Friday, March 20, 2020
Alessandro De Dorides - Business Consultant / Companies / SME
Worried about your business not working properly? Well, there are many reasons as to why your business is not doing well. It can be because your business doesn’t have a proper setup or it can be because you lack precious advice from the erudite business consultants. For any business to be successful you must always have a business consultant who can help you move further in your business regardless of the lacunae’s which you carry or have. Business consultants are masters in revealing your competitors’ policies and in concealing the fallacies of your business. So, are you thinking about your business also?
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Friday, March 20, 2020
Why a Second Depression is Possible but Not Likely / Economics / Economic Depression
Almost everyone who deals in stocks and shares possesses at least a cursory knowledge of the 1929 stock market crash and subsequent Great Depression that crippled the US and sent economic shock waves across the entire globe. With markets tanking on fears of an extraordinarily serious coronavirus event, some are asking if the late 1920s and early 30s could repeat themselves in short order.
The short answer is this: while a second depression is entirely possible, it is not very likely. There are several systemic differences in the financial systems of 1929 and 2020. Moreover, the Great Depression cannot be blamed entirely on the stark market crash. The crash was but a symptom of a much bigger problem. It was also just one factor that went into creating what was arguably the largest financial crisis in modern history.
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Thursday, March 19, 2020
UK Coronavirus Infections Trend Trajectory Worse than Italy Government PANICs! Sterling Collapses! / Politics / Pandemic
Finally Britain's schools are going to close on Friday the 20th of March, a good 2 weeks later than they should have and 1 week later than I forecast they would do over a month ago! As the government had been following the mad scientist doctrine of wanting to spread the virus via those most able to withstand and survive infection i.e. children who thankfully are being spared by the coronavirus. Who were expected to go on to infect their parents and thus eventually approximately 60% of the UK population would reach herd immunity and bring the outbreak to an end.
A protocol that I for several weeks have been warning was a recipe for disaster that would result in anywhere from 400,000 deaths to 1.4 million UK deaths, far beyond anything any other nation has experienced as illustrated by my following video -
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Thursday, March 19, 2020
CORONAVIRUS - Here Be Dragons, 'Hic Sunt Dracones' / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2020
Bob Moriarty of 321gold explains why he believes the world is in uncharted waters.
We have sailed off the map of the known world into totally uncharted waters. No one, including me, knows exactly where we are or where we are headed.
But hic sunt dracones is an excellent warning, here be dragons. If I was still flying and needed to give a brief to my passengers, I'd be saying, "I have some good news and some bad news. First the bad news. We have flown off the edge of my maps and we are totally lost without a clue as to where we are."
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Thursday, March 19, 2020
Coronavirus Market Crisis - Nowhere to Hide! / Stock-Markets / Financial Crisis 2020
Sector expert Michael Ballanger breaks down the latest market moves and charts a "course of action."
As I begin the weekly missive here on Thursday, the U.S. equity markets are experiencing the worst daily assault since that fateful day back in 1987, when the Dow lost 23% in a single trading session, sending thousands of Gucci-clad stockbrokers to the Sears re-fit aisle. Being the incredibly prescient individual that I am (tongue firmly planted in cheek), I have attempted four times since 6 a.m. to put words to paper, and four times I have deleted every paragraph and no fewer than ten different charts.
I have tried humor, I have tried humility, I have tried hubris, I have even tried cheerleading. Alas, at the end of the day, I am proceeding on the premise that followers of my work want a simple opinion on one thing: tactics. What are the tactics that I intend to employ to show a positive return for the year 2020? (Subscribers will have my blueprint in the subscriber section, which may be accessed at this shamelessly offered e-mail address of
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Thursday, March 19, 2020
Coronavirus Most Likely GDP Economic Outcome for Q1 and Q2 2020 / Economics / Global Economy
In this section of this multi-part research article related to the potential economic destruction of the Covid-19 virus event across the global markets (Part I, Part II).
We’re going to peer into data related to the GDP and other factors of the US economy. Remember, the US economy is the largest single economy and consumption component in the world. As we suggested in our earlier research, the US and China (combined) account for about 30% of the total global GDP each year. The top 12+ GDP nations on the planet account for just under 80% of the total annual GDP for the globe. What happens if economic activity and global GDP collapse for the next 24+ months because of the Covid-19 virus?
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Thursday, March 19, 2020
Uncharted Market Territory? No - complimentary webinar from EWI / Stock-Markets / Financial Crisis 2020
There's a lot of misinformation in the financial news right now.
You have questions. Now get answers.
On Friday, March 20, at 1pm ET, our friends at Elliott Wave International will present a special webinar by their Global Markets Strategist, Brian Whitmer. Brian will present indicators that have stood the test of time and are critically important to investors at a time like this.
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Thursday, March 19, 2020
How COVID-19 Leads to 2008-Style Bank Crisis / Stock-Markets / Financial Crisis 2020
The COVID-19 virus is pushing an economy that was already approaching a cliff. Will it go over the edge?
Probably. And the Federal Reserve lifeline is wearing thin.
I have to admit, I didn’t foresee this. Six weeks ago, I said 2020 would probably bring continued low growth. Then I noted several brewing crises that could cause major problems. A pandemic wasn’t on my list.
But then, using the impeachment trial as an example, I added…
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Coronavirus Impact on Global Economic GDP Numbers / Economics / Global Economy
Continuing our earlier multi-part research post related to our extensive number crunching and predictive modeling systems expectations going forward many years, (Part I) this second part will highlight some existing data points and start to discuss the concepts of what the Covid-19 virus event may do to the immediate global economy. Remember, in the first part of this article, we shared research related to the US Fed Funds Rate (FFR) and how the Covid-19 virus event may create an environment of economic malaise over the next 12 to 24+ months as well as potentially disrupt the population and deficits over a 5+ year span.
This type of event is very similar to war (think WWII) in the sense that consumer spending changes, population growth, and levels change, GDP changes and deficits change for all involved. Our researchers modeled the GDP levels from 2017 will now with the intent of attempting to identify probable outcomes of GDP output throughout the world over the next 5+ years. Throughout these types of events, a massive capital shift takes place where consumers within areas impacted by war shift their spending and purchasing habits to address the immediate real needs of their attempted survival. Speculation vanishes. People only spend on things they are confident they can afford to risk their money on. Anyone who is able to take advantage of the displaced or disparaged has a real opportunity to create some real gains if they don’t become the next displaced or disparaged individual.
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Thursday, March 19, 2020
Bticoin Crash Big Channel Review / Currencies / Bitcoin
Is bitcoin digital gold? Well 2020 will tell us if this is true. Should you double up?
First you must congratulate bitcoin (and litecoin) for how liquid it is, well done!
So what happens next.
Do you invest for the sci fi world coming on the back of new fancy tech which will use just in time internet money any where in the world ? Will you trust banks once the great crash of 2020 is over? Will governments be desperate for economic activity and remove taxation burdens to allow tax free BTC or LTC transactions.
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Thursday, March 19, 2020
Gold is Doing Its Job…Silver Will Come Back as a Safe-Haven Asset / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
Mike Gleason: It is my privilege now to welcome back our good friend David Morgan of The Morgan Report. David, it's always great to have you on and appreciate the time as always. How are you sir?
David Morgan: Well, Mike, I am doing well personally and the markets aren't, but I'm hanging in there and thanks for having me on the show.
Mike Gleason: Yeah, definitely overdue, and great to have you back. Well David, we are seeing tremendous volatility in markets. The coronavirus is getting the blame for a huge sell off in stocks and in epic rally and bond prices. Commodities, oil in particular, are getting hammered. Maybe the only thing predictable about the recent market action is the Fed's response. They did another emergency 50 basis point cuts and a lot of people expect them to cut another 50 basis points when the FOMC meets later this month. What is your take on the turmoil, David? Is this a short lived phenomenon and will markets recover as soon as the fear around the virus dissipates? Or we looking at the start of something more serious and maybe the bubble and equities is finally been popped?
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
The Chartology of Coronavirus Deflationary Event / Stock-Markets / Deflation
The great debate on whether we’re going to see inflation or deflation has been answered in spades. For years some of the greatest minds of our time have discussed this issue in great detail with each side giving probable reasons as to why we’ll see either inflation or deflation. Both sides can make great points to their arguments but in the end only one side will win the battle that has been raging on for years. While the fundamentalist argue their points I’m going to show you from a Chartology perspective the true story of what is taking place in this great debate.
In this Weekend Report we’ll look at some short, intermediate and long term charts for the US dollar and some commodities indexes to paint a picture of what millions of investors, from around the world are actually doing with their money. These investors leave their mark on a chart that show up as short term battles to longer term wars that can last for years. These battles and wars create chart patterns that define the winner and looser of each encounter.
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Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Fed Slashes Rates to Zero and Introduces QE in Response to COVID-19. Will Gold Rally Now? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2020
On Sunday, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates and restarted quantitative easing to stimulate economy hit by the pandemic of COVID-19. That’s already its second move prior to this Wednesday’s FOMC. What does it imply for gold?
It’s Serious, Really.
Winter is not coming. Winter is here already. The situation does not look too good. Although the epidemic seems on the way out in China and South Korea, the situation in Europe and the US is deteriorating quickly. As you can see in the charts below, the new daily cases are quickly rising, making the total number of infected people doubling each 3-4 days. And please note that the chart shows only confirmed cases – the true number of infected people is almost certainly larger, especially in the US, where shockingly low number of tests have been conducted.
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Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Nowhere To Run, Nowhere To Hide – Cash Is King, Not Gold / Politics / Pandemic
Amidst the fallout of stock markets crashing worldwide, gold (silver, too) and oil imploding, and the scare of coronavirus, the dollar itself stands tall. That is not what some were expecting. Nevertheless, unrealistic expectations abound today, so let’s see what we can learn from this.
When investors sell en masse, they generally turn to cash as a resting place for their money. Cash for most people today still means US dollars. This implies an increase in demand for US dollars. Gold investors and their advisors seem to have been expecting just the opposite.
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Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Coronavirus - Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself / Politics / Pandemic
“So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is…fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and of vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. And I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days.”- Franklin D. Roosevelt – March 4, 1933
Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke these words during his first inauguration at the depths of the Great Depression in 1933. The narrative taught in government schools is how FDR’s words invigorated the nation and inspired the people to show courage in the face of adversity. His terminology was that of a general leading his troops into battle.
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Wednesday, March 18, 2020
The Stocks Bear Market Is Upon Us... Or Not / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2020
I have to tell you that the last 6 months in this market have been the most unusual of my career as a public analyst. And I tried warning many of you of the potential, yet most chose to deride my perspective, as many got suckered into the biggest fake-out I have ever seen in the market.
In my analysis published on emerging markets back in early February entitled “Sentiment Speaks: Emerging Markets Look Sick,” I warned that EEM presented us with a chart that looked truly bearish for 2020. Moreover, I had been warning members of that IWM has not confirmed the breakout we saw in the SPX for several months. It was for this reason that I was unwilling to aggressively play the long side in the equity market, at least until IWM proved otherwise.
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Tuesday, March 17, 2020
US and UK Coronavirus Containment Incompetence Resulting Catastrophic Trend Trajectories / Politics / Pandemic
The answer as to why the stock market is delivering 10% blood baths virtually every other trading day since the western world were awoken to the full spectrum horrific consequences of the Coronavirus early March, after having ignored what took place first in China and then large chunks of Asia, likely due to a false sense of superiority. Whilst I have often voiced since early February that we won't find the answers to which way stocks are likely to trend by looking at the price charts. After all back in early Feb the stock market initially shrugged off Coronavirus China news and duly marched to new all time highs! And then continued to remain largely suspended in a state of denial until the cookie started to crumble early March and true panic set in far beyond anything anyone could have imagined at the time.
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Monday, March 16, 2020
UK Entering Coronavirus Mass Deaths Stage, Schools Remain Open to Spread Herd Immunity / Politics / Pandemic
In terms of the daily change in the number of infected, the UK appears to have pulled off a minor miracle as today's increase in the number of infected was substantially lower than yesterdays, only recording 152 new cases at 9am this morning against a rise of 330 yesterday. So has the UK pulled of a Coronavirus miracle? I'm afraid not because last Thursday the Government announced that it would STOP TESTING ALL THOSE INFECTED who were told to self quarantine at home and now would only be testing those who actually end up ill in hospital, which would estimate to be between 12% to 20% of those who are infected. This is AGAINST WHO recommendations of how to fight the pandemic, a message of TEST, TEST, TEST!
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Monday, March 16, 2020
Stock Market Trend Forecast Number Crunching / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2020
This is one of those articles that are packed with resources showing your what to expect for various assets both long-term and short-term and will guide you through these volatile times and this year.
Our friends and followers continue to contact us asking what to expect and what should they be doing with their assets and trades? Our research and analysis have been very clear up to this point; we warned of a Zombie Rally in early November and early December 2019, we warned that Oil would fall below $40 on November 15, 2019, and we warned of a global Black Swan event on January 26, 2020.
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Monday, March 16, 2020
Containing the Coronavirus: Chinese lessons / Politics / Pandemic
Despite containment in China, international response against the coronavirus has been lagging. So, what can be learned from the Chinese experience?As the novel coronavirus is globalizing, the very nature of the outbreak – which the World Health Organization (WHO) has now declared a global pandemic – is changing.
As the early imported cases are now being augmented with local transmissions, the novel coronavirus outbreak has moved into a new, more serious phase. That’s why March will be the critical month worldwide.
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