Thursday, November 08, 2018
A Great Day for Metals as Platinum Price Breaks Out / Commodities / Platinum
By: The_Gold_Report
Technical analyst Clive Maund tracks movements in the platinum, gold and silver markets.
It was a very good day for the metals Friday, as they rose sharply in response to the dollar going into reverse after a sizable run-up. A very significant development was that platinum broke out of its Head-and-Shoulders bottom on strong volume, a move which we had expected that marks the start of a bull market. Copper, gold and silver also rose with silver having a particularly strong day, and although copper and silver have yet to break out of their Head-and-Shoulders bottom patterns, the breakout by platinum is a sign that they will follow suit and break out soon. We can see the breakout by platinum out of its fine Head-and-Shoulders bottom on its latest 6-month chart below.
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Thursday, November 08, 2018
Future US Interest Rates, Financial Markets, and the FED / Interest-Rates / US Interest Rates
By: Raymond_Matison
Don’t fight the FED, is a long-established, oft-confirmed market proverb. The FED is indeed an incredibly powerful institution; in fact, it is perhaps the most powerful institution on the planet. It is arguably more powerful than our combined air, sea, and land military forces. These forces can reduce individual military targets to dust, they can flatten cities or even small countries killing thousands of people, but still it is no competition to the FED! The FED with its power over interest rates and money creation, its expansion or contraction, its Petrodollar and global trading currency, its open market operations, and its foreign currency exchange markets can destroy the value of foreign currencies, and start revolutions. It can injure or even destroy economies of single countries or even whole regions of the developing world, in turn crippling the lives of tens or even hundreds millions of people. It can finance wars, determining who will be victorious.
Thursday, November 08, 2018
Tale of Two Metals: One WAY More Valuable Than Gold, The Other Historically Undervalued / Commodities / Platinum
By: MoneyMetals
Gold is the metal of kings, the ultimate money, an eternal store of value, an untarnishable embodiment of beauty. Gold is all those things. But it is not the most valuable metal you can own on a cost-per-ounce basis.
Often, platinum commands a higher price than gold. Lately, platinum has traded at an abnormally large discount to the yellow metal.
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Thursday, November 08, 2018
Buying an Approved Used Land Rover From a Dealer - What You Need to Know! / ConsumerWatch / Motoring
By: N_Walayat
Here's the resulting guide from my 10 month long experience of buying an owning an approved used landrover (Discovery Sport), my top tips of what you need to know and do before you buy that hopefully will make your choice to buy or not a much easier and better experience.
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Thursday, November 08, 2018
Home Equity Release Interest Rates Are on the Rise / Housing-Market / UK Housing
By: MoneyFacts
The equity release market has continued to evolve, not only by allowing customers to release more equity from their homes, but also in terms of providers offering more flexibility, such as the inclusion of drawdown options.
While the equity release market is nowhere near as volatile as the residential mortgage market in terms of interest rate changes, it has not been left unscathed by recent cost increases. The latest analysis by reveals that over the last quarter, more than half of the 11 lenders in the lifetime mortgage market have increased interest rates within their range (Aviva, Hodge Lifetime, Just, LV=, Legal & General, Vernon Building Society).
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Wednesday, November 07, 2018
Arguing About Fed Policy Is A Waste of Time / Interest-Rates / US Federal Reserve Bank
By: Kelsey_Williams
When government (or a President) claims that Federal Reserve policy is hurting the economy, they are either grandstanding, or are ignorant about the function and purpose of the Federal Reserve.
No one wants to see the economy suffer, anymore than they want to see a plague, or infectious disease, affect millions of people. And no President wants to be in office to preside over a recession or depression. But neither can they exercise any power or influence regarding the implementation of Fed policy; particularly when it comes to interest rates.
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Wednesday, November 07, 2018
Is Oil's Freefall Over? Here's a FreePass to Find Out NOW / Commodities / Crude Oil
Dear Investor,
While most traders have been watching the S&P, oil plunged 18% in October. In the process, crude broke below a key long-term trendline. You know what that means: It's an exciting potential opportunity.
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Wednesday, November 07, 2018
USD’s Weekly Breakout and the Gold Golden Spring / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2018
By: P_Radomski_CFA
USDX’s Friday’s close was its highest weekly closing prices of 2018. This is an extremely significant confirmation of the bullish outlook for the US currency that followed the verification of the breakout above the inverse head-and-shoulders pattern. The implications are clearly bullish for the US dollar. But are they clearly bearish for gold? The yellow metal ended the week close to its October lows and the SLV ETF closed at the highest level since late August. Is the outlook for the precious metals market really bearish?
Yes, it is. Precious metals’ reaction to the action in the USD could be delayed at times and it's most likely the case also this time. The current times are far from being calm due to the recent volatility on the stock market and because we are just before US elections. Consequently, it’s not that odd to see gold and silver hold up relatively well despite the build-up in the bearish implications from many long-term charts and from the USD Index.
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Wednesday, November 07, 2018
Here’s Why Most People Never Achieve Financial Independence / Personal_Finance / Learning to Invest
By: Jared_Dillian

When we are children, we are financially dependent on our parents.
At 16, some teenagers will get jobs and achieve a degree of financial independence. Although that is less and less common.
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Wednesday, November 07, 2018
UK Easy Access Savings Accounts Not So Easy After All! / Personal_Finance / Savings Accounts
By: MoneyFacts
Competition in the easy access market is starting to boom, with providers increasing rates in an effort to enter the Best Buy charts. However, these great rates seem to come with a catch, as the latest research from shows that the number of easy access accounts with either a withdrawal restriction, a bonus or those that revert to a lower paid account after 12 months is growing – with 32% of the easy access market now having one of these restrictions.
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Wednesday, November 07, 2018
Stocks Made a Post-crash Bounce. What’s Next? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Troy_Bombardia
The S&P 500 has made a correction and its bounce stalled at the 38.2% retracement.
Here’s our long term, medium term, and short term outlook for the U.S. stock market. As U.S. stock market investors and traders, our job is to separate the signal from the noise.
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Wednesday, November 07, 2018
The Fourth Turning & War Of The Worlds / Politics / US Politics
By: James_Quinn
“In retrospect, the spark might seem as ominous as a financial crash, as ordinary as a national election, or as trivial as a Tea Party. The catalyst will unfold according to a basic Crisis dynamic that underlies all of these scenarios: An initial spark will trigger a chain reaction of unyielding responses and further emergencies. The core elements of these scenarios (debt, civic decay, global disorder) will matter more than the details, which the catalyst will juxtapose and connect in some unknowable way. If foreign societies are also entering a Fourth Turning, this could accelerate the chain reaction. At home and abroad, these events will reflect the tearing of the civic fabric at points of extreme vulnerability – problem areas where America will have neglected, denied, or delayed needed action.” – The Fourth Turning– Strauss & Howe
The paragraph above captures everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen during this Fourth Turning. It was written over two decades ago, but no one can deny its accuracy regarding our present situation. The spark was a financial crash. The response to the financial crash by the financial and governmental entities, along with their Deep State co-conspirators who created the financial collapse due to their greed and malfeasance, led to the incomprehensible election of Donald Trump, as the deplorables in flyover country evoked revenge upon the corrupt establishment.
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Wednesday, November 07, 2018
The Economic Costs of Corruption in Philippines / Economics / Phillippines
By: Dan_Steinbock

In August, 500 kilos of shabu (methamphetamine), estimated at ₱4.3 billion (over $80 million), that entered the country was intercepted by the Bureau of Customs at Manila’s container port. The next day, authorities found similar containers, but not the drugs estimated at ₱11 billion (almost $210 million).
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Wednesday, November 07, 2018
Following The Stock Market "Heard" Can Get You Into Trouble / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Avi_Gilburt
So, I heard that good news is now bad news and bad news is now good news in the market. Or was that bad news is bad news and good news is bad news? Or, was that bad news is bad news and good news is good news? To be honest, I just can’t keep up with all the convoluted ways people try to explain how to view the market based upon news. And, it changes all the time.
Last week, I heard the dollar rally was causing the market to tank. Well, by Wednesday this past week we had rallied 130 points off the lows in the S&P 500, and the dollar continued to rise along with us at the time. This is another Foghorn Leghorn market moment for analysts:
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Wednesday, November 07, 2018
Zimbabwe's Road to Serfdom / Economics / HyperInflation
By: Steve_H_Hanke
In 1944, my good friend, the late Nobelist Friedrich Hayek (1899-1992), published the Road to Serfdom. It immediately became an international sensation. In it, Hayek argued that government interventions into markets, whether they be via regulatory mandates or the outright taking of private property, will lead to an initial failure. In short, they will be counterproductive. In an attempt to correct its initial errors, the government then does more of the same, only in greater detail. Further disappointments will lead to still more far-reaching and detailed interventionist measures, until socialism and a state of total tyranny are reached.
Wednesday, November 07, 2018
Stock Market Counter-trend Rally / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Andre_Gratian
Current Position of the Market
SPX: Long-term trend – Bear market
Intermediate trend – Bear market rally
Analysis of the short-term trend is done on a daily basis with the help of hourly charts. It is an important adjunct to the analysis of daily and weekly charts which discusses the course of longer market trends.
Wednesday, November 07, 2018
Britain's Unreliable Railways - Transpennine Express to Manchester Airport / ConsumerWatch / Travel & Holidays
By: Anika_Walayat
Strikes and power failures have become the norm for Britain's increasingly unreliable failing rail network as illustrated on a grand scale recently which saw the whole of the South East rail network being brought to a shuddering halt for over 6 hours leaving passengers scrambling for alternatives to reach their destinations on time, especially stressful for time critical appointments such as catching an airplane.
Therefore we were playing russian roulette in our choice to go by train from Sheffield to Manchester Airport to catch our easyjet flight to start our 10 day holiday in Turkey. We allowed plenty of time for the Transpennine Express to screw up, so what could go possible wrong? Find out in our latest video.
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Tuesday, November 06, 2018
US Midterm Elections Forecast 2018 / ElectionOracle / US Congressional Elections
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Several patrons have messaged me asking for my views on the mid-term US elections. Whilst I’ve not been following these elections too closely i.e. in terms of betting on them, nevertheless here is my view which is primarily based on the fact that usually the party that holds the White House tends to do badly in the mid-terms.
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Tuesday, November 06, 2018
Stock Market Calm Before The Storm / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Chris_Vermeulen
With very strong US jobs data hitting the news wires this morning and an incredible upside price swing overnight because of expectations and hope of a US/China trade deal in the works, we were not surprised by the downside rotation in the US stock market this morning. As we’ve been warning for the past 3+ months, we expect the US stock markets to trade very narrowly headed into the US mid-term elections and begin a breakout upside price move sometime between November 8 and November 12.
Tuesday, November 06, 2018
Stock Market’s Short term Outlook is Slightly Bearish, But Medium term is Bullish / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2018
By: Troy_Bombardia
The U.S. stock market’s daily volatility is high, with large intraday swings. Here’s the S&P 500.
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