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Category: Crude Oil

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Saturday, August 18, 2018

Why Oil Prices Fell -- Stockpiles or Price Pattern? / Commodities / Crude Oil


You be the judge...

Let's cut right to the chart below. The shaded triangle highlights the dramatic price action in crude oil prices on August 15, when crude plummeted 3% to its lowest level in over nine weeks.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Saudi Arabia And Iran Reignite The Oil Price War / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: OilPrice_Com

The rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran is becoming increasingly evident in the oil pricing policies of the two large Middle Eastern producers. The two countries are currently reigniting the market share and pricing war ahead of the returning U.S. sanctions on Iranian oil.

Saudi Arabia, OPEC's largest producer, has been boosting oil production to offset supply disruptions elsewhere, including the anticipated loss of Iranian oil supply after U.S. sanctions on Tehran return in early November. The Saudis are also cutting their prices to the prized Asian market to lure more customers as they increase supply.

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Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Coke, Meth And Booze: The Flip Side Of The Permian Oil Boom / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: OilPrice_Com

The fastest-growing oil region in the U.S. is fueling not only the second American shale revolution—it’s fueling a subculture of drug and alcohol abuse among oil field workers.

The Permian shale play in West Texas is once again booming with drilling and is full of oil field workers, some of which are abusing drugs and alcohol to help them get through long shifts, harsh working conditions, and loneliness and isolation.

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Sunday, July 29, 2018

Conflicting Views on Crude Oil Price / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Nadia_Simmons

Recent days were good for oil bulls. Thanks to their action, the price of the commodity came back to around $70 and one of the daily indicators even generated a buy signal. Did the outlook turn to bullish? In our opinion, it didn’t. Furthermore, it seems that a fresh July low is still ahead of us. Why? The answer is quite simple - an analogy to the past.

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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Strong US Dollar Could Cap Oil Prices / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: OilPrice_Com

The strength of the U.S. dollar poses an obstacle to further gains in oil prices.

President Trump's trade war with China, which is still in its early stages, has already battered the yuan. The dollar has gained more than 8 percent against the Chinese currency since March. As Reuters points out, in dollar terms the price of Brent oil has climbed 9 percent this year, but in yuan terms oil is now nearly 14 percent more expensive.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

What Did Crude Oil - Platinum Link Tell Us Last Week? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Nadia_Simmons

The first session of this week was undoubtedly dominated by the sellers. Thanks to their sharp attack, black gold lost over 4%, making oil bears’ short positions even more profitable. Will it still be possible to earn money on crude oil in the coming week?

Let’s examine the charts below to find out (charts courtesy of

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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Crude Oil May Not Find Support Above $60 This Time / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Chris_Vermeulen

Crude Oil has been a major play for some traders over the past few months.  With price, rotation ranges near $5~$7 and upside pressure driving a price assent from below $45 to nearly $75 peaks.  This upside price move has been tremendous.

Over the past few weeks, many things have changed in the fundamentals of the Oil market.  Supply continues to outpace demand, trade tariffs and slowing global economies are now starting to become real concerns, foreign suppliers have continued to increase production, US Dollar continues to strengthen and social/political unrest is starting to become more evident in many foreign nations.

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Monday, July 09, 2018

Crude Oil Possibly Setting Up For A Big Downside Move / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Chris_Vermeulen

Our research team has identified a potential major price rotation setup in Crude Oil that may be one of the biggest opportunities for traders in a long while.  Traders need to be aware of this potential move because it could coincide with other news related to foreign markets/economies as well as supply/demand issues throughout the rest of this year.

Demand for Oil is tied to the economic activities throughout much of the globe.  When demand for Oil is high, one can perceive the global economy to be performing well and consumer demand for oil-based products rather high.  When demand for oil subsidies, it is usually due to economic constraints as a result of slower consumer and industrial demand.  The only time demand for oil typically skyrockets are when massive supply disruption takes place or war breaks out.

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Friday, July 06, 2018

Crude Oil and Its Another Interesting Relationship / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Nadia_Simmons

Tuesday's unsuccessful attempt to break above upper borders of the rising trend channels cost oil bulls more than many buyers expected. Their weakness was quickly detected by therivals, who took control during yesterday's session. The effects of their attackare seen not only on the crude oil charts, because they also affected the pronunciation of our next interesting ratio. Is it possible that the relationship betweenblack gold and the general stock market will give us valuable tipson the future of light crude as it happened many times in the past?

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Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Crude Oil – Precious Metals Link and Its Implications / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Nadia_Simmons

In recent days, oil bulls have accustomed us to fresh peaks. However, when we look more closely at the volume, their actions lose some of the glow. When we add the picture, which emerges from the relationship between crude oil and precious metals, doubts about the strength of the rally are getting even bigger. Is it possible that this interesting link tells us more about the future of black gold?

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Friday, June 29, 2018

Why the Saudis Won’t Prevent The Next Oil Shock / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: OilPrice_Com

Saudi Arabia is starting to panic, and is growing concerned that the growing number of supply disruptions around the world could cause oil prices to spike. Saudi Arabia is moving quickly to head off a supply crunch, aiming to dramatically ramp up production to a record high 11 million barrels per day in July, according to Reuters.

The increase, if it can be pulled off, would be an incredibly rapid ramp up in output, up more than 1 million barrels per day (mb/d) from May levels.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Crude Oil Price May Have Turned Down for Good! / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Enda_Glynn

Hi everyone,
Hope the day went well for you.

the big three central bank heads,
will open their mouths and potentially cause havoc!

I am on record with my recommendations for how central bank chair persons should be treated when entering office.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Fed Is Driving Down Oil Prices / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: OilPrice_Com

The U.S. dollar has jumped to its strongest level in nearly a year, raising questions about how a strong greenback could act as a drag on debt and oil demand in much of the world.

The U.S. Federal Reserve announced another rate hike a few days ago, which helped edge up the dollar to a new high for the year.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Major Turnaround in Crude Oil’s Price / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Nadia_Simmons

Crude oil’s Friday’s huge daily decline was not followed by yet another daily slide, but by a profound reversal. The price has surely turned by 180 degrees, but can we say the same thing about the outlook for the following days?

No. The volume doesn’t support this outcome and as you’ve seen in the previous several days, indications and confirmations from volume are very important. In fact, the low volume was one of the key reasons that made us open the short position at $66.78 on Wednesday.

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Friday, June 15, 2018

Can Saudi Arabia Prevent The Next Oil Shock? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: OilPrice_Com

The ongoing speculation online about the future of cooperation between Russia and OPEC seems to be a little one-sided. The main point of discussion up until now has been the fact that, due to international pressure (such as Trump’s Twitter diplomacy, perceived Russian willingness to open up the taps and pressure from Asian consumers) Saudi Arabia will be willing to revoke its current production cut stance.

Current volatility in the global oil market is, according to most analysts, due to fears that markets are facing a severe threat. A doomsday scenario is being painted in the media which suggests that oil prices will collapse as Moscow and Riyadh allow for OPEC compliance to slip, and that a glut of Saudi crude will be hitting the market. This has been the leading theme in the last couple of days, after reporters stated that Moscow and Riyadh are ready to assist the market.

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Thursday, June 14, 2018

Crude Oil Price Targeting $58 ppb Before Finding Support / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Chris_Vermeulen

With the G7 meeting concluding and the world about to start reacting to what was said and what was heard, it is time to take a look at the Crude charts with our Advanced Fibonacci price modeling system.

Our research team, at, believes Crude will continue to drift lower over the next few weeks testing the $60 ppb level before breaching this support level and ultimately targeting $58 or lower.  Lacking a real resolution to the trade and other global issues, we believe continue global economic pressures will drive oil prices dramatically lower over time – at least through the Summer months.

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Friday, June 08, 2018

Crude Oil Bullish Weekly Reversal vs. Bearish Monthly Reversal / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Nadia_Simmons

Crude oil moved significantly lower after topping at long-term retracement levels and since the monthly decline took place on big volume (biggest in almost a year), the black gold should move lower. But instead of moving lower this week, it seems to be forming a weekly bullish reversal. The individual daily volume levels were not low this week, so if the bullish reversal does indeed form, we’ll have a quite reliable bullish signal. Will the monthly bearish sign be invalidated? Will crude oil rally shortly?

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Saturday, June 02, 2018

Crude Oil Price Bulls’ Wishes vs. Reality / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Nadia_Simmons

Wednesday’s rally that followed Tuesday’s reversal gave hope for a sustainable move higher. But only to those, who focus on the daily price movement only, without taking bigger picture into consideration. As we explained last Friday, there were bearish implications of the weekly candlestick pattern even before it was completed. In the following analyses we wrote the same about the monthly candlestick and since May is over, the candlestick is completed, and we can say that our previous expectations were met. What do the more long-term patterns indicate for the crude oil’s future and how much can we trust the recent rally?  

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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Emerging Market Meltdown Could Undermine Oil Price Rally / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: OilPrice_Com

Saudi Arabia and Russia just destroyed the oil price rally, potentially putting an end to all the speculation about what the group might do next. But higher production doesn’t necessarily mean higher oil prices are entirely out of the question, and in fact, the oil market is still faced with a ton of uncertainty.

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Friday, May 25, 2018

Crude Oil: It’s Here! / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Nadia_Simmons

In the previous alerts we let you know how the situation in the crude oil was becoming increasingly bearish, but that it was not yet bearish enough to justify any action regarding the price. The risk was still too high to do so, and we explained that waiting for the confirmation was the preferable course of action. The confirmation has arrived.

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