Analysis Topic: Companies Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Friday, May 30, 2014
.UK Domains Do NOT Pre-order - Ignore 123-reg and other Registrar Sales Misinformation / Companies / Internet
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Some 10.5 million .co.uk domains are registered which means there is a huge amount of potential demand for the new shorter .uk domains that are set to become available from 10th of June 2014 which has prompted many domain registrars to send out sales pitch emails, and other advertisements enticing .co.uk domain holders to urgently act to pre-order .uk domains.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Defense Tech Stock Plays Scorching the Market / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: Money_Morning
Michael A. Robinson writes: After decades of working with defense technology companies, I know the ebb and flow of military spending all too well.
I remember that when the Cold War came to an end, the nation's political leaders were talking enthusiastically about the so-called "peace dividend."
That's Washington-speak for Pentagon budget cuts that always seem to come after a major conflict has ended.
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Thursday, May 29, 2014
The Underpants Gnomes Business Plan / Companies / Investing 2014
By: John_Mauldin
By Grant Williams
This week’s TTMYGH will be a little shorter than usual (“Thank heavens!” I hear you cry) owing to my presence at the Strategic Investment Conference 2014 this past week and the travel time to and fro.
Due to the hectic schedule and the fact that there were so many interesting people in attendance, I had planned to spend my week dragging as much knowledge as I possibly could out of those who made the trip to San Diego rather than committing finger to keyboard; but a chance encounter with a delightful young lady initiated an engaging conversation which, in turn, led to my discovery of the Underpants Gnomes.
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Monday, May 26, 2014
Should GM Be Recalled From Your Stocks Portfolio? / Companies / US Auto's
By: Investment_U
Tom Sandford writes: It seems General Motors (NYSE: GM) just can’t get a break these days.
Unfortunately, the only breaks that have come GM’s way lately have been in the cars themselves, as the reformed industry giant struggles to stay profitable in the midst of a public relations firestorm.
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Saturday, May 24, 2014
Healing the Blind… and Boosting Your Stocks Portfolio / Companies / BioTech
By: Casey_Research
By Chris Wood, Senior Analyst
Vision is one of the most important elements of our life, if not the most important one. A 2010 survey by Surge Research found that 60% of Americans are more afraid of blindness than of heart disease, the primary killer of both men and women in the United States.
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Friday, May 23, 2014
Google Voted "Most Valuable Brand" / Companies / Google
By: Money_Morning
Kyle Anderson writes: Google Inc. (Nasdaq: GOOG, GOOGL) stock may be down 4% in 2014, but that hasn't impacted Google's brand equity. Yesterday (Tuesday), Google was named the world's most valuable brand according to research firm MillwardBrown's "2014 BrandZ Top 100" ranking.
Google surpassed Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL), which had held the top spot the previous three years.
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Friday, May 23, 2014
Four Telltale Signs of a Bioscience "Blockbuster" Biotech Stock in the Making / Companies / BioTech
By: Money_Morning
Ernie Tremblay writes: The FDA's Expedited Programs help get promising new therapies for seriously ill patients approved as soon as possible.
But they also create an unintended side effect that's a huge advantage for investors: They point exactly to the biggest money-making opportunities in the bioscience industry.
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Wednesday, May 21, 2014
NQ Mobile 'Substantial Fraud'; Why Wouldn't Alibaba Lie To Make Numbers Better? / Companies / Corporate News
By: Bloomberg
In an interview with Bloomberg's Stephanie Ruhle and Alix Steel, Muddy Waters LLC Founder Carson Block said there is 'clearly an issue' with audit of NQ mobile and it is 'probable' NQ Mobile does not get unqualified audit opinion. Block went as far to say to Bloomberg Television that NQ mobile is a 'substantial fraud.'
On Alibaba, Block said "you really, as a U.S. investor, have to ask yourself, well, why wouldn't they lie to make the numbers better?"
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Monday, May 19, 2014
How to Put Money in Your Pocket… And Send Wall Street on the Run / Companies / Investing 2014
By: Money_Morning
Michael A. Robinson writes: It was Sir Francis Bacon who gave us the truism that "knowledge is power."
And the 17th century English philosopher and statesman did so centuries before Wall Street was even conceived.
But the brokers, fund managers, and other pros who dreamed up the investment markets knew a good thing when they saw it. They embraced Bacon's maxim, launched the first U.S. stock exchange in 1790, and spent the next two centuries transforming this country's individual investors into scared vassals of the Wall Street elite.
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Monday, May 19, 2014
The Most Anticipated Oil Well of 2014 Video / Companies / Oil Companies
By: Marin_Katusa
Large international oil companies (IOCs) and the largest national oil companies (NOCs) are all anxiously watching an oil well that’s being drilled by a North American company in a little, out-of-the-way country in Europe.
In fact, this country—Albania—has recently garnered so much attention from Big Oil due to the results of the elephant potential of this oil deposit that the Albanian Energy Ministry just decided to establish an open-tender system for the next round of sales of blocks with major oil and gas potential. If you’re not familiar with it, “open tender” is an auction process where the highest bidder gets the land blocks.
The Energy Ministry wouldn’t do this unless the demand were significant, and when Doug Casey and I visited the region recently, we were very impressed with its world-class potential. We’re both excited to see the oil well results that are slated to come out within the next few months—so are the IOCs and NOCs, and so should you.
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Sunday, May 18, 2014
Tech Stock Digital Utilities Investing, Amazon Bubble Danger / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: DailyWealth
Dr. David Eifrig writes: Thousands of investors just learned a painful lesson...
They learned the word "exciting" comes right before big investment losses.
But there's one word that often comes right before investment gains, which I'll tell you about in a moment. But first, let's talk about Twitter...
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Friday, May 16, 2014
You Can Make Money in Stocks No Matter What Rates Do / Companies / Investing 2014
By: Money_Morning
It's commonly held wisdom that stock markets go to heck in a hand basket when interest rates rise. So, the thinking goes, you'd be better off selling ahead of time before that happens.
No doubt it's tempting to head for the hills with rates at historical lows, but it pays to do your research before you hit the "sell" button.
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Thursday, May 15, 2014
This Energy Play Has Warren Buffett Playing Catch-Up / Companies / Oil Companies
By: Money_Morning
William Patalon III writes: It's absolute gospel in the world of investing to study and understand the moves that Warren Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (NYSE: BRK.A, BRK.B) are making - and then to follow them for profit.
And with good reason: Buffett's track record speaks for itself - and he augments his capital-markets genius with the homespun, down-to-earth personality that's cemented his spot as a hero to the masses.
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Wednesday, May 14, 2014
What to Do When Stocks Hit the Bargain Rack / Companies / Stock Markets 2014
By: Money_Morning
Dr. Kent Moors writes: Over the past week, oil and gas stocks have been quite volatile. But that’s not bad news – not by a long shot.
In fact, this is always the time when energy investors should be on the hunt for bargains.
And don’t worry. None of this volatility indicates the markets are on the cusp of a significant dive, even though the doomsday forecasters are out in full force.
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Tuesday, May 13, 2014
America Will Go Dark... Unless These Companies Come to the Rescue / Companies / Electricity
By: Money_Morning
David Zeiler writes: Over the next two decades in the United States, it’s going to cost $2 trillion to keep the lights on.
We’re talking about repairs and upgrades to the nation’s electrical grid, which means some of the best stocks to buy now are the companies that do that sort of work.
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Friday, May 09, 2014
Time to Turn High-Tech "Rust" into Gold / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Money_Morning
Michael A. Robinson writes: As a tech analyst I spent my early years in Detroit, and I know a lot about the Rust Belt.
In fact, when I moved to the West Coast in the mid-1980s, I drove a Honda that had already started rusting. Every once in a while, some wag would come up and ask if I was from the Midwest.
No doubt, rust like that was obvious. But in my more than three decades of working with Silicon Valley companies, I've found high-tech "rust" may be a lot less obvious and much more insidious.
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Friday, May 09, 2014
Why America’s Big Banks Don’t Scare Me… Yet / Companies / Banksters
By: Money_Morning
Shah Gilani writes: Ahhh… the warm breeze I’m feeling. I can’t figure out where it’s coming from.
Oh, there it is. It’s the air of confidence wafting over me knowing everything’s as it should be with our too-big-to-fail banks, and that they’re not going anywhere.
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Wednesday, May 07, 2014
These Companies May Decide the Fate of Ukraine / Companies / Investing 2014
By: Money_Morning
William Patalon III writes: If you've been watching the developments between Russia and Ukraine in recent days, then I'm sure you've seen reports of the sobering military buildups taking place on both sides of the border.
Today I want to spend a little time updating you on these escalations.
But then I plan to tell you about the real skirmish there - one that's not being reported on by the mainstream media. In fact, it may have already ended the battle in Moscow's favor.
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Wednesday, May 07, 2014
Split Personality: Why You Need to Be Bullish on Google and Apple / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Money_Morning
Michael A. Robinson writes: Apple Inc. (Nasdaq-GS: AAPL) just announced a historic 7-for-1 stock split that will drop the price of Apple shares from about $600 all the way down to about $86.
Just weeks before, search giant Google Inc. (Nasdaq-GS: GOOGL) unveiled a split of its own – a 2-for-1 reapportionment that halved the price of this “Thousand-Dollar Club” stock, meaning you can now snap up shares at a more-affordable $530 each.
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Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Future of Microsoft Stock Hinges on the Cloud / Companies / Microsoft
By: Money_Morning
David Zeiler writes: In his first “report card” since taking the reins of Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT) in February, CEO Satya Nadella showed why he was exactly the right choice to get MSFT stock moving again.
Microsoft beat expectations when it reported earnings yesterday (Thursday) after the market close mostly on the strength of its cloud computing products – Nadella’s area of expertise, and the single most promising business segment for the Redmond-Wash.-based tech giant.
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