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Category: Crude Oil

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Oil Path Signals Wrong Way For World Energy / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Andrew_McKillop

Energy Worlds Apart
Recent publication of this year's BP Statistical Review of World Energy illustrates several mega trends in world oil and for energy in general. The Review provides time-series charts where the key change decade of 2003-2013 is covered. These underline how the primacy of oil is threatened. To be sure, wrong way data and false flag trends exist – for example and in particular that China and the US, the world's two biggest economies and two biggest oil importers, now import about a half of the oil they each consume and use.

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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Reality Blows Crude Oil Price Seriously Off Course / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Andrew_McKillop

Friday the 13th For Oil Came On Friday 11th July
In classic fashion market operators and manipulators gave a false signal to hopeful speculators, by nudging up oil prices on the Nymex, ICE and other oil markets, on Thursday 10th July. Then the market riggers crushed them, Friday 11th, with a 2.2% one-day crash of prices. To be sure we have to wait for Monday 15th trades to see if the new canonical oil price of $100-per-barrel can be set back in place like Humpty Dumpty, and will hold.

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Friday, July 11, 2014

Black Gold: Oil Option Trade Setup – Will Oil Bounce? Who Cares! / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Chris_Vermeulen

Oil futures were on the tip of every political and financial pundits’ tongues less than a month ago as geopolitical tensions in Iraq heated up. Fast forward to today, and tensions in the Middle East have intensified further. However, since June 25th oil prices have been falling fast.

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Friday, July 11, 2014

Crude Oil Price Time for Recovery? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Nadia_Simmons

On Thursday, crude oil gained 0.94% as profit taking and upbeat U.S. jobless claims data supported the price. As a result, the commodity bounced off a very important support zone and came back above $102 per barrel. Does it mean that the bottom of the recent correction is in?

Although crude oil hit a 2-month low of $101.55, declining to slightly below the June low, the commodity reversed and rebounded as traders who had bet on falling prices made purchases yesterday to close those positions.

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Wednesday, July 09, 2014

5 Countries Most Plagued by Crude Oil Theft / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: OilPrice_Com


As much as 400,000 barrels of oil a day are stolen in Nigeria. This equates to losses of $1.7 billion a month for Africa's new largest economy. This represents 7.7 percent of its GDP vanishing, or more than the country spends on education and healthcare. These numbers paint a harsh picture about the inability of the Nigerian government, and the multinational oil companies in the Niger Delta, to do anything about this rampant theft.

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Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Are We Running Out of Oil? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Money_Morning

Dr. Kent Moors writes: For many years, a number of industry experts have been sounding the alarm that America, and the world, are about to run out of oil.

This is nothing new. In 1914, the Bureau of Mines said that U.S. oil reserves would be exhausted by 1924. The Interior Department said global reserves would last 13 years… and that was in 1939. In 1956, Shell Oil geoscientist Marion King Hubbert advanced his peak oil theory, which said that world oil production had peaked and would begin to decline until all of the oil was gone.

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Monday, July 07, 2014

Bearish Reversal In Play For Crude Oil Price? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Gregor_Horvat

Crude Oil has turned bearish in the last two weeks and is now already testing the trendline connected from the start of January. As such, a three wave rally up in wave 2) can be finished, which means that bearish trend may even accelerate in the next couple of weeks. We however, still need a decisive break of that line as well as a daily close beneath wave B level; 101.60 support.

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Friday, July 04, 2014

A Crude Interruption? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Tony_Caldaro

In the world of financial assets everything appears to be calm. Risk is on, CDS premiums and the VIX near all time lows, short/long term interest rates cheap, and central banks continue to flood the markets with liquidity. So how could a “black swan” arise from the ashes to disrupt the world’s economy?

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Thursday, July 03, 2014

Crude Oil Price Heading North or South? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Nadia_Simmons

On Tuesday, crude oil lost 0.30% as the combination of Chinese and U.S. data weighed on the price. Because of these numbers, light crude declined temporarily below its nearest support zone and closed the day slightly above it for the second day in a row. Will we see a breakdown or a rebound from here?

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Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Crude Oil Price Breakdown or Trap? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Nadia_Simmons

Although crude oil moved little higher on Friday, hitting an intraday high of $106.19, the commodity reversed and posted its second weekly loss in three weeks as the immediate threat of losing Iraqi oil supply due to violence in the country faded. As a result, light crude closed the week below the medium-term support. Will it trigger further deterioration?

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Sunday, June 29, 2014

What’s Driving America’s Oil Boom (This Could Make You a Bundle) / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Money_Morning

The amount of oil produced in the U.S. has skyrocketed more than 50% over the last six years.

Now small towns all across the U.S. are filling with new-found wealth… and a new breed of millionaires.

Who’s leading the way? It certainly isn’t the big major oil companies.

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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Is Crude Oil Price Breaking Out? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Investment_U

Christopher Rowe writes: Light sweet crude oil has broken out of an ascending triangle with a minimum price target close to $113.

The ascending triangle is a pattern that’s formed when an investment vehicle (in this case, light sweet crude) makes even highs and higher lows.

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Saturday, June 28, 2014

How Long Does The OPEC Party Keep Going? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Andrew_McKillop

The 30 Mbd Limit
Temporarily reprieved by Syria, Libya and Iraq oil prices can be kept from falling, or stoked higher by Goldman Sachs and the dwindling band of “oil and energy market maker banks”. These include the now not-so-Teflon market rigging fraudsters Barclays, Deutsche Bank, SocGen, JP Morgan and a small number of others, like BNP Paribas. If you want to know why oil prices are high – ask them.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Crude Oil Price Turns Sharply Lower / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Gregor_Horvat

Crude oil has turned sharply lower yesterday, from a new high. A decline on 15min chart can be counted as an impulse, so we think that top has been reached and that price will continue to the south. With that said, keep an eye on any three wave rally back to 106.20-106.40 from where downtrend could resume. 107.34 is now short-term critical resistance, as long this one holds we will be looking down.

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Monday, June 23, 2014

Crude Oil Price Higher Short-Term, Lower Longer-Term? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Nadia_Simmons

On Friday, crude oil gained 0.54% as ongoing worries over the potential of supply disruptions from Iraq continued to weigh on the price. As a result, light crude climbed above the resistance line, invalidating earlier breakdown. Will this bullish factor trigger further improvement in the short term?

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Friday, June 20, 2014

WTI Crude Oil Price on the Move $112 Next Stop / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Chris_Vermeulen

The energy sector has surged during the last two months which can be seen by looking at the XLE Energy Select Sector Fund. If crude oil continues to climb to the $112 level, XLE will likely continue to rally for another few days or possibly week as energy stocks are considered a leveraged way to play energy price movements.

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Oil Crisis Price Spike Is Just Getting Started / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Money_Morning

Dr. Kent Moors writes: First there was the crisis in Ukraine. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Iraq exploded into chaos again.

Both testify to one simple truth about today's energy sector: Geopolitical factors are the quintessential wild cards when it comes to estimating energy prices.

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Crude Oil Price Breakdown or Trap? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Nadia_Simmons

On Tuesday, the price of crude oil wobbled between gains and losses throughout the session as mixed data and profit taking weighed on investors' sentiment. As a result, light crude reversed after an increase to the resistance zone and declined below an important medium-term support line. Will this event be strong enough to trigger a sizable correction?

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Iraq Wake Up Call For Oil Is A Yawn / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Andrew_McKillop

Forward Looking Statements
The IEA's energy scenarios and forecasts for the next 21 years, to 2035, heavily feature long-term increases of oil supply from Iraq to help meet “soaring oil demand”, but the IEA's Factsheet for Oil Supply in Iraq, published 13 June, allows and enables some doubt. In particular this concerns the Agency's previous forecasts of “ever growing Iraqi supply”. In turn, the Agency's continued forecasting of world oil demand increasing by 12 - 15 million barrels a day by 2035 (from the IEA's estimate for early 2014 of about 90 Mbd) should be compared with the actual status and forward trends of oil in world energy. Overall, this raises plenty of doubt on the real need for increasing Iraqi oil supply.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Crude Oil Prices Spike as Iraq Chaos Takes Hold / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Money_Morning

Dr. Kent Moors writes: First there was the crisis in Ukraine. Then seemingly out of nowhere, Iraq exploded into chaos again.

Both testify to one simple truth about today’s energy sector: Geopolitical factors are the quintessential wild cards when it comes to estimating energy prices.

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