Thursday, September 09, 2021
Stock Market September Smackdown Coming Next? / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2021
By: Monica_Kingsley
S&P 500 declined, with tech holding up best – the volatility spike is here as real economy deceleration is joined by Evergrande fears. Both paper and real assets took it on the chin, and yields together with the dollar rose. As for greenback and Treasuries upcoming price path:
(…) Treasury yields moved up, but don‘t expect to see them gallop just yet. Slow and steady, orderly grind higher is the most likely trajectory ahead, and even that won‘t propel the dollar higher, or keep it really afloat. Greenback‘s support is at 91.70, and I‘m looking for it to give in over the nearest weeks, which carries tremendous implications for commodity and precious metals trades. And for risk assets in general.
Precious metals, copper and oil bore the brunt of souring sentiment, with cryptocurrencies joining in the slide later through the day. But have the material facts changed, or all we got was a whiff of risk-off? September is likely to be volatile, it seasonally is, and August had been a surprisingly calm month. You know what they say about periods of lower volatility giving way to those of higher readings… Time to buckle up.
Wednesday, September 08, 2021
Crazy Crypto Markets How to Buy Bitcoin, Litecoin for Half Market Price and Sell for TRIPLE! / Currencies / cryptocurrency
Here's how to capitalise on the crazy crypto markets where one can literally buy crypto for HALF the current market price and then SELL for TRIPLE the price paid all within the same DAY!
Watch and learn how to capitalise on the crazy crypto markets in 2021.
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Wednesday, September 08, 2021
Sun Sea and Sand UK Holidays 2021, Scarborough in VR 180 3D! / Personal_Finance / Holidays
By: Anika_Walayat
Here's another unique VR 180 video at Scarbourough beach, fun in the sea given that \It's the Walayat Family tradition to head to the beach for Eliza's Birthday's given that her birthday is in prime holiday season, and so it was for her 7th Birthday where this year we headed for Scarborough after giving the beach birthday a miss last year due to the Pandemic and the preceding years birthday taking place on several Cornwall beaches. So here are some of the sights and sounds of Scarborough, sun, sea, sand. Just goes to show one does not need to go abroad to have a fun holiday and all in VR 180!
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Wednesday, September 08, 2021
Bitcoin BTC Price Detailed Trend Forecast Into End 2021 / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Today is your lucky day for you gain FULL access to my original full spectrum analysis of the crypto markets that was first made available to Patrons who support my work, of what I expect to happen going into the end of 2021 in terms of a Bitcoin price trend forecast, and the strategy I am deploying to capitalise on as well as 5 potential black swans that could collapse the crypto markets such as USDT stable coin. Furthermore in this video you are going to get an update of where the Bitcoin price stands in terms of my trend forecast and thus what is likely to happen next during September and for the remainder of this year.
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Wednesday, September 08, 2021
Hyper Growth Stocks - This billionaire is now using one of our top strategies / Companies / Investing 2021
By: Stephen_McBride
By Justin Spittler :
Has billionaire Dan Loeb been reading the RiskHedge Report?
Loeb climbed to the top of Wall Street by achieving remarkable success as an “activist investor.”
In a nutshell, Loeb would buy large stakes in struggling companies… replace management… and make other adjustments (like cutting a dividend) to turn around the company.
That’s how Loeb amassed a $4 billion fortune.
Most people with that much success wouldn’t change their approach. If it isn’t broke, why fix it, right?
But Loeb recently made a huge change in how he invests…
Wednesday, September 08, 2021
6 common trading mistakes to avoid at all costs / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Submissions
Even small mistakes can cost you big when you’re a trader. Read these six common trading mistakes and learn how to avoid them at all costs.
No trading career is free from mistakes. In the beginning, most traders embark on a trial-and-error journey. And, even professional traders can sometimes get so caught up in their trading that they forget about severe mistakes they should avoid. Well, don’t be any of them.
Trading is a very popular activity these days, precisely because it can bring you some massive returns. But it isn’t risk-free. One great way to minimize your risk of losing money is to learn what are the most common mistakes made and how to avoid them.
Here are six common mistakes traders make and how you should avoid them.
Tuesday, September 07, 2021
US Dollar Upswing, S&P 500 and Nasdaq Outlook / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2021
By: Monica_Kingsley
S&P 500 didn‘t get hammered on the NFPs miss – stocks did reasonably well, saved by the daily rush into tech. Volatility didn‘t spike throughout the week at all, and credit markets maintain their risk-on posture. Still, the real economy deceleration made itself heard, pushing back Fed taper speculations even further from September. Jerome Powell wanted to see more jobs data, and would want even more so now. I wouldn‘t be really surprised if no taper was announced in November.
Markets are thus far unconcerned about a policy mistake in letting inflation get entrenched even more – Treasury yields moved up, but don‘t expect to see them gallop just yet. Slow and steady, orderly grind higher is the most likely trajectory ahead, and even that won‘t propel the dollar higher, or keep it really afloat. Greenback‘s support is at 91.70, and I‘m looking for it to give in over the nearest weeks, which carries tremendous implications for commodity and precious metals trades. And for risk assets in general.
Precious metals thus far remain tame, and should continue chugging along just fine. Commodities such as copper and oil won‘t be derailed, but might panic temporarily in case of really bad incoming data. Copper‘s continued underperformance of the commodity index highlights the growth woes of the day, and even if the red metal might look to some as ready to roll over, the positive stockpile situation should cushion potential downside. In short, I‘m not looking for a meaningful disturbance to the commodities bull, as the inventory replenishment cycle has far from run its course, and inflation is bound to get hotter this year still.
Tuesday, September 07, 2021
Dovish Assassins of the USD Index / Currencies / US Dollar
By: P_Radomski_CFA
“I’ve got you in my sights” – the USDX heard that a lot over the last two weeks. While it was bullish for gold, the dollar might take revenge soon.
With Fed Chairman Jerome Powell doubling down on his dovish dialogue on Aug. 27 and the Delta variant depressing U.S. nonfarm payrolls on Sep. 3, the stars aligned for a profound decline in the USD Index. However, while the greenback came under fire from all angles, the USD Index demonstrated immense resiliency in the face of adversity. Moreover, the bullish determination helped reinforce our expectation for another move higher over the medium term.
To explain, the USD Index suffered a breakdown below the neckline of its inverse (bullish) head & shoulders pattern on Sep. 3 (following the release of the payrolls). However, once cooler heads prevailed, the dollar basket recouped the key level during futures trading on Sep. 5/6/7. As a result, U.S. dollar sentiment still remains quite elevated, and at the moment of writing these words, the USD Index is trading back (not much but still) above the neck level of the pattern (dashed, thick line) that’s based on the closing prices.
Tuesday, September 07, 2021
Weak August Payrolls: Why We Should Care / Economics / Employment
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
A disappointing nonfarm payrolls report came. If the Fed postpones the tapering announcement considerably, gold might be able to rally for longer.They say that September is a good time for gold. Indeed, historically, gold used to shine during the ninth month, and the yellow metal also started this year’s September on a good note. As the chart below shows, it jumped above $1,800 on the last day of August, and it has continued its rebound since then.
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Monday, September 06, 2021
A Mixed Stock Market - Still / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2021
By: Andre_Gratian
Current Position of the Market
SPX Long-term trend: There is some evidence that we are still in the bull market which started in 2009 and which could continue into 2021 until major cycles take over, and it ends. A move up to ~4500 is possible before the current bull market makes a final top and SPX corrects into its next major cycle low due in 2023.
SPX Intermediate trend: SPX correction underway.
Analysis of the short-term trend is done daily with the help of hourly charts. They are important adjuncts to the analysis of daily and weekly charts which determine longer market trends.
Monday, September 06, 2021
Energy Metals Build Momentum; Silver & Platinum May Follow / Commodities / Metals & Mining
By: MoneyMetals
Will this September be one to remember in the markets? It is often characterized by rising volatility heading into the fall. September also often ushers in a period of seasonal strength for precious metals markets.
U.S. stocks opened the month heading back up to record levels. Meanwhile, gold and silver traded with little fanfare. Prices bounced around quietly ahead of Friday’s big jobs report.
Despite lackluster performance in the precious metals sector of late, some other metals are taking off. Energy metals in particular are a hot commodity right now. Uranium – the fuel for nuclear reactors – has suddenly gained strength on supply concerns. And metals used in electric vehicles, including lithium and rare earth elements, are surging along with demand for electric vehicles.
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Monday, September 06, 2021
What‘s Not to Love About Crypto Market Fireworks / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2021
By: Monica_Kingsley
Another weak selling attempt in stocks – are these setting up for tomorrow‘s NFPs volatility? It sure appears so, but buy the dip mentality looks likely to emerge victorious. The current period of low VIX will probably give way to a brief spike, which within bull markets is usually resolved with another upswing.
No matter the momentary hesitation in the credit markets, where we‘re moving two steps forward, one step backwards. Or rather two steps backwards, as can be seen this week. Risk off is still with us as key commodities aren‘t surging, leaving yesterday‘s silver upswing a little suspect on a daily basis. Copper and oil are struggling somewhat at the moment as well, taking (a bit too much) time as the dollar is only modestly declining and yields aren‘t rising.
The current trading environment favors still risk off, sectoral rotations are tame, and inflation expectations continue basing before money printing becomes an ever bigger problem for 2022 and the years ahead. Ethereum keeps doing wonders, and Bitcoin is joining in – finally, as expected. Hope you‘re riding open profitable positions too!
Monday, September 06, 2021
Surging US Home Prices and Gold – What’s the Link? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2021
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
US home prices are surging, increasingly raising worries about inflation. Could gold follow houses? If so, why?Home price growth in the US has accelerated even further, reaching a new record. The S&P/Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index rose from 255.3 in May to 260.9 in June, boosting the annual percentage gain from 16.8% to 18.1%, as the chart below shows. That’s the largest jump since 1988 when the series began.
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Sunday, September 05, 2021
S&P 500 Rallies To New All-Time Highs – Are The Markets About To Break Higher? / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2021
By: Chris_Vermeulen
The S&P 500 rallied to new highs early in September after the US Federal Reserve statements indicating continued support of the US economy and easy money policies. It appears the markets have fallen back into bullish trending mode which may continue throughout September and into the end of 2021 through the Christmas Rally phase.
Q3:2021 Earnings & The 2021 Christmas Rally Are Pending
Although we can see a new, more moderate, price trend taking place on this S&P 500 (ES) Weekly Chart, below, we are starting to see a new rally phase setting up as traders push prices higher to close out Q3:2021 in expectation of continued strong earnings.
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Sunday, September 05, 2021
Bond Conundrum - Boom or Bust for Gold? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2021
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
Inflation has risen, but bond yields have declined. Such a divergence is strange — beware gold bulls!Would you like to see something mysterious? If yes, please look at the chart below. It shows the yields on 10-year US Treasuries (red line) and CPI annual inflation rates (blue line) in recent years. As you can see, a huge divergence emerged this year: while inflation surged above 5%, nominal bond yields declined from 1.6% to 1.3%.
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Sunday, September 05, 2021
How the sale of a Sting CD sparked an Entire Online Industry / Companies / Internet
By: Stephen_McBride
On an August afternoon in 1994, 21-year-old Dan Kohn made history.Kohn had just sold a CD to a man in Philadelphia through his clunky website.
The man paid $12.48 plus shipping for a copy of "Ten Summoner’s Tales" by the rock star Sting.
Why was this such a big deal?
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Sunday, September 05, 2021
Three Years of Fresh Thinking With Scott Dylan and Dave Antrobus / Companies / SME
By: Sumeet_Manhas
Since launching in 2018, the Mancunian capital investment agency Fresh Thinking Group has helped numerous businesses achieve their desired growth.
There are over 500,000 distressed companies in the UK. That’s just one of the reasons why private equity and distressed M&A investor Scott Dylan teamed up with award-winning technology specialist Dave Antrobus to launch Fresh Thinking in 2018. The forward-thinking capital investment group offers the personalised support and funding these distressed companies need to flourish in their markets.
Since kickstarting the group’s plans to help companies in digital and logistics markets transform their business models, the two entrepreneurs have achieved a huge level of success in raising Fresh Thinking’s profile. Here’s how they’ve helped companies across the UK launch, recover, and grow over the past three years.
Saturday, September 04, 2021
Bitcoin Bear Market Trend Forecast 2021 and Model Crypto Portfolio Buying Levels / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Today is your lucky day for you gain FULL access to my original full spectrum analysis of the crypto markets that was first made available to Patrons who support my work, of what I expect to happen into the end of 2021 in terms of a Bitcoin price trend forecast, and the strategy I am deploying to capitalise on as well as 5 potential black swans that could collapse the crypto markets such as USDT stable coin. Furthermore you get an update of where Bitcoin price stands in terms of my trend forecast and thus what is likely to happen next.
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Saturday, September 04, 2021
The Most Actively Traded Companies on the Toronto Stock Exchange / Companies / Canada
By: Submissions
The Toronto Stock Exchange is a Canadian stock exchange based in Toronto. Based on market capitalization, it's the eighth-largest exchange in the world and the third-largest in North America. A wide range of businesses from Canada and all over the world are listed on the exchange, and along with conventional securities, traders can also access exchange-traded funds, split share corporations and investment funds.
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Friday, September 03, 2021
Stock Market Rallying on FOMO Fumes / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2021
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The stock market is continuing to rally on FOMO fumes with the Dow up 1.5% for August as the market enters the seasonally worst month of the year for stocks, followed by October, and we all know what October's tend to herald, especially for markets that have run well beyond every expectation and value metric that one can think of which is true for a wide spectrum of stocks from our AI tech giants right through to the junk that populates the likes of Cathy Woods ARK Funds, metrics as I covered in recent analysis such as the Reverse REPO market RED FLAG, then we have margin debt soaring to well beyond all previous market highs which actually would be expected in nominal terms given inflation, however Margin debt has also soared to new highs as a percentage of GDP 3.9% vs 3% in 2000. Here's another flashing RED LIGHT that of the market cap of negative earning stocks exceeding that of the dot com bubble, so folks enjoy your FOMO whilst it lasts, I personally have battened down the hatches for the hurricane that's coming our way that will likely blow novice investors out of the water, especially those who are investing on margin!
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