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Category: Crude Oil

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Crude Oil Falls Below $79 on Strong Dollar / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: LiveCharts

As the dollar has rebounded from some recently disappointing jobs news, it has pushed back against recent gains in oil prices and gold prices. A barrel of oil fell below $79 in Friday (January 15) morning trade on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Will China Supercede Saudi Arabia as the to Crude Oil Prices? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleKeith Fitz-Gerald writes: I bought a Toyota Prius last Saturday.

The signs are everywhere that oil is headed for stratospheric highs - $200, $250 or even $300 a barrel. Some of these signs are just plain obvious. But even the subtle indicators are telling us that some very expensive energy costs headed our way.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Crude Oil Index to Create Even More Profit Opportunities for Investors / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleKent Moors, Ph.D writes: Speculators in New York won't be calling the shots anymore. Not in oil, anyway.

The way we price it. The places we trade it. The companies that stand to profit most.

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Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Crude Oil Prices Back Near $82 / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: LiveCharts

Oil prices have started the New Year with a bang as the price of a barrel of crude oil currently sits just below $82 in early Wednesday (January 5th) trade on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

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Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Do Canada's Oil Sands Deserve World's Dirtiest Commodity Label? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Lorimer_Wilson

Best Financial Markets Analysis Article“When you think of Canada, which qualities come to mind: the world's peacekeeper, the friendly nation, a liberal counterweight to the harsher pieties of its southern neighbour, decent, civilised, fair, well-governed? Think again. This country's government is now behaving with all the sophistication of a chimpanzee's tea party.

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Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Peak Oil Lie, Petroleum is Plentiful / Politics / Crude Oil

By: George_Giles

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAs the first decade of the twenty-first century draws to a close it is worth reviewing topics that may impact every man, woman and child. The disastrous Bush Administration pulled the legs out from under the baby boomers retirement with his inability to veto any spending bill. He has even crippled the future of the unborn. Lil’ Bush launched a global war on an adjective (terrorism) without any strategic objective. Previous wars had nouns as the subject. Social spending increased as well, not to mention the subversion of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Obama HAS taken up right where Lil’ Bush left off.

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Iraq Crude Oil Output to Rival Saudi Arabia, if… / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: OilPrice_Com

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleBAGHDAD - What was once considered a pipe-dream could become reality: after decades of dictatorship, war and international sanctions, Iraq’s massive oil reserves are set to be tapped proper and the country once known for two overflowing rivers could be crowned oil king.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Why Crude Oil Isn’t Safe For Individual Investors / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Graham_Summers

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleA year ago, I wrote an essay titled, “The Most Important Fact to Know About Oil Investing.”  The fact I was referring to was that NO ONE KNOWS WHERE OIL IS HEADING.

Of course, I was being somewhat “tongue-in-cheek” with my analysis, but the reality is that oil investing today has virtually nothing to do with fundamentals or reality, and everything to do with speculation.

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Friday, December 18, 2009

Crude Oil Slides Back Toward $74 / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: LiveCharts

As temperatures plummet with the winter months in many parts of the US, some speculators appear to be expecting increased crude demand to result. Benchmark crude oil prices were up $1.22 to $73.87 in early Friday (December 18) morning trade on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

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Friday, December 18, 2009

Crude Oil and Natural Gas Forecast 2010 / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: The_Energy_Report

Best Financial Markets Analysis Article"If gas stays in the $5–$6 range, that's what I would call purgatory," says Oil & Gas Investments Bulletin writer Keith Schaefer, adding "and anything less than that would just be hell." Learn about new technologies that are greatly increasing the amount of recoverable oil in the world and find out why Keith warns investors to be very, very selective, particularly in Canadian natural gas stocks in this exclusive interview with The Energy Report.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Crude Oil Headed Lower? / Commodities / Crude Oil


Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe crude oil market continues to soften and is now close to some important levels that I think we should look at. In my new video we look at what is happening in this market right now and what we expect to happen in the future.

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Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Crude Oil Down Near $70 / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: LiveCharts

After failing to cruise past the $80 level in recent weeks, crude oil has drifted lower toward the $70 mark. A report Wednesday (December 9) that indicated an unexpected drop in US crude supplies helped push the price of a barrel of crude oil back above $73 a barrel in early morning trade Wednesday. Still, oil remains relatively low in the near-term.

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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

What’s Happening with Iraq’s Crude Oil / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: OilPrice_Com

As multinational military forces have left Iraq, international petroleum companies have eagerly descended - seduced by the long-term potential of vast oil reserves off-limits to foreigners for decades. Yet lingering violence, legal questions and political uncertainty make doing business in this country a gamble.

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Sunday, December 06, 2009

Crude Oil Consolidating Before the Next Big Move Higher / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Sean_Brodrick

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAs I recently pointed out on my blog (“The Dollar and Oil”), oil and oil stocks in particular are underperforming the market rally. We have seen inventory builds in the U.S., including a big build this week, but there are many other forces that should be bullish for oil prices, even in the short-term. Here are just some recent examples …

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Friday, December 04, 2009

Let’s Take a Fresh Look at Crude Oil / Commodities / Crude Oil


Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleToday we are looking at a January crude oil contract, but this can be any of the other contract months.

We've looked at this market before and were expecting it to go higher. It did not, however, fulfill that promise and with a red weekly “triangle” in place, it appears as though this market is heading down, but is it?

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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Devastating Oil Crisis Ahead? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Joseph_Dancy

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleJohn Hess, the Chairman of the US independent producer Hess Corporation, issued a warning last month to global governments claiming a “devastating oil crisis” looms large on the horizon if global action is not instituted. In a speech delivered at the Money & Oil conference, Hess said that once economic growth recovers, it is likely the world will return to the market conditions of one year ago:

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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

U.S. Oil Lobby is Blind to the Looming Spike in Crude Prices / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleKent Moors, Ph.D. writes: John Felmy has been the chief economist of the American Petroleum Institute (API) for years. He’s well respected. And I appreciate his experience. But the two of us disagree more often these days.

We most recently locked horns at Malone University in Canton, Ohio, last week, where we were debating the future of oil. (Actually, when the invitation was made, I was supposed to debate Sarah Palin. But she pulled out to go on the road and pitch a book she didn’t write.)

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Moment of Truth for Crude Oil and USO ETF / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Mike_Paulenoff

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe moment of truth for nearby crude oil now that the latest inventory data shows building supplies. Into the data and in reaction to worse than expected data, prices are under pressure as they revisit critical near-term support at 77.00-76.55, which must contain the weakness to avert additional weakness into the $74.00 area next.

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Monday, November 09, 2009

Crude Oil in Bullish Pattern, though Comparison to U.S. Dollar Warrants Caution / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Mike_Paulenoff

Although oil prices are up about $1/bbl this morning, given the juxtaposition of the dollar index pressing against its October low (see our comparison chart of oil and the dollar), a holder of long positions in oil and the US Oil Fund ETF (NYSE: USO) could be disappointed.

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Friday, November 06, 2009

Crude Oil Classic Bullish Continuation Pattern / Commodities / Crude Oil


Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleI was just looking at the charts and they are beginning to look very, very bullish. The formation I show you in today's video is a classic continuation pattern to the upside. This pattern also confirms a Fibonacci target number we are looking at.

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