Friday, August 23, 2019
The Central Bank Time Machine / Interest-Rates / Central Banks
By: Michael_Pento
We are now witnessing the death throes of the free market. The massive and record-breaking global debt overhang, which is now $250 trillion (330% of GDP), demands a deflationary deleveraging depression to occur; as a wave of defaults eliminates much of that untenable debt overhang. The vestiges of the free market are trying to accomplish this task, which is both healthy and necessary in the long term—no matter how destructive it may seem during the process. Just like a forest fire is sometimes necessary to clear away the dead brush in order to promote viable new growth. However, the “firemen” of today (central banks) are no longer in the business of containing wildfires, but instead proactively flooding the forest with a deluge of water to the point of destroying all life.
In point of fact, the free market is no longer being allowed to function. Communism has destroyed capitalism, as the vital savings and investment dynamic has been obliterated. Central banks have decided that savers deserve no return on their so-called risk-free investments and have hence forced into existence humongous bubbles in junk bonds and equity markets worldwide. They have destroyed the savings and investment dynamic and turned time backward.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Stock Market August Breakdown Prediction and Analysis / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Our August 19th breakdown prediction aligns with our other analysis tools and predictive modeling systems. The key to understanding price action lies in two modes of operational aspects for analysts. Either the analysis is going to be correct and the markets will break down as we have predicted or the analysis will be incorrect and the markets will break higher to rally to new highs. We call this the “failure to fail” mode or the “failure to succeed” mode of compliance for price. Either it will do what we expect or it won’t.
There are a few things that we, as analysts, must take into consideration with regards to future predictions of price action and direction. First, sometimes we fail to make perfect predictions. It is not easy or 100% guaranteed that our predictions will become valid or accurate on the day we suggest price should move in a certain direction.
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Friday, August 23, 2019
U.S. To “Drown The World” In Oil / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: OilPrice_Com
The U.S. could “drown the world in oil” over the next decade, which, according to Global Witness, would “spell disaster” for the world’s attempts to address climate change.
The U.S. is set to account for 61 percent of all new oil and gas production over the next decade. A recent report from this organization says that to avoid the worst effects of climate change, “we can’t afford to drill up any oil and gas from new fields anywhere in the world.” This, of course, would quickly cause a global deficit, as the world continues to consume around 100 million barrels per day (bpd) of oil.
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Friday, August 23, 2019
Modern Monetary Theory Could Destroy America / Economics / US Debt
By: John_Mauldin
I am back from my 14th annual Maine fishing camp.
The private event at Leen’s Lodge is generally called Camp Kotok in honor of David Kotok of Cumberland Advisors who started these outings many years ago.
CNBC and others began calling it the “Shadow Fed,” but it is really just a meeting of wickedly smart people focused on economics and markets. (I am allowed to attend for comic relief.)
We discussed the world’s problems and the general mood was that many of those problems are beginning to catch up.
Among other topics, there was an open “debate” about Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and US fiscal strategy.
Friday, August 23, 2019
What Will Jackson Hole Bring to Us and Gold? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
The 2019 Economic Symposium in Jackson Hole has begun! On Friday, we’ll hear Jerome Powell discuss the latest monetary policy shifts. How will it affect the gold market?
Jackson Hole 2019 Has Begun
This week is rather light in terms of incoming economic data, with the minutes from the last FOMC meeting being the only exception. Now, investors await the annual Jackson Hole Economic Policy Symposium scheduled August 22-24 in Wyoming. The conference is one of the most famous and important gatherings of central bankers, policy experts, academics, and leading financial market players, and it is closely followed by investors. It is very often a major market-moving event, as central banks hint at new policy moves. The best example may be the 2010 symposium when Ben Bernanke announced the second round of quantitative easing, which supported the gold prices. On the contrary, in 2016, Janet Yellen delivered a hawkish speech which pushed the yellow metal downward.
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Friday, August 23, 2019
Seven Key Words That Explain "Stupidly High" Bond Market Prices / Interest-Rates / International Bond Market
By: Dan_Amerman
The front page of the August 16th Wall Street Journal contains the information found in the remarkable graph below.
As can be clearly seen, year to date around the world - including in Austria, Japan, Germany, and the U.S. and the U.K. - we are in practice seeing some of the most astonishing short-term returns ever seen when it comes to long and ultralong bonds.
The title of the WSJ article is "Forget Stocks. Ultralong Bonds Are The Real Gamble", and the author refers to the current bond price levels around the world as being "stupidly high". If we look at the dominant investment theories from prior decades, which the great majority of financial planners, financial journalists and retirement investors still treat as being the gospel wisdom for today - then he makes some very strong points about just how ridiculous those prices are, and why they shouldn't exist.
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Friday, August 23, 2019
Is the Fed Too Late Prevent A US Housing Bear Market? / Housing-Market / US Housing
By: Chris_Vermeulen
So, the reality is that based on our modeling system and our research, there are only two ways that the US Fed (and likely the global central banks) can navigate out of this inflation killing debt glut that has sunk the global markets into a quicksand-like economic malaise; either A. reduce debts dramatically across the board (all nations) in an attempt to allow for some level of future growth/inflation opportunity, or B. find a way to push GDP out levels to 2x (or higher) that of current debt levels. A is much more difficult to negotiate and navigate – but it may be an option sometime in the future. B is the more likely option with a transition into some type of new 21st-century economic model that assists in advancing the build-it, sell-it model.
In the last, Part II, a section of our research, we showed you a chart of our US Fed modeling system and where we believe the US Fed should be targeting rates currently. The one thing that was a bit different than our original model, created in 2013, was the election of President Trump and the EU, US/China trade wars. This could complicate things a bit in the future, but overall the model continues to perform well.
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Friday, August 23, 2019
Manchester Airport FREE Drop Off Area Service at JetParks 1 - Video / Personal_Finance / Travel & Holidays
Here's how to avoid paying Manchester Airports high drop off fees of as much as £25! By using Manchester Airports free drop off service at Jetparks 1 situated on Thorley Lane where you have 60 minutes of free parking on whether just want to quickly to drop off passengers or accompany them on the free shuttle bus to the terminal and back.
Here's exactly what to expect in terms of ease of parking and frequency of the free shuttle bus so you will know whether to risk it or not, or play safe and drop off at the airport where it costs £4 for under 10 minutes and your risk is getting hit by a £25 charge if you take longer than 10 minutes to drop off passengers AND EXIT the terminal drop off area.
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Thursday, August 22, 2019
Gold Price Trend Validation / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2019
By: Denali_Guide
So who is on First, or Are we there yet ?
Either addresses the current CUT 2 CHASE question.
Blind faith can be good or bad, but tempered with some evidence, might be a good thing. Lets look at several categories of evidence concerning the position and trend of Gold and Gold Stocks.
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Thursday, August 22, 2019
Economist Lays Out the Next Step to Wonderland for the Fed / Interest-Rates / US Interest Rates
By: Gary_Tanashian
Mr. Steven Ricchiuto, he of a Masters in Economics from Columbia, has laid out the proper plan for the Federal Reserve in this oh so noisy environment in which an unassuming and fairly quiet man is trying to tune out a personal bully on Twitter, tune out the stock market’s daily whipsaw and do what he perceives to be the right thing.
Today, the academic named above throws in with Trump and politely harangues Chairman Powell thusly in an open letter. You can read it by hitting the graphic…
Stagflation this, Volcker that, deflation the other thing… blah blah blah. But then he gets to the interesting parts, the money parts. Of the post-Volcker era he states…
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Thursday, August 22, 2019
GCSE Exam Results Day Shock! How to Get 9 A*'s Grade 9's in England and Maths / Personal_Finance / Educating Children
By: N_Walayat
It's GCSE results day today, where 700,000 16 year olds across England and Wales will have been busy popping down to their secondary schools to find out if they managed to get their target GCSE grades for the courses they intend on enrolling for September start.
Overall minimum pass grades awarded of C/4 is marginally up;on last year by 0.4%. Whilst a C is a pass, given the competition to get accepted on courses then the ultimate objectives are to achieve the A* and 9 grades for selected subjects, grades for which are also up by 0.3%. So if a student is choosing to enrol on say 3 A-levels in September then the objective would be to achieve 3 A*'s in those 3 chosen subjects as a sign of having the capability to go on and achieve a similar grade at A level.
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Thursday, August 22, 2019
KEY WEEK FOR US MARKETS, GOLD, AND OIL - Audio Analysis / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2019
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Chris Vermeulen, Founder of The Technical Traders shares his thoughts on why this week is important for the US markets, gold, and oil. All of these are near strong support or resistance levels where if a break happens could result in an extended run. We breakdown the scenario for each market and level that are most important.
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Thursday, August 22, 2019
USD/JPY, USD/CHF, GBP/USD Currency Pairs to Watch Prior to FOMC Minutes and Jackson Hole / Currencies / Forex Trading
By: Nadia_Simmons
It’s often like this prior to market-moving events. Prices keep trading in a narrow consolidation, dropping subtle clues here and there. The context remains though, and coupled with the preceding price action, it allows to us to see the market tipping its hand. So, how have we prepared for what’s to come?
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Thursday, August 22, 2019
Retail Sector Isn’t Dead. It’s Growing and Pays 6%+ Dividends / Companies / Retail Sector
By: Robert_Ross
Seems like you can’t go a week without reading about the retail apocalypse.
I saw a recent headline that read, “75,000 Retail Stores Will Close by 2026.”
That may very well happen. But the idea that e-commerce giants like Amazon and Walmart will completely destroy brick-and-mortar retail is outrageous.
Sure, e-commerce sales are growing quickly—about 5% every year. But 90% of US retail sales still happen in person.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Fed Too Late To Prevent US Real Estate Market Crash? / Housing-Market / US Housing
By: Chris_Vermeulen
In Part I of this research, we highlighted the Case-Shiller index of home affordability and how it relates to the US real estate market and consumer economic activity going forward. We warned that once consumers start to shift away from an optimistic view of the economy, they typically shift into a protectionist stance where they attempt to protect wealth, assets and risk of loss while attempting to weather the economic storm.
We’ve seen this happen in 2008-09 as well as after the 9/11 attacks in the US in 2001. The process is always somewhat similar. Consumers start to react to pricing levels that are unaffordable and do so by trying to skimp on extraneous purchases like travel, new cars, credit card debt or other items that are not essential. The other thing that happens is that the lower tier borrowers (the “at-risk borrowers”) typically begin to become delinquent on debts and fall behind on their mortgage payments. This is how the process starts.
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Thursday, August 22, 2019
FREE Access EWI's Financial Market Forecasting Service / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2019
Dear Reader,
With the recent stock market volatility, millions of investors are wondering what's next.
And the fact that the typically wild fall season is approaching only makes it worse.
Our friends at Elliott Wave International -- who are celebrating 40 years in the business this year -- get it.
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Thursday, August 22, 2019
Benefits of Acrobits Softphone / Companies / SME
By: Submissions
The spread of the SIP technology is accelerating, as companies and individuals recognize its immediate benefits. In days of yore, people could only call each other by landline. Now, we have a wide array of options, with cellular networks and Internet-assisted voice and video calls.
Not only has SIP made it possible to connect systems of different nature (VoIP with cellular or PSTN), but you can now make calls using your smartphones or tablets. Forget about costly international rates. Programs like Acrobits softphone with simple setup guides eliminate communication barriers cheaply and easily.
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Wednesday, August 21, 2019
How to Protect Your Site from Bots & Spam? / Companies / Cyber Crime
By: Submissions
To ensure your business effectiveness and build up a strong brand, it necessary to establish a smooth operation of your website with no downtimes and system failures. That’s why we strongly recommend you to think about your site protection against bots and spam. You can use a single module for this purpose. In this case, the data protection will occur automatically, with no involvement from your side. The module will define whether it is a bot or a real visitor who tries to access your website. Based on the data, the system will block all possible malicious bots, whether it is spam, parsing, vulnerability search, etc.
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Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Fed Too Late To Prevent A US Housing Market Crash? / Housing-Market / US Housing
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Real Estate is one of the biggest purchases anyone will make in their lifetime. It can account for 30x to 300x one’s annual income and take over 30 years to pay off. After you’re done paying for your property, now you have to keep paying to maintain it and to support the property taxes to keep it. What has happened to the US Real Estate market since the 2008-09 global credit market collapse and is the US Fed behind the curve?
Case-Shiller Home Price Index
One of the most common indicators used to measure national housing affordability and price trend is the Case-Shiller Home Price Index. In this chart, we are displaying the Case-Shiller National Home Price Index – including all markets in the US. It is fairly easy to see that in last 2016, on a national level, the Case-Shiller index had reached the 2006 peak level. After that, the new Trump economy pushed it even higher where we now near 210. This is a very uncommon level for this index and because we are in uncharted territory with this 210 ranking, it should concern everyone that a reversion maybe somewhere in our future.
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Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Gold and the Cracks in the U.S., Japan and Germany’s Economic Data / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
Talk of a synchronized world - all three economic superpowers are in a recession! The U.S. suffers from industrial recession, Japan from export recession, while Germany may fall into a broad economic recession. Will the gold market warm up to these news?
Recent U.S. Data Shows Industrial Recession
The recent inversion of the yield curve has sparked recessionary fears. Some of the newest pieces of the U.S. economic data confirm the gloomy outlook. For example, the industrial production fell 0.2 percent in July, the second drop in the past four months, according to the Federal Reserve, as one can see in the chart below. Although the scale of slump might be overstated due to the Hurricane Barry hitting oil production in the Gulf of Mexico, the industrial sector remains in a technical recession.
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