Analysis Topic: Economic Trends Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Monday, March 22, 2010
Krugman's Hoover History, Very Misleading Analysis of Deficit Spending / Economics / Government Spending
By: Robert_Murphy
At his popular New York Times blog, Paul Krugman is at it again, offering a very misleading analysis of deficit spending. Without technically lying, Krugman perpetuates the myth that Herbert Hoover insisted on budget austerity in the midst of the Great Depression. Then Krugman interprets a chart with adjectives that show his eyes can only see what his Keynesian theory will allow.
Monday, March 22, 2010
The Second Austrian Monetary and Business Cycle Theory Revival / Economics / Economic Theory
By: Joseph_T_Salerno
Joseph T. Salerno and Jeffrey A. Tucker write: [This article is adapted from introductory remarks delivered by the first coauthor at the Austrian Scholars Conference, March 11–13, 2010, Auburn, Alabama. Both the oral remarks and the written article are joint products of both coauthors.]
Monday, March 22, 2010
Predator States Consuming Our Capital / Economics / US Debt
By: Butler_Shaffer
It must be admitted that there is a degree of instability which is inconsistent with civilization. But, on the whole, the great ages have been unstable ones. ~ Alfred North Whitehead
A sure-fire sign of a business enterprise in decline is when it begins using its invested capital to pay operating expenses. Such signs of ill-health are not confined to the world of commerce and industry, but can exhibit themselves in the life of any system. We are witnessing the practice in the collapse of Western Civilization, as we scurry to meet short-term demands by sacrificing the foundations upon which our culture has long been grounded.
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Saturday, March 20, 2010
Russian Economy Growing Stronger than Expected / Economics / Russia
By: Pravda
The growth of the GDP of the Russian Federation will reach the level of 4-4.5 percent in 2010 and may further increase to 6 percent. Putin said in December of 2009 that the nation’s GDP would grow by approximately three percent in 2010. The bailout measures taken by the Russian government produced a positive effect, the prime minister added.
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Saturday, March 20, 2010
China Currency Dispute Threat to U.S. Muddle Through Economic Growth / Economics / US Economy
By: John_Mauldin
O Canada
The Threat to Muddle Through
Back to 1971
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars
GDP = C + I + G + Net Exports
If the Chinese allowed the renminbi to rise, would that make the USA better off? That is the contention of a cabal of critics from Senators to Nobel laureates. Paul Krugman wants to see a 25% tariff on Chinese goods. Today we examine that idea, and look at the real problems that we face. If only it were so easy. The numbers just don't add up. The fault, dear Brutus...
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Saturday, March 20, 2010
Jim Rogers Says 2012 Recession Will be Worse / Economics / Recession
By: Submissions
Central Banks printing money are driving stocks higher, but has not bought any shares since November 2008. Does not pay any attention to the Fed because they do not know what's going on. Expects U.S. Economy to have a worse recession than 2008-09 which will be worse because of the huge debt burden.
Friday, March 19, 2010
The Economic Impossibility of John Maynard Keynes / Economics / Economic Theory
By: Adrian_Ash
What shall we do with those people deprived of work by wealth and technology...?
HOW TO FILL the days, hours and minutes? It's now seven decades since John Maynard Keynes peered into the future and declared that, one day, trying to scratch a living would cease being "the permanent problem of mankind."
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Friday, March 19, 2010
The Road to Hyperinflation / Economics / HyperInflation
By: Dr_Krassimir_Petrov
Inflationism is a slippery road – the road to hyperinflation. The inflationist Bernanke Fed behaves as if they would not be “dialling back” from Quantitative Easing any time soon. They talk the talk, but can’t walk the walk. The inflationary genie is out of the bottle. Taming it back will result in a crushing deflationary collapse. The Fed will never let this happen again. They did it once during the Great Depression, they won’t do it again.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Inflate, Deflate, Confiscate, Investor Authentic Wealth Enhancement Essentials / Economics / Fiat Currency
By: DeepCaster_LLC
"Inflate, Deflate, Confiscate"
U.S. Senator Robert A. Taft (RIP) on the Mega-Banks favorite technique.
“The shadow banking system is still alive and growing. According to a new paper (PDF) by the Levy Economics Institute of U Miss, the derivative exposure of Goldman Sachs was 33,823% of its assets in 2009 (as compared to 25,284% in 2008). They are still leveraged to the hilt and the US government (i.e. the U.S. taxpayer) is the backstop.”
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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Paul Krugman Versus Economic Reality / Economics / Economic Theory
By: Peter_Schiff

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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Asian Economy To Top the World by 2020 / Economics / Asian Economies
By: Pravda
Business analysts predict an economic rise for Asian corporations. The current conditions work towards the success of Asian giants. Their success is presumably based on the low cost of products which it its turn is based on the use of cheap labor force. The prospering Asian companies can not be good at everything. Their weak point is the spheres of communications and branding.
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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Russian Economy Outstrips BRIC Peers / Economics / Russia
By: Pravda
With the price of oil now up to 80 USD per barrel (after hitting 40 USD in early 2009) and a continued strengthening of the currency set to last, Russian funds received 411 million dollars in foreign investment in the week ending March 11, the highest level in six months, nearly half of this going into Exchange-Traded Funds tracking Russian indexes, a clear sign of the confidence in the emerging markets in Russia.
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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Eurozone Needs Markets Not Bailouts / Economics / Euro-Zone
By: Axel_Merk
Deutsche Bank Chief Josef Ackermann is looking after his own house rather than the eurzone's interests in calling for a Greek bailout. If there is one thing the financial crisis has taught us, it is that simply patching up trouble spots may not be a recipe for increased structural stability. If there was a problem it is that Greece was enticed to spend too much last decade because its cost of borrowing was too low.
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Thursday, March 18, 2010
U.S. Inflation, Yellen Slated for Promotion at the Dole of Doves / Economics / Inflation
By: Michael_Pento
President Obama has nominated Janet Yellen to replace Donald Kohn as the Vice-Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Ms. Yellen served as a former assistant professor at Harvard during Bernanke’s tenure as an undergraduate there and currently serves as the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Fear The New Krugman / Economics / Economic Theory
By: Brady_Willett
Such explosive growth in debt can't go on forever, and it won't. Yet our current leaders and their apologists insist that the problem will magically solve itself. Paul Krugman ~ November 4, 2003
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Who Wants To Be A Billionaire? / Economics / China Economy
By: Tony_Sagami
Forbes has released its list of the 500 wealthiest people in the world and while there is a little juggling at the top, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are still the richest men in America with a net worth of $53 and $47 billion respectively. That makes them the second and third richest people in the world.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Business Sours on China / Economics / China Economy
By: Trader_Mark
A very interesting headline story in the Wall Street Journal, on how foreign business is increasingly wary in doing business with China. So many cross currents happening here, it is hard to even begin to touch the surface of the topic... but a lot of this should be of no surprise. There has been a reason every foreign investment in China is done by joint venture and since the time frame of foreign executives (especially of the American kind) is very different then the Chinese, what has been a 'win-win' in the near term (10-20 years) is going to potentially create some major stresses down the road.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Euro-Zone Debt Crisis Woes Part2 / Economics / Euro-Zone
By: Sol_Palha
"It is a painful thing to look at your own trouble and know that you yourself and no one else has made it." ~ Sophocles
The EU is poised to reach agreement on a potential multi-billion euro bail-out for Greece after weeks of crisis, senior officials have told the BBC.
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Sovereign Debt Credit Ratings Emerging Markets Advantage / Economics / Emerging Markets
By: Frank_Holmes
It’s not a good time to be a developed economy.
Sovereign debt is at or near the crisis point in Greece, Spain, Ireland and Portugal. It’s also a big issue and getting bigger in the United States, Britain, Japan and a number of other countries.
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Will Fed "Soft Money" Create Hard Times for U.S. Economy? / Economics / Quantitative Easing
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes: For a U.S. president, nominating Fed governors is a little like nominating Supreme Court justices: Since they serve a 14-year term, you have the chance to shape the U.S. Federal Reserve for a decade after your administration ends. What's more - even though Fed governors are subject to confirmation by the U.S. Senate - you're far less likely to have trouble getting them through than you do with the Supremes.