Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Saturday, October 22, 2011
Government is a Monopoly of Force - Video / Politics / US Politics
By: Casey_Research
An excerpt of Doug’s musings on why “the problems we’re facing are 100% caused by the US government” – from the recent Casey/Sprott Summit When Money Dies.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Greece Bailout, Austerity and Protests, Greeks May Look North / Politics / Euro-Zone
By: John_Browne
As a final bailout framework for Greece continues to elude negotiators from France and Germany, the situation on the ground in Athens continues to deteriorate alarmingly. Protests have turned increasingly violent and riots have occurred in the most sensitive portions of the Greek capital.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Occupy Wall Street and the End of Crony Capitalism / Politics / US Politics
By: David_Knox_Barker
Occupy Wall Street demonstrations are sweeping the globe. Universally, demonstrators recognize that there is something fundamentally flawed with the current system of international political economy. Most interesting, the left and the right agree on a few key issues. For decades, big business has bought and paid for political favors that have undermined the system, rotting the foundation of international free market capitalism. Hard work, individual responsibility and accountability are now optional. Just reward for success and the consequences of failure are now subject to political caprice. A civilization built on essential but abandoned principles is coming apart at the seams.
Friday, October 21, 2011
The U.S. Is Headed for Revolution, as Debt Slaves Whisper Treason / Politics / US Politics
By: Bill_Bonner
Nothing much from the markets yesterday. The Dow fell 72 points. Gold went down $5.
Meanwhile, the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement goes on in America. And 70,000 Greeks “clash with police,” say the news headlines.
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Thursday, October 20, 2011
The Arrogance of France, Sarkozy Fights Merkel and ECB / Politics / Euro-Zone
By: Mike_Shedlock
The "Merkozy" coalition is one again in open dispute with itself. German chancellor Angela Merkel has one position and French President Nicolas Sarkozy another.
Historically, Sarkozy's disputes with Merkel have always been resolved with Merkel buckling like corn flakes run over by a cement truck.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Eurozone on the Edge of Chaos: Illusion of Hope & Misaligned Expectations / Politics / Euro-Zone
By: DK_Matai
Financial markets appear to be oblivious to the scale of danger associated with the Eurozone skirting on the "Edge of Chaos.” The consequences of that event horizon are likely to be sudden and far from benign. Lord Wolfson -- chief executive of Next and a Conservative life peer -- has declared that working out how to handle a break-up of the eurozone "is a very big question."
Thursday, October 20, 2011
A Night With Occupy Wall Street / Politics / US Politics
By: Rudy_Avizius
A call went out over the Internet stating that the city of New York was preparing to “clean” the park where the Occupy Wall St protests were taking place and that the protestors would have to leave the park. The occupiers were cognizant that this was a thinly veiled attempt to evict them from the park. They asked for people to converge on the park to defend it from the NYPD who would be charged with clearing it.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Occupy Wall Street, A Lesson in Democracy / Politics / US Politics
By: James_Quinn
First I’d like to start off saying that Saturday was one of the most invigorating and inspiring days of my life. I came back from NYC with hope that the young people of this country, with the help of some members of the older generations that care about the future of this country, have the will and the fortitude to sweep away the existing corrupt corporate fascist state that exists in this country today. It was such a whirlwind day that my narrative is unlikely to have much structure. I’ll just unleash everything I can remember.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Protectionism Cannot Bring Prosperity / Politics / Protectionism
By: Mike_Shedlock
It is not often I vehemently disagree with Michael Pettis at China Financial Markets regarding trade. This time I do. Interestingly, there are some points of his recent analysis that I strongly agree with.
Via Email, interspersed with my comments please consider the following point counterpoint discussion.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
The Power of Self Assembling Dynamic Networks / Politics / Social Issues
By: DK_Matai
ATCA 5000 only made one forecast for 2011: Beware "Self-Assembling Dynamic Networks" and boundary-less tribalism! Little did we realise when making the forecast that this year would see:
a. The Arab Spring from Tunisia to Egypt, from Libya to Syria, and from Bahrain to Yemen;
b. Unprecedented riots and looting in London and other British cities like Manchester and Birmingham;
c. Luxury automobiles of the elite being set alight in Berlin and other German cities like D�sseldorf and Hamburg;
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Your Country is Dying... And It Wants To Take You With It / Politics / US Politics
By: Jeff_Berwick
We are nearing the end of the grand experiment in nation-states, democracy and socialism. In case you hadn't noticed, it failed miserably. Hundreds of millions were killed in wars engendered by nation states and made possible by fiat currencies and countless more were impoverished by the central banks instituted by the state. Riots and protests around the globe from Rome, to Egypt to nearly every major city in the US now attest to that.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Practical Approach to Earthquake and Global Warming / Politics / Climate Change
By: Submissions
Vimal Patel writes: A Practical approach to predict Earthquakes and Record High temperatures across Earth.
I was perplexed with the amount of pointless literature published on web about Global Warming and earthquakes
So I sought a commonsense approach to solve this riddle. The theory below explains why earthquakes are happening in such a great magnitude and record high temperatures across the Planet. I came across this almost 2 years ago and published on web after March 12th Earthquake in Japan.
Monday, October 17, 2011
For Europe, Breaking Up Is a Hard Thing to Do / Politics / Global Debt Crisis
By: Vitaliy_Katsenelson
Everyone is looking with horror at Europe, waiting for the European Economic and Monetary Union to break up and for the PIIGS to start dropping like flies, taking the rest of the euro zone and the global economy with them. Unlikely!
European monetary union was a great experiment that made a lot of sense on paper. Europe, which had roughly the same size population and economy as the U.S., was at a competitive disadvantage, as dozens of currencies embedded extra transaction costs in cross-border trade and each currency separately had little chance to compete with the U.S. dollar for reserve currency status. Germany — the largest country in Europe and one of the world’s biggest exporters — was at a disadvantage too: The strong deutsche mark made its products more expensive and less competitive in the rest of Europe
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Sunday, October 16, 2011
Arab Spring: Counting Costs and Oil Profits In MENA / Politics / Crude Oil
By: EconMatters
To follow up on our last article about the Arab Spring shockwaves, we thought it'd be of interest to see what the cost impact is for countries affected by the uprising. A timely new study by the risk advisory firm Geopolicity provides some insight into that subject.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
The Average Decrease Of Global Warming / Politics / Climate Change
By: Andrew_McKillop
Despite record high summer temperatures in several northern hemisphere countries, and the hottest September for over 70 years in some, political and mainstream media defenders of the one and only correct theory - Global Warming - have been slow off the mark. As yet, the "Told you so" reports and statements are low on the ground. Is Global Warming going down the tube, where it belongs ?
Sunday, October 16, 2011
The Iran Saudi Diplomat Assassination Attempt Hoax? / Politics / US Politics
By: Submissions
I have been staring incredulously at my TV screen these past few hours as the story of Iran’s alleged assassination attempt of a Saudi diplomat in Washington unfolds in dramatic increments.
Reporters keep repeating the theme “like out of a Hollywood script” as they eke out increasingly unlikely details about this “terror” plot.
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Sunday, October 16, 2011
Electric Cars: Why Did They Fail ? / Politics / Technology
By: Andrew_McKillop
Anybody who says "They havent yet failed - because they havent yet started" only has to check out the short and born-to-fail history of Hydrogen Cars, circa 1998-2005. During that opportunity window for a
wonderful new car which would save oil and could save the planet, only badly intentioned and cynical
members of the human race could say out loud that Hydrogen Cars were born to fail. Other people,
being politically correct or only stupid, said H2 Cars were born to win. But from about 2003 or a bit
later the news was out: it was OK and alright to say Hydrogen Cars won't work. Not only high priced,
energy inefficient and overweight, but also downright and extremely dangerous - literal bombs-onwheels
made for the Bearded One in a Cave who now reposes at the bottom of the Iranian Gulf, off
Oman, by decision of Mr. Obama - who of course loves EVs.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
The Seven Biggest Economic Lies / Politics / US Politics
By: Global_Research
The president's jobs bill doesn't have a chance in Congress - and the occupiers on Wall Street and elsewhere can't become a national movement for a more equitable society - unless more Americans know the truth about the economy.
Here's a short (2 minute 30 second) effort to rebut the seven biggest whoppers now being told by those who want to take America backwards. The major points:
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Saturday, October 15, 2011
The Transformation of the US into a Police State / Politics / US Politics
By: Paul_Craig_Roberts
Pat Buchanan’s latest book, Suicide of a Superpower, raises the question whether America will survive to 2025. The question might strike some readers as unduly pessimistic and others as optimistic. It is unclear whether the US, as we have known it, will survive its next presidential election.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Mitt Romney's Plan to Replace Free Trade / Politics / Protectionism
By: Ian_Fletcher
As I've noted before, Mitt Romney has given some indications that he may be serious about doing something about America's trade mess. He's made tough statements about dealing with China which, if sincere, would not only put him beyond the other major Republican candidates on trade, but also far beyond what the Obama administration is doing.