Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Monday, September 19, 2022
China Could Deliver the MOTHER of ALL BLACK SWAN's! / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Continuing the trend trajectory of China's collapsing insane ponzi property market that is triggering bank runs and CCP crackdowns including the deployment of tanks to meet protesting bank customers who are systematically having their lifetime savings stolen, converted from bank deposits into risky investments in bankrupt developers, then this trend towards financial collapse could result in the mother of all Black Swan events that is not on anyone's radar which is that Chairman Xi Mao Jinping literally presses the RESET button in a new GREAT LEAP BACKWARDS! THAT CHINA COULD ONCE MORE TURN FULL BLOWN COMMUNIST! The slaves got a taste of CCP capitalism which they then erased ALL of the masses hard earned wealth on the click of a mouse button.
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Sunday, September 18, 2022
Jumping the Queue to See the Queen Lying in State at Westminister Like at Alton Towers / Politics / Social Issues
By: N_Walayat
The Queen is lying in state, and her subjects have been queuing for as long as 24 hours to give their final respects to Britians longest reigning monarch.
Britian is said to be a nation of quers. Whilst that may be true for most, the younger iphone generation tend to be a nation of queue jumpers, as the Queens queue brings back memeories of the euques at Alton Tower at the height of the pandemic during 20201, when the vaccines were still yet to be jabbed into most peoples arms.
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Thursday, September 15, 2022
New Wolrd Order and CRISIS / Politics / New World Order
By: Raymond_Matison
It was back in 2006 that the foreign ministries of Brazil, Russia, India, and China first met to consider improved economic ties. Their dissatisfaction with the inability to gain increased representation at the IMF, reflecting their increasing economic contribution to the world economy, their concern - even at that time - for a stable new reserve currency, and inability to otherwise reform the IMF, led them to form what became known as the BRIC organization. With the invitation to South America to join their alliance, they became known as the BRICS nations.
In 2015, this author posted an article entitled BRICS? No, CRISIS
http://www/marketoracle.co.uk/Article53009.html which reflected on the likelihood that many other nations within South America, given an opportunity to join an alternative alliance, would revolt from their northern neighbor-controlled environment and join BRICS. Also, at the same time Iran’s news agency had announced that the country would seek to become a participant in the BRICS New Development Bank. This event, and some forward projection inspired the renaming of this alliance to CRISIS, by reordering the nations in this alliance by size and import as China, Russia, South America, Iran, and South Africa, thus creating a new acronym, CRISIS. The article cited above is still timely today, and describes the goals and hopes of a far larger global alliance, which escapes the dollar hegemony and its consequences for countries other than the old colonial powers of England, America, and Europe.
Friday, September 09, 2022
The Day Queen Elizabeth II DIED at Balmoral Castle, Scotland - LIve BBC / Politics / UK Politics
By: N_Walayat
It's the 8th of September and since just after mid-day non stop BBC coverage was of that the doctors had been making the Queen comfortable, this was not just start stop coverage but continuous broadcast which implied that the Queen was on or death bed and probably had already died and the announcement was pending everyone getting to Balmoral with the last person to arrive being estranged Prince Harry. Here is the BBC coverage live in the leadup to the announcement of the death of the Queen of the United Kingdom at Balmoral Castle, Scotland.
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Thursday, September 08, 2022
Russia Declares Energy WAR on Europe! GazProm Threatens to Cut Gas Supplies! / Politics / Energy Crisis
By: N_Walayat
Straight out of a Bond Movie, the evil dictator threatens to FREEZE europe into submission, only that this is not a movie it is reality in 2022. Gazprom threatens to cut supply of Gas to Europe as part of the defacto energy war on europe. This is for the horses mouth - Gazprom!
The energy crisis is only beginning! We are in the calm before the REAL storm!
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Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Real Reason why Pakistan and India Gained Independence in 1947 at 75th Anniversary / Politics / Pakistan
By: N_Walayat
The British Empire through guile and cunning ruled over the asian sub continent for 200 years! Whilst it is well documented how Britain achieved rule over a much larger and more sophisticated population that literally experienced rape and pillage of the people and the lands resources, including use of a millions of slave labour. However each of the newly independant nations have carved out their own myths of how they achieved their independence from British rule which at the 75th anniversary this video explains the REAL reasons for why the sub continent gained it's independence in 1947 and not decades later which as was the fate for most colonies.
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Thursday, August 11, 2022
China Bank Run Protests - Another Potential Tiananmen Square Massacre? / Politics / Financial Crisis 2022
By: Nadeem_Walayat
China's property market is collapsing that an inept CCP is attempting to prop up through DICTATS, as if a few words on a scrap of paper can fix the fundamentals. A crisis that has now spilled over into the banking system which has seen many ordinary chinese fall victim the chinese banking triad as their hard earnings savings supposedly in 'safe' regional banks have VANISHED over night after the CCP members had withdrawn their funds or had their funds ring fenced for protection whilst ordinary Chinese folks seeking to withdraw their funds are met by hired goons in the hundreds to beat them away from the bank doors. This is the reality of Ray Dalio's China! A brutal tyrannical state that he some how see's as forging the new world order!
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Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Has Rishi Sunak Succeeded in Buying His Way Into No 10 - Fake Tory Leadership Contest / Politics / UK Politics
By: N_Walayat
It looks increasingly likely that Rishi Sunak's Billionaire father in law has managed to buy his son in law the Keys to No 10. Whilst we won't know the true cost of all of the behind the scenes shenanigans, it probably runs in the tens of millions. For India like most developing nations is politically corrupt where the Rich dictate who gets info office and so will give birth to the Sunak Premiership as his battle with Liz Truss is pure smoke and mirrors exercise to convince the electorate that there actually is a leaderships contest when it has all already been bought and paid for by daddy in law.
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Saturday, July 16, 2022
The Heat is on - Extreme Heatwave's Global Warming Catastrophe / Politics / Climate Change
By: Richard_Mills
In Winnipeg, the hottest day of the year, on average, is nearly 40 degrees Celsius, while in Whitehorse, the mercury blasts past 31.4. A moderating coastal climate means little to Victoria, which averages 33.1 degrees, and Toronto, the most humid city in Canada, becomes even less bearable, with the temperature climbing to a sweltering 38.4.
These are the average hottest temperatures of the year in the new Canada, based on a higher-carbon atmosphere, one of three scenarios put together a few years ago by The Prairie Climate Centre and graphed by The Globe and Mail.
If climate change doesn’t stop, Toronto will see over 100 days of searing-hot weather, according to the University of Winnipeg’s Prairie Climate Institute, which assembled the projected temperatures for Canadian cities as part of an interactive website that allows Canadians to see the likely impact of global warming on where they live.
The warming of the planet could occur at a much faster rate when “feedback loops” are slotted into climate equations. This is what happens when one change causes another change to occur, worsening the first change. NASA states that climate feedbacks could double the amount of warming caused by carbon dioxide alone. A well-known feedback loop is the disappearance of polar sea ice. This exposes dark ocean to sunlight, warming the oceans. When ice covers the poles, the sunlight is reflected back to the atmosphere, keeping the oceans cool. As the planet keeps warming, more ice disappears, exposing more water, further raising ocean temperatures, and sea levels.
Heat, that is getting worse every year and in some parts of the world is becoming literally unbearable (more on that below), is inextricably linked to droughts and fresh water loss. Here’s how it works: a lack of precipitation in the mountains from a new or prolonged drought leads to a low snow pack, lessening the annual freshet that fills up rivers, that convey fresh water into lakes and reservoirs. If this cycle continues year after year, hydro-electric power generation is imperilled, because the reservoirs are too low (such as Lake Mead, discussed below), as well as nuclear power generation that depends on vast amounts of water to run water-cooled nuclear reactors. This leads to blackouts, when residents and businesses who are running their air-conditioning full tilt to get some relief from the scorching heat, find the grid is overwhelmed. In future, there simply won’t be enough water to supply the amount of electricity required.
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Saturday, July 16, 2022
UK EXTREME KILLER HEAT WAVE WEATHER WARNING - Over 40c Expected - Prepare NOW! / Politics / Climate Change
By: Eliza_Walayat
The UK is set for EXTREME HEAT over the coming days that looks set to exceed the previous record of 38.7c set in 2019, where UK temperatures by as early as Sunday could exceed 40c, the Met office has warned to expect a new high of 40c but the actual high could reach the Mid 40's which would be a jump from 20c to over 40c within 48 hours that the nation is clearly unprepared for.
So here is our video on what to do to prepare NOW as a matter of urgency before the high temperatures start to hit Britain over the next 24 hours.
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Thursday, July 07, 2022
Tory Back Stabbers Force Boris Johnson to Resign, Committing Electoral Suicide, Next PM is.... / Politics / UK Politics
By: Nadeem_Walayat
They Tory lemmings finally did it, the back stabbing bastards have got rid of Borish Johnson who won them an 80 seat majority at the 2019 election, who lead the nation through an 18 month pandemic party.
The stupid, self interested back stabbing bastards have gone and committed electoral sucide.
You can tell how bad it is from the reaction of Britain's enemies, youve got european politicians literally danncing in the street!
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Saturday, June 25, 2022
The NEXT BIG EMPIRE WILL BE..... CANZUK / Politics / New World Order
By: Nadeem_Walayat
In my last analysis I laid out why Ray Dalio was wrong about the rise of China, that according to his thesis was set to displace the US and herald in a New Chinese World Order, where I even went so far as to make the following video to delve deeper into why Ray Dalio was wrong and hinted at where the new empire could emerge from.
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Sunday, June 12, 2022
Why Putin has KILLED Russia / Politics / Russia
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This is also why Putin has effectively KILLED Russia as Russia already had a stagnating population that will now suffer the consequence of a huge brain drain of millions of Russia's best and brightest young minds escaping to a better life abroad, The irony of Putin attempting to protect Russia has in fact KILLED Russia's future! It's GAME OVER for Russia! China will likely seek to capitalise on this dying empire where any close links that Putin forms with Emperor Xi Ping will ultimately result in the loss of Russian territory to China, as several millions of Chinese slip over Russia's eastern border in an stealth invasion in the name of friendship.
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Saturday, June 04, 2022
White House Inflation Scapegoat / Politics / Inflation
By: MoneyMetals
Welcome to this week’s Market Wrap Podcast, I’m Mike Gleason.
As the Biden administration scrambles to try to contain inflation – or at least make a public relations show of it – precious metals investors are wondering how much longer gold and silver prices will remain contained.
Metals markets got a bit of a lift this week through Thursday but have pulled back a bit here today. As of this Friday recording, gold is flat for the week now to trade at $1,860 per ounce. And silver is down 20 cents or 0.9% this week to trade at $22.12 an ounce.
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Thursday, June 02, 2022
How the NHS Is Forcing Patients to Go Private Due to Consultants with Conflict of Interest / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
Like most religions there is myth and there is reality and so it is with Britain's NHS religion, at the heart of which lies the contracted in consultant's structure who tend to have half a leg in the NHS and half a leg in the private sector resulting in a conflict of interest that acts to funnel patients into the private sector as this example of what to expect at an NHS hospital when one presents themselves for competent treatment that tends to be wholly lacking at expect at the Northern General Hospitals' Orthopedics Fractures and Ankles clinic where even minor operations such as a suspected ruptured Achilles tendon tend to be met with the procedure for kicking the can down the road where consultants tend to IGNORE the patient whilst conversing with the GP practice by letter.
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Saturday, May 28, 2022
Why Ray Dalio is WRONG About Rise of China - Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order / Politics / GeoPolitics
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Ray Dalio's new book and associated video Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order paints picture for the inevitable rise of China to displace the United States following inevitable military conflict that will usher in a NEW Chinese World Order
However after watching Roy Dalio's video I see at least 3 major flaws in his rise of China to displace the US thesis.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Why Ray Dalio is WRONG About China - Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Nadeem_Walayat
A number of patrons mentioned Ray Dalio and his new book "Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order" and asked for my opinion, In respect of which Ray Dalio posted a high production 40 minute youtube video of the same title.
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Thursday, May 19, 2022
Northern General Hospital Orthopedics Fractures and and Ankle Clinic Consultations Real Patient Experience / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
Here's what to at expect at the Northern General Hospitals' Orthopedics Fractures and Ankles clinic which is where I ended up with an appointment following an injury to my foot, a suspected ruptured Achilles tendon, in advance of which I had an ultrasound also at the Northern General where no info was forthcoming not even of it the scan showed anything good or bad, still that must be upto the consultant to explain what's what and what to do next to get back to recovery.
The entrance to the clinic is next to A&E, a quick book in using the reception touch screen and then after a 40 minute wait my name was called to enter a small cubical that had a computer screen that apparently had an image of what could be my foot so and began the consultation which lasted.....
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Friday, May 13, 2022
Biden Seeks Inflation Scapegoats; Gold Advocate Wins GOP Primary / Politics / Government Spending
By: MoneyMetals
Elevated inflation readings and stock market turmoil continue to inflict pain on investors. Some are hoping for a quick turnaround. Others are just looking for a place to hide.
Unfortunately, there have been virtually no safe havens from the broad-based carnage outside of the energy sector and gold.
Gold has been one of the best performing assets this year by virtue of holding up better than stocks, bonds, and cryptos. But the yellow metal came under some heavy selling pressure in futures markets this week.
Metals markets seem to be trading more in line with economic slowdown fears and margin calls on Wall Street than with inflation. That will likely change when the recent spate of panic selling subsidies.
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Tuesday, May 03, 2022
Why is vaping a trend amongst teens? / Politics / Social Issues
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
The main objective at the start of the electric smoking industry was to get standard cigarette smokers to make the switch to an e-cigarette and combat their nicotine addictions. Though there are still millions of people who still use cigarettes, many people did decide to make the switch. Par of the electric smoking industry’s success is owed to a group of people that the industry had not taken into consideration, teenagers. As the e-smoking business grew, teenagers all over the world started using it, but is that a good thing?
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