Thursday, August 13, 2015
China's Yuan Devaluation Creates This Profit Play for U.S. Oil Investors / Commodities / Oil Companies
By: ... Dr. Kent Moors writes: When the People's Bank of China (PBOC) cut the value of the yuan by 2% on Tuesday, it was the biggest one-day drop for the currency in more than 20 years.
Crude oil and stocks sank on Tuesday, as well, with oil scraping six-year lows.
Tuesday's action would have been enough… but then the yuan plunged all over again on Wednesday, despite PBOC efforts to prop it up, triggering even more volatility.
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Thursday, August 13, 2015
German-US Bond Yield Spread Breaks Out / Interest-Rates / International Bond Market
By: Ashraf_Laidi
Bond yields fell across the board since mid-June, but the more meaningful fact for currency traders remains yield differentials. For EURUSD watchers, the rate of decline in 10-year bund has been slower than its US counterpart, which led to a stabilisation in the German-US spread (not US-German) to the extent of breaking above an important 3 ½ year trendline.
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Thursday, August 13, 2015
Why is Russia Destroying Its Food? / Politics / Russia
- A Kremlin crackdown on food imports that violate Russian sanctions will continue to draw criticism throughout Russia.
- If the Kremlin continues with its crackdown, protests will expand.
- To limit the backlash, Moscow may opt for sporadic crackdowns rather than systematic enforcement of food sanctions.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Gold Price at a Crossroads / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Dan_Norcini
Gold has had a nice run off the Chinese yuan devaluation news with short covering the dominant reason behind the buying.
Markets that have a decent sized speculative short position are always subject to bouts of sharp price rises as shorts scurry for cover. The question is not whether or not shorts are covering - they are. The question is, "Are there large numbers of specs who are willing and eager to assume NEW LONG positions?"
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Thursday, August 13, 2015
Harness Biotech Stock Volatility with an Options Strategy / Companies / BioTech
By: TLSReport
Volatility is the nature of the biotech beast, and it must be tamed or utilized to advantage. That's the philosophy of Eden Rahim, portfolio manager and option strategist at Theta Strategies Capital. Can you grow a portfolio if some of your more successful names are called away by option buyers before the stock goes into the stratosphere? The answer is yes, and in this interview with The Life Sciences Report, Rahim describes his technique and leaves readers with six names that he fully expects to reap very large gains.
The Life Sciences Report: You are CEO and cofounder of Theta Strategies Capital, and also the portfolio manager and innovator of the Next Edge Theta Yield Fund, which derives income from the options strategies you have developed over two decades. These strategies profit, in part, from the decline in pricing that occurs as options approach expiration. Could you describe that strategy?
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Thursday, August 13, 2015
Crude Oil Price Reverses - Was that THE Bottom? / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Nadia_Simmons
Trading position (short-term; our opinion): No positions are justified from the risk/reward perspective.
Crude oil declined yesterday, but the session was not without a rebound. In fact, the move higher continues also today as black gold is at almost $44. Have we just seen a major triple bottom in crude oil?
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Thursday, August 13, 2015
Will The Stock Market Return to Earth This Summer? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: Clif_Droke
What accounts for the equity bull market's stubborn refusal to bend to the bears' will despite a clear lack of internal strength? That's the question investors are asking right now in what has been a grinding, directionless stock market this summer.
The answer to that question is simple to answer, yet complex when you look below its surface. Corporate funds are driving this bull market much more so than direct participation by small retail investors. The pattern that has been established since the start of this year has been a case of wash, rinse, repeat: the S&P 500 Index (SPX) rallies to either a new high or a previous high, then the sellers enter to force stock prices lower. The sellers rarely succeed in pushing the SPX much below its 200-day moving average before the buyers step back in to regain control. The net result of this continual process has been a lateral trading range for much of this year.
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Thursday, August 13, 2015
Gold Miners Are Saying It's Time / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2015
By: Bob_Loukas
Back in early July I published the view that we needed “Just a Little Bit More“ downside to complete the gold Investor Cycle. All of the indicators and tools we used to spot these turns were firmly in place and it had become a matter of cleaning out the remaining bulls before turning. At the time of publishing, gold stood at $1,130, and my expectation was for one more decline, below $1,110, in order to complete the Cycle and form a major Investor Cycle Low.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Top 3 Technical Trading Tools Part 1: Japanese Candlesticks / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
Elliott Wave International senior analyst shows you how to identify quality trade setups
"I always will be an Elliottician, but other technical tools have merit and are indeed worthwhile: they allow me to build a case, build a more confident reason for making a forecast and for taking a trade; making a trading decision." -Jeffrey Kennedy
I recently asked Elliott Wave International analyst Jeffrey Kennedy to name his 3 favorite technical tools (besides the Wave Principle). He told me that Japanese candlesticks, RSI, and MACD Indicators are currently his top methods to support trade setups.
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Thursday, August 13, 2015
The Fiat Yuan / Currencies / China Currency Yuan
By: Michael_J_Kosares
Seth Lipsky/The New York Sun/8-11-2015
“If the Communist Chinese devalue the yuan against a dollar that is appreciating against gold, has the yuan gone up or down? We ask because the leading story on the New York Times Web site this morning reports not only that the Chicom authorities ‘sharply devalued’ the renminbi but also that the move ‘could raise geopolitical tensions and weigh on growth elsewhere.’ We ran the Times’ entire text through the Sun’s old hand-crank Von Mises brand language-specie prose separator. It failed to find any mention of — or even allusion to — gold.”
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Thursday, August 13, 2015
Gold & Silver Correlations for August 2015 / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Mike_McAra
Correlation seems almost like a magical word. In fact, most people don’t have to use this term more often than a couple of times a year. In the world of investing, however, correlation is an important concept which has to do with how different assets move in relation to one another. Before we even dive into what correlation means in the world of statistics, we’ll focus on the intuition behind it.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Saudi Crude Oil Strategy: Brilliant Or Suicide? / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: OilPrice_Com

In October, Saudi sources first prepared the market with statements that the country would be comfortable with oil prices as low as $80 per barrel for "a year or two." At the November OPEC meeting, the Saudi oil minister, Ali Al-Naimi, publicly announced Saudi Arabia would allow market forces to set prices. He argued that rapidly growing production outside OPEC made the existing status quo unviable, and that lower prices in the short term would increase prices in the longer term through reduced investment and ultimately benefit all OPEC members.
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Thursday, August 13, 2015
Currency Devalution - It's China's Turn / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Ashraf_Laidi
Devaluing currencies from the US to Japan, Eurozone and China. Although Japan started zero interest rate policy back in the mid-1990s, for a more relevant comparison, we start the analysis post-2008/9 crisis.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Cable Companies Hurting Amid Selloff / Companies / Sector Analysis
By: AnyOption
It all started with three words during Disney’s earnings call with analysts. When talking about the company’s ESPN segment, CEO Bog Iger mentioned that Disney had experienced “some subscriber loss.”The stock slid 8% and is currently down almost 10% from its high before the earnings report came out. Disney isn’t the only one hurting, though. Viacom fell 14% after reporting lower-than-expected revenue due to weakness in its cable TV business. Time Warner, Fox, Comcast and CBS were also hit hard.
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Thursday, August 13, 2015
Student Finance Bank Accounts - Choose Wisely / Personal_Finance / Student Finances
By: MoneyFacts
Within the next month, many students will be heading to university, and for some this could be the first time they will live away from home and be solely in charge of their money.
As a new chapter in their lives begins, students need to make sure they learn how to manage their finances throughout their further education, and one of the best starting points is picking a good student bank account.
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Thursday, August 13, 2015
U.S. Dollar/Chinese Yuan (USD/CNY) Surges Following China’s Devaluation / Currencies / China Currency Yuan
By: MarketsToday
Following China’s devaluation on Tuesday of the yuan, the U.S. dollar/Chinese yuan currency pair (USD/CNY) has surged, reaching as high as 6.4485 so far today (Wednesday). It has now reached the most overbought level on a weekly basis since 2001 (based on weekly 14-period Relative Strength Index (RSI) momentum indicator), and is extremely overbought based on the daily chart, getting close to the maximum reading of 100.
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Thursday, August 13, 2015
Stock Market Crash Potential Over The Next 3-4 Weeks & Possible Final Low In Gold / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Gary_Savage
I’ve said all along that if the Fed didn’t get out of the way and let the market correct naturally it would have serious consequences. Well they have not let the market correct naturally. On the contrary ever since QE3 ended there have been more interventions than ever before, and more aggressive. This has kept the market propped up but it’s also built up extreme complacency. We now have a bubble in central bank confidence. When this bubble pops it’s going to unleash a tsunami of selling as everyone runs to the exits all at once.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
The Saudi Crude Oil Price War Is Backfiring / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: OilPrice_Com
Saudi Arabia has long enjoyed the status of being the top crude oil exporter in the world. With record production of 10.564 million barrels per day in June 2015, Saudi Arabia has been one of the major driving forces behind the current oil price slump.The Saudis have kept their production levels high since last year in order to drive other players (especially U.S. shale drillers) out of business. Equally clear is the fact that this strategy of maintaining the glut and driving out rivals hasn't worked so far.
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Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Investors Time to Cash in on Tech Breakthrough, Biggest Memory Leap in 25 Years / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: ... Michael A. Robinson: Just a couple of weeks ago, we received news about a huge new breakthrough in computer memory.
The announcement has major ramifications for consumer products like smartphones and tablets as well as for the growth markets of cloud computing and Big Data.
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Wednesday, August 12, 2015
What China’s Surprise Announcement Means for Crude Oil / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: ... Dr. Kent Moors writes: The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) just decided to cut the value of the Chinese currency, the yuan, by 2%.
The announcement took analysts by surprise and signaled that Beijing has decided to shore up a weakness in exports. It will now almost certainly usher in similar moves by other Asian countries that are China’s exporting competitors.
And behind that cut U.S. oil and gas producers face another painful period.
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