Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Gulf Oil Spill - The Greatest Disaster Since The Flood? / Politics / Environmental Issues
By: Submissions
Joshua S. Burnett writes: Most articles begin with a purpose statement revealing what the author desires to convince the reader of. This article is different. These few paragraphs begin with a plea for someone to tell me that I’ve got the evidence all wrong and that what I see and know is a smoke filled illusion void of reality. I want someone who knows differently to tell me. So as you read this article please understand that I’m not attempting to be a fear-mongerer. Please know I’m no prophet or guru, just a guy who looks at all the evidence he has and draws conclusions. And if you know I’m wrong and why, please write and tell me.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Gold and the Architecture for a New World Financial System / Politics / Global Financial System
By: Professor_Emeritus
The Symposium was held at the historic town of Hall in Tirol, Austria, for a good reason. Hall in Tirol (just east of Innsbruck) had been the “monetary capital” of Europe for centuries.
It all started in 1477 with the moving of the Mint from Meran in South Tirol (now part of Italy) where it had been operating since 1271, to Burg Hasegg in Hall, by Archduke Sigismund of Austria (1427-1496). At the same time the Archduke instituted important monetary reforms. He opened the Mint to silver. As a result, silver mining was revived in the valleys of Tirol, and new mining methods and technology were developed. Ultimately, the much-debased coinage of Medieval Europe was replaced by sound currency that brought heretofore unprecedented prosperity to the people of Renaissance Europe. The currency reform of Archduke Sigismund has laid the foundations for the architecture of a new world financial system.
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Judge Who Overturned Drilling Ban Held Oil Stocks Back in 2008, So What?? / Politics / US Politics
By: Static_Chaos
The ink of the ruling against the offshore drilling moratorium is not even dry yet, the media is already jumping all over that Judge Martin Feldman is "greased with oil investments", says Mr. Christopher Helman, an Associate Editor of Forbes.
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Oakland Police Brace for Cuts, Data Shows They are Overworked / Politics / US Politics
By: JD_Rosendahl
Time is counting down, as the City of Oakland has to vote June 24th on potentially cutting some 200 policemen. Tick-Tock-Tick-Tock. The vote is in 2 days, and nothing has been resolved. See the original, Welcome to Oakland-The Model City, the insanity continues.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Obama Administration Knew About BP Deepwater Horizon Drilling Depth Risk / Politics / Environmental Issues
By: OilPrice_Com
President Obama and Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, and Defense Secretary Robert Gates were informed that BP would drill an unprecedented 35,000 feet well bore at the Macondo site off the coast of Louisiana. In September 2009, the Deepwater Horizon successfully sunk a well bore at a depth of 35,055 below sea level at the Tiber Prospect in the Keathley Canyon block 102 in the Gulf of Mexico, southeast of Houston.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
GasLand, Too Small To Matter / Politics / US Politics
By: James_Quinn

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Germany and Russia Move Closer / Politics / GeoPolitics
German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle will brief French and Polish officials on a joint proposal for Russian-European “cooperation on security,” according to a statement from Westerwelle’s spokesman on Monday. The proposal emerged out of talks between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Dmitri Medvedev earlier in June and is based on a draft Russia drew up in 2008. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will be present at the meeting. Peschke said, “We want to further elaborate and discuss it within the triangle [i.e., France, Germany and Poland] in the presence of the Russian foreign minister.”
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
U.S. Global War Racket Exposed: Funding Our Enemies / Politics / US Politics
By: David_DeGraw
Building on my Af-Pak War Racket report, a few recent news items help expose the true drivers of current wars around the world.
#1) Wherever there is a war, look for CIA/IMF/private military war profiteers covertly funding and supporting BOTH sides in order to keep the wars raging and the profits rolling in. As former CIA Station Chief John Stockwell explained: “Enemies are necessary for the wheels of the US military machine to turn.”
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Gulf Oil Disaster Will Not Change U.S. Energy Policy / Politics / US Politics
By: Shamus_Cooke
As is typical with U.S. politicians and media, an extremely serious topic has nearly been reduced to absurdity. Once the urgency of the Gulf oil eruption has been fully sterilized, the stage will be set for business as usual politics — with the corporations comfortably in the driver seat.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Plundering the Planet, The earth is not dying, it is being killed / Politics / Environmental Issues
By: Global_Research
Felicity Arbuthnot writes: "The earth is not dying, it is being killed. And those who are killing it have names and addresses." Utah Phillips.
Call me a cynic, but as soon as I hear of the latest "rogue state", declared by the US and endorsed, invariably, by UK and Israel - a "rogue", always far away, invariably either poverty stricken, or embargoed - I reach for a 1993 "Encyclopaedia of Word Geography", turn to the page on the latest declared "enemy", and look at the box which lists: "Major resources."
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Monday, June 21, 2010
Pelosi Slams Senate on Jobs, Rants and Raves, but is it Time for Her to go? / Politics / US Politics
By: JD_Rosendahl
The Nancy Pelosi show is getting old. She continues to get it wrong as a spendaholic on programs. Maybe it’s time for her to retire! Her latest: Nancy Pelosi Slams Senate Dithering On Jobs:
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Monday, June 21, 2010
UK Government Scraps NHS GP and Hospital Waiting Time Targets / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
The New UK ConDem government has scrapped Old Labours efforts to hold GP's and the NHS Hospitals to account by means of feeble waiting time targets such as of being able to see ones GP within 48 hours, or be assessed at your local hospital within 4 hours. I say feeble because GP's have long since developed tricks, simple mechanisms to avoid falling fowl of Labours targets such as not picking up the phone on patients calling to make appointments, or telling patients to come in on a later date to make an appointment.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Too Much Government in the Gulf, Preventing Clean Up / Politics / US Politics
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
Sadly, the disaster in the Gulf continues this week as BP's efforts at containment keep hitting snags and residents along the coast scramble to clean up and defend their shores and wildlife. Many have criticized the federal government in the past weeks for not doing enough. The reality is there is only so much government can do to help, yet a lot they can do to prolong the problem and misdirect the pain. For example, in the interest of "doing something" the administration has enacted a unilateral ban on offshore drilling. This is counterproductive. I am proud to cosponsor legislation to lift that ban. Why punish other oil companies and their hard-working employees who had nothing to do with this disaster, and who have better safety records?
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Monday, June 21, 2010
More Jobs, Fewer and Lower Taxes - The KISS Principle / Politics / Taxes
By: Steve_Selengut
Over the past 30 years Federal Tax receipts (Corporate, Personal, Estate, Excise, Gift, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, et al) have averaged less than 20% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Read that again, and don't think for a minute that it's not a large number.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Where is the BP Gulf Oil Spill? / Politics / Environmental Issues
By: Washingtons_Blog
It's the largest environmental disaster in U.S. - and possibly world history.
But do you know exactly where it is? Could you point to a map and show where the oil rig sank?
Do you know what the topography of the surrounding area is?
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Sunday, June 20, 2010
Can We “Fix” The Oil And Financial Crisis Before Its Too Late? / Politics / US Politics
By: Danny_Schechter
It seems clear that BP can’t seem to fix the catastrophic gusher the press calls a “leak,” and that President Obama can’t fix the economy because its problems are structural and won’t respond to soaring rhetoric emanating from his bully pulpit.
Meanwhile, most of the world’s people really don’t get the fix we are all in. I take that back; the million Americans who have just lost their benefits probably do. The deficit hawks voted that down without doing anything about the growing deficit of jobs.
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Sunday, June 20, 2010
U.S. Warring for Resources, Vast Riches of Minerals Identified in Afghanistan / Politics / Afghanistan
By: Submissions
David Sirota writes: Reading this week's New York Times headline -- "U.S. Identifies Vast Riches of Minerals in Afghanistan" -- many probably wondered how this information was being presented as "news" in 2010. After all, humanity has long been aware of the country's vast natural resources.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Message to Obama on the Gulf Coast Guard / Politics / Environmental Issues
By: Submissions
Robert Palmer writes:
Thank God the Governor of Louisiana refused to be intimidated by the Coast Guard.
Sixteen barges were stationary for 24 hours. Workers in hazmat suits and gas masks pumped the oil out of the Louisiana waters and into steel tanks. It was a homegrown idea that was working until the Coast Guard shut the operation down because they couldn’t confirm there were fire extinguishers and life vests on board.
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Sunday, June 20, 2010
U.S. Government Delays and Restrictions on Gulf Oil Spill Clean Up / Politics / Environmental Issues
By: Dian_L_Chu
There has been some new information since June 8, when I quoted a Belgian newspaper--De Standarrd--that the Jones Act may have caused a delay in the oil spill rescue by forbidding foreign vessels and personnel to work in the U.S. Gulf.
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Saturday, June 19, 2010
China Plays Obama like Violin on Yuan Currency Exchange Rate / Politics / China Currency Yuan
By: Mike_Shedlock
You have to hand it to China for the way it played Obama like a violin. On Thursday and Friday China Warned Against Finger-Pointing while announcing the "yuan exchange rate of no concern to others" setting a confrontational tone for the G-20.