Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Operation Moonshot: Get Ready for Millions of New COVAIDS Positives in the UK! / Politics / Conspiracy Theory
By: Jeff_Berwick
Nineteen years ago, they pulled off the world’s first Big Lie.
"The United States government and their lackeys in the corporate media put forth a version of the events of September 11th, 2001 that are laughable, disjointed, and totally impossible. Scientifically impossible. Criminally impossible. Physically impossible."
"In order for the official story to be true the laws of physics would have had to have been suspended on that day, especially when reviewing the 9/11 Commission Report, more accurately known as the 9/11 Omission Report, which may as well have been written with crayons to reflect the total lack of anything resembling science, truth, or seriousness."
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Thursday, September 10, 2020
How Does The Global Economy Recover After This Global Pandemic? / Politics / Pandemic
By: Submissions
Monday, September 07, 2020
From Trump’s TikTok Mess to US Tech Cold War against China / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Dan_Steinbock
As the Trump administration is expanding trade wars, which could derail global recovery, the White House is targeting Chinese innovators thus fostering US national champions under the pretext of ‘national security.’
In the early 2010s, an aspiring Chinese internet entrepreneur Zhang Yiming launched ByteDance, while developing a video sharing platform. After success in China, he began to internationalize TikTok.
To avoid conflict in national jurisdictions, Zhang had TikTok and its Chinese version Douying run on separate servers. TikTok's data collection is similar to that of major US social media and certainly less intrusive than Facebook’s.
By August, Douying had over 500 million active users, while TikTok surpassed 1 billion users worldwide in barely four years. To manage the global concern, Zhang hired a Disney executive to head TikTok and oversee its parent ByteDance. Backed by the largest US and Japanese financial giants, the parent was valued at $75 billion; the most valuable startup worldwide.
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Monday, September 07, 2020
CDC Shock Admission - THERE IS NO PANDEMIC! Over 90% of Deaths nOT From COVID19 / Politics / Pandemic
By: Jeff_Berwick
There seems to be a black hole swallowing flu, pneumonia, cancer, diabetes, old age and stroke fatalities in 2020.
Every year, millions of people around the world die of these causes, none related to the Serial Killer From China plandemic. Yet, this year, all these illnesses have been used as “comorbidity” excuses to label people as ‘Covid’ victims.
And finally, the CDC has admitted it. Right there, on its website, for anyone to read.
Thursday, September 03, 2020
UK Children Back to School! Covid-19 Bubbles, Masks and Hand Sanitisers the New Normal - Sheffield / Politics / Educating Children
By: N_Walayat
Finally Britain's school children are finding their way back into the classrooms of Britains, Junior and Secondary schools! Though this should have happened in Mid June! Sill better late than never as by the end of this week at least 94% of Britains' school children will be back in school full time.
Let's hope the teachers unions do not subvert the education of Britain's school children by following through with their threats of Covid fear driven strike action, that's the last thing Britain's school kids need after being abandoned by the education establishment for the past 6 months!
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Wednesday, September 02, 2020
If this is the brave new America ... / Politics / US Politics
By: Michael_T_Bucci
Shoot a Black man in the back in cold blood by a merciless Kenosha, Wisconsin cop named Rusten Sheskey and watch the city burn; watch the right-wing rise; watch President Trump and his ministers of propaganda exploit; exacerbate an already hardened “base” with incendiary and threatening tweets; give credence to armed militias.
Two bold markers need be placed on the dates of the Kenosha shootings: the one for Jacob Blake and the other for Kyle Rittenhouse. While I might claim it has been “open season” on Black men for years by killer-cops and right-wing White supremacists, that season has now been expanded to include protesters. Clearly, the message from 17-year old Kyle Rittenhouse to militias across the country—and to protestors—was delivered by his cynical act and, I predict, it won’t stop here, and hasn’t.
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Friday, August 28, 2020
Freedom and Sweden’s Constitution / Politics / Pandemic
By: Steve_H_Hanke
In most countries, the tool of choice to “flatten the curve” of the coronavirus pandemic is the lockdown. Not in Sweden, which has chosen a rather laissez‐faire approach. The borders have been kept open, and Swedes are free to travel within the country, visit bars and restaurants (with some restrictions), parks, hairdressers, gyms and most other places.
The cornerstone of the Swedish response is its constitution’s most important part, the Regeringsform. Chapter 2, Article 8 states: “Everyone shall be protected in their relations with the public institutions against deprivations of personal liberty. All Swedish citizens shall also in other respects be guaranteed freedom of movement within the Realm and freedom to depart the Realm.” The Regeringsform makes exceptions only for prisoners and military conscripts, and there is no provision for a peacetime state of emergency. While the constitutions of neighboring Finland and Norway also guarantee freedom of movement, neither juxtaposes that provision with a broad protection of “personal liberty.”
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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Teachers Unions Covid-19 Fears, Should UK Children Go Back to School September 2020? / Politics / Educating Children
By: N_Walayat
Boris Johnson's clueless moronic government advised by vested interest Scientists who's primary focus is on feather their own nests hence repeatedly giving what turns out to be BAD advice is supplemented by teachers unions who are playing their own insidious game using children and pawns in their one upmanship against the Tory government all which has meant that the teachers IGNORED government instructions to OPEN all schools as of Mid June! Latest u-turn from out moronic government is for optional face masks to be worn in schools leaving the decision upto individual schools. Though reality is the children are more intelligent about the virus than the government, schools AND teachers!
What Britain's suffering children cannot afford is for the same insidious forces to disrupt and delay the opening of all schools in September 2020!
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Saturday, August 22, 2020
Coronavirus The Worst Is Still Ahead - New COVID-19 Report / Politics / Pandemic
By: Dan_Steinbock
The interview with Dr Steinbock, the author of the new report, suggests that the COVID-19 challenges are far from over. The pandemic is still spreading and could become more virulent. Several major economies face “lost years.”
Dr Dan Steinbock projected the internationalization of COVID-19 and China's rebound in the 2nd quarter already in early February. By mid-March, he predicted the great coronavirus contraction and 2nd quarter carnage in the US, Western Europe and major advanced economies.
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Saturday, August 22, 2020
UK HYPERINFLATION - First Rampant Money Printing Now Inflating GCSE and A Level Grades by 25% / Politics / Education
By: N_Walayat
The UK government has been busy printing money (debt) that the Bank of England has been dutifully monetizing (QE) so as to keep interest rates artificially low, near zero, the consequence of which is inflating consumer and asset prices, REAL inflation not the bogus inflation as measured by the highly manipulated CPI inflation index. You'll see money printing inflation consequences manifest themselves in house prices, stock prices and of course your weekly supermarket shops.
However, the Government is not done there with it's printing binge as this years GCSE results illustrate. There was a time when statisticians would warn of grade inflation as each year it became easier than the year before to get those pass rates and top grades usually by a couple of percent. However, THIS year we have not had grade inflation instead we have had Grade HYPERINFLATION! A 25% jump in the 7-9 grades given as the government buckled to those who never even sat the exams and let the teachers print the grades for their students as my following video illustrates has dire consequences for all those who hold 2020 certificates that are not as valuable as the grades suggest them to be just as the money in your pocket is not as valuable after the government printed £500 billion to pay for covid-19 handouts.
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Friday, August 21, 2020
GCSE, A Level Results Grades HYPERINFLATION - Are 2020 Certificates Worthless? / Politics / Education
By: N_Walayat
The UK government has been busy printing money (debt) that the Bank of England has been dutifully monetizing (QE) so as to keep interest rates artificially low, near zero, the consequence of which is inflating consumer and asset prices, REAL inflation not the bogus inflation as measured by the highly manipulated CPI inflation index. You'll see money printing inflation consequences manifest themselves in house prices, stock prices and of course your weekly supermarket shops.
However, the Government is not done there with it's printing binge as this years GCSE results illustrate. There was a time when statisticians would warn of grade inflation as each year it became easier than the year before to get those pass rates and top grades usually by a couple of percent. However, THIS year we have not had grade inflation instead we have had Grade HYPERINFLATION! A 25% jump in the 7-9 grades given as the government buckled to those who never even sat the exams and let the teachers print the grades for their students as my following video illustrates has dire consequences for all those who hold 2020 certificates that are not as valuable as the grades suggest them to be just as the money in your pocket is not as valuable after the government printed £500 billion to pay for covid-19 handouts.
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Wednesday, August 19, 2020
The Tragedy of More Missed COVID-19 Opportunities / Politics / Coronavirus Depression
By: Dan_Steinbock
According to a new report, US states are the most virus-affected relative to major economies. As COVID-19 has proceeded in two phases, containment failures in the West continue to fuel the pandemic and economic damage.
In April, my first COVID-19 report focused on the progression of the pandemic from China to Western Europe and the United States, and the belated mobilization and containment failure in Washington and Brussels.
My new report The Tragedy of More Missed Opportunities , which is also released by Shanghai Institutes for International Studies [with Chinese introduction], focuses on the new missedCOVID-19 opportunities and the consequent human costs and economic damage in the largest world economies, particularly in emerging and developing countries.
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Tuesday, August 18, 2020
From Trump’s TikTok Mess to Technology War against China / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Dan_Steinbock
As the US economy is expanding trade wars, which will derail global recovery, the Trump White House is targeting Chinese innovators thus fostering US national champions under the pretext of ‘national security.
In the early 2010s, an aspiring Chinese internet entrepreneur Zhang Yiming launched ByteDance, while developing a video sharing platform. After success in China, he began to internationalize TikTok.
To avoid conflict in national jurisdictions, Zhang had TikTok and its Chinese version Douying run on separate servers. TikTok's data collection is similar to that of major US social media and certainly less intrusive than Facebook’s.
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Sunday, August 09, 2020
Coronavirus: UK Parents Demand ALL Schools OPEN September, 7 Million Children Abandoned by Teachers / Politics / Educating Children
By: N_Walayat
Britain's Schools have betrayed Britain's children and students after having embraced all the governments lockdown and then refused to reopen schools in June as demanded by Boris Johnson's government with noise eminat6ing from the highly unionised cowardly bunch that they are eager to continue their 6 month holiday during September in response to which Boris Johnson issued a statement “Keeping our schools closed a moment longer than absolutely necessary is socially intolerable, economically unsustainable and morally indefensible,”
Whilst the whole of the NHS stood up and did their duty, teachers in large part have been found cowering at home with a glass of cheap white wine, hiding behind their union, finding any excuse to stay out of the classroom, all whilst collecting full pay. Shameful.
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Wednesday, August 05, 2020
ARE YOU LOVING YOUR SERVITUDE? / Politics / Coronavirus Depression
By: James_Quinn
“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.” ― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” ― George Orwell, 1984
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Tuesday, August 04, 2020
The Dimensions of Covid-19: The Hong Kong Flu Redux / Politics / Pandemic
By: Stephen_Merrill
Is the Covid-19 global breakout a deadly pandemic calling for the most extreme measures to avoid a far greater catastrophe?
Or is the dimension of Covid-19 far, far less than stated by the Western media and officialdom?
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Tuesday, August 04, 2020
UK Government to Cancel Christmas - Crazy Covid Eid 2020! / Politics / Pandemic
By: Anika_Walayat
Apparenrtly for many British muslims Eid was cancelled due to the governments incompetent handling of the chinese virus that has seen over 65,000 deaths instead of less than 500 as there should have been if the UK had followed the South Korea model.
So ee are living in crazy times when a government minister can shut down whole areas of the nation by tweet, as was the case ahead of the Eid festivities across the Manchester area of the UK totaling some 4 million people which is a population about the size of Scotland!
So what does one do during crazy times for Eid? Have a crazy Eid slime party!
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Tuesday, August 04, 2020
Covid-19 Exposes NHS Institutional Racism Against Black and Asian Staff and Patients / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
Why are black and asians more than twice as likely to die from covid-19 than white patients?
Answer the NHS like much of British society is institutionally racist. This IS the routine experience of staff and patients.
Therefore blacks and asians are warned to avoid NHS Hospitals due to institutional racism, where white staff are more likely to call the police on patients than to treat them as this report by Channel 4 news illustrates where staff call the police to drag an asian father away from his dying 6 year old daughters death bed.
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Saturday, August 01, 2020
Will America Accept the World's Worst Pandemic Response Government? / Politics / Pandemic
By: Patrick_Watson
Even in normal times, the news describes murders, accidents, wars, natural disasters, and the passing of once-famous celebrities.Those deaths are usually just headlines. We don’t know the people, and we don’t expect to share their fate anytime soon. We note them and move on.
Ignoring the death news isn’t so easy in a pandemic that could sicken and possibly kill any of us, at any time. Yet people manage to do it. Some think it’s all exaggerated or fake. But even those who see the threat often tune out the news. They’d rather not think about it—and understandably so.
The virus doesn’t care what people think. It will, if given opportunity, try to infect them. A small percentage of those infected will die. Will others care?
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
UK Supermarket Covid-19 Shop - Few Masks, Lack of Social Distancing (Tesco) / Politics / Shopping
By: N_Walayat
Anika's first supermarket shop in 4 months due to Covid-19. We're all masked up but most shoppers have still not got the message! And in Another sign that the UK is fast relaxing it's covid-19 infection spread mitigation measures is supermarkets such as Tesco scrapping their one way shop arrow systems. Whilst it remains to be seen if the country is sleep walking towards another second more deadly pandemic peak in a few months time. Nevertheless Tesco and other supermarkets cannot be blamed for taking such actions because most shoppers had already abandoned following the rules many weeks ago, especially following revelations that government ministers and advisors themselves had failed to follow social distancing rules such as Dominick Cummings all without any consequences.
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