Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Another Record Collection from Federal Taxes / Politics / Taxes
There is not a single American alive that has a recollection of a time without a Federal Income Tax. Yet, the country existed and prospered greatly before the constitution was perverted to fleece the pockets of Americans. As with most deceptive schemes to defraud, the sales pitch seldom resembles the reality of the final outcome. The fact that the excessive growth, reach and scope of the District of Criminals government has developed into an oppressive empire during this time, is no accident.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Obama Syria, Iraq 'No Boots on the Ground' Backpedaling Begins / Politics / US Military
By: Mike_Shedlock
President Obama's "no boots on the ground" pledges have been broken so many times it's hard to keep track.
Today the president is back at it. Another 200 boots are on their way to the Mideast.
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Monday, April 18, 2016
Rousseff Impeachment Neoliberal Coup Attempt in Brazil / Politics / Brazil
By: Stephen_Lendman
Washington still thinks of Latin and Central America as its backyard. Colonial thinking never fades.
Make no mistake. Its dirty hands are behind the attempt to oust democratically elected Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff.
She’s not neoliberal enough to suit US policymakers. Her social justice programs have to go.
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Monday, April 18, 2016
The Oppressed U.S. Taxpayer, A Morally Sound Tax Reform Proposal / Politics / Taxes
By: Antonius_Aquinas
This year, Americans’ day of tribute to their federal overlords falls on April 18. As calculated by the Tax Foundation, the average American will work from January 1 to April 24 (Tax Freedom Day) to pay his share of taxes to all levels of government with some $3.3 trillion to be forked over to the federal government and $1.6 trillion to state and local jurisdictions.*
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Monday, April 18, 2016
What Did Fed Chairman Yellen Tell Obama? / Politics / US Federal Reserve Bank
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
This week, President Obama and Vice President Biden held a hastily arranged secret meeting with Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen. According to the one paragraph statement released by the White House following the meeting, Yellen, Obama, and Biden simply "exchanged notes" about the economy and the progress of financial reform. Because the meeting was held behind closed doors, the American people have no way of knowing what else the three might have discussed.
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Sunday, April 17, 2016
Corruption and Impeachment in Brazil, Chance for Change in Brazil's Scandal / Politics / Brazil
For the past two years, Brazil has been mired in the costliest corruption scandal ever uncovered in a democracy. Evidence surfaced in 2014 that contractors in Brazil had formed an alliance to overbid on projects for government-owned energy company Petroleo Brasileiro (Petrobras). Contractors pocketed the extra cash and bribed politicians and Petrobras executives to keep quiet. The scandal — the investigation of which came to be known as "Operation Carwash" — was so blatant and implicated such prominent political figures that it shocked Brazil, a country accustomed to high-level corruption. And now the odds that Brazil's president, Dilma Rousseff, will survive the fallout are looking slimmer and slimmer.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Human Population Explosion - Our Day of Reckoning / Politics / Demographics
By: Richard_Mills
The second half of the 20th century saw the biggest increase in the world’s population in human history.
Our population surged because:
- Medical advances lessened the mortality rate in many countries
- Massive increases in agricultural productivity because of the “Green Revolution”
The global death rate has dropped almost continuously since the start of the industrial revolution - personal hygiene, improved methods of sanitation and the development of antibiotics have all played a major role.
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Friday, April 15, 2016
How Elites Justify Global Taxation - Anatomy of a Jubilee Psyop / Politics / Taxes
By: Jeff_Berwick
In this article I will explain how the Panama Papers leak, an appearance by Alan Greenspan on national television and a Spring Meeting (of the IMF and World Bank down in Washington DC) create an argument for global taxation.
It’s not something I intended to write about, but the pieces fell into place yesterday and provide us with an object lesson about the way the world works. Actually, I’m writing this on April 14, a very timely tax extortion day for Americans.
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Thursday, April 14, 2016
Saving Middle-Class Jobs in America: Is It Worth $30 Socks? / Politics / Employment
By: Rodney_Johnson

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Thursday, April 14, 2016
Tesla Motors - U.S. Congress Has Created a New Tax Credit…at Your Expense / Politics / US Auto's
By: Rodney_Johnson

Well, maybe affordable isn’t the right word. With a base price of $35,000, it’s more expensive than the entry level Mercedes, but it’s also less than half the cost of the vaunted Tesla Model S, which starts at $76,000.
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Thursday, April 14, 2016
For a Longer Healthier Life in America, Get Rich (or move to Maine or Vermont) / Politics / Social Issues
By: Michael_T_Bucci
If you are feeling chronic stress, anxiety, apprehension and are worried about money, work, family matters, personal health and the economy you are in the majority.
Since 2007, the American Psychological Society (APA) has conducted a “Stress in America” survey. It found that money and work are the top two sources of “very or somewhat significant” stress (67 percent and 65 percent in 2015, respectively). This year, for the first time, the survey reveals that family responsibilities are the third most common stressor (54 percent), followed by personal health concern (51 percent), health problems affecting the family (50 percent) and the economy (50 percent).
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Turkey's Erdogan Hardening Dictatorial Rule / Politics / Turkey
By: Stephen_Lendman
Erdogan is one of the world’s most ruthless despots, Turkey a NATO member, a valued US ally.
Washington largely ignores his tyrannical rule, his abolition of press freedom, imprisoning critics, his war on Turkish, Syrian and Iraqi Kurds.
Turkish lawmakers have immunity from prosecution. Erdogan wants pro-Kurdish Peoples Democratic Party (HDP) members (the country’s third largest parliamentary bloc) stripped of their fundamental right for opposing ruthless regime policies.
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Monday, April 11, 2016
As Ukraine Collapses, Europeans Tire of US Interventions / Politics / GeoPolitics
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
On Sunday Ukrainian prime minister Yatsenyuk resigned, just four days after the Dutch voted against Ukraine joining the European Union. Taken together, these two events are clear signals that the US-backed coup in Ukraine has not given that country freedom and democracy. They also suggest a deeper dissatisfaction among Europeans over Washington's addiction to interventionism.
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Sunday, April 10, 2016
“Pope” Francis and the Disintegration of Europe / Politics / Religion
By: Antonius_Aquinas
Despite being rebuked and humiliated by the Republican presidential front runner over his inflammatory statements about U.S. illegal immigration policies, Newpope Francis of the Vatican II sect has continued to opine about the migration crisis.
In an address to a Newcatholic French group, Bergoglio admitted the obvious: “We can speak today of [an] Arab invasion. It is a social fact.” Yet, despite the horrific consequences of this fact, mostly orchestrated by New World Order groups and organizations of which his church is a part, Newpope amazingly contends that this will eventually be a positive thing for Europeans: “How many invasions has Europe experienced in the course of its history! But it’s always been able to overcome them and move forward, finding itself complimented and improved by the cultural exchange they brought about.”*
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Sunday, April 10, 2016
Archbishops Father is Not God! What if Jesus had a DNA Test? / Politics / Religion
By: N_Walayat
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby following a DNA test to put press rumours to rest was instead shocked to discover that his real father turned out to be someone other than the man who had raised him from birth, as apparently his mother had slept with Winston Churchill's last private secretary whilst drunk resulting in the conception of Justin, all of which was just days before her marriage to the man who Justin would think was his father for 60 years.
Thursday, April 07, 2016
The More Corrupt the State, the More Numerous the Laws / Politics / Social Issues
By: Casey_Research
By Nick Giambruno
Today, I’m going to share one of the most important things I’ve learned traveling around the world: There’s a crucial difference between committing a real crime and breaking the law.
I’ve seen it firsthand in the Middle East as well as many other places.
The difference is huge and few people understand it.
Thursday, April 07, 2016
America’s Ignorant and the Offended / Politics / US Politics
By: Barry_M_Ferguson
“If you've got a business. you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.” - Barack Obama
It takes an ignorant person to offend everyone.
America has become the land of the ignorant and the offended. Citizens remain profoundly ignorant of truth and everyone seems to be chronically offended. Maybe if people weren’t so ignorant, they wouldn’t be so offended.
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Wednesday, April 06, 2016
Iceland's Tax Dodging PM Resigns, David Cameron Next? Insidious Banking Crime Syndicate / Politics / UK Politics
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The 'Panama papers' leak of 11.5 million documents on the tax affairs of the world's elites at just one of thousands of tax dodge facilitating firms which thus represents a mere fraction of the tax dodging that goes on in the world's tax havens, many of which are British dominions. So whilst the Panama papers are making the headlines today, however virtually EVERYONE already well understands that the rich and political elite DODGE TAXES, usually paying just a token amount that tends to be a lot closer to 0% than even 1% of earnings. Whilst the gullible workers, the sheeple pay 20% or 40% of their earnings to the state, which compares against less than 1% tax paid by those who earn hundreds times more, much of which is through ill gotten gains such as by criminals and dictators and their henchmen, the likes of Czar Putin who has probably funneled $10's of billion's of the Russian peoples wealth out of the country and into a myriad of tax haven front companies, and then we have the Al brigade, thousands of Sheiks who have siphoned off the Gulfs oil wealth over many decade, with the so called communists of China not far behind.
Tuesday, April 05, 2016
Cash Banned, Freedom Gone / Politics / War on Cash
By: Thorsten_Polleit
Some politicians want to ban cash, arguing that cash is helping criminals. The first steps in that direction are the withdrawal of big denomination notes and the limits imposed on cash payments.
Proponents of a ban on cash claim that this will help fight criminal transactions — involved in money laundering, terrorism, and tax evasion. These promises of salvation are used to get the general public to agree to a society without cash. But there is no convincing proof for the claim that the world without cash will be a better one. Even if undesirable behavior is indeed financed by cash, you still need to answer the question: will the undesirable behavior disappear without cash? Or will those who commit the undesirable acts take to new ways and means to reach their goal?
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Tuesday, April 05, 2016
NYT Debate on Zionism (Jewish Fundamentalism): A Small Positive Step Short of a Giant Leap Needed / Politics / Israel
By: Stephen_Lendman
Most Times “Room for Debate” discussions are more one-sided advocacy than legitimate debates, establishment views drowning out alternative ones.
On April 4, it asked “(i)s anti-Zionism anti-Semitism? One has nothing to do with the other. Two of five contributors correctly equated Zionism with racism.
Two others were one-sidedly pro-Israeli. One other expressed support for “legitimate political expression.” Most important is full and accurate reporting and analysis, truth-telling alone.
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