Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Sunday, February 07, 2016
Western Double Standards on North Korea / Politics / North Korea
By: Stephen_Lendman
North Korean military related activities are solely for self-defense - given longstanding US-led Western hostility and forced isolation.
Provocative US-led NATO military activities are far more extensive and menacing, preparing for premeditated wars alliance members frequently wage.
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Saturday, February 06, 2016
The End of Tax Havens? / Politics / Taxes
By: Casey_Research
By Jeff Thomas
The image above is of a World War II German Panzer tank. So, what does that have to do with tax havens? I’ll get to that soon.
But first, let’s look at the Isle of Jersey, one of the islands in the English Channel. Most people think of it as a British tax haven, but it’s not, strictly speaking, a part of the UK and not a member of the EU. It’s a self-governing parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy and has its own legal, judicial, and, most importantly, financial systems. For decades, it’s been a choice location for those who seek to avoid taxation.
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Thursday, February 04, 2016
BrExit EU Referendum - Britain's FINAL Chance for Freedom From Emerging European Superstate / Politics / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Britain's Prime Minister, David Cameron emerged on Tuesday waving a piece of paper 'Chamberlain' style of a 'draft' deal that follows several months of negotiations that had the PM running around Europe begging the likes of Donald Tusk (former Polish Prime Minister) and former eastern block nations for some return of sovereignty to Britain. A piece of paper that whilst heavy on number of pages but is light on substance of anything that comes even close to matching the Conservative Manifesto pledges of a series of supposed red lines ahead of Britain's EU In / Out referendum.
Wednesday, February 03, 2016
David Chamberlain Cameron, Britain's Last Chance for Freedom From Emerging European Super State / Politics / UK EU Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Britain's Prime Minister, David Cameron emerged Tuesday waving a piece of paper Chamberlain style of a 'draft' agreement that follows several months of negotiations that had the PM running around europe begging the likes of Donald Tusk (a former Polish Prime Minister) and former eastern block nations for some return of sovereignty. A piece of paper that is heavy on printed pages but light on anything that even comes close to matching the Conservative Manifesto pledges of a series of red lines ahead of Britain's EU In / Out referendum.
Tuesday, February 02, 2016
EU UK Draft or Daft Agreement By Donald Tusk to Members of the European Council in Full / Politics / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
David Cameron's The long awaited agreement with Donald Tusk that was said would settle the UK's place in the European Union for once and for all ahead of an EU in out referendum. On first glance the lengthy 150 page+ proposal looks confusing and contradictory in places whilst weak on actual substance of what David Cameron had set out as his red lines on benefits and controlling unlimited EU migration. I am going to have to spend several hours trying to understand this MESS, but it does appear to be complete and utter slap in the face for Britain, which itself will be heavily watered down by predominantly eastern european states that are on the receiving end of £15 billion per annum in transfer payments from UK tax payers such as benefits claimed sent home to support eastern european economies.
Monday, February 01, 2016
Ron Paul - Is U.S. Congress Declaring War on ISIS...or on You? / Politics / US Politics
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
Passage of Senator Mitch McConnell's authorization for war against ISIS will not only lead to perpetual US wars across the globe, it will also endanger our civil and economic liberties. The measure allows the president to place troops anywhere he determines ISIS is operating. Therefore, it could be used to justify using military force against United States citizens on US territory. It may even be used to justify imposing martial law in America.
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Thursday, January 28, 2016
Deep State: Inside Washington's Shadowy Power Elite - Video / Politics / US Politics
By: Jesse
“Our plutocracy, whether the hedge fund managers in Greenwich, Connecticut, or the Internet moguls in Palo Alto, now lives like the British did in colonial India: ruling the place but not of it. If one can afford private security, public safety is of no concern; to the person fortunate enough to own a Gulfstream jet, crumbling bridges cause less apprehension, and viable public transportation doesn’t even compute. With private doctors on call and a chartered plane to get to the Mayo Clinic, why worry about Medicare?”― Mike Lofgren, The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016
A Dangerous Moment for Social Security / Politics / Social Issues
By: Casey_Research
By Justin Spittler
Social Security funds are drying up…will there be any money left when you retire?
Social Security is America’s largest federal program. In 2015, it paid out $870 billion to more than 59 million Americans.
Most Americans see Social Security as a retirement savings program. During your working life, you pay 6.2% of every paycheck to Social Security. In return, the government sends you a check every month after you retire.
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Another U.S. Constitutional Convention: An Idea Whose Time Has Not Come / Politics / US Politics
By: Antonius_Aquinas
In the midst of the seemingly indeterminable presidential electoral campaign, some of the candidates have been asked about the possibility of convening a constitutional convention in the hope of addressing the nation’s most pressing issues, most ominously the gargantuan federal deficit now in excess of $18 trillion.
Governor John Kasich supports such a notion with the explicit purpose of passing a balanced budget amendment.
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Monday, January 25, 2016
Ron Paul Warns Congress is Writing the President a Blank Check for War / Politics / US Politics
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
While the Washington snowstorm dominated news coverage this week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was operating behind the scenes to rush through the Senate what may be the most massive transfer of power from the Legislative to the Executive branch in our history. The senior Senator from Kentucky is scheming, along with Sen. Lindsey Graham, to bypass normal Senate procedure to fast-track legislation to grant the president the authority to wage unlimited war for as long as he or his successors may wish.
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Sunday, January 24, 2016
Sarah Palin’s Quixotic Quest for Relevance / Politics / US Politics
By: Walter_Brasch
She’s back and tightly holding Donald Trump’s coattails.
That’s right, Sarah Palin, having again found the media spotlight, is casting her shadow across the more thoughtful conservatives.
This past week she declared her undying love and support of Trump’s attempt to seize the presidency from the more experienced and knowledgeable candidates in the Democratic, Republican, and Green parties, and is blathering her way throughout Iowa, New Hampshire, and several early primary states to stir up Trump’s far-right base.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Ron Paul on When Peace Breaks Out With Iran... / Politics / US Politics
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
This has been the most dramatic week in US/Iranian relations since 1979.
Last weekend ten US Navy personnel were caught in Iranian waters, as the Pentagon kept changing its story on how they got there. It could have been a disaster for President Obama's big gamble on diplomacy over conflict with Iran. But after several rounds of telephone diplomacy between Secretary of State John Kerry and his Iranian counterpart Javad Zarif, the Iranian leadership - which we are told by the neocons is too irrational to even talk to - did a most rational thing: weighing the costs and benefits they decided it made more sense not to belabor the question of what an armed US Naval vessel was doing just miles from an Iranian military base. Instead of escalating, the Iranian government fed the sailors and sent them back to their base in Bahrain.
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Sunday, January 17, 2016
New US Sanctions on Iran? / Politics / US Politics
By: Stephen_Lendman
With Iran celebrating international sanctions lifted on its entirely peaceful nuclear program, the US Treasury imposed new ones unilaterally and illegally - again solely for political reasons.
A Treasury press release said Iran’s ballistic missile program was targeted, unrelated to its nuclear activities.
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Friday, January 15, 2016
Re-Covering Oil and War / Politics / Crude Oil
By: Raul_I_Meijer
The first thing that popped into our minds on Tuesday when WTI oil briefly broached $30 for its first $20 handle in many years, was that this should be triggering a Gawdawful amount of bets, $30 being such an obvious number. Which in turn would of necessity lead to a -brief- rise in prices.
Apparently even that is not so easy to see, since when prices did indeed go up after, some 3% at the ‘top’, ‘analysts’ fell over each other talking up ‘bottom’, ‘rebound’ and even ‘recovery’. We’re really addicted to that recovery idea, aren’t we? Well, sorry, but this is not about recovering, it’s about covering (wagers).
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Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Obama's 2016 State of the Union Address - Brilliant Bullshit! / Politics / US Politics
By: Mike_Shedlock
On Tuesday evening I watched president Obama's state of the union address. It was brilliant.
Obama rang all the bells, dotted all the i's, and attacked all the ghosts. At times, he even made sense.
All in all, it was a brilliant effort, possibly his best speech ever, even though his speech was essentially bullshit.
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Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Escalating Crisis of the Muslim World for the Koranic Backing of Radical Islam, Terrorism and Sunni – Shiite Clashes / Politics / Religion
By: Dr_R_M_Mathew

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Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Feeling Abandoned, Saudi Arabia Ups the Ante / Politics / Saudi Arabia
By: John_Browne
Last week a major diplomatic crisis developed between Saudi Arabia and Iran over the Saudi execution of Nimr al Nimr, a charismatic Shiite cleric and anti-Sunni political activist. Nimr's execution was an important political decision. On its face, it served to increase tensions in the developing struggle between Saudi Arabia and Iran for regional influence, a drama that has come to full boil as a result of decades of American policy mistakes. This Middle Eastern cold war, which divides Islam along Sunni/Shia sectarian lines, now threatens international oil supplies and regional peace.
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Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Your Guns Will be Consficated, Disarm Americans Ensure Full-blown Submission / Politics / US Politics
Ladies and Gentlemen; the Imperial Storm Troopers are ready to neutralize the threat from the American people against the Colonial Empire. Obama has declared war to the cheers of the progressive imbeciles, who are the most avid abettor of the Totalitarian Collectivist society. You may not get a visit from ATF, DHS or FBI any day soon, but you can be sure your society is being SWAT by the government domestic terrorists carrying out the wishes of a tyrannical regime. The political class and the underlings that implement their illegitimate dictates want to disarm the public out of fear the peasants may storm the castle. Guns and bullets are only instruments of protection. The crucial war on populist independence is waged against the minds, hearts and souls of thinking and fearless Americans.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
The U.S. Wants to Seize Your Passport…Here’s What You Can Do About It / Politics / US Politics
By: Casey_Research
By Nick Giambruno
Alexander Solzhenitsyn was a talented Russian writer and outspoken critic of the Soviet Union’s totalitarianism. He helped raise global awareness of the Gulag forced labor camp system.
For his efforts, the Soviet government stripped him of his citizenship in 1974. It did the same - and worse - to many other people it considered internal enemies.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Oregon Standoff: Isolated Event or Sign of Things to Come? / Politics / US Politics
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
The nation's attention turned to Oregon this week when a group calling itself Citizens for Constitutional Freedom seized control of part of a federal wildlife refuge. The citizens were protesting the harsh sentences given to members of the Hammond ranching family. The Hammonds were accused of allowing fires set on their property to spread onto federal land.
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