Analysis Topic: Companies Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Thursday, June 28, 2007
Apple's IPhone, An Investors Dilemma / Companies / Corporate Earnings
By: Hans_Wagner
Apple has helped investors beat the market this year. The company's iPhone is one of the biggest events of the year for many investors and those interested in the potential of a “game changing” device. Any investor who bought Apple's stock in that recent past has enjoyed a very nice appreciation, partly due to the anticipation that has built up around the iPhone. The question for investors is do I hold on my Apple stock, or do I sell it before the iPhone is released for sale 6pm local time on June 29, 2007. Let's see if we can help put some perspective on this issue.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
MPTrader Mid-Day Minute - Powerful Up Move in US Oil Trust / Companies / Exchange Traded Funds
By: Mike_Paulenoff
Today's bigger than expected drawdown in gasoline inventories despite the build in crude has sparked a powerful upmove in the US Oil Trust (AMEX: USO) in the aftermath of yesterday's weakness and today's lower open. Let's notice that today's action represents a potentially significant key upside reversal session, which would argue that the near-term direction has reversed to the upside (again).Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
All Aboard European Utility Stocks / Companies / European Stock Markets
By: Roger_Conrad
This week, I'm writing from aboard the MS Deutschland on the first leg of my publisher, KCI Communications, Inc's investment cruise of the Baltic region. For 10 days, my colleagues and I have joined a group of subscribers and spouses, visiting major coastal cities in Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and Germany in an effort to get to know this historically interconnected and unique region better.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, June 11, 2007
US Stocks that BENEFIT from a Falling Dollar / Companies / Dividends
By: Money_and_Markets
Nilus Mattive writes: Good morning! Martin's off today. So he's asked me to jump in.
I'm Nilus Mattive, the Associate Editor of Money and Markets , and it's my job to edit nearly every issue you get every morning, rain or shine.
Plus, I'm also responsible for a new research division in our company covering a sector that too many analysts have neglected for too long: Dividends.
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Monday, June 04, 2007
Ford US Motor Sales Continue Drop / Companies / US Auto's
By: Submissions
This season would probably be the end of Ford Motor Company's 76-year domination as the second-biggest seller of vehicles in the United States.Read full article... Read full article...
Saturday, June 02, 2007
US Interest Rates and Credit Ratings of Utilities / Companies / US Utilities
By: Roger_Conrad
Major credit raters like Standard & Poor's aren't perfect. But few sources provide more exhaustive research on the financial health of corporations, governments and anyone else who issues debt in the public markets.
For individual utility companies, a solid credit rating means a lower cost of capital and ultimately more-competitive rates and higher profits. For investors, an improving rating is a good sign the underlying business is strengthening—and that the company (and stock) are going to gain value over time.
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
104 Years of Ford Motoring Going Down the Drain / Companies / US Auto's
By: Submissions
After years of being one of the largest and most renowned automaker, it seems like Ford the major stockholder of Mazda the manufacturer of Mazda cornering light is finally at its brink. It is no secret that Ford has been facing financial problems for years now brought about by products that failed to sell well in the market not to mention the frequent changes in the management stature.Read full article... Read full article...
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Derivatives Disaster: Deriving The Truth / Companies / Corporate Earnings
By: Rob_Kirby
In an article I penned two weeks ago, I discussed the misfortunes of the Bank of Montreal [BMO] and their costly foray into Natural Gas derivatives trading. In that piece I wrote what are now some rather prophetic words in my assessment of BMO and their 450 million “charge” against 2 nd quarter earnings, when I opined;
Read full article... Read full article...“This means that the BMO's ‘long natural gas position' was almost certainly a MUCH BIGGER LOSS – at one point in time – than they are admitting to us now.
BMO's year end is Oct. 31. I'm left wondering why they did not report a bigger loss last quarter.”
Friday, May 18, 2007
Utility Stocks, REITs, Canadian Trusts, Carbon Regulation, Interest Rate Outlook, Enerplus Resources & ETFs / Companies / US Utilities
By: Roger_Conrad
QUESTIONS & ANSWERS : Greetings from the Las Vegas Money Show conference. For attendees, investment seminars are always a golden opportunity to learn a range of perspectives. At the same time, it gives advisors like me a chance to better know readers' concerns and interests so we can do our job better.
In addition to several other events, I gave three presentations in Vegas on Canadian trusts, utility stocks and the likely beneficiaries of almost certain carbon regulation. Here's a sampling of the questions I received during my own presentations at the show, along with my answers.
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Friday, May 18, 2007
Dirty Clothes are Big Business, Whirlpool and Mastercard / Companies / China Economy
By: Michael_K_Dawson
Long regarded as the world's growth engine the U.S. economy is currently experiencing a rough patch. This was highlighted by first quarter GDP of 1.3% down from an annualized rate of 2.5% in fourth quarter 2006. Anticipating the slow down, Wall Street analysts lowered first quarter S&P 500 earnings from 8.7% in January to 3.3% by the first of April. However, after all is said and done it appears as though Wall Street's concerns were for naught. Earnings will be closer to 9%, better than the historic average. How could this be?Read full article... Read full article...
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Strategic Investing in Telecommunications, Utilities From 30,000 Feet Up / Companies / US Utilities
By: Roger_Conrad
Earlier this week, I got a call from a reporter at a major newspaper, asking for my “view from 30,000 feet up” on the power industry. Big picture perspectives are most useful when they help us to see the forest as a whole, rather than just tree-by-tree. They're downright dangerous, however, when analysts fall in love with their prognostications.Read full article... Read full article...
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Investng in Asia and Gold, The profits keep rolling in! / Companies / Emerging Markets
By: Money_and_Markets
Larry Edelson writes : Wow, are the profits rolling in or what? For example, the 13 Asian stocks I told you about last June are now up 32.5% — in just over ten months.
Had you bought 100 shares of each of those companies, you'd have open gains of $25,437. Sweet!
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Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Capitalizing on Global Growth from Emerging Markets / Companies / Emerging Markets
By: Michael_K_Dawson
The latest revelation on CNBC is that overseas growth can offset a slowing U.S. economy enabling the big U.S. multi-national companies to continue generating outstanding earnings. Talking head after talking head have parroted this theme for the last week and a half. Well, it is nice to be ahead of a trend for a change. Over the past three years, this has been the predominant theme of stocks in my portfolios. However, I haven't limited myself to U.S. companies.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
BP Lord Browne's Immediate Resignation on Losing Court Battle due to Lieing to the Court / Companies / Oil Companies
By: Phillipa_Green
In surprising and shocking news earlier today, Lord Browne announced his immediate resignation as BP's Chief Executive. Following the lifting of the court injunction which prevented Associated Newspapers from printing details concerning Lord Browne's private life.
The judge Justice Eady criticised Lord Browne for lieing at the initial injunction hearing concerning the newspaper allegations in January 2007.
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Saturday, April 28, 2007
Bigger and Better Utility Companies / Companies / US Utilities
By: Roger_Conrad
Size and scale have long been secrets to success in the business of providing essential services. Since the advent of mass-distributed electricity, natural gas, communications and water more than a century ago, companies have consistently become more profitable by getting bigger.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, April 23, 2007
Less than 25 New Companies to Mine Uranium by 2011 / Companies / Uranium
By: James_Finch
Nearly 500 companies are posing as 'uranium mining companies' worldwide. Hundreds of those publicly traded uranium companies will never mine a single pound of uranium. Along with the crash-and-burn of those companies, many investors could lose all or a large part of their speculative investment. How can one really find out which companies have an honest shot at becoming uranium miners?Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, April 23, 2007
Mexico lures junior miners; investors encouraged to take another look / Companies / Metals & Mining
By: Harold_Leishman
As a venture capital broker, active in the resource market, I look worldwide for the best opportunities for my risk tolerant clients. One country that keeps coming to my attention is Mexico . Junior resource companies grow and create shareholder value by discovering and developing mineral deposits, ideally ones rich enough to attract the attention of acquisition-minded senior producers. Some juniors aspire to become producers by reviving historic mines or partially developed projects with near-term production potential.
Many of these companies have found that Mexico is one of the best places in the world to pursue their goals. It offers many advantages — vast geological potential, a favorable investment climate, and an enduring mining tradition.
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Profit from China's Railroad Expansion / Companies / China Stocks
By: Michael_K_Dawson
Many thought that Warren Buffet had lost his touch when he continued buying old boring companies in the late nineties when clearly technology stocks were the key to riches. Today, how many wished that they had bought McDonald's instead of Microsoft in 1999? Last week, news surfaced that he was buying into another industry that doesn't have much appeal to modern investors. The smirks have long since faded. Now Buffet creates a buzz.
According to a filing with regulators, Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. had amassed a 10.9% stake, worth more than $3 billion, in railroad operator Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp. A Berkshire Hathaway spokeswoman also confirmed to Reuters that the company was investing nearly $1.4bn in two other unnamed railroad groups as well. Once again Buffet is doing what no one does better – investing in long term growth opportunities.
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
EIA Summer Outlook: Good for Natural Gas Stocks? / Companies / Oil Companies
By: James_Finch
The surprise Northeaster blowing across the eastern United States may have confirmed the final bottom for hibernating natural gas and coalbed methane (CBM) company shares. The winter storm followed this past Tuesday's Energy Information Administration (EIA) Short-Term Energy & Summer Fuels Outlook.The EIA forecast higher natural gas prices, this summer, while spot WTI crude oil prices are expected to decline. “On an annual basis, the Henry Hub spot price is expected to average about $7.83 per mcf in 2007, an 89-cent increase from the 2006 average, and $8.11 per mcf in 2008.” The EIA expects summer 2007 natural gas prices to rise by 17.7 percent over the past summer. For this year, natural gas prices would increase by 12.8 percent over 2006.
The statistical arm of the U.S. Department of Energy cited, “Concerns about extreme weather conditions and rising prices in the oil market will keep upward pressure on the Henry Hub spot price during much of the forecast period.” The report pointed out that “electric power demand for natural gas increases during the summer cooling season.”
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Monday, April 16, 2007
Misguided worldview! Overlooked boom! Iron Ore / Companies / Metals & Mining
By: Money_and_Markets
Martin Weiss writes : Before he passed away, Dad and I often got away from the office, compared Big-Picture numbers of the global economy, and sometimes questioned the prevailing worldview.
Our conclusion: Probably since the Renaissance and certainly since the Industrial Revolution, the worldview of the West placed Europeans and their descendants at the top; Asia and its peoples near the bottom.
But in the real world, that image is upside down.
Just in terms of population, Asia dominates the globe — with an amazing 61% of all the people on the planet.
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