Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Friday, July 05, 2013
America: In Memoriam / Politics / US Politics
By: Jeff_Berwick
Christopher Casey writes: “Resolved, That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.” — Richard Henry Lee, June 7, 1776
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Thursday, July 04, 2013
Syria the Real Reason for Egypt Military Coup / Politics / Middle East
By: Washingtons_Blog
Egypt’s Support for Intervention in Syria Was the Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back
The protests in Egypt against president Mohammed Morsi were – according to the BBC – the largest in history.
The Egyptian military threw Morsi out in a coup today.
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Thursday, July 04, 2013
State Schools Institutionalizing Ignorance / Politics / Educating Children
Walter Block writes: According to the official White House website, the end goal of schooling is to “help restore middle-class security.” Such a stance is a surprisingly honest one in a political environment built on deceit. The Obama administration makes no attempt to hide the fact that mandatory public schooling is a state tool for manipulating class structure. This is both a historical and economic fact.
Thursday, July 04, 2013
America's Independence Day Hypocrisy / Politics / US Politics
By: Stephen_Lendman
Ron Kovic's an anti-war activist. He was born on July 4, 1946. Vietnam combat left him paralyzed. He's wheelchair-bound.
His memoir titled "Born on the Fourth of July" became an Academy Award-winning film. Oliver Stone directed it. Tom Cruise played Kovic.
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Thursday, July 04, 2013
Egypt Military Coup Slaps Down Islamist Power / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
This is far from an existential question for President Obama and Western leaders. One reason is that political rules, even constitutional laws prevent their governments recognizing or giving aid to coup leaders who declare themselves rulers of a country after overthrowing its elected government.
Thursday, July 04, 2013
What Americans Used To Know About the Declaration of Independence / Politics / US Politics
By: Thomas_J_DiLorenzo
"During the weeks following the [1860] election, [Northern newspaper] editors of all parties assumed that secession as a constitutional right was not in question . . . . On the contrary, the southern claim to a right of peaceable withdrawal was countenanced out of reverence for the natural law principle of government by consent of the governed." - ~ Howard Cecil Perkins, editor, Northern Editorials on Secession, p. 10
Thursday, July 04, 2013
Forbidden Thoughts on the 4th of July / Politics / US Politics
By: Gary_North
Every nation celebrates its founding day. Ours is the Fourth of July.
Canadians will not be celebrating the Fourth of July. This may have something to do with the fact that in December 1775, the United States of America, which did not actually exist yet, sent two invading armies into Quebec, which was French Canada, in the hope that they could persuade the French to secede. George Washington thought this was a good idea. It made perfect sense politically, because the American Revolution grew out of the taxes imposed by the British government to pay for the debts it had incurred during the French and Indian War, which had led to the surrender of Quebec to the British by the French government in 1763. That war was started by George Washington in 1754 at the Battle of Jumonville Glen.
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Thursday, July 04, 2013
Deutsche Bank Undercapitalized?, Italy Headed For Bail-out? / Politics / Eurozone Debt Crisis
By: Ian_R_Campbell
Deutsche Bank Undercapitalized?
In a statement everyone ought to be aware of if they are not, about two weeks ago U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Vice-Chair Thomas Hoenig was reported as saying that:
Germany's Deutsche Bank is "horribly undercapitalized" and has "no margin of error"; and,
the Basel III global capital rules (known as the Basil III Accord) allow lenders to appear well capitalized when they aren't.
Wednesday, July 03, 2013
French Politics – More Hypocrite Than Us “Tu Meurs” (You Die) / Politics / France
By: Andrew_McKillop
Anybody viewing the litany of scandals and scams marking French politics, the economy and business, and social issues from a suitable distance away from ground zero can only say “Ooh la la!”.
Rumors that President Francois Hollande has threatened his government with his own personal resignation – and the likely return of Nicholas Sarkozy – if they go on refusing to keep a “tight ship in adverse times” are treated seriously by several reputed political commentators reporting in French media, including 'Le Monde'. The latest proof of that came with the instant sacking of Ecology minister Delphine Batho, this week. She had criticized the budget cuts hitting her ministry more than others. She had not retracted. So she was sacked on the spot.
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Wednesday, July 03, 2013
The Big Banks On Trial, Again / Politics / Banksters
By: Money_Morning
Shah Gilani writes: You want to know why the entire global financial system almost collapsed in 2008?
There seems to be a simple answer. Not encouraging, but simple: The European Commission is exploring the possibility that there was a conspiracy among 13 of the world's major banks that colluded to keep the entire house of cards a secret.
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Wednesday, July 03, 2013
Snowden, The Man of Conscience Speaks From Moscow / Politics / US Politics
By: Submissions
One week ago I left Hong Kong after it became clear that my freedom and safety were under threat for revealing the truth. My continued liberty has been owed to the efforts of friends new and old, family, and others who I have never met and probably never will. I trusted them with my life and they returned that trust with a faith in me for which I will always be thankful.
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Wednesday, July 03, 2013
Will there be Riots Across America if George Zimmerman is Acquitted? / Politics / US Politics
By: LewRockwell
Fred Reed writes: Watching the Zimmerman trial, I wonder whether we may not be in for big trouble. Racial hostility is much higher in the United States than it is allowed to appear. In the Twittersphere there is much traffic from blacks, saying that if Zimmerman walks, they will kill him themselves, riot, or kill random whites. On many sites around the web, whites of a sort not found on NPR are saying, “Bring it on.” This is not your granny’s recipe for domestic tranquility.
Wednesday, July 03, 2013
How the Government Uses Citizenship as a Weapon Against You / Politics / US Politics
By: Jeff_Berwick
"The Obama administration has now adopted the strategy of using citizenship as a weapon," writes whistleblowing hero Edward Snowden, surprising no one who has been paying enough attention in the past few years.
We've been saying this for years now ourselves. The time is coming when the gentle prodding of the USSA imperial police state will become a naked mugging with overt threats of violence and kidnapping. Capital controls and border controls to keep in both money and people are coming. What's happening to Snowden is just a taste of what's coming to Americans that the US doesn't consider nearly as troublesome.
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Wednesday, July 03, 2013
NSA Tapes 1 Billion Mobile Phone Calls Per Day - Spy Versus Spy / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
By: Andrew_McKillop
European media reports including highly publicised 'Guardian' and 'Der Spiegel' reports using documents and insights directly supplied by Edward Snowden say the US NSA regularly intercepted and monitored about 60 million telephone calls and Internet connexions – per day – only in Germany. Other reports suggest the average rate may have been “as low as” 600 million per month. Spying on French-based phone and Internet connexions was said to run at about 180 million per month.
Wednesday, July 03, 2013
Gustavo Speaks! Confessions of a Central Banker / Politics / Central Banks
By: Submissions
David Hague writes: Dear reader, decorum and etiquette demand that I give you fair warning. This commentary regarding central bankers may contain content and images not suitable for all ages. This should not surprise anyone, as the current state of our global economy and the behavior of central bankers can only be discussed by those who have a strong constitution and an appetite for the surreal.
Tuesday, July 02, 2013
Exploding Demographic Time Bombs / Politics / Demographics
By: Money_Morning
Greg Madison writes: When a big economy hits the shoals, there are options.
You can take a Keynesian approach. You can take a Friedmanian approach. There are Bernankes, there are Nodas , the Austrian School, the Chicago School, expansion and contraction - however a government wants to play it, whatever the ideology, there are options and precedents for getting the economy going again.
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Monday, July 01, 2013
Obama Finds A New Way to Strangle US Economy / Politics / US Economy
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes: The scary question is, is he continuing to wound this recovery on purpose or by accident?
And which answer is worse?
Last Tuesday, President Obama announced his "Action Plan on Climate Change."
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Monday, July 01, 2013
The End of American Independence Day / Politics / US Politics
The 4th of July should be a day of historic retrospection. For a proper understanding into the significance of the birth of the nation, start with an examination of the perennial BREAKING ALL THE RULES essay, The Meaning of Independence Day. Then contrast our circumstances and heritage in the article - Independence Day for Whom? Both of these columns are essential. If one forgets from where, how and why our country was created, it is impossible to appreciate the uniqueness of the American Revolution and the meaning of the "shot heard ‘round the world".
Monday, July 01, 2013
Is NSA Blackmail Inc. for the U.S. Military Industrial Complex? / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
By: Toby_Connor
Jon Rappoport writes: Every director of the NSA is a general or an admiral.
The NSA is organized under the US Dept. of Defense.
Imagine that you are a powerful player who straddles two worlds – the Dept. of Defense and the private sector where corporate defense-contractors live and flourish.
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Monday, July 01, 2013
France Being Wrecked by Socialism, Nationalism and Germanophobia / Politics / France
By: LewRockwell
Eric Margolis writes: Nice, France – I’m just down to sea level from the 2,600 meter high mountain forts on France’s wild, vertiginous Alpine border with Italy.
The Cote d’Azur, or Riviera, is buzzing with summer activity: packed beaches, traffic jams, crowded restaurants, outrageously priced hotels and an armada of yachts jostling for scarce marina space.
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