Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Sunday, May 13, 2018
Trump Crossed the Rubicon in Pull Out From Iran Nuclear Deal / Politics / Middle East
By: Michael_T_Bucci
Trump crossed the Rubicon and the world is reacting. He decided to pull out of the Iran nuclear agreement (JCPOA) signed in 2015 by Iran, the United States, Germany and all permanent members of the Security Council (P5+1), the fruit of more than a decade of planning. He then lit another match handed him by John Bolton and the “war parties” in Washington, Tel Aviv and Riyadh to widen sanctions by including any nation doing business with Iran (“secondary sanctions”).
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Saturday, May 12, 2018
Kanye Is Right: Slavery Is A Choice And We're All Slaves Today / Politics / Social Issues
By: Jeff_Berwick
I generally ignore pop culture. It is almost completely controlled propaganda from the Powers That Shouldn’t Be.
But, now and then some celebrities break from their MK Ultra mind control programming and say something I can’t ignore, like in 2005 when Kanye West went on live TV programming and said “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.”
Most recently, Kanye seemed to “lose it” during a concert performance and was taken offstage and then put into a mental facility where he was likely reprogrammed.
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Friday, May 11, 2018
Why Trump WANTS Iran to Develop Nuclear Weapons for Israel and End Time Prophecies / Politics / Middle East
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Trump has once more pressed the reset button on what has come before by resetting the middle east to where it was before the 2015 Iran nuclear deal as President Trump declared to the masses that he 'keeps his promises' whilst breaking America's promise in respect of the Iran Nuclear deal (JCPOA) which had put Iran's nuclear weapons programme into reverse gear as verified by regular IAEA inspections, in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions that have now been reimposed. Unfortunately, Iran NOT engaged in developing nuclear weapons is not in the interests for large section of Trumps delirious electoral base, the Christian fundamentalists who desperately crave the End Time apocalypse prophecies to be fulfilled in their life time so that the Messiah may return and they all be raptured straight to paradise, an ideology backed by the Israeli state and its own Jewish fanatics who have their own prophesies for the coming of the Messiah and perceive everything that Israel does being towards that end. Whilst of course the Islamic fundamentalists also await their own version of the End Times prophecies to be fulfilled which was the primary reason why Islamic State came into existence in Syria as a means of making prophecy become manifest.
Friday, May 11, 2018
Amazon Patents Orwellian Tech Allowing Police To Track Bitcoin Transactions / Politics / Bitcoin
By: Jeff_Berwick
Corporatist retail giant Amazon.com has received approval from the United States Patent and Trademark Office for a technology allowing police to track Bitcoin transactions.
As reported by CNBC, the patent--filed by Amazon Technologies--will "correlate different data streams and sell the combined feed as a subscription to people who want to track that data."
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Wednesday, May 09, 2018
Universal Guaranteed Income / Politics / Social Issues
What is next from the egalitarian socialists? A guaranteed income is becoming the new catch concept that is a desired destination for the limousine liberals. If you ask the tax payer, It's time for America to embrace guaranteed income, their first response will be how do you pay for such a benefit? Intuitively they know they will most likely not be included in the scheme and when the obligation burden befalls on those dreaded 1%, you just know that class warfare is doing well on the two-hundredth birthday of Karl Marx. Based upon a recent SF gate poll, Majority of Millennials now favor universal basic income. Amazing the level of economic insanity that comes out of the asylums of higher learning.
Tuesday, May 01, 2018
The Left Celebrates Commie Day / Politics / Social Issues
The first of May is "Commie Day" for the left. The systematic destruction of the American culture has been caused by the Marxists who want to call themselves Progressives. The Democrat Party sees a Bernie Sanders as a standard bearer of Lenin's ideology and a Hillary Clinton as an offspring of Stalin. There is no semblance of a loyal opposition or pretense that bipartisan compromise can be attained in a civilized manner. No; the Left has declared war on the traditional principles upon which American was established. Citizens of good will need to face the enemy within and admit that the Federal government has a Fifth column that wants to overturn the few remnants of the Republic and impose a full blown dictatorship of the ideological pure collectivists.
Sunday, April 29, 2018
The Trump UK Visit and Britain's Superiority Complex / Politics / UK Politics
By: Raul_I_Meijer
Trump Can Come. But Let Him Know Britain Won’t Stand For His Bigotry, is the headline of an article for the Guardian by Owen Jones. It’s just one of many articles, and one of many ways, I could use to point out what’s wrong in our world. In a TV appearance on ITV he apparently added:
“At the end of the day, if he comes – no one is saying he should be barred from the country by legal means – we’re saying we will take to the streets and say we reject racism, bigotry and will stand for the values most people in this country believe in.” Jones went on to insist “most” of the United Kingdom are against President Trump so it was in the country’s best interest to stand up for their beliefs.
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Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Artificial Intelligence Defines the Political News Narrative / Politics / Mainstream Media
Understanding the reasons why mainstream political accounts express such a disconnect from facts, evidence and believability is compounded by the techniques of programmed reporting often absent of human judgment and ethics. The foremost propaganda rag for deceit, disinformation and indoctrination, The Washington Post, is dedicated to mind control and does not even attempt to mask their publication as objective journalism. Utopia for Jeff Bezos, strives to perfect the synthetic technological revolution that inserts AI as the future of mankind. Joe Keohane in WIRED presents What News-Writing Bots Mean for the Future of Journalism.
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Britain Becomes Trump Territory / Politics / UK Politics
By: Raul_I_Meijer
British media report today that Donald Trump may visit the country in late summer. (Renewed) calls for mass protests are everywhere, of course. The Metro news outlet features a picture of a pamphlet that reads No To Racism. No To Trump, that dates from an earlier occasion (Trump was supposed to come several times, but never did).
Now, good luck with those protests, it’s still a free country, in name at least. But boy oh boy, would you guys miss the point. Because as we now all know – or could-, your country is being governed by a group of people who are so racist they make even Trump’s fake tan pale in comparison. If Theresa May is still in office by the time Trump visits, you’re all a bunch of racists.
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Thursday, April 19, 2018
The Civil War Is At Home in America / Politics / US Politics
By: Raul_I_Meijer
Dr. D: Wonderfully said. Since no one will report, here’s what happened to that airstrike. The one where we declare a victory and go home (or try to).
They targeted 10 sites, yet after the Pentagon said it was a perfect mission, they only reported on 4. Who were the other 6?
Read full article... Read full article...Duwali airbase – 4 missiles fired, 4 shot down
Dumayr airbase – 12 missiles fired, 12 shot down
Baley airbase – 18 missiles fired, 18 shot down
Shayrat airbase – 12 missiles fired, 12 shot down
Marj Ruhayyil airbase – 18 missiles fired, 18 shot down
Damascus international airport – 4 missiles fired, 4 shot down
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Winter is Coming - Coming Storms Will Bring Out the Best and Worst in Humanity / Politics / Social Issues
By: James_Quinn
“The very survival of the nation will feel at stake. Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning
In Part One of this article I laid out the reasons for Gray Champions arising to meet challenges during crisis periods in history. In Part Two of this article I assessed the configuration of Gray Champions throughout the world and the potential impact on the course of this Fourth Turning.
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Wednesday, April 18, 2018
How China Can Respond to Trump’s Tariff Trade War / Politics / Protectionism
By: Dan_Steinbock

On Tuesday, China said it would impose anti-dumping duties on imports of U.S. sorghum. As the largest buyer of U. sorghum - about $1 billion annually - China holds substantial leverage. Currently, China relies almost solely on the US for its sorghum. As bilateral trade relations erode, that kind of reliance may soon be a thing of the past.
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Wednesday, April 18, 2018
What Does it Take to Create Living Wage Jobs? / Politics / Wages
For those with the practical experience of being an employer, it is well established that in order for an enterprise to survive, profitability is a primary objective. Employing labor is a function of fulfilling a needed task and matching the skills of the worker with the ability of making or running equipment in order to produce the end product for sale. These conditions are the basics when applicants are hired. Putting aside cultural values of work itself, the methods for training the expertise to become productive are often overlooked by managers in the fast paced and changing work environment. Resolving this problem is the practical path on how to build a viable workforce, which in turn would go a long way to be able to pay a living wage.
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
WINTER IS COMING - The Ongoing Fourth Turning Crisis Part2 / Politics / US Politics
By: James_Quinn
“Don’t think you can escape the Fourth Turning the way you might today distance yourself from news, national politics, or even taxes you don’t feel like paying. History warns that a Crisis will reshape the basic social and economic environment that you now take for granted. The Fourth Turning necessitates the death and rebirth of the social order. It is the ultimate rite of passage for an entire people, requiring a luminal state of sheer chaos whose nature and duration no one can predict in advance.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning
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Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Eliminate Trump Unites the Deep State Establishment / Politics / Conspiracy Theory
Any assessment of the Never Trump cabal produces some inescapable conclusions. The War Party is emphatically in control of the military-industrial complex, the Deep State is thoroughly entrenched and manipulates the techno/bureaucracy, and the Shadow Government runs the levers of real and underlying government institutions. The Trump election was a reflection of a populist movement. As the unending condemnation of the President is heard nonstop from a coordinated media script, the uninformed often concludes that all the ills of his administration is a direct result of the man himself.
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
‘Tin soldiers and Nixon coming, We’re finally on our own’ / Politics / US Politics
By: Barry_M_Ferguson
Neil Young pinned those lyrics to his song, ‘Ohio’. The tin soldiers were the National Guard and Nixon was the President. The song was about the Guard’s execution of four students at Kent State in 1970. But today, these lyrics seem truer than ever. Governments for the governed have turned on the governed. Governments conduct the business of governed in secrecy for the benefit of the government. Governments initiate acts of aggression against other peoples who have no representation in their government. The media is a propaganda arm of the government. The governed have no idea what is really happening. How do we ‘know’ anything today? In a vacuum of leadership, it does feel like ‘we are finally on our own.’
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Monday, April 16, 2018
WINTER IS COMING - The Ongoing Fourth Turning Crisis / Politics / Social Issues
By: James_Quinn
“Summer will end soon enough, and childhood as well.” – George R.R. Martin, Game of Thrones
“Reflect on what happens when a terrible winter blizzard strikes. You hear the weather warning but probably fail to act on it. The sky darkens. Then the storm hits with full fury, and the air is a howling whiteness. One by one, your links to the machine age break down. Electricity flickers out, cutting off the TV. Batteries fade, cutting off the radio. Phones go dead. Roads become impassible, and cars get stuck. Food supplies dwindle. Day to day vestiges of modern civilization – bank machines, mutual funds, mass retailers, computers, satellites, airplanes, governments – all recede into irrelevance.
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Monday, April 16, 2018
Only Economic Collapse Will Bring Down the American Empire / Politics / US Military
By: Antonius_Aquinas
Despite the vehement pleas and letter-writing campaigns by a significant portion of his political base including notable media personalities such as Tucker Carlson against military action in Syria, President Trump committed what looks like political suicide by ordering air strikes on Friday evening. The bombing, thankfully, appeared to have been thwarted by Syrian air defenses, nor, as of this date, has the insane American, British and French action led to a wider conflagration.
Friday, April 13, 2018
Longtanding Chinese War: Intrigue & Betrayal / Politics / China US Conflict
By: Jim_Willie_CB
For those who believe the conflict, confrontation, and trade war with China is very recent and fresh, not true. The war of words and sabre rattling is part of a longstanding trade war between the two superpowers. The war with China has been brewing for many years, with much hidden in the background battles over legacy USTreasury Bonds and hidden Gold stores. The United States does not publicize this conflict, since the US actions are full of dishonor, deceit, fraud, and murders within the secret war. To begin with, Washington officials have steadfastly refused to honor high valued old bonds backed by gold, claiming they are very old. The US goons have been murdering both owners and attorneys for those who represent large scale Asian claims. The US has shot down aircraft carrying gold bullion hoards. In doing so, the US has acted with great dishonor, more like a criminal organization that a legitimate government. Dishonesty is the common thread and common theme. One should expect none else since the US lineage of presidents since 1988 has been comprised of narco baron leaders. The battles between the United States and China go way back. Let us trace some of the key events in just the last twenty years. Prepare to read a spy novel outline, except in our realm of reality. It puts the US in very bad light, with extreme criminality, marred by dishonor.
Thursday, April 12, 2018
China's Trade War Against America / Politics / China US Conflict
The Chinese regime is the creation of the globalists. Going back to the Nixon era, Henry Kissinger set into motion a staged and preferential trading system that would inevitably build the Red Communists into the very model for global dominance. Approving China into the World Trade Organization guaranteed a distorted playing field by favoring PRC and allowing their draconian conditions to engage in business by Oriental Marxists. Even The Guardian reports that World trade rules too weak to stop China distorting market, “It is now clear that the WTO rules are not sufficient to constrain China’s market-distorting behavior.” The end result produced a perverse capitalism that merged with totalitarian oligarchists to distort, extort and circumvent any semblance of a legitimate free trading exchange.