Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Thursday, January 04, 2007
Nancy Pelosi opens 110th Congress as the balance of power shifts to the Democrats / Politics / US Politics
By: John_York
Nancy Pelosi became the first female
House speaker, and third inline to the Presidency after Dick Cheney. In the chamber of the House, its new speaker, Representative Nancy Pelosi, beamed and clapped as she listened as members elected her by voice vote.
She said: 'Today we make history. Today we change the direction of our country.'
'This is an historic moment - for the Congress, and for the women of this country. It is a moment for which we have waited more than 200 years,' Ms Pelosi said in prepared remarks. 'Never losing faith, we waited through the many years of struggle to achieve our rights.'
'For our daughters and granddaughters, today we have broken the marble ceiling,' she said.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
NHS runs out of money - Despite a £100 billion budget , time to privatise ? / Politics / Strategic News
By: Nadeem_Walayat
NHS trusts up and down Britain have reportedly run out of money, and as a consequence are cancelling routine operations such as treatments for varicose veins, teeth etc. We highlighted this possibility in our article of 25th December 06 - The NHS is killing Britain as it wastes tens of billions every year , Hospital trusts continue to request billions more as GP's are told to refer fewer patients to hospitals. As well as hospital departments being told to turn patents away.
Whilst in the meantime, the debt that has built up through utter incompetence and mis-management by NHS Trusts CEO's, that have in some cases tripled salaries of none front-line staff, which is the primary reason why £100 billion per year is not enough to meet the needs of patents, despite reduced patient load due to lengthening in waiting lists
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Sunday, December 24, 2006
The NHS is killing Britain as it wastes tens of billions every year ! / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The UK Labour government came to office in 1997, focused on reinvigorating the National Health Service (NHS), this they did with vigor where the annual NHS budget has grown from £34 billions in 1997 to the present days £96 billion ! A more than 282% increase !!!!
Given the surge in spending, you would expect everything to be happy in the NHS, with ample funds to go around, if so ? You would be badly mistaken. NHS trusts up and down the country are reporting budget over-runs and cut backs in beds available to patents as well as on staffing with demands for billions more money to be spent.
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Friday, December 22, 2006
Iran's nuclear program prompts UN sanctions, as Israel threatens military strikes / Politics / Iran
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Iran, seemingly on course to become the next state to acquire nuclear weapons, due to perceived security risks from the USA and Israel, just as before India went nuclear because of China, and Pakistan because of India. Israel is believed to have gone nuclear during the late 1970's as a result of a joint nuclear programme with the South African Apartheid regime, as a deterrence against the Arab states. And the last state to go nuclear, North Korea as a consequence of threats from the USA and UN sanctions.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
We are losing the war in iraq, admits new US defence secretary , Robert Gates / Politics / Iraq War
By: John_York
Robert Gates, Ex Director of the CIA and George Bush's choice to succeed Donald Rumsfeld as US defence secretary, today admitted to the Senate that the US was not winning the war in Iraq and warned of the risk of conflagration in the Middle East because of the conflict.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Britain's 30 billion pounds Nuclear insurance policy - Trident II / Politics / UK Politics
By: John_York
The UK Labour government led by Tony Blair has revealed plans for the successor to the Trident submarine nuclear deterrent. The plan is for 3 smaller nuclear submarines, in some 20 years time. The initial estimate is for £20 billion, but given the history of defence spending over-runs this could easily reach £30 billion, ($60 billions). Additionally there would be running costs of at least £1 billion.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Democrats force John Bolton the US Ambassador to the UN to resign. / Politics / US Politics
By: John_York
John Bolton is the second high profile member of President George Bush's team to leave after the Republicans lost badly in Novembers mid-term elections. President Bush had originally angered senators by bypassing them by appointing Mr Bolton in August 2005 on a temporary basis whilst the senate was in recess.
The new chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (Senator Joe Biden), made it clear that Mr Bolton would not be confirmed by his committee, saying that "he saw no point in considering Mr. Bolton's nomination again."
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Radiation found on at least two BA B767 aircraft that flew from London to Moscow / Politics / Russia
By: John_York
In a new development in the case of the fatal poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko that strengthens the link between the murder and Moscow, according to the Home Office, traces of a radioactive substance has been found aboard two BA planes, with a third being tested. The three B767 short haul aircraft were taken out of service for forensic examination. BA said it has been advised that the risk to public health was low. But it was contacting customers who had flown on the planes.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Lebanon drifts towards civil war following the assassination of Pierre Gemayel / Politics / Middle East
By: John_York
The killing of Pierre Gemayel the Minister for Industry and member of the Phalange party, shook lebanon's weakening government, with the finger of blame immediately pointing to Syria. At least three gunmen rammed their car into Gemayel's vehicle near Beirut, then leapt out and riddled it with bullets, firing at Gemayel with silencer-equipped automatic weapons at point-blank range in a Christian neighborhood. Ten bullet holes were seen around the window of the driver's seat of his grey car. The two front seats were soaked in blood.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Russian ex-agent poisoned whilst investigating killing of journalist Anna Politkovskaya / Politics / Russia
By: John_York
The dangers of doing business with Russia came to the fore this week, when it was confirmed that Alexander Litvinenko (Ex FSB Colonel) was poisoned by potentially a lethal dose of Thallium (a toxic metal commonly found in rat poison) according to Dr. John Henry, who has been treating Litvinenko.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Baker report on conduct of the Iraq war and options available / Politics / Iraq War
By: John_York
James Baker & Lee Hamilton heading the Iraq Study group commission report on the conduct of the war in Iraq and charged with correcting the US course in Iraq is due to be released by the end of this year. We look ahead at what the report is likely to contain.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Four more British soldiers killed on the Shatt al-Arab waterway - Basra, Iraq / Politics / Iraq War
By: John_York
Four British servicemen were killed and three seriously wounded on Sunday, after their boat patrol came under attack as it was caught in an explosion caused by an improvised bomb as it was going past, in the southern Iraqi city of Basra.The attack took place on the Shatt al-Arab waterway, the MOD added that the injured personnel were medically evacuated to Shaibah Logistics Base by helicopter.
The Shatt al-Arab waterway, flows into the Persian Gulf, and is a narrow stretch of river about 120 miles long. It is fed by the Euphrates, Tigris, and Karun rivers and the middle of which forms the border between Iraq and Iran. The stretch of water is heavily patrolled by the British and Iranians, as it is a key source for smuggling of goods and arms between the two countries.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
US Mid-Term Elections - Victory for the Democrats ! / Politics / US Politics
By: John_York
The Democrats are expected to celebrate victory in the US Mid-term elections. And challenge for the control of Congress, toppling Republican senators in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Rhode Island.
All 435 House seats, 33 Senate seats and 36 governorships were at stake in the elections and Democrats have to pick up 15 House seats and six Senate seats to take control of both chambers.
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
UK Labour Party suffers lowest poll readings since 1987 because of Iraq war / Politics / UK Politics
By: John_York
According to the Guardian/ICM poll published today. Labour's support drops to 29%, as the lowest reading since Margaret Thatchers landslide in 1987 ! The Conservatives having climbed to 39%, with the Liberal Democrats third on 22%.
This is on the back of recent coverage of the Military in both the US and UK contemplating withdrawal from a worsening situation in Iraq, as this is seen by most of the UK electorate as Tony Blair's war, as another recent polls results showed that 72 per cent said that Tony Blair's support for George Bush calls into question his political judgement, and 62 per cent believe that British troops should be withdrawn from Iraq as soon as possible with a further 72 per cent believing that the war in Iraq is unwinnable.
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
US Iraq War dead exceeds 9/11 as America ponders defeat / Politics / Iraq War
By: Sarah_Jones
With 2 weeks to go, the US war dead in Iraq reaches 71 and signals October is likely to be the worst month so far. Whilst at the same time exceeding the numbers killed on 9/11 In addition to the dead are the wounded numbering more than 25,000. Let alone the iraqi dead estimates of whom go as high as 600,000.
The talk in the White House is now of an exit strategy, the key phrase being used is 'redeployment' rather than withdrawal, redeployment in plain language is withdrawal out of Iraq.
Who will fill the void ? The only possibility is of handing over partial responsibility to Iran and Syria to subdue insurgent factions so as to prevent civil war in Iraq, as both countries presently as stoking the fires of civil war, whereas should the US leave Iraq, it is likely they would want a stable neighbor as the conflict could spill over into Iran and Syria.
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Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The Ethics of Investing in China / Politics / China Stocks
By: Sarah_Jones
During the last 15 years, China has seen remarkable economic growth and development as rampant capitalism takes hold. Unfortunately whilst the country has developed economically, it has by and large stood still in terms of human rights.
The latest in a long stream and the most shocking to date of abuses in human rights for big business is surge in the level of executions in China geared towards the burgeoning and highly lucrative organ transplants sold to foreigners who need transplants.
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
What would a Gorden Brown PM mean for Britian ? / Politics / UK Politics
By: Sarah_Jones
On the day when Tony Blair made his last speech at a labour party conference, we ponder what a Gorden Brown Premiership would mean for Britian ?
Gordon Brown having waited some 10 years, is now poised to become the next PM sometime during the next 9 months.
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Friday, August 11, 2006
U.K. thwarts air terror plot !!! / Politics / Iraq War
By: Sarah_Jones
A plot to blow up planes in flight from the UK to the US and commit "mass murder on an unimaginable scale" has been disrupted, Scotland Yard has said. It is thought the plan was to detonate explosive devices smuggled in hand luggage on to as many as 10 aircraft.
Police are searching premises after 21 people were arrested. Home Secretary John Reid said they believed the "main players" were accounted for.
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Saturday, February 18, 2006
Quality of Life Index - Where's the best place in the World to Live ? / Politics / Social Issues
By: CarlosM
And the winner is… France ! The loser? Iraq. No explanation necessary for the latter, but people may be surprised to see France taking top honors in the annual Quality of Life Index this year. it's the first time this country has risen to first place. More than that, though, it's the first time in 21 years that any country other than the United States has come out tops in the Index ! Its all to do with UNESCO and World Heritage Sites. France sees in excess of 70 million overseas visitors each year, making it the world's favorite destination. UK comes a distant 18th ! with even portugal above us ! http://www.il-ireland.com/il/qofl06/index.php Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Muslim Outrage at Danish Cartoons / Politics / Strategic News
By: Sarah_Jones
Worldwide protest prompted by cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed have spread to New Zealand and explosively, to Beirut, where the Danish Embassy was set ablaze. There, thousands of Lebanese troops and police used tear gas to quell riots and the country's Interior Minister has resigned. In Afghanistan, one protestor was shot dead and others were wounded. And in Turkey, a Catholic priest has been gunned down on the doors of his church in apparent retaliation. And, as Stephen McDonell reports, now the cartoons have been published in Australia, where debate continues over insensitive media comment versus freedom of speech.Read full article... Read full article...