Tuesday, April 05, 2016
Don't Let the Brexit Head Fake Fool You - Video / Politics / EU_Referendum
By: Mario_Innecco
Trancript Excerpt hi it's Tuesday April 5th 2016 I'll be talking to me about something very
interesting especially for UK residents but also for anyone around the world and
it's the breaks it had failed and some fake is some of you might not head fake
usually happens and sports for example in football as Americans call it soccer
you know our players running with the ball kicking the ball and then he looks
to the last but actually passes the ball to the right instead of you know 24 the
opponent also in basketball for example you running with the ball and you look
to the left and you can you pass the ball to the right to to your teammate
then the opponent will actually focus on the left and be fought so that's a head.
Tuesday, April 05, 2016
Could a Three-year Fixed Rate UK Mortgage be Just Right? / Housing-Market / Mortgages
By: MoneyFacts
Uncertain times in the financial world often leave borrowers wondering how long they should fix their mortgage for. In order to meet the needs of those looking for a term that offers the perfect mix of security and a great rate – in other words, one that is ‘just right’ - Moneyfacts.co.uk has found that the number of three-year fixed rate mortgages has increased by 16% in just two years.
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Tuesday, April 05, 2016
Fractal Analysis of US Dollar Index Suggests Massive Gold Rally Coming / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: Hubert_Moolman
Below, I have done a fractal analysis of the US Dollar index (generated on tradingview.com). It shows that the US Dollar index is likely to drop over the next years; however, it appears to have started a new uptrend (read deflation – deflation is great for gold and silver), from a long-term point of view.
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Tuesday, April 05, 2016
Weak Start to Stock Market Week / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Harry_Boxer
The stock market indices had a tough session to start the week. It was a down day, for sure. The day opened down, they pulled back, popped, couldn’t get through the highs, and sold off to the morning lows and session lows by about 11-11:15 this morning. They then rallied midday, and could not get through the highs, rolled over, retested twice, but couldn’t break down as well. Enough damage had been done to create losses for the day.
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Tuesday, April 05, 2016
America's Future Demands a Third Party / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2016
At this point in the long and revolting primary fiasco, the two party monopoly plays out their orchestrated selection charade for all to see. The most amazing and pathetic attitude among a politically frustrated electorate is why another one can or will provide their consent with the final outcome. The fundamental failure in the American political system is based upon a phony two party opposition. Friends and foes alike, the first lesson in understanding our politically imposed despotism is that elections never allow for real choice. The careerist political class always prevents honest reformers from gaining real power.
Tuesday, April 05, 2016
Has the Financial World Learned its Lesson from Madoff? / Personal_Finance / Scams
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
The idea of anything as devastating as the Madoff scandal ever happening in the financial world again is a terrifying one; the Ponzi scheme is considered one of the biggest economic crimes of recent years, affecting thousands of private and corporate investors. Many of its victims are still attempting to rebuild their lives, despite almost eight years passing since Bernie Madoff’s tearful confession to his sons one December evening in 2008. It’s therefore not difficult to see why so many are fearful of history repeating itself. Two big questions remain unanswered though; why was Madoff allowed to get away with his scheme for so long, and has the financial world really learned its lesson?
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Tuesday, April 05, 2016
Stock Market Quiet Day.... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Jack_Steiman
Theoretically, I could end the newsletter right here. Not much to say about today's action other than it was quiet with the job being to try and unwind things a bit on those overbought charts. The market has been hanging out at overbought for quite some time, but it's now dealing with another headache other than those overbought daily charts. Most of the indexes are at major trend line resistance so a pause in the action does make some sense. If the indexes hang in tough for the next few days that would be a very positive sign for the bulls as it would mean they're able to hold off the bears and their attempt to push things back down. Unwinding without too much price erosion while staying close to the breakout area is a good thing for the bulls. The bears desperately need a major gap down that runs lower all day. They are getting plenty of overseas bad news to snack on, but it seems the market doesn't care.
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Monday, April 04, 2016
Epic Battle Rages Between the Bullion Banks and Gold Speculators / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: The_Gold_Report
The battle raging between the Bullion Banks and Gold Speculators is every bit as spectacular as the Ali-Frazier fights of the 1970s, says precious metals expert Michael Ballanger.
As a young man of fourteen with my older brother Donny having introduced me to Ring Magazine a few year earlier, I can't remember ever being so hyped up for a heavyweight title fight than when Cassius Clay took on Sonny Liston and "whupped" him to take the title and then repeated in the rematch. From that point onward, the hero of my youth (excluding Bobby Orr, of course) in the world of sports became Cassius Clay-turned-Muhammad Ali, who became the greatest heavyweight fighter of all time and dominated the game for over a decade, despite being banned from boxing for refusing to join the army in 1967. Ali was a big man standing over 6'4" tall but he moved with the fluidity, speed and lethal grace of a jaguar.
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Monday, April 04, 2016
SPX has Ceased its Rally / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
SPX appears to have left a high of 2075.07 near the close on Friday and has ceased rising. It still needs to break the trendlines with the 4.3-year trendline near 2050.00. A short entry may come at the bounce off the trendline, especially if confirmed by the VIX.
Bloomberg comments, “U.S. stocks slipped from their highest levels this year, with declines in consumer and industrial shares overshadowing gains in health-care companies, as investors looked for fresh reasons to continue a rally.
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Monday, April 04, 2016
Bloomberg Article Sparks Some Stock Market VIX Observations / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
VIX made a probable Master Cycle low on April 1 at 13.00. In the case of this chart, the price label “stuck” to an earlier low. This sometimes happens in StockCharts and other charting services.
If my observation is correct, we may finally see it rally above its prior high at 15.28 and give us a buy signal. Granted, the trendline is at 15.00, but a breakout does give additional confirmation.
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Monday, April 04, 2016
Vauxhall Panics over Zafira B Fire Recall Whilst Dealers Such as Pentagon Adopt a Laid Back Attitude / ConsumerWatch / Auto Sector
By: N_Walayat
This is an update on the crisis facing Vauxhall, the latest in a long list of auto manufactures forced to issue recalls for a myriad of reasons from alleged fraudulently emissions ratings for the likes of Volkswagen to Vauxhall's recall of some 220,000 Zafira B models in the UK that are apparently at a real risk of catching fire and even exploding as is the experience of countless Zafira owners over the past few years hence triggering the recall.
Monday, April 04, 2016
The European Union Is Anti-European / Politics / European Union
Louis Rouanet writes: What is Europe? It seems that no rigorous answer can be provided. Europe is not exactly a continent. It is not a political entity. It is not a united people. The best definition, in fact, may be that Europe is the outcome of a long historical process that engendered unique institutions and a unique vision of what men ought to be. The idea that men ought to be free from violent government interference. Europe has no founding fathers. Its birth was not orchestrated but completely spontaneous. Its development was not imposed by armies and governments but was the voluntary product of clerics, merchants, serfs, and intellectuals who were seeking to interact freely with each other. Europeans were united by their freedoms and divided by their governments. In other words, Europe was built against States and their arbitrary restrictions, not by them.
Monday, April 04, 2016
Trump to Run as Independent if Denied GOP Nomination? / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2016
By: Stephen_Lendman
National polls show him way out in front, up to 20 points over Cruz. You’d think he’d be unstoppable. Not if party bosses intend blocking him. More on this below.
America’s political system is deplorable, the best democracy money can buy, insiders deciding who’ll be president and fill key congressional posts, ordinary people having no say whatever.
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Monday, April 04, 2016
The Boomer Retirement Meme Is A Big Lie / Politics / Demographics
By: James_Quinn
As the labor participation rate and employment to population ratio linger near three decade lows, the mouthpieces for the establishment continue to perpetuate the Big Lie this is solely due to the retirement of Boomers. It's their storyline and they'll stick to it, no matter what the facts show to be the truth. Even CNBC lackeys, government apparatchiks, and Ivy League educated Keynesian economists should be able to admit that people between the ages of 25 and 54 should be working, unless they are home raising children.
Monday, April 04, 2016
Vietnam War at 50: Have We Learned Nothing? / Politics / US Politics
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
Last week Defense Secretary Ashton Carter laid a wreath at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington in commemoration of the "50th anniversary" of that war. The date is confusing, as the war started earlier and ended far later than 1966. But the Vietnam War at 50 commemoration presents a good opportunity to reflect on the war and whether we have learned anything from it.
Some 60,000 Americans were killed fighting in that war more than 8,000 miles away. More than a million Vietnamese military and civilians also lost their lives. The US government did not accept that it had pursued a bad policy in Vietnam until the bitter end. But in the end the war was lost and we went home, leaving the destruction of the war behind. For the many who survived on both sides, the war would continue to haunt them.
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Monday, April 04, 2016
Silver Bullion Is Coiled Spring and Will “Explode Higher” / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: GoldCore
Silver bullion’s reluctant, sluggish participation in early 2016’s powerful gold rally has been glaringly obvious. Instead of amplifying the yellow metal’s big gains as in the past, silver largely failed to even keep pace. The lack of silver confirmation for gold’s big move has certainly raised concerns. But despite silver’s vexing torpidity in recent months, it is a coiled spring ready to explode higher to catch and surpass gold.
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Monday, April 04, 2016
Stock Market New Short-Term Highs As Investors Await Quarterly Earnings Releases / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Paul_Rejczak
Briefly: In our opinion, no speculative positions are justified.
Our intraday outlook is neutral, and our short-term outlook is neutral. Our medium-term outlook remains bearish, as the S&P 500 index extends its lower highs, lower lows sequence:
Intraday outlook (next 24 hours): neutral
Short-term outlook (next 1-2 weeks): neutral
Medium-term outlook (next 1-3 months): bearish
Long-term outlook (next year): neutral
Monday, April 04, 2016
Stocks & shares ISAs Deliver Weakest Performance Since 2008 Financial Crisis / Personal_Finance / ISA's
By: MoneyFacts
· The average performance of a stocks & shares ISA has fallen by 2.7% during the 2015/16 tax year so far, the worst growth since the 2008 financial crisis.
· This compares with an average cash ISA rate of 1.44% over the same period.
· The average stocks & shares ISA has failed to deliver positive growth in seven of the 17 tax years since the introduction of ISAs in 1999.
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Monday, April 04, 2016
The Pitfalls Of Buying Gold And Silver Online, And How To Avoid Them / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: John_Rubino
Back in 2014, online bullion dealer Tulving shocked its many customers by suddenly failing. See Coinweek’s story: How does $40M of Gold and Silver Disappear: The Collapse of Tulving Company
Last week another one bit the dust:
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Monday, April 04, 2016
Stocks Russell 2000 Index Completes Significant Stocks Bear Market Signal / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Dr_David_J_Harris
This article presents an analysis of the Russell 2000 index which is a US small-cap stock market index covering the bottom 2,000 stocks in the Russell 3000 index.
- The US Russell 2000 stock market index was commissioned in 1984 and has been in use for 32 years, along with the Russell 1000 index and the Russell 3000 index.
- Recently, at the end of Q1 2016, the Russell 2000 index completed a key bear market signal.
- Throughout the 32 years of the Russell 2000 index, this bear market signal has only been recorded once previously, and that was in early 2008 at the start of the previous major downturn often called the Great Recession.
- Price projection calculations indicate that the Russell 2000 has much further to fall, perhaps leading the major large cap US indexes down.
- There is some evidence to suggest that this downturn of the Russell 2000 may continue for a further 12 to 24 months before reaching a final bottom.