Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Friday, October 27, 2023
The Gaza Concentration Camp / Politics / Palestine
By: N_Walayat
The Israeli Zionist war against the Palestinian people in the Gaza concentration camp continues, where the SOB's are murdering thousands per day in their campaign for the final solution so that zionists can complete their theft of palestinian land, backed by the Western powers as they had done exactly the same when they stole the North America, Australia, New Zeland and elsewhere from native populations through campaigns of genocide just as the Israeli's are doing today to the Palestinians.
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Monday, October 23, 2023
The Real Reason Why the West Supports Israel Against the Palestinians - Video / Politics / Israel
By: N_Walayat
The western media and establishment is rock solid behind Israel in it's quest to exterminate the Palestinians and complete the theft of their land on the basis of 2000 year old mumbo jumbo. But why? Find out in my latest video where I answer this pivotal question of why the West supports Israel when given their support of Ukraine against Russia Z one would have imagined that the West would seek to protect Gaza the Palestinians against the Israeli Neo-Nazi aggressor.
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Monday, October 09, 2023
The flames of Hamas, Israel, apartheid, and Palestine / Politics / Palestine
By: Dan_Steinbock
The Israeli-Hamas War is a logical result of 50 years of failed military policies. Assertive pledges of “national security” will not achieve peace in the Middle East. That requires inclusive economic development.On Saturday, Palestinian militant groups, reportedly led by Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other groups, launched a coordinated offensive against nearby Israeli cities, Gaza border crossings, adjacent military installations, and civilian settlements.
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Sunday, October 01, 2023
AI Regulation - Urgent Need For A Sherman Act Mark Two / Politics / AI
By: Christopher_Quigley
It is almost certain that the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will bring about even greater consolidation of power among the top American tech companies. These include Amazon, Meta (Facebook), Alphabet (Google), Microsoft, Apple, Tesla, Advanced Micro Devices, NVIDA and Intel.This development presents a great opportunity for these companies but it also presents a great threat to the very fabric of capitalism and democracy. I believe, before it is too late, it is time that the power of these tech companies be broken and thus it is time for a new Sherman Act.
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Tuesday, September 12, 2023
The Next Elon Musk Just Graduated from Warwick University / Politics / AI
By: N_Walayat
Graduands become graduates and so it was for the NEXT Elon Musk, as Adnaan was handed his degree, an Master of Engineering 1st Class in Computer Science - AI. Whilst it is going to take time to reach the heights of Elon Musk, nevertheless a good start will be in his first job in Cambridge working on Quantum Computers., which about 10 years down the road will be a game changer in terms of an exponential leap in compute power, which for better or worse will herald the emergence of super machine Intelligence's that are far beyond that of human intelligence.
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Saturday, August 19, 2023
AI – Do You Want to Talk to Your Dead Relative? / Politics / Social Issues
By: Stephen_McBride
On May 11, 1997, Garry finally lost.
Garry Kasparov, the greatest chess player in history—who hadn’t lost in 15 years—was defeated by IBM’s artificial intelligence (AI) Deep Blue.
Deep Blue eked out the win, 3 ½ to 2 ½. Man and machine were roughly evenly matched.
But do you know what’s happened to AI chess bots since then?
Saturday, August 19, 2023
Tackling Tradition: Why Football Streaming is Dominating the Digital Arena / Politics / Health and Fitness
By: Sumeet_Manhas
In the ever-evolving landscape of sports entertainment, football streaming has emerged as a dominant force, revolutionizing the way fans engage with the game. With the advent of digital platforms and the increasing prevalence of online content consumption, traditional modes of watching football are being challenged by the convenience and accessibility of streaming services. This article delves into the reasons behind the surge in popularity of football streaming, highlighting its impact on viewership, fan engagement, and the overall sports industry.
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Saturday, August 19, 2023
Global Wealth Pyramid - Survival of the Richest / Politics / Social Issues
By: Richard_Mills
Inequality is one of the most volatile aspects of contemporary society, and it is getting worse. As the gap between the haves and the have-nots widens, and the middle class shrinks, the chances of social upheaval increase.
History tells us that a state’s failure to redress rampant inequality can result in bloody revolution.
In the United States and around the world, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. According to The Conversation, in every major region of the world outside Europe, extreme wealth is becoming concentrated in a handful of people.
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Monday, July 24, 2023
Are your kids suffering from The META “mind virus?” / Politics / Social Media
By: Stephen_McBride
Have you signed up for Threads yet?
Facebook’s (META) new social media app, called the “Twitter killer,” is taking off like a rocket.
In just five days, it hit 100 million users. That’s faster than ChatGPT!
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Tuesday, July 04, 2023
Russia Set to Blow Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant or Use Tactical Nukes - Act Now to Protect / Politics / Ukraine War
By: Eliza_Walayat
RADIATION FALLOUT WARNING! Tactical Nukes or even worse the blowing up of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power plant, Europe's biggest would result in nuclear fallout spreading across Western Europe! The time to act is NOW Not AFTER it happens as you would have zero chance of being able to get your hands on what's needed to protect from nuclear fallout, that's Potassium Iodide tablets and a Radiation Detector as covered in this video.
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Monday, May 22, 2023
AI Will First KILL Us then Save Us / Politics / AI
The world is in the grips of AI mania courtesy of Chat GPT that brought the power of large language models to the masses, that had been quietly flying under the radar for several years, but come release of GPT3 everything literally changed overnight. sending stacks such as Nvidia soaring to bubble territory. The unfolding explosion is amazing to someone who has been engaged in machine learning for over a decade, and AI explosion IS literally taking place right now that is the focus of my latest machine intelligence video that sheds light on where all of this is headed given the rate of change now underway.
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Monday, May 22, 2023
One Possible Outcome to a New World Order / Politics / New World Order
By: Raymond_Matison
Our recent domestic financial fixed income markets have been bludgeoned by Federal Reserve’s raising interest rates, supposedly in order to reign in accelerated inflation – which can be argued to be the result of the FED’s own preceding policies of currency expansion induced by increasing government debt. Our equities and fixed income markets are highly volatile as perceptions tilt between inflation induced melt-up and increased interest rate and choked-off credit extension induced melt-down.
In the meantime, higher interest rates have reduced the market value of government and other bonds, thereby deflating commercial bank reserve assets, causing alarming bank runs and failures with profound reductions in the market value of most bank stocks. In addition, our banking system and domestic economy is further threatened by the increasing cost of interest rates in servicing our gargantuan national debt, a commercial property mortgage loan fiasco, and residential mortgage loan defaults. These dangerous conditions are not ours alone, but are global because our dollar has been and still is the majority currency of global trade and finance. To the extent that many international banks hold a large proportion of their banking reserves in dollars, a big reduction in the value of our dollar will force a change in acceptable reserves and guarantee the destruction of the global banking system. As a result, the global trade and economy, and financial system is at risk to markedly decline, even collapse, and then to evolve to a more decentralized multiple currency system that may include blockchains and various virtual currencies.
Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff in their classic book “This Time is Different” published in 2009, analyzed financial crisis of governments over eight centuries. They observed that “problematic political systems make external borrowing a tempting device for governments to employ to avoid hard decisions about spending and taxing.” They conclude (page 21) that “The duress typically involves a vicious cycle of loss in market confidence, spiraling interest rates on external government debt, and political resistance to repaying foreign creditors. Ultimately, default often occurs at levels of debt well below the 60 percent ratio of debt to GDP enshrined in Europe’s Maastricht treaty, a clause intended to protect the euro system from government defaults.” European Union’s debt to GDP now exceeds 90%, while that of the United States is at 120% - how do both comport in confidence and stability in our global financial and monetary system relative to the Reinhart and Rogoff eight centuries of guidelines? How should Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s rate U.S. and Euro debt for investment quality? Do you see how financial markets could crash, dollar’s value collapse, and a global crisis ensue?
Monday, May 15, 2023
Humanity Dancing to Extinction as AI Mega-trend Goes Parabolic With GPT LLM's / Politics / AI
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Musk says halt work on Large Language models, primarily so he can play and catch up to the runaway train sparked by the GPT Large Language Models that this video acts to chart where we are heading along on a Machine Intelligence curve that is now going parabolic as illustrated by the fact that even those who have been part of this trend for over a decade can no longer keep pace with the rate of change so what hope do ordinary folks have hence this video will act to shine a light much as my 2016 video did that laid the grounds for the Quantum AI Mega-trend so see this video as Part 2 of a 7 year arc.
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Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Beware the TikTok Trojan Horse / Politics / Social Media
By: Stephen_McBride
The truth behind the TikTok hearing… Your vacuum cleaner could be spying on you… Two words that make every American a suspect… This is what concerns me the most...
1.As you read this, politicians on both sides of Capitol Hill are trying to take away your freedoms.
I wish that was an exaggeration… but it’s not.
A new bipartisan law was recently introduced to Congress. If passed, you can wave goodbye to your right to privacy in your own home.
Sunday, February 26, 2023
UK Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Eggs Panic Buying - Food Crisis 2023 / Politics / Food Crisis
By: N_Walayat
Mover over bog roll the new panic buying is for Tomatoes and Cucumbers due to shortage of produce as the European Union limits supplies to Britain as another punishment for voting for Brexit. The UK should do similar by refusing to sell British Gas to the EU but weak and feeble Rishi Sunak won't do that! So here we are once more panic buying perishable foods as supermarkets limit sale of Eggs, Cucumbers and Tomatoes. However there are solutions - Grow Your Own!
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Saturday, February 04, 2023
NHS GP's Forcing Patients to go Private - UK Healthcare Crisis 2023 - Delisting, Deducted / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
Virtually every patient knows how difficult is is to get an appointment with their GP as patients as they tend to get kit by the brick wall that are the reception staff whose primary function is to STOP patients from getting an appointment unless they try several times. However not everyone is going to phone day after day requesting to be seen by their GP with many, especially men giving up. And so guess what happens next? The patient gets a letter from the same said reception staff informing them that they are being deleted, no deducted from the practice list because the patient has not seen their GP for the last few years. Seriously you cannot make this shit up! Prevented from seeing one's GP, where to be frank the 60 second consultations did not amount to much anyway, and then the patient giving up is informed they are being 'deducted' from the practice list because they have not seen their GP over the past couple of years. The NHS is a FAKE health service, where patients have no choice but to either go private or rely on Google for diagnoses and self treatment.
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Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Canadian Military Unprepared for Russia Arctic WAR / Politics / Canada
By: Richard_Mills
“The world is getting more dangerous every day and we need to be ready for it,” General Wayne Eyre, Canada’s Chief of the Defence Staff told a House of Commons committee in October.
Canada’s top soldier was, of course, referring to the war in Ukraine, which has caused a re-think among NATO about the vulnerability of member countries, especially those bordering Russia.
There’s also the ongoing tensions between the Chinese and US navies over the South China Sea; a possible invasion of Taiwan, a United States ally that China considers a renegade Chinese province which must be re-united with the Motherland; an increasingly belligerent Iran, which has still not taken responsibility for shooting down a Ukrainian airliner three years ago, killing all 176 on board including 138 with ties to Canada; Taliban-controlled Afghanistan and its denial of basic human rights; and Arctic sovereignty in the era of disappearing polar ice — a matter of pressing concern to Canada, one of eight Arctic nations.
Gen. Eyre told the committee the West was “already at war with China and Russia” and that the two global powers were out to remake the world in their own image.
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Santa's Grotto UK Cost of Living Crisis Christmas 2022 - 60% INFLATION! / Politics / Social Issues
By: Eliza_Walayat
Nurses, postmen, railwaymen and many others are striking for higher pay due to the raging cost of living crisis as workers pay do not match the prices in the shop, FAKE inflation indices of 10% when real inflation is 20%! Even Santa has hiked his Grotto price by 60%! Making Christmas that bit more painful for many families - BAD SANTA!
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Thursday, November 24, 2022
COVID Is Still KILLING! - UK High Excess Deaths / Politics / Coronavirus 2022
By: Nadeem_Walayat
There is silence in the MSM and that silence concerns the continuing high number of Excess deaths still taking place which is running at about 12% above the 5 year average, and not just in the UK but right across the world, for instance for Australia it is even higher at +17%. It's as though just like what QE did for the economy, it appears that the vaccines have done for the pandemic by kicking the covid deaths can down the road!
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Tuesday, November 22, 2022
US Senate Report Concludes Lab Leak Origins of SARS-CoV-2 / Politics / Coronavirus 2022
By: Nadeem_Walayat
I got my COVD AUTUMN BOOSTER JAB (Pfizer Biontech) Saturday afternoon, unfortunately I have since been paying the price in terms of side effects that kicked in some 12 hours afterwards with shivers and chills, and continue as I write some 36 hours later I am feeling like I have a light flu, lethargic, lack of energy, drowsy despite having slept for over 12 hours. some Brain fog. Still I will see this article posted even if it is the last thing I do!
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