep using short run tactics and proclamations to deceive the various major powers there and the American people.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
U.S. Manufacturing Rebound is a Myth / Politics / US Politics
By: Ian_Fletcher

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Sunday, May 22, 2011
After The Sleaze Story : The Complex Wake Of The Strauss-Kahn Affair / Politics / Global Financial System
By: Andrew_McKillop
What can be called the liberal media has gone into high gear on this sex scandal with all the body fluid details needing round-the-clock reporting from drab and repressive prison buildings and crowded court rooms as well as chic downtown high-rent apartment blocks. To be sure, the IMF and what this director was doing at the IMF almost never features, lkely because it is so much complex than anal sex and therefore very boring for average consumers of pap media.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Bin Laden Compound Assault, How Many U.S. Navy Seals Died? / Politics / US Politics
By: Paul_Craig_Roberts
In a sensational and explosive TV report, the Pakistani News Agency has provided a live interview with an eye witness to the US attack on the alleged compound of Osama bin Laden. The eye witness, Mohammad Bashir, describes the event as it unfolded. Of the three helicopters, "there was only one that landed the men and came back to pick them up, but as he [the helicopter] was picking them up, it blew away and caught fire." The witness says that there were no survivors, just dead bodies and pieces of bodies everywhere. "We saw the helicopter burning, we saw the dead bodies, then everything was removed and now there is nothing."
Friday, May 20, 2011
America's Fiscal Crisis: What States Can Do with Their Own Banks / Politics / Credit Crisis 2011
By: Ellen_Brown
“Ford to New York: Drop Dead,” said a famous headline in 1975. President Ford had declared flatly that he would veto any bill calling for “a federal bail-out of New York City.” What he proposed instead was legislation that would make it easier for the city to go bankrupt.
Friday, May 20, 2011
The Battle for New IMF Managing Director Between Emerging and Developed Countries / Politics / Global Financial System
By: Money_Morning
Kerri Shannon writes:
Dominique Strauss-Kahn resigned as leader of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) late Wednesday night, triggering a global battle between developed economies and emerging markets to find a new IMF managing director.
Strauss-Kahn, who was arrested May 14 on sexual assault charges, said in a statement released yesterday (Thursday) morning that he felt "compelled" to resign.
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Thursday, May 19, 2011
The Sexual Underground World of Bankers / Politics / US Politics
By: Danny_Schechter
My colleague Mike Whitney asks: “So, what are the chances that Strauss-Kahn will get a fair trial now that he's been blasted as a serial sex offender in about 3,000 articles and in all the televised news reports?
Do you remember any Wall Street bankers being dragged off in handcuffs when they blew up the financial system and bilked people out of trillions of dollars?"
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Thursday, May 19, 2011
Dominique Strauss-Kahn Was Tying to Torpedo the Dollar / Politics / Global Financial System
By: Mike_Whitney

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Thursday, May 19, 2011
The Coming IMF Crisis / Politics / Global Financial System
By: Andrew_McKillop
AFTER STRAUSS-KAHN - Countries pushing for a quick resignation of disgraced IMF chief Strauss-Kahn, and others arguing a slower approach underline by coded messages who stands to gain or lose when a new IMF chief is named by a weighted majority vote at the IMF's 24-person executive board. But whoever wins, we all lose when the IMF-run gold laundering and illicit or 'gray' capital recycling operations get known.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Days Before Earthquake / Politics / Environmental Issues
By: Chris_Kitze
Infrared emissions above the epicentre increased dramatically in the days before the devastating earthquake in Japan, say scientists
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
No Nation, No Border, Fight Law and Order / Politics / US Politics
By: Richard_Hartley

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011
The Road to Hell is Paved by Central Bankers, The Good, The Bad & The Ugly / Politics / US Politics
By: James_Quinn
“You see in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.” - Blondie – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
“There are two kinds of people in the world, my friend. Those who have a rope around their neck and those who have the job of doing the cutting.” – Tuco – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
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Monday, May 16, 2011
Federal Reserve Elitism, Immunity And Outstaying One’s Welcome / Politics / Central Banks
By: Rob_Kirby
When The Bank of International Settlements was formed back in 1930, two board seats were allocated to the U.S. Federal Reserve but for many years [decades actually] the Fed did not name anyone to these positions. As reported by Reg Howe at the Golden Sextant years ago, The Federal Reserve finally took up their seats as directors of the BIS back in 1994. Howe never did articulate the importance or assign a reason as to why the Fed took their seats on the BIS at that time, but he did question the timing:
Monday, May 16, 2011
Strauss-Kahn, Eliot Spitzer and 'soft assassinations' / Politics / US Politics
By: Michael_T_Bucci
It appears that IMF chief Mr. Dominique Strauss-Kahn chose the least safe location - New York - to carry-out an alleged "criminal sexual act, attempted rape, and unlawful imprisonment" of a 32-year-old hotel maid, if that allegation is proved in court. He will plead not guilty, said his attorney Benjamin Brafman. In essence, Strauss-Kahn might just have received the "Eliot Spitzer boot" masterminded and directed by the same Wall Street gang that engineered the past meltdown, the ongoing deep recession and the U.S. Government's austerity programs, which international wealth continues to exploit for optimal profits.
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Monday, May 16, 2011
Is Insider Trading Really a Crime? / Politics / Market Manipulation
By: Robert_Murphy
A major piece of financial news last week was billionaire Raj Rajaratnam's conviction on 14 counts of securities fraud and conspiracy. Rajaratnam, founder of the hedge fund Galleon Group, was worth an estimated $1.8 billion in 2009. His conviction has pleased those who want the feds to crack down on "insider trading" and show the fat cats on Wall Street that they aren't above the rules.
Monday, May 16, 2011
IMF Chief Strauss-Kahn Caught in "Honey Trap" / Politics / US Politics
By: Mike_Whitney
I have no way of knowing whether the 32-year-old maid who claims she was attacked and forced to perform oral sex on IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn, is telling the truth or not. I'll leave that to the braying hounds in the media who have already assumed the role of judge, jury and Lord High Executioner. But I will say, the whole matter smells rather fishy, just like the Eliot Spitzer story smelled fishy. Spitzer, you may recall, was Wall Street's biggest adversary and a likely candidate to head the SEC, a position at which he would have excelled. In fact, there's no doubt in my mind that if Spitzer had been appointed to lead the SEC, most of the top investment bankers on Wall Street would presently be making license plates and rope-soled shoes at the federal penitentiary.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Strauss-Kahn, IMF Scam Fails, the Debt Crisis Crescendo / Politics / Global Debt Crisis
By: Andrew_McKillop
When Dominique Strauss-Kahn, then director of the IMF, fled his Manhattan hotel room in a vain attempt to take an Air France plane to Europe, Roman Polanski style, he inexplicably left his cellphone in the room where he had alledley attempted to rape a hotel maid. The cellphone was of course loaded with a list of very interesting names and numbers, pored over by New York police and Federal US officials.