Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Learn to Use the FORCE! - How to Really Get Rich / Personal_Finance / Financial Education
By: Nadeem_Walayat
This is where it all begins - NO PAIN NO GAIN! And I promise you there WILL be plenty of PAIN, it IS NECESSARY in ones the journey to becoming rich, it's only how you will really learn. Life is meant to be a struggle, to be painful, miserable even, it's not meant to be full of comfort, warm and fuzzy, it's discomfort that is the fuel that drives change, builds physical and mental toughness, we are all born as wide eyed babies, you have to embrace the pain that will toughen you up, life WILL punch in the face, which is good because that's what's needed, a good punch in the face that you will remember for the rest of your life, that will drive change in ways you cannot imagine as you work your butts off to become rich. I am not going to sugar coat anything, there is NO magic step by step blueprint to follow to get rich, the world is too dynamic and always changing for that. All of these so called get rich quick guides and courses are basically a con! As if it is going to be THAT easy! Getting rich is a not a a few hours, days, weeks or even months of work, getting rich is a function of the way you will live the rest of your life! Where I will do my best to ram home my experience of what I have learned to date, thoughts, ideas and tools for you to utilise to get you started on your OWN path towards getting rich because without wealth your life is going to be pretty crap, a never ending struggle which is why most end up swallowing the cool aide of waiting to live the life they dream of living AFTER they have died!
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Saturday, November 18, 2023
Quad Witching Cracks Stock Market Nuts / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2023
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The S&P is complying with trend forecast expectations that saw Friday's Quad Witching day end down 1.22% at 4450, where some hours before the open I commented -
"It's QUAD Witching DAY. There is a 90% probability for a STRONG DOWN DAY! Which given where the likes of Apple are perched just above support should act as a catalyst for the the sell off into October."
Whilst apparently someone called Cem Karson was eager to convince folks that a correction was 'almost impossible!'
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Saturday, November 18, 2023
Biden Bizarrely Brags About Lower Budget Deficits as US Federal Debt Skyrockets / Interest-Rates / US Debt
By: MoneyMetals
The more things change in Washington, the more they stay the same.
Under the new leadership of House Speaker Mike Johnson, Congress passed a stopgap funding bill on Tuesday to once again avert a government shutdown. It was quickly approved by the Senate on Wednesday, then signed into law by President Joe Biden.
Like the last one, this latest bipartisan budget scheme includes no spending cuts. So once again, deficit hawks are left feeling betrayed – not to mention alarmed at the country’s worsening fiscal trajectory.
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Silver Price Between a Rock and a Hard Place / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2023
By: Submissions
Caught between conflicting forces, will pivot optimism outweigh the economic malaise that should unfold in the months ahead?
A Short-Lived Rally?
From war premiums to pivot hopes, silver sees sunny skies, as the international and domestic fundamental outlooks increase investors’ enthusiasm , as the international and domestic fundamental outlooks increase investors’ enthusiasm. However, the excitement is misguided, as silver often declines precipitously when recessions arrive. And with an economic downturn poised to bite in 2024, the white metal’s recent rally could be short-lived.For example, the University of Michigan released its Index of Consumer Sentiment on Nov. 10. Director Joanne Hsu said:
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Saturday, November 18, 2023
The Most Important Chat GPT Tech Reveal of 2023 / Companies / AI
By: Stephen_McBride
1. The first AI “app store” is about to launch.
On Monday, November 6, ChatGPT creator OpenAI announced “GPT Store.”
It allows anyone to create their own AI “app” based on ChatGPT’s tech—no coding skills needed.
You can build a personalized robo-tutor… a travel concierge… or your own ChatGPT-like intern that filters all your emails.
Thursday, November 09, 2023
AI Tech Stocks Portfolio / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Current state is 78% invested, 22% cash where I am currently targeting being about 86% invested.
Stocks in or very near their buying ranges and how far they have deviated from their 52 week highs.
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Thursday, November 09, 2023
Micron MU Stock Trend Analysis / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Still trading near it's high Is primed for a sell off to at least $61, and likely sub $60.
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Thursday, November 09, 2023
TSMC Stock Trend Analysis / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Nadeem_Walayat
TSMC peaked early June, traded down by 20% since into a sticky support zone where buyers are stepping in to accumulate so there does not appear to be much scope for further downside, i.e. there is a lot of buying under $90, at best we could see $82 during a market slump.
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Thursday, November 09, 2023
NVIDIA Stock Trend Analysis / Companies / Nvidia
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Nvidia is another nut waiting to crack. It's pending a break below $400 to target sub $330, which if achieved I imagine would overshoot down towards $260. So Nvidia has huge downside potential, hence why I only hold 1% of target exposure but it needs to break below $400 to kick start the bulk of the down move.
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Thursday, November 09, 2023
The “new ChatGPT” just launched / Companies / AI
By: Stephen_McBride
1. All the world’s smartest people are embracing AI—and you better be too.
I was at the Network State Conference, hosted by Balaji Srinivasan.
Here’s award-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald presenting (he’s one of the good guys):
Wednesday, November 08, 2023
Stock Market SP500 Trend Expectations / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2023
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The S&P is complying with trend forecast expectations that saw Friday's Quad Witching day end down 1.22% at 4450, where some hours before the open I commented -
"It's QUAD Witching DAY. There is a 90% probability for a STRONG DOWN DAY! Which given where the likes of Apple are perched just above support should act as a catalyst for the the sell off into October."
Whilst apparently someone called Cem Karson was eager to convince folks that a correction was 'almost impossible!'
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Wednesday, November 08, 2023
Stock Market SPX Bounce Underway, but Resistance Upcoming / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2023
By: Gary_Tanashian
This article discusses one diverse component of the broad global markets; the US S&P 500. The market has some poor underpinnings that we routinely keep track of in NFTRH and are beyond the scope of this public article. Also beyond the scope are macro risk indicators, including the US dollar and its relationship with the Gold/Silver ratio.
Filtering all of that out, we have anticipated a seasonal bounce or rally due to market sentiment well biased to over-bearish, oversold conditions and the seasonal pattern (on average) for SPX that has turned up, as per this graphic first presented in NFTRH 779 on October 15.
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Wednesday, November 08, 2023
Stock Market Investing - Aren't We Here To Make Money? / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2023
By: Avi_Gilburt
All I have heard over the last year is that we are about to head into a recession – an economic construct suggesting a negative market environment. And, this has kept many quite bearish of the stock market, with most looking at the rally from 3500 to 4600SPX as the market being “wrong.” Well, I have some news for you, which was well said by the legendary Jesse Livermore:
“A prudent speculator never argues with the tape. Markets are never wrong, opinions often are.”
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Wednesday, November 08, 2023
Gold, Silver, Precious Metals Slide Re-starts / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2023
By: P_Radomski_CFA
As the concern with geopolitics peaked, so did gold price. Silver and mining follow. Are you prepared for the likely outcome?
Gold Peaks and Slides
In my yesterday’s analysis, I wrote the following about gold:
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Wednesday, November 08, 2023
AI Rules Everything! A.R.E.A.M. / Companies / AI
By: Stephen_McBride
My grand-dad used to tell me, “Look after the pennies, and the pounds will look after themselves.”
Microsoft (MSFT) founder Bill Gates still flew Economy long after he was a multimillionaire.
And to this day, the table in Amazon’s (AMZN) executive conference room is made of old doors with 4x4s attached to them for legs.
Sunday, November 05, 2023
Stock Market Seasonal and Presidential Cycle Analysis, Bitcoin Final Warning! / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2023
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Your analyst back from scam central (Istanbul), tourists need to factor in a getting scammed tax when visiting. Since my last article the S&P hit a low of 4333 followed by an ABC rally to a swing high of 4533, whilst a consolidation of the advance was expected, still this was more powerful than how I imagined it would play out ahead of targeting sub 4200 by Mid October and thus presents a significant deviation against my original trend forecast of some 11 months go.
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Saturday, November 04, 2023
Bitcoins FINAL Correction? / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Why is the bitcoin price falling if we are trending towards the SEC approving bitcoin etf's i.e. black rock?
I smell dark pools of capital at work engineering favourable price action to accumulate into. This could be the FINAL bitcoin dump before we wake up to a bull market to NEW ALL TIME HIGH's .during 2024 How low? maybe fall to 20k.... I will be scaling in as low as it goes, for the X4 to X5 payoff.
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Saturday, November 04, 2023
A Recession is Brewing / Economics / Recession 2023
By: Nadeem_Walayat
A reminder that a recession is brewing as illustrated by the US Presidential Election Cycle and Recessions analysis (Stock Market Gasping to Reach 4000 Ahead of Earnings Season, Dow New All Time High 2023?)
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Saturday, November 04, 2023
Gold Stocks Lagging / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2023
By: Zeal_LLC
The gold miners’ stocks are lagging gold’s strong young upleg, their gains falling behind. Their striking performance gap is undermining gold-stock sentiment, leaving traders even warier of this sector. While definitely vexing, this anomaly has only arisen over the past couple weeks. Gold stocks’ precedent during past major gold uplegs implies this will unwind soon, with miners surging fast to catch up with their metal.
Gold has been blasting higher on balance for a month now, confirming a new major upleg is underway. While the sparking catalyst was certainly geopolitical, gold’s upside since has been fueled by the normal sequential buying pattern driving all major uplegs. That’s stage-one gold-futures short-covering buying, then larger stage-two gold-futures long buying, then ultimately vast stage-three investment buying returning.
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Saturday, November 04, 2023
Why AI Will Eat the World / Companies / AI
By: Stephen_McBride
US stocks have been treading water lately… but the big news is in bitcoin (BTC).
It’s on fire, surging to $35,000—a price not seen in a year and a half.
Bitcoin has now doubled this year and is easily the best-performing major investment in the world: