Analysis Topic: Companies Analysis
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Goodbye Privacy: Big Data Is Coming to Town / Companies / Internet
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: Just like the Christmas song, "He knows when you've been sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he knows when you've been bad or good..."
But nowadays it isn't Santa, it's Big Data. And it's becoming big business.
What can companies do with big data?
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Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Goldman Sachs Re-Writing History - Fabulous Fab And The Abacus 2007 Story / Companies / Banksters
By: Andrew_McKillop
Goldman Sachs has an army of very smart contract writers, to drag in what Fabrice 'Fabulous Fab' Tourre might well call “les pigeons” in French. The easy hits.
Styled as an ace concocter of financial algorithms, like Abacus 2007, the heads of these creative contract writers are however nearly always close-linked to their really vital parts. The UK Daily Telegraph, 12 July, revealed that: “Emails between Fabrice “Fabulous Fab” Tourre and his girlfriend Marine Serres - a mix of pillow talk and fears over the future of the US mortgage market - have been released by Goldman Sachs in a bid to clear its name over US fraud allegations”.
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Monday, July 15, 2013
Why Great Stocks Drop Hard and Reverse / Companies / Company Chart Analysis
By: David_Banister
One thing that will always over rule charts and technical analysis is fundamentals in the long run. To be sure, I love technical analysis but I always combine my work there with fundamental research. I rarely if ever buy a stock just because the chart looks nice, that is almost always a recipe for disaster.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Tech Companies That Will Ride the Mobile Wave to Big Profits / Companies / Mobile Technology
By: Money_Morning
David Zeiler writes: Companies that make CPU chips - the "brains" inside every kind of computing device - have a fresh catalyst within the mobile wave to help stimulate sales: "ultramobile" products.
Ultramobile is the term that research firm Gartner is using to describe very small and light notebooks, as well as tablet/laptop hybrids like the Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT) Surface.
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Thursday, July 11, 2013
Why the Microsoft Reorganization Plan Won't Fix What's Wrong / Companies / Microsoft
By: Money_Morning
David Zeiler writes: With a Microsoft reorganization plan expected to be announced on Thursday, investors at this point must be wondering: will it matter?
Shareholders of Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT) have only recently gotten a glimmer of hope. Microsoft stock had languished in the $25-$30 range for more than a decade until this year, which has seen MSFT pop about 30%.
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013
How to Ride the Biotech Boom / Companies / BioTech
By: Investment_U
Marc Lichtenfeld writes: hope you had a great Fourth of July. I had a blast hanging out with family and friends. However, we had a long drive home so we missed the fireworks.
That’s OK, though. I’ve seen plenty of fireworks in the past two weeks in the biotech sector.
Since June 24, the Amex Biotech Index (NYSE: BTK) is up over 11%. That’s a solid year for most indexes. Year to date, the group is up over 34%.
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Tuesday, July 09, 2013
Five Reasons Apple Stock is a Buy / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Money_Morning
David Zeiler writes: With Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) bears feeling vindicated by the company's fall from grace and shares hovering in the $400 range, it might sound like a stretch to say Apple stock is a buy.
But given all that's happened, AAPL at $400 is a better deal than it may appear.
"It's obviously been hit, but it's bounced. It's held up," said Money Morning Capital Wave Strategist Shah Gilani. Pointing to the recent volatility in the markets, Gilani said, "The markets have been hit really hard and Apple has held up beautifully."
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Tuesday, July 09, 2013
The Only Tech Stock You'll Ever Need / Companies / Google
By: Money_Morning
Michael A. Robinson writes: When it comes to cutting-edge science that will redefine how we live and work in coming years, there's no shortage of fascinating breakthroughs.
Every week brings dozens of new developments covering everything from bionic eyes to drones the size of humming birds.
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Monday, July 08, 2013
How McDonald’s and JPMorgan Chase Help Keep America Poor / Companies / Social Issues
By: Money_Morning
Greg Madison writes: Natalie Gunshannon, a McDonald's worker from Pennsylvania, has just won the right to... draw a paycheck. Work-for-pay is a fairly straightforward system that the Western World has been using for the past six or seven centuries, give or take.
Ms. Gunshannon was an hourly employee at a McDonald's franchise in Shavertown, Pennsylvania. Her degree is in massage therapy, but jobs in that field are scarce. A single mother, she took whatever work was available, which brought her to McDonalds, where she worked the line for $7.44 an hour, 30 to 70 hours per week.
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Friday, July 05, 2013
How to Profit From Africa’s $300 Billion Electricity Boom / Companies / Electricity
By: Money_Morning
Greg Madison writes: President Obama is wrapping up a wide-ranging trip to Africa this week, one in which he talked about everything from human rights, the triumphs of Nelson Mandela, a return to growth in Zimbabwe and the prospects of an African renaissance.
But it was his comments about access to electricity that should have drawn the most attention. The President is setting the stage for a huge leap in Africa's standard of living - and most people probably didn't notice.
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Friday, July 05, 2013
"Ultra" ETF Investing: The Newest Portfolio Killer / Companies / Exchange Traded Funds
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes: Exchange traded funds (ETFs) have changed the face of investing for individuals as well as institutions.
These relatively new investment tools have made it easier to play sector rotations, go short the market or even leverage positions.
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Wednesday, July 03, 2013
Nike - The One Stock that Always Seems to Keep on Rising / Companies / Company Chart Analysis
By: Profit_Confidential
Mitchell Clark writes:
There are lots of benchmark stocks, but NIKE, Inc. (NKE) is an incredibly important one in retail.
It’s actually quite surprising that such a mature brand can continue to do as well as it does. Not only is the company succeeding operationally, but it continues to be an excellent stock market investment.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Why Natural Gas Stocks are Poised to Take Off / Companies / Natural Gas
By: Money_Morning
Tony Daltorio writes: Everyone likes a good comeback story where large obstacles are overcome on the way to a favorable outcome.
And we're about to see one in the investment world...
The shale gas boom seemed to be a disaster for the natural gas industry as the price of natural gas plummeted over a five-tear period to reach a multi-year low below $2 per million BTU in April 2012.
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Friday, June 28, 2013
China Invades U.S. Cities with Record Investments / Companies / Investing 2013
By: Money_Morning
Diane Alter writes: There's a new wave of investment occurring across the United States - and the "who" behind it makes this a very interesting story...
Faced with an economic slowdown at home, Chinese companies are pouring money into U.S. businesses at a record clip.
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Friday, June 28, 2013
How Exporting US Natural Gas Will Transform Global Energy Markets / Companies / Natural Gas
By: The_Energy_Report
Here's the situation: North America is swimming in cheap natural gas, whereas international markets are thirsty for it and paying a premium. Now that the DOE is beginning to approve LNG export permits, North American producers have major incentive to drill, baby, drill. To get an expert perspective on the coming LNG supply shift, The Energy Report turned to Cantor Fitzgerald Analyst Sam Wahab, who keeps tabs on global oil and gas developments from his base in London. This is a must-read interview for anyone who wants to profit from a potentially massive shift in natural gas fundamentals.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
U.S. Housing Market Stocks Could Be Heading for a Crash / Companies / Housing Stocks
By: InvestmentContrarian
Sasha Cekerevac writes: Is the housing market moving up too fast? As strange as that sounds, considering the crash in the housing market a few years ago, there is a very real possibility that people are beginning to aggressively speculate once again in the housing market.
That flurry of speculators out for quick cash is partially what led to the boom in the housing market last decade. Many people considered the housing market as a means to get rich, and it was fuelled by very low interest rates. That escalation of buying and selling resulted in prices for the housing market far higher than it could sustain. And to the inevitable crash.
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Thursday, June 27, 2013
A Tale of Two Car Manufacturers - Proton and Hyundai / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: Sam_Chee_Kong
Proton or (Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Berhad) was incepted in 1985 by the then Prime Minister of Malaysia with the hope that it will help Malaysia hasten its industrialisation program in order achieve a develop nation status by 2020. Mahathir reckoned that to complement this vision a ‘national car’ program will be best option to fast track the process. His penchant for starting up a ‘national car’ program is partly due to the success of other countries in their ‘national car’ project which subsequently progresses into nurturing successful car manufacturers and a chain of parts suppliers. To understand a bit on the history of ‘national car’ we present below the time line of various country’s national car project.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Stocks to Buy to Profit from the Looming Flood of Money / Companies / Investing 2013
By: Money_Morning
Tim Melvin writes: As we've pointed out to Money Morning members, knowing the best stocks to buy now can give you a huge advantage when markets sell off and stocks are basically on sale.
That's why we've been watching out for the sectors of the market that will have a bright future regardless of the recent market gyrations.
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Wednesday, June 26, 2013
The Secret Double-Digit Dividend Income Stocks / Companies / Dividends
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes: Dividend stocks have been bid up in 2013, and many investors believe the yawn-inducing dividends of 3-4% generally available now aren't worth the risks involved in an overheated income sector.
Many stocks paying higher dividends, in the tantalizing 8-10% range, are paying them out of capital, which is hardly a good thing. A number of companies are paying a fixed dividend where it's mathematically impossible for investors to get their money back just because so many unwary investors are craving big, easy income.
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Monday, June 24, 2013
How Your Grandchildren can Reap Profits with These Nuclear Power Stocks / Companies / Nuclear Power
By: Money_Morning
Greg Madison writes: Three Mile Island. Chernobyl. Sellafield. Fukushima.
These are just the most famous names from an alarmingly long list of civilian nuclear incidents. Each of these accidents resulted sparked intense public debate on the future of civilian nuclear power.
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