Category: UK Banking
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Tuesday, September 08, 2015
UK Best Current Accounts - The End of ‘Free’ Banking? / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
This month marks the two-year anniversary of the Current Account Switch Guarantee, and while many consumers have already taken advantage and switched providers, greater momentum could be caused by incoming changes to the retail banking market.
Last month the CMA reported that of the 17% of customers who start looking to switch their current account, a staggering 86% don’t go on to switch. It is also estimated that the annual rate of switching stands at just 3%, and worryingly, 25% of switchers move their account without researching the market first.* Meanwhile, frequent overdraft users were found to be the least likely group of consumers to move, due to the hurdles of securing an overdraft facility with their new bank and the complexities of comparing account charges (something that is increasing in importance as average authorised overdraft usage fees have crept up from £4.59 to £6.74 in just two years).
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Monday, September 15, 2014
Bank of England Panic! Scottish Independence Bank Run Already Underway! / Politics / UK Banking
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Whilst most of the people of the UK are focused on the increasing frenzy of the too and fro politicking going on in Scotland in the build up to September 18th referendum, unbeknown to most including the mainstream media is that there is already a bank run underway not only in terms of flight of capital from Scottish banks but that is hitting the whole of the UK hard in terms of capital outflows.
Understand this - It does not matter what the Bank of England states following a YES vote on September 18th - There will be a run on Scottish Banks by panicking depositors just as there was on Northern Rock.
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Thursday, May 29, 2014
UK Citibank USD Current Account Continues Ramping Up Fees / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Once upon a time the Citibank USD current account was by far one of the best such accounts on the market for depositing USD cheque's in the UK, where typically 1.75% was added to the spot GBP exchange rate and if lucky at best as little as 1.5% or at worst rarely more than about 2.2% with no other fees as long as £2,000 or equivalent was always kept on deposit.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Bank Current Account Overdraft Chargers, the End of Free Banking / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
Why do banks need to charge for current accounts? Over the last ten years, the Bank of England Base Rate has fallen drastically but overdraft rates have had a ‘cushioned’ fall.
The table below shows the average overdraft rate over the last ten years alongside BoE Base Rate. It highlights that although base rate is at an all-time low of 0.5%, overdraft charges are still making a sizable return for the banking sector.
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Tuesday, August 07, 2012
UK Savings and Loans Market Rates Credit Crunch Five Years on / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
We are now five years into the credit crunch and the following table shows how it has affected our personal finances.
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Saturday, June 30, 2012
Bank of England, FSA and Politicians Try to Insulate themselves from Bankster Fraud Fallout / Politics / UK Banking
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Bank of England, FSA and politicians of all parties have been busy all week putting up multiple screens of smoke and mirrors to try and separate themselves from their bankster brethren despite the facts of close relationships between all parties that amounts to negligence to regulate and hold bankster's to account where the fundamental fact remains that despite all of the continuing crimes amounting to an ongoing risk of actual bankruptcy of Britain i.e. continuing to inflict far more financial damage than the likes of Al-Qeeda could ever have hoped to have imagined to achieve, NO bankster criminal has gone to prison! The only consequence so far has been to lose a bonus for a year or two, let alone face the sack.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
The Battle for the UK Current Bank Account Switcher / Portfolio / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
Moneyfacts research has shown that there has been an increasing amount of switcher incentives introduced in the last few weeks.
High street lenders including Halifax, HSBC and Santander have all launched deals to attract new customers, offering a cash payment or interest-free overdrafts.
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Saturday, December 03, 2011
How to Protect Your Bank Deposits, Savings From Euro-zone Collapse Financial Armageddon / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, woke up form financial paralysis to warn UK Banks to prepare themselves against the risks of a collapse of the Euro-zone by forgoing annual bonus payments (based on fictitious tax payer funded profits) and instead shore up their capital against the wave of defaults and bankruptcies both banking and commercial that would follow a collapse of the Euro-zone.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Citibank UK U.S. Dollar Current Account Now Charging for Depositing Cheque's, How to Make an Extra 1% on Transfers / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Citibank for a number of years has provided UK customers a U.S. Dollar Checking account without fees if the balance across all Citi accounts is above £2,000. This has proved especially useful in depositing dollar cheque's that normally attract significant fees per cheque in addition to exchange rate spread mark-ups.
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Monday, July 18, 2011
UK Graduate Bank Accounts Analysis / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
As another academic year closes, many graduates are leaving university uncertain of their future. Unemployment remains high and could increase further once public sector cuts are fully realised, leaving limited job opportunities for graduates.
The transition of moving from full time study to full time employment can be a difficult period, but its important graduates prioritise on tackling what is likely to be a large student debt.
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Sunday, June 26, 2011
UK Safe Retail Banks List / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The following table lists Britain's major retail banking groups (separate licences) in terms of the percentage probability that your deposits above the UK compensation limit of £85k and Euro-zone banks 100,000 (current £/E £86k) would be secure in the event of a series of euro-zone debt defaults starting with Greece and that the crisis is contained to these smaller peripheral euro-zone countries i.e. Greece, Portugal and Ireland, if Spain comes under real risk of default then that would require a revaluation of this list as banks such as Santander would come under far greater pressure given exposure to Spanish government debt.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Euro-Zone PIIGS Greece Default Bank Run Contagion Risk - Santander Anyone? / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Greeks had set the ball rolling by withdrawing their funds out of their banks during May and June as a consequence of their exposure to Greek Government debt, soon to be followed by Banks across Europe if not already in the process of desperately attempting to pull their funds out of Greek banks ahead of an inevitable debt default, and then from other PIIGS banks and financials, that's banks of Portugal, Ireland, Italy, and Spain as well as Greece on rising default contagion risk.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Warning on Banks PPI Complaints and Compensation Claims / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The banks and building societies after losing a court case in April brought by the British Bankers Association, are being forced to repay approximately £5 billion in mis-sold payment protection insurance to their customers that in the vast majority of cases proved totally worthless. Barclays has already set the ball rolling by trying to ingratiate itself with its angry customers by automatically refunding all legitimate claims that have already been submitted to date, with the other banks seeking to write to upto 3 million customers over the coming months.
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Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Fee Paying U.K. Current Accounts Double, Big Profits for the Banks / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
In the current economic climate, current account credit interest rates have fallen significantly. So much so, that a number of providers have decided to scrap paying credit interest altogether.
In recent weeks, NatWest and RBS have stopped paying credit interest on all of their current accounts.
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Thursday, September 09, 2010
Banks Hit Customers With Increased Overdraft Intereat Rates Despite No Change in Base Rate / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
Recent figures from the Bank of England show overdraft rates at an all time high.
In the last 18 months, more than a quarter (26%) of current accounts have seen increases in their authorised overdraft rates, despite no change in the bank base rate. (See appendix for full details)
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Monday, August 02, 2010
Graduate Finance Best Current Bank Accounts / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
As another academic year closes, many graduates are leaving university to enter very challenging times. Unemployment remains high and could increase further once public sector cuts are fully realised, leaving limited job opportunities for graduates.
Friday, June 11, 2010
MoneyFacts Best UK Personal Finance Provider Awards of 2010 / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
The winners of the 2010 Moneyfacts awards were announced this afternoon at the Millennium Hotel, Mayfair, London. Some 300 industry professionals from leading financial institutions gathered at a special luncheon hosted by ITV News’ Economics Editor, Daisy McAndrew.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
UK Bank Overdraft Interest Rates Hit Decade High / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
Despite bank base rate being at an all time low, authorised overdraft rates have hit their highest level in a decade.
The average authorised overdraft rate now stands at 14.22%. The last time overdraft rates were this high, bank base rate was 6.00%.
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The Beginning of the End of Free Banking / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
Speculation is rife that in tomorrow’s Budget, the Chancellor, Alistair Darling will announce that all UK citizens must be offered a basic bank account from UK banks if they want one.
Currently, basic bank accounts are available to the majority of customers, with only a few being declined in exceptional circumstances, including having a previous bankruptcy judgement against them.
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Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Standard Life Online Customer Account Access Offline for 24hours+ / Companies / UK Banking
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Standard Life's online banking operations have now been offline for a whole 24 hours.
Users attempting to log in to their online accounts may be met with the following message -
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Friday, February 26, 2010
LLoyds TSB a Crippled, Customer Hated Bank Declares £6.3 Billion Loss / Companies / UK Banking
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The 41% tax payer owned Lloyds TSB bank continues to declare abysmal losses of £6.3 billion for 2009 against £6.7 billion for 2008 as a direct consequence of the HBOS cancer that continues to eat into the banks balance sheet. The balance sheet suffered a £24 billion bad loans impairment, against profits generated by the branches of £1.3 billion and against £20 billion of tax payer capital injected into the bank and a further £150 billion of tax payer loans and guarantees.
Monday, December 21, 2009
HSBC (HBC) to Become First Non Chinese Company Listed in Shanghai / Companies / UK Banking
By: Trader_Mark
In early fall we had mentioned China potentially listing its first "outside of the country" company [Sep 11, 2009: China Opens Door to Foreign Listings] as the country takes baby steps in becoming a full fledged international monetary exchange of every sort (this will take many years). Banking giant HSBC (HBC) noted it would want to be all over this...
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Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Supreme Court Sides with Banksters on Overdraft Bank Charges / ConsumerWatch / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
Michelle Slade, spokesperson for comments: “The shock decision by the Supreme Court is going to leave some consumers even more disillusioned with banks.
“Consumers have seen billions of pounds pumped into a number of banks, but many feel they have seen little benefit.
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Saturday, November 14, 2009
Halifax HBOS Banking Systems Crash, Online and ATM Services Down / Companies / UK Banking
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Halifax (HBOS), Britians biggest mortgage bank that has been bailed out by tax payers saw its banking systems crash several hours ago with no resolution to the problems so far. It looks like the bulk of the banks systems have crashed which include online banking and ATM machine services though branches are reported to be operating normally. ATM's are also down for the other big tax payer bailed out bank, Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS).
Thursday, October 22, 2009
HBOS Halifax Taking Extra From Customers With Fee Structure Changes / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Halifax, one of Britains biggest tax payer bailed out banks that was forced to merge with Lloyds TSB to avoid bankruptcy has been busy sending customers correspondence warning of proposed changes in the way it charges fees effective from 6th December 2009.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Most Current Accounts Pay Little or No Interest on Your Money / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
If you want to earn interest on your money, then don’t leave it in your current account.
Latest figures show that 83% of all non fee paying current accounts pay just 0.10% or less, with half (49%) of accounts paying no interest at all.
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Thursday, July 16, 2009
Graduate Finance, Bank Accounts Overdraft and Fees Analysis / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
As another academic year draws to a close, many graduates are leaving university to enter very challenging times. The recession is having a detrimental effect on the number of jobs available, so it is important that students take their finances seriously.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Best UK Financial Products and Services Award Winners 2009 / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
The winners of the 2009 Moneyfacts Awards were announced today at the prestigious Brewery venue in London. Industry professionals from the leading financial institutions and industry bodies gathered at a special awards lunch hosted by Bill Turnbull, of BBC Breakfast and Strictly Come Dancing fame. This widely anticipated and well supported event celebrated the best products and service in the personal finance world, showcasing those providers that continue to support the sector at a time when its success and growth has never been more important.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Hedge Funds Target Halifax, HBOS as Shares Crash 30% / Companies / UK Banking
By: Nadeem_Walayat

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Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Northern Rock Turns Into a Pebble on Huge Loss / Companies / UK Banking
By: Nadeem_Walayat

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Monday, February 18, 2008
Northern Rock Bank Nationalised- Which Bank will be Next? / Companies / UK Banking
By: Nadeem_Walayat

On Sunday Gordon's Darling released the statement that the UK Government would nationalise Northern Rock Bank before Mondays stock market open, as the two takeover proposals virtually guaranteed huge profits for the bidders such as Branson's Virgin group, whilst the government would have been stuck with the debt of as much as £50 billions, sat to wait patiently for upwards of 25 years for the debt to slowly be repaid if at all.
At mid-day today, Gordon Brown the British Prime minister waded in to support the decision to nationalise the bank in the face of shareholder protests, and said that the delays were necessary so as to weigh potential private sector alternatives to nationalisation.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Northern Rock Bank to be Nationalised by UK Government / Companies / UK Banking
By: Nadeem_Walayat
It now seems like another era when I first warned of the problems specifically facing Northern Rock bank back in August 2007, some four weeks before the run on the bank occurred and the interbank money markets freeze hit the headlines. Over that period we have witnessed the initial £2 billion of tax payer loans and guarantees mushroom to an estimated £55 billions today.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Northern Rock Bank Could Consume Entire NHS Budget of £100billion / Companies / UK Banking
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The UK Government effectively announced the nationalisation of Northern Rock Bank as the Treasury extended its guarantees beyond the current estimate of monies loaned of £25 billion to cover all deposits and debts of the Bank, which amounts to more than £100 billion or the annual UK health service budget.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
How To Protect Yourself From UK Child Benefit Bank Records Loss / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: Sarah_Jones

The Child Benefit Agency has lost the personal details of every parent who receives child benefit, including names, addresses, dates of birth, national insurance numbers, child benefit numbers and bank accounts. As a result, 25 million people are now vulnerable to identity fraud if the data on two discs falls into the wrong hands.
They aren't the only ones. In a matter of weeks, data breaches have been reported by organisations as diverse as Standard Life and Next.
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Thursday, October 25, 2007
Bank of England Financial Stability Report - A Repricing of Risk Tests the Resilience of the Financial System / Interest-Rates / UK Banking
By: BoE
The Bank of England is today publishing its Financial Stability Report. This provides an initial assessment of the causes of the recent financial turmoil, lessons to be learnt and prospects ahead.Read full article... Read full article...
Friday, October 12, 2007
Virgin Group Rescue Bid for Northern Rock Bank / Companies / UK Banking
By: Sarah_Jones
A consortium led by Richard Branson's Virgin Group has submitted a rescue offer to the Northern Rock Bank's board of directors.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Northern Rock Bank to Postpone Payment of £59million Dividend / Companies / UK Banking
By: Phillipa_Green
Northern Rock's board of directors is meeting to agree to the deferment of the interim dividend totaling £59 million, announced in July 07 just prior to the impact of the credit crunch. The dividend amounts to 14.2p per share and would represent 8% of the current value of the company.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Bank of England Rocked by Banking Crisis, Mervyn King Ponders Resignation After BoE Climb-down / Interest-Rates / UK Banking
By: Adrian_Ash
Political Ravishment! Or, a Tale of Two Bankers "...O you villain! Have I kept my honor so long to have it broke up by you at last...?"
THE OLD LADY'S in danger, and not for the first time. As a political cartoon by James Gillray reminds us each morning, hung by the door here at BullionVault , the Bank of England's virtue came under attack in the late eighteenth century.
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Monday, September 17, 2007
Northern Rock Savings 100% UK Government Guarantee / Companies / UK Banking
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The British Government stepped in today to guarantee ALL Savings in Northern Rock Bank at 100% in an announcement a few minutes ago.
The chancellor of the exchequer, Alistair Darling stated: "I can announce today that following the discussions with the Governor (of the Bank of England) and the Chairman of the FSA, should it be necessary, we, with the Bank of England would put in place arrangements that would guarantee all the existing deposits in Northern Rock during the current instability."
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Monday, September 17, 2007
Northern Rock Panic - FSA Compensation Scheme Savings Limits Are Too Low and Need to Be Raised / Stock-Markets / UK Banking
By: Nadeem_Walayat

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Thursday, August 09, 2007
UK Savings, Banking and Mortgage Account Updates / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts team comments on:
o HSBC fee free mortgage
o Rising overdraft rates
o Savings –base rate effect finally over
HSBC fee free mortgage
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Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Bank and Building Society Mergers Can Spoil Your Savings / ConsumerWatch / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
UK bank and building society mergers do not benefit their customers, according to a new study. An analysis of UK bank and building society mergers has found that although these mergers have generated substantial efficiencies for the banks concerned these benefits have not been passed on to customers.
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
How to Avoid Getting Ripped off When Exchanging Your Holiday Foreign Currency Money / ConsumerWatch / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
Lisa Taylor from – the money search engine investigates: “With the children’s summer holidays well underway and the UK weather showing little sign of improvement, many of us will be jetting off overseas in the next few weeks. With so many things to get ready, like shopping for your new bikini, sun tan cream and flip flops, no doubt these will all take preference to shopping for the best deal on your foreign money.
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Friday, July 27, 2007
OFT Launches Test Case On Unauthorised Bank Overdraft Charges / ConsumerWatch / UK Banking
By: Submissions
The OFT will today commence proceedings in the High Court for a declaration on the application of the law in respect of unauthorised overdraft charges.Read full article... Read full article...
Thursday, July 19, 2007
New Inflation Beater Bond from Leeds BS and Loans Getting More Expensive / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
Lisa Taylor, analyst at – the money search engine comments:
Loan rates getting more expensive
“Although not directly linked to base rate, a trend has emerged that loan rates are being tweaked quite quickly following base rate rises. However, the size of the rate rises do not always correlate with the increase in base rate, take the examples below, where the loan increases are anything up to one per cent for certain loan amounts. So with that said there must also be other factors contributing towards these rises. Perhaps it’s a combined effect of rising costs and bad debt provisions.”
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Banks Prepared to Pay You to Bank With Them / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
Michelle Slade of – the money search engine, comments:“Current accounts are big business for the banks, and this has been made clear by several banks who over the last six months have been offering deals to entice you to switch. Not only does it secure them your prime current account, more importantly, it offers the opportunity to cross sell their whole range of other products.Read full article... Read full article...
Friday, June 15, 2007
Top 10 Personal Finance Tips for Graduates by / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
Andrew Hagger, Head of Press at – the money search engine comments:“On leaving university, searching for the best current account provider may be the last thing on many graduates’ minds. But by taking the time to shop around, they could find an account that suits their circumstances and also save some money into the bargain.
“There are only six UK providers of graduate finance, so choice is limited to the major players.
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
FIAT EMPIRE - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution - Video / InvestorEducation / UK Banking
By: Phillipa_Green
Find out why some feel the Federal Reserve System is a "bunch of organized crooks" and others feel its practices "are in violation of the U.S. Constitution." Discover why experts agree the Fed is a banking cartel that benefits mainly bankers, their clients in need of easy money and a Congress that would rather increase the National Debt than raise taxes. This important, Telly Award winning documentary is inspired by the well-known book, The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin.Read full article... Read full article...
Friday, June 08, 2007
UK Savings and Banking Services Update / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts team comments on:o Mortgages – the best of both worlds
o The fixed rate mortgage disappearing act
o Post Office card – giving with one hand and taking with the other
o New Halifax Online Card – a great 0% deals
o Personal loan rates take a battering
o Fixed rate ISAs on the up
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
UK Savings and Investment and Banking Services Update / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
Michelle Slade, Personal Finance Analyst at – the money search engine, comments:
• A new look is not always better – Halifax One Card
• Overdraft Fees: Lloyds takes a stand
• The return of capped rates – Birmingham Midshires
• Fixed rate savings reach new highs
• Over 50s savings grow
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Personal Finance Update - A&L Regular Saver, Mortgages and PPI / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
Rachel Thrussell, Head of Savings at – the money search engine, comments:
A&L regular saver makes a comeback
“Alliance & Leicester has relaunched its regular saver, but savers should still be ware of the limitations that such an account offers. Whilst the account offers a market-leading rate of 12%, this is limited to a total investment of £3K over a year, spread across maximum monthly contributions of £250. The account also requires that a Premier Current Account is opened, which pays 1.49% credit interest; that’s 4.45% lower than the award winning Premier Direct Account which Alliance & Leicester offers.
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Saturday, April 28, 2007
The OFT to Investigate UK Personal Current Account Charges / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: Shahla_Walayat
In a recent statement the Office of Fair Trading announced that it is launching an study into personal bank current account pricing, alongside a formal investigation into the fairness of charges for unauthorised overdrafts and returned items.Read full article... Read full article...
Friday, April 27, 2007
An Update on UK Savings Accounts, Mortgages and Store Cards / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
Rachel Thrussell, Head of Savings at – the money search engine, comments:
Too many poor paying accounts savings survey – key findings
• Average no notice / instant access savings rate is 3.65% (£5K)
• Average notice savings rate is 3.795% (£5K)
• 25% of no notice accounts pay rates below 3.10%, the CPI figure, while a staggering 69% pay less than 4.80% - RPI.
• 17% of no notice accounts pay rates equal to or greater than 5.25% - Bank Base Rate
Thursday, April 26, 2007
VOTE NOW - Which UK Bank or Building Society Offers the Best Personal Banking Services? / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: Shahla_Walayat
The asks: of the top UK banking & financial institutions, in your experience which do you consider offers the best personal banking services ?
The key items to consider when deciding your vote :
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Switching Your Bank Current Account pays – experts practice what they preach / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: MoneyFacts
Michelle Slade, personal finance analyst at – the money search engine, comments: “If you don’t trust your bank, or feel it is not offering you the best customer service, products or rates then why not vote with your feet and switch providers?
“The current account war shows little sign of abating, with several providers battling to offer the best current account rates and deals. So why not reap the rewards from switching? You will certainly find some great rates and perhaps an additional financial incentive too.
“In previous years Alliance & Leicester comfortably held the top spot for current account credit and debit interest rates, but more recently its position in the credit interest best buy tables has been hotly contested by the likes of Halifax, Abbey and Coventry BS.
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Sunday, April 15, 2007
Britain's Least Trusted Banks / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
Sonia Rehill writes:•Barclays is the least trusted bank in Britain.
•Two-thirds of “Big 5” customers do not trust their banks to sell them the right products.
•One in eight customers claim that they have been victims of mis-selling.
•One in six people have had money go missing from their accounts.
Barclays is the least trusted of the “Big 5” high street banks according to new research (1) by independent personal finance website
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Sunday, April 01, 2007
OFT announces 'quick fix' on bank charges will disadvantage consumers / Personal_Finance / UK Banking
By: Submissions
In response to consumer concerns over bank current account charges, the OFT has today announced an in-depth study of retail bank pricing. This will sit alongside a formal investigation into the fairness of bank current account charges. Full details of the study will be announced in late April, and it is expected to be completed by the end of the year.
This study follows an initial review carried out by the OFT into these charges. The finding of this initial review is that the OFT shares the public concern about the level and incidence of bank current account charges, but it recognises that the application of the general principles it set out in 2006 to the banking industry is not straightforward and that a more detailed examination is needed.
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