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Category: Crude Oil

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Crude Oil $100+ Price is Here to Stay / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Donald_W_Dony

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleA brief review of the driving factors pushing oil higher - Over the last year, as oil has advanced from US$50 to $100, there has been countless academic papers on why the worlds most heavily traded commodity will likely not increase much above US$70 to $80. The main rationale? Alternative energy sources (e.g., coal, biofuels, wind, solar and uranium) will fill the gap and keep oil at a more comfortable level well below the infamous US$100 mark.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Crude Oil $200 - Smart Investors Stand to Make a Fortune! / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Money_and_Markets

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleSean Brodrick writes: They say the highway to hell is paved with good intentions. I think the same can be said for the road to $200-a-barrel oil. And the car on that road will be the Nano, the new ultra-cheap vehicle from India's Tata Motors.

See, the Nano will be sold for less than $2,500, which suddenly puts car ownership within reach for a huge slice of India's population.

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Crude Oil Crisis and How to Profit From the Coming Oil Boom! / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Money_and_Markets

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleSean Brodrick writes: Recently, I told you that I expected oil prices could spike to $150 per barrel in 2008. But, if anything, that target might be too low! In fact, the head of the International Energy Agency just said that demand growth just from China and India alone could cause prices to rise to $150 per barrel.

So imagine what other factors such as geopolitical disruptions would do to prices! Indeed, the fastest-growing bet in the oil market these days is that the price of crude will double to $200 a barrel by the end of this year.

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Crude Oil Finally Made it to US $100, Where Next? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Regent_Markets

While the media's focus continues to be on the mortgage and credit crisis, oil has quietly been making its way back up to $100 per barrel. Oil has already passed its inflation adjusted peak of $80. If oil continues to rise, it will be more expensive that at any other time in history in real terms.

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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Crude Oil Forecast 2008 to Hit $150 a Barrel / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Money_and_Markets

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleSean Brodrick writes: In 2008, we're going to hit an important milestone. In the New Year the world is going to start using oil at a rate of more than 1,000 barrels PER SECOND!

According to the International Energy Agency, global oil demand will average 87.8 million barrels per day (bpd) in 2008, up from 85.7 million bpd in 2007. At 87.8 million bpd, we'll use 1,016 barrels per second — a sonic boom of energy use.

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Crude Oil Demand to Continue Accelerating for Decades - Energy Sector Trends Analysis / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Joseph_Dancy

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleWhile we did not see $100 a barrel crude oil in the futures market last month we remain bullish on the energy sector. One of the more interesting charts we happened across last month was from the Oil Drum. It plots global crude oil and natural gas liquid production versus time. (See chart at right)

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Crude Oil Price Manipulated In advance of Sampling Date for Producer Price Index? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Rob_Kirby

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleToday I telephoned the good folks at the Bureau of Labor Statistics in Washington, D.C. I phoned to find out a little bit more about how one of the key inputs – CRUDE OIL - in PPI [Producer Price Index] is determined each and every month. 

Here's the nuts of what I was told: Crude oil price data inputs for the PPI are measured from sources of the subject month on the Tuesday of the week that contains the 13 th day.”

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Crude Oil Back to Fundementals as Pentagon Vetoes US Strike against Iran / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Gary_Dorsch

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleNearly two years ago, on January 10th, 2006, Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad raised the stakes in a battle of wits between Tehran and the Bush administration, ordering the removal of UN seals on centrifuges to enrich uranium, a process which can make atomic reactor fuel or weapons-grade material. “We are not going to yield to pressure to abandon our rights, and we have the necessary tools to protect ourselves,” Ahmadinejad told the Qatari foreign minister.

Ahmadinejad's daring move quickly set off a “war of words” with US President George Bush and vice-president Dick Cheney, which in turn, built-up an Iranian “war premium” of roughly $12 per barrel into the price of crude oil. On January 19, 2006, Cheney warned, “Whether or not there would be a spike in the price of oil, if in fact there is some kind of a crisis with Iran is entirely possible. But I think the consequences of that would be less significant than the consequences of having Mahmoud Ahmadinejad armed with nuclear weapons,” Cheney told CNBC.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Astonishing Rise in Crude Oil Price Volatility / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: George_Kleinman

Are you old enough to remember the good old days when gasoline was less than a buck a gallon? Consider the following.

Crude Oil 1994-95

This is a daily chart of the oil market for the 1994-95 trading period. Each vertical line represents one full day of trading. You're looking at approximately one full year of oil price trading. The chart appears to illustrate a volatile market with big ups and downs throughout this period, right? However, it all depends on how the chart is scaled.

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Monday, December 03, 2007

Crude OIl and Gas Tumble as DUG UltraShort ETF Rallies / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Mike_Paulenoff

My overall technical work in the ProShares Ultrashort Oil & Gas ETF (AMEX: DUG) treats all of the action from the 10/17 low at 37.17 to the 11/29 high at 46.56 as the first phase of an intermediate-term recovery rally. The plunge from the 11/27 high to Friday's low at 41.40 (so far) represents an intervening pullback that separates two major legs of a recovery phase.

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Monday, December 03, 2007

Crude Oil Headed Down to $70 For Historic Buying Opportunity / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Elliot_H_Gue

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleFor the first time in more than a year, I'm a near-term bear on oil prices. I suspect that crude could fall to around $70 per barrel in the next three to four months, roughly a 30 percent correction from its recent highs. This move will be a correction of the long-term uptrend in crude, not the end of the bull market. This correction will mark a historic buying opportunity for both oil and oil-related stocks.

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Friday, November 30, 2007

The Epic Global Battle Over Crude Oil and the US Dollar / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Gary_Dorsch

Best Financial Markets Analysis Article“Here are two brother countries, united like a single fist,” declared Venezuelan kingpin Hugo Chavez after meeting Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Tehran on Nov 19th. “We have common viewpoints and we will stand by each other until we capture the high peaks. God is with us and victory is awaiting us,” added Iran's Ahmadinejad, vowing to defeat US imperialism together, and pointing to the fall of the US dollar as the prelude to the end of America's global dominance.

“Don't you see how the dollar has been in free-fall without a parachute? The US prints dollar bills with no real economic foundation. Soon we will not talk about dollars, because the empire of the dollar is crashing. The day will arrive not only in OPEC, but also in Latin America, when we will be liberated from the dollar. With the fall of the US dollar, US imperialism will fall as soon as possible,” Chavez declared.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What WIll Happen If Crude Oil Breaks Above $100? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: George_Kleinman

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe following is an excerpt from Larry Livingston's book Reminiscences of a Stock Operator , which is based on the story of Jesse Livermore, one of the greatest traders of all time.

When it got to 98 I said to myself, "Bethlehem is going through 100, and when it does the roof is going to blow clean off."

The tape said the same thing, more than plainly. In fact, it used a megaphone. I tell you, I saw 100 on the tape when the ticker was only printing 98. And I knew that wasn't the voice of my hope or the sight of my desire, but the assertion of my tape-reading instinct. I rushed to my broker's office and put in an order to buy 500 shares of Bethlehem Steel. I got them at 98 to 99. 

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Shorting Overbought Commodities , Gold, Oil & Gas Using UltraShort ETF / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Mike_Paulenoff

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe big picture of the DUG (the ProShares UltraShort Oil & Gas ETF) shows Monday morning's huge upside opening gap and follow-through that amounts to about a 6% climb from Friday's close.

More importantly, though, is the upside assault on the Sept-Nov resistance plateau at 44.00-44.50, which when hurdled should trigger additional follow-through to test the Feb-Nov resistance line that cuts across the price axis in the vicinity of 49.00.

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Friday, November 09, 2007

Crude Oil and Gas Energy Complex Peaking? / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Mike_Paulenoff

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe big picture of the ProShares UltraShort Oil & Gas ETF (AMEX: DUG) continues to act and look like the establishment of a significant base-like formation that is on the verge of propelling the price structure considerably higher. Initial resistance resides at 41.50/60, followed by the prior rally peak at 42.08 (11/05), which if (when) hurdled should trigger upside acceleration towards 49.00-50.00 for a confrontation with the Mar-Nov down trendline. If my work proves correct, then it implies that the energy complex is peaking and that a significant downside correction is imminent.

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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

This Crude OIl Chart Will Scare You / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Money_and_Markets

Best Financial Markets Analysis Article Sean Brodrick writes : I just got back from a scouting trip to an oil and gas explorer in the Gulf of Mexico. The company I visited is small but promising. And it perfectly illustrates what the U.S. needs to do to protect itself from a massive energy crisis — drill in its own backyard.

I'll tell you more about this explorer — Bayou Bend Petroleum — in just a moment. First …

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Weakness Developing in Energy / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Mike_Paulenoff

Today's weakness in the Energy Select SPDR (AMEX: XLE) coupled with the developing downtrend in my daily RSI pattern suggest strongly that last week's near-vertical advance indeed was a vicious counter-trend climb to a lower-high, rather than a new upleg.

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Monday, October 29, 2007

Crude Oil Nearing Major Peak / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Mike_Paulenoff

Time to consult with the very long-term chart pattern in crude oil, from the December 1998 low at $10.35, which has a very bullish pattern, into today's high, but also a pattern that is in its final few percentage points of making a multi-month if not a multi-year high. All of the action off of the Jan 12, 2007 pullback low at $49.90 represents the final upmove in the larger 1998-2007 upleg. The relationships between the various legs during the most recent 10-month upmove point ot a target zone of $97 to $102, or an additional 4%-10% climb in crude oil prices prior to the anticipated peak and reversal.

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Friday, October 19, 2007

Crude Oil Bull Market Cycles Point to a Sharp Correction / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Zeal_LLC

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAfter powering above $85 per barrel this week, crude oil is one of the hottest commodities around. Although this week's stellar prices haven't yet reached oil's all-time inflation-adjusted highs near $100 from way back in spring 1980, these new nominal record prices are really getting speculators' blood flowing.

Nearly everyone is bullish on oil, and for very good reason. Global demand, led by the rapidly-industrializing Asia , is growing relentlessly and will continue to do so for decades. Meanwhile existing oilfields are increasingly depleting, lowering production and raising costs. And despite vast sums of money poured into oil exploration globally, major new elephant finds have become exceedingly rare. And most of the world's known oil reserves sit in geopolitically-troubled regions, complicating recovery.

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Turkey and Iran Potential Conflicts Mean Crude Oil on Course to Hit $100 per barrel / Commodities / Crude Oil

By: Gary_Dorsch

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleTension in the Middle East has always been a favorite tactic for the “Axis of Oil” – Iran, Russia, and Venezuela, to keep the price of crude oil pegged at artificially high levels. Talk of war in the world's most unstable region can inflate a hefty “war premium” into each barrel of OPEC and Russian oil. In the Middle East, wars seem to break-out every few years, and lulls in the fighting are often just a timeout, in order to re-supply and prepare for the next round of combat.

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