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Category: Crude Oil

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Crude Oil Stalls Again Above $70 / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: LiveCharts

Oil continues to find a ceiling above the $70 per barrel price point as there has proven to be no major catalyst to push the price of the commodity above $75 in the near term. Benchmark crude oil was actually up about 60 cents Wednesday (September 1) morning after reports on inventory levels showed a drop in reserves, suggesting a possible increase in demand.

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Bullish on Crude Oil and Natural Gas ETF / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Mike_Paulenoff

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleMy hourly work is warning me that crude oil's powerful rally off of yesterday's low at 69.83 into the morning high at 73.3 exhibits a bullish profile, which indicates to me that new uptrend might have started rather than the strength representing an oversold bounce after Tuesday's powerful dwonside reversal spike.

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Three Triggers for Higher Crude Oil Prices / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Uncommon_Wisdom

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleSean Brodrick writes: Oil prices recently came close to $75 a barrel before heading south again. Enjoy the cheap oil while you can. The odds are you’ll be paying higher oil prices by the end of the year.

The good news is there are some easy ways to profit from it. First, let’s look at the forces that could drive oil higher …

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Ben Bernanke Speaking At Jackson Hole / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Andrew_McKillop

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleSTILL AN UNCERTAIN OUTLOOK - “Strains persist" in the world banking system and finance markets across the globe, Ben Bernanke said on August 21 at the Jackson Hole, Wyoming annual Federal Reserve meeting of banking and finance deciders. He of course cautioned, like other leading bankers that the economic recovery " likely to be relatively slow at first, with unemployment declining only gradually from high levels.”

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Peak Oil, Crude Oil Supply Data Doesn't Lie / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Puru_Saxena

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleENERGY - After the epic crash last year, the price of oil is stabilising and it should rise exponentially over the following years. Over the past year, global consumption has stayed weak, however once the economy recovers, crude oil should resume its secular bull-market.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Peak Oil has Peaked, Crude Oil About to Rollover / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Adam_Brochert

Best Financial Markets Analysis Articleand the price of crude is about to roll over. My previous piece on oil allowed for the possibility of a double top in crude oil, and I think that is what we are getting. A "big picture" overview of the oil bull market follows using a 12 year weekly log scale chart of the price of crude ($WTIC):

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Crude Oil Reaches 2009 High Helping Stocks Push Higher / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: LiveCharts

Neil Kokemuller writes: Existing home sales data and a speech in Kansas City by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke are among the hot items people are paying close attention to Friday (August 21). Based on speculators driving oil to a new 2009 high above $74, it appears investors are operating with the assumption that the news should be positive for the economy.

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Commodity Forecasts for Crude Oil and the AMEX Oil Stocks Index / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: David_Petch

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleOil - The daily chart of the oil is shown below, with all three upper Bollinger bands riding above the index, while the lower 21 MA BB is rising to meet the index. The lower 34 and 55 MA BB’s are in close proximity to each other and the 34 MA BB should begin to rise if a moderate leg down were to occur. Full stochastics 1, 2 and 3 are shown below in order of descent, with the %K above the %D in 2 and 3. Based upon positioning of the %K in stochastic 2, there is no clear indication that the oil has completed its topping formation just yet.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

U.S. To Seize Venezuelan Oil Fields / Politics / Crude Oil

By: Pravda

On August 11, Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez declared the readiness of the South American countries to discuss with US President Barrack Obama the location of US army bases in Colombia.

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Friday, August 07, 2009

PowerShares DB DoubleShort Oil DTO ETN Expected to Climb / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Mike_Paulenoff

My near-term work indicates that the decline in the PowerShares DB DoubleShort Oil ETN (NYSE: DTO) from its July high (low for crude oil) is at completion, which if accurate will mean that DTO prices climb towards those July highs.  Provided that today’s new corrective low at 71.01 contains any further intraday weakness, my first upside target is a climb to test the recent rally peak at 77.47.

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Friday, July 31, 2009

Short Term Bulls Slip Up in Crude Oil / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Seven_Days_Ahead

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe rebound in Crude Oil (NYMEX) seen in July, off clear technical support, was no surprise. But we questioned the longevity of this, believing that the bears still had something up their sleeve. We therefore had assumed that this bounce was of a corrective/temporary nature, and decided to maintain a bearish stance in the Commodity Trading Guide. So far, we remain happy with this.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Crude Oil Price Rocked by Investory Data / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Mike_Paulenoff

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleTerrible inventory data (much more than expected) has rocked the long side of crude oil this AM and the U.S. Oil Fund ETF (NYSE:  USO).  The price structure has pressed beneath its RISING 50 DMA at $66.29 into the low $63.50 area so far, and could be heading for a test of its 4 month support line, now at $61.30. Although today's action certainly has the fundamental catalyst to continue lower, let's be aware that the prior correction from the June highs above $73.00 into the July 13th low at $58.32 represents a completed MAJOR CORRECTION.

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Monday, July 27, 2009

Waiting for Crude Oil to Reverse to the Downside / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Mike_Paulenoff

My optimal pullback target zone for the PowerShare DB Double Short Oil ETN (NYSE: DTO) is 82.00-79.00, which has been met today.  However, so far the inability of the DTO to turn up with sustainability and leave little doubt that the correction off of the 7/13 high at 99.50 is complete is bothersome, and suggests perhaps that more corrective weakness is forthcoming ahead of my anticipation of a powerful upside pivot reversal. 

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

What's the Best Strategy for USO Crude Oil Fund? / Commodities / Crude Oil


Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleToday I'm going to take another quick look back at a popular ETF USO, or United States Oil. You'll quickly see how the MarketClub "Trade Triangle" strategy is working in this market.

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Crude Oil Price Collapse Portends of Larger Monumental Rise / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Ronald_Rosen

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThere is little known or written about the reason why crude oil was required to undergo a monumental collapse similar to a  huge dive. This monumental collapse portends an even bigger and more monumental rise.  In jest i would like to call this reason “the rule of rosen.” However, i know better than to usurp in any way those forces that are far more powerful than any mortal or collection of mortals.

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Long-term Crude Oil Bull Market / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: The_Gold_Report

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe outlook for oil seems to be brightening amid scant new reserve discoveries and declining reserves at the world's large oil fields. "We believe we're in a fundamentally positive market for oil in the 21st century," says Art Smith, president of Triple Double Advisors, who anticipates oil moving back into the three-digit price range within three to five years. In this exclusive interview with The Energy Report, the 35-year veteran of oil analysis shares his knowledge of energy markets and reveals some of his own investment strategies.

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Renewed Pressure Forthcoming for Crude Oil / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Mike_Paulenoff

My pattern work in nearby crude oil argues for more weakness after this little bounce off of the $58.00 area (into the $62.50-$63.00 area max).  If weakness resumes as anticipated, then oil should head for new reaction lows in the $55-$53 target zone to complete the first downleg in the aftermath of the recovery rally from the January low at $32.70 to the June high at $73.23. 

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Monday, July 13, 2009

Crude Oil & Energy Update - Video Interview with the CME Group's Joseph Ria / Commodities / Crude Oil


Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleWhen you hear the news reporters talk about the price of crude oil in the marketplace, they're generally talking about WTI, which is West Texas Intermediate crude oil. It's a very light, sweet crude oil and the highest grade that's out there. Crude oil is based on and priced on the amount of sulfur that's in the oil. It makes it easier or harder to refine base on the amount of sulfur. WTI being the lightest and sweetest, is the highest priced crude oil in the marketplace.

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Friday, July 10, 2009

Crude Oil Looks Weak, both Technically and Fundamentally / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Mike_Shedlock

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAs hyperinflationists scream from the top of their lungs about the rebound in oil prices, others calmly note Japan’s Producer Prices Fell a Record 6.6% in June.

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Thursday, July 09, 2009

Crude Oil Update - How Low Can Crude Oil Go? / Commodities / Crude Oil


Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleHow low can crude oil go?

After trading as high as $73 a barrel, crude oil began to buckle under pressure as the CFTC began to look into position limits that can be held by traders.

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