Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Monday, September 14, 2009
Healthcare Reform is More Corporate Welfare / Politics / Healthcare Sector
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
Last Wednesday the nation was riveted to the President's speech on healthcare reform before Congress. While the President's concern for the uninsured is no doubt sincere, his plan amounts to a magnanimous gift to the health insurance industry, despite any implications to the contrary.
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Monday, September 14, 2009
Socially Useless Syndrome Paralyzes Wall Street And The City! / Politics / Credit Crisis 2009
By: Andrew_Butter
It all started with Lord Turner, then Stephen Green of HSBC and right on his heels Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs. Now it's official, investment bankers are "socially useless"; the financial services industry is bracing itself for a tidal wave of press releases, finally the they are coming clean; next the hunt will be on for which branding consultancy got the million dollars to come up with that brilliant tag line.
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Monday, September 14, 2009
Obama Risks Global Trade War With China on Misguided Tariffs / Politics / Global Economy
By: Mike_Shedlock
On Wednesday, in a dispute over the price of steel pipe, the US Fires Opening Salvo In Trade Wars With China. Late Friday evening trade wars heated up again as Obama Fires the US' Second Shot In Trade War With China.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Credit Rating Firms Are Running Scared / Politics / Credit Crisis 2009
By: Money_Morning
Shah Gilani writes: When it comes to the U.S. credit crisis, we’ve all heard the numbers. The stock market decline wiped out $7 trillion in shareholder wealth. It forced the federal government to commit to $11.6 trillion in bailout programs and stimulus spending. And it’s led to the longest U.S. downturn since the Great Depression.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The "Official" 9-11 Narrative Doesn't Make Sense / Politics / Conspiracy Theory
By: Justin_Raimondo
On September 11, 2001, nineteen hijackers, wielding nothing more lethal than box-cutters, commandeered four airliners, and turned them into lethal missiles, three of which managed to hit their targets – the World Trade Center and the Pentagon – while a fourth crashed in a field before it could strike its intended target – the White House. One of the hijackers had been in the United States since the mid-1990s, and the others, according to subsequent investigations, entered, exited, and re-entered the United States regularly starting in 2000.
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Friday, September 11, 2009
Health Care Reform, No Miracle Cure / Politics / Healthcare Sector
By: Jennifer_Barry
With all the problems in the U.S. economy - high unemployment, rising foreclosures, surging bank failures - one would think that Congress would focus on resolving these crises. Perhaps the legislators believe the “green shoots” spin, because they have started major new initiatives, like the cap-and-trade bill, and now health care reform.
Friday, September 11, 2009
9/11 World Trade Center Collapse: Kerosene Fire, Controlled Demolition or a Third Story / Politics / Conspiracy Theory
By: Robert_Singer
September 11, 2001
I’ll get right to the point, I have read the books and watched the documentaries on September 11 for three years and the 9/11 official story is so stupid Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld didn’t expect you to believe it.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Government Solutions Lack Understanding / Politics / US Politics
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
Things seem to be unraveling quickly for the new administration. The latest unemployment numbers are worse than the last reports. For all the billions of dollars spent and committed to fixing our economic problems, the situation is only getting worse. This was to be expected by those who understand the root causes of the problems. Throwing money around and creating more government programs is both simplistic and damaging to the economy.
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Thursday, September 10, 2009
Obama’s Speech Raises Issue He Doesn’t Really Address / Politics / US Politics
By: Danny_Schechter
Has The Economy Been Pulled Back From The Brink? Who Is Recovering?
President Obama’s highly anticipated health care speech started on a totally different subject: The economy.
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Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Obama's Cash for Clunkers Car Scam / Politics / Economic Stimulus
By: LewRockwell
Richard Daughty writes: Roger Wiegand of Trader Tracks Newsletter finally says what I always figured: “Cash for Clunkers was a real clunker. One out of four auto buyers using this program is having buyer’s remorse as they just signed-up for so many new payments they cannot afford.”
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
The Love Of Money, Lehman The Bank That Bust The World -BBC2 Thursday 9pm / Politics / Credit Crisis 2008
Last September, the collapse of Lehman Brothers tipped the world into the greatest financial crisis for 80 years. Now, one year on, in the first part of a major three-part series on the crash, the BBC offers the definitive account of what happened.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
The Last Days Of Lehman Brothers, Today BBC2 9pm / Politics / Credit Crisis 2008
James Cromwell (Six Feet Under, LA Confidential); James Bolam (New Tricks); Ben Daniels (Law & Order – UK, The Passion); Michael Landes (Love Soup, Material Girl); and Corey Johnson (The Bourne Ultimatum) star in a work of fiction inspired by the real events that took place on the weekend of 12 September 2008 – when the Lehman Brothers went to the wall.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
More of Less from Obama / Politics / US Politics
By: Mike_Stathis
In tradition with the previous empty bag delivered by President Bush, President Obama has continued to offer Americans more of less when it comes to ways to ensure a viable retirement. In reality, Obama's announced changes do nothing more than ensure Washington gets financing for its reckless spending habits, while lining the pockets of the largely useless mutual fund industry.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
America's Decide Nothing Congress / Politics / US Politics
By: Stephen_Merrill
When the United States Constitution was corrupted in the 1930’s to change the meaning of the Commerce Clause to include unlimited federal powers in the economy, it was the US Congress that was made omnipotent. Only the Congress has the authority to control interstate commerce under the Constitution. The powers of Congress waxed for decades after the 30’s steadily protruding into all aspects of American life.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Financial and Economic Crisis Justice Denied / Politics / Credit Crisis Bailouts
By: Stephen_Merrill
As America’s financial house of cards collapsed, the first response of President George Bush was to give everyone on the tax rolls a $600 cash gift. When this had little effect, his next move was to give Wall Street a flat $700 billion while throwing in hundreds of billions more of extra bailout for AIG and Citibank and others.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
The American Dream Built on Debt, Living in Beverly Hills / Politics / US Debt
By: James_Quinn

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Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Taking Down a Nation: Money, Murder and National Sovereignty / Politics / Market Manipulation
By: Nikki_Alexander
If you wanted to destroy the infrastructure that holds our constitutional republic in place, how would you go about that? As with a controlled demolition you would need to dislodge the foundation from the bedrock where it is anchored and weaken the framework that holds the structure together. In practice, you would demolish the laws that support the legal and financial structure. Our constitutional republic would then collapse into its own footprint, meeting no resistance.
Monday, September 07, 2009
Why Is Capitalism So Unpopular? / Politics / Economic Theory
By: Art_Carden
Henry Hazlitt once said that good ideas have to be relearned every generation. Among the intellectuals of our time, capitalism is wildly unpopular. This in spite of the fact that it is the only social system that has permitted prosperity and flourishing.
Monday, September 07, 2009
Neo-Capitalist Principles of 20th Century Fall Apart at the Seams / Politics / Credit Crisis 2009
By: Pravda
The neo-capitalist principles of the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries are falling apart at the seams. It became obvious as a result of the meeting of finance ministers, who gathered for the G20 summit in London on Saturday, September 5. The summit precedes the G20 summit which is slated to take place in Pittsburg on September 24-25.
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Monday, September 07, 2009
Labor Day, The Unknown Holiday / Politics / US Politics
By: Walter_Brasch
It's Labor Day, and that means millions of Americans are celebrating. Most Americans have no idea what Labor Day is, other than self-serving political speeches, hot dogs, burgers, a pool party, and the last day of a three-day holiday. Few even know that Labor Day exists to allow people to remember and honor the struggles for respect, dignity, and acceptable wages and working conditions for the rank-and-file employees.