Sunday, August 08, 2021
Are Stock Markets Ready For An August Surprise? / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2021
By: Chris_Vermeulen
One thing that seems to be certain in the markets right now is the past hyper-bullish trending which appears to have weakened since early 2021. As a result, the longer-term Custom Indexes we use to help gauge and understand market trends are showing a very clear weakening of trends.
In this article, we are going to review three of our custom index charts on a weekly chart basis, the Custom US Stock Market Index, the Smart Cash Global Market Index, and the Custom Volatility Index. Each of these charts highlights something unique related to current market trends.
Use this information to read between the line and to help establish your own expectations for the markets going forward. We’ll provide our conclusion near the end of this research article.
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Sunday, August 08, 2021
Going for the Gold: Building a Winning Investment Portfolio / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2021
By: MoneyMetals
While Olympic athletes in Tokyo are going for the gold, investors are going for anything that might provide positive real returns.
In a yield-starved environment where bonds and cash are returning less than inflation, there are no guarantees. But there are certainly opportunities outside of fixed income instruments.
Investors who try to sprint their way to success risk hurting themselves in the process. Going for fast-moving penny stocks or cryptocurrencies can lead to ruin just as quickly as it can lead to riches.
Sunday, August 08, 2021
Tesla and Amazon are all in on this emerging tech / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Stephen_McBride
Ready to have your mind blown?LEGO just launched an app that transforms your smartphone camera into the world’s most accurate “eye.”
Start by spreading a box of LEGOs on the ground. Open the app… and point your camera at the bricks.
“Brickit” scans the messy pile and instantly recognizes every random piece. It knows each LEGO brick ever made
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Sunday, August 08, 2021
World Trade – Currency Movements in the Near Future / Currencies / Forex Trading
By: Russell_Fenton
Nowadays, when talking about world trade and currency movements, there’s more than the actual currency that we have to take into account. Naturally, we have to keep in mind that cryptos are also currencies now – and they shouldn’t be ignored!
Certain countries, cities, and industries now accept crypto payments, and the very CEO of Tesla claimed that people will be able to pay for their Tesla cars with Bitcoin in the future. In short, you can now see why forex brokers decided to implement more than just currencies into the pool of trading instruments that they have available for their clients.
Let’s take a look at the potential currency movements that we might experience in the near future!
Thursday, August 05, 2021
Netflix - FAANG a Buy, Sell or Hold?, CME Black Swans Chasing Value in Biotech Stocks / Companies / Investing 2021
By: Nadeem_Walayat
I am often asked to take a look at Netflix as being one of the FAANG stocks. However Netflix the streaming service that has made it into many households during the pandemic including our own has never been on my radar because it is not an AI stock, Nevertheless enough patrons have requested I take a look at it then so I will starting with the fundamental state of the corporation that has seen huge growth during the pandemic though despite this growth in revenues and earnings the stock still trades on a lofty PE of 53.4! Whilst it is the beyond the scope of this analysis to generate a EC ratio, nevertheless the PE of 53.4 IS VERY HIGH!
The key metric where Netflix is is concerned is how fast it's subscriber base is growing for it is that which will generate future revenues and profits growth as new subscribers pay their monthly fees and for that we have this chart generated by Netflix themselves -
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Thursday, August 05, 2021
We Will See SPX 4600 In 2021 / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2021
By: Avi_Gilburt
As we came into 2021, I outlined to those willing to listen that I expected at least a 20% continuation rally in the SPX, and I would prefer for us to strike at least the 4600SPX region this year. And, at the time, the SPX was in the 3750SPX region.
Thus far, the market has provided us with an 18% rally in 2021, and I still expect us to rally to 4600SPX this year. The question that we are answering over the coming weeks is simply a matter of the path to 4600SPX.
Now, as usual, I take the time to read other articles on Seeking Alpha to glean some of the thinking within the market. And, amongst the articles calling the market a “bubble” or “wrong,” as well as several others attempting to call the top yet again, there are a few issues I would like to address.
First, I have been reading many analysts viewing this rally as the Covid “recovery” rally. And, it really makes me scratch my head.
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Thursday, August 05, 2021
Revisiting The Excess Phase Stock Market Peak Pattern / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2021
By: Chris_Vermeulen
The setup of the Excess Phase peak pattern consists of an exuberant rally to a peak (Phase #1), followed by a moderate price correction that sets up into a sideways flagging pattern (Phase #2). If the INDU and TRAN continue to move in a sideways flagging formation after recently moving moderately lower, we may start to see a new Excess Phase Peak setup in these two major indexes. This could be a warning of a much bigger breakdown in trends in the near future.
Please take a minute to review our earlier research posts related to the Excess Phase Peak setup (below) and how it related to the current market trend:
Thursday, August 05, 2021
Dramatic Divergence between US and European Stock Markets / Stock-Markets / Global Stock Markets
This chart shows a "dramatic divergence" between U.S. and European stocks
Cryptocurrencies and so-called meme stocks have certainly received a lot of attention from investors.
Another investment category that has been in favor recently is European equities. No, they may not be quite as "hot" as, say, bitcoin -- but they've been receiving more attention than usual.
Let's start with some recent headlines:
- U.S. investors are pouring money into European stock funds (Marketwatch, May 27)
- European Stocks Are Coming In From the Cold (Bloomberg, June 17)
- It's a Good Time to Invest in Europe (Kiplinger, June 24)
Thursday, August 05, 2021
Political Hacks Concoct Excuses for Their Inflation / Economics / Inflation
By: MoneyMetals
Jerome Powell, after last week’s FOMC meeting, said inflation has run hotter than expected. However, he wants to assure Americans that the destruction of their dollars’ purchasing power is temporary.
His diagnosis? Ballooning demand for goods and services when the U.S. economy reopened from COVID shutdowns drove prices higher.
Rest easy, folks. Prices will stop surging as soon as demand moderates and supply catches up!
That’s the official line, anyway.
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Thursday, August 05, 2021
Budgie Clipped Wings, How Long Before Flight Feathers Grow Back After Clipping, 4 Week Update / Personal_Finance / Animals & Pets
By: N_Walayat
So you have just clipped your budgies wings or are contemplating clipping it's wings. However, your wondering how long will it take for the budgie to grow new flight feathers and start flying again is answered in our latest budgie / parakeet care video where we have 2 budgies. the Green budgie had a total of 10 flight feathers clipped whilst the Blue budgie had 8 clipped. So lets find out how many have grown back after 8 weeks and what their flying capabilities are.
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Wednesday, August 04, 2021
Lisa Su's AMD Stock Price Rockets to the Moon! $200 Target, How to Buy for Under $78 / Companies / AMD
By: Nadeem_Walayat
AMD stock price rockets to new highs, trading to over $13 a share, as the emerging chip giant posted favourable earnings continuing it's phoenix like rise form the ashes that continues to erode Intel's market share. So why is AMD doing so well? We'll it's all down to ONE PERSON, Lisa Su! She took a dieing corporation trading at penny stock levels and turned it around. Much as that clown who ran Intel ruined that corporation over the same time period that Lisa Su was building AMD into a chip giant.
So the big question market Investors need to ask now is, did they AMD when it was dirt cheap, and if not why not? AND where is AMD heading to next, all in my latest AI Tech Stocks video.
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Wednesday, August 04, 2021
Gold Jumps for Joy Only to Hit the Ceiling… Hard / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2021
By: P_Radomski_CFA
Powell’s recent dovish remarks started a sugar high among investors. However, it seems like the hangover has already begun.
The Gold Miners
While gold, silver and mining stocks jumped for joy following Fed Chairman Jerome Powell’s dovish remarks on Jul. 28, their sugar high ended on Jul. 30. And while I warned that FOMC press conferences often elicit short-term bursts of optimism, it was likely another case of ‘been there, done that.’
I wrote prior to the announcement:
While the PMs may record a short-term bounce – which often occurs following Powell’s pressers – lower lows are still likely to materialize in the coming months.
Wednesday, August 04, 2021
Is Wise Really The King of Online Money Transfer Services? / Personal_Finance / Forex Trading
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
Wise, formerly known as Transferwise, has generated tremendous success and hype over the past 10 years in the online foreign exchange transfer industry. Granted, the company is one of many that offer consumers a nearly identical service of transferring funds from one currency to another.
But what separates Wise from so many UK currency brokers is the fact that its two co-founders scaled a solution to a personal problem to become an industry titan.
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Wednesday, August 04, 2021
Tips for Investing Your Money in Stocks - The Ultimate Guide / Personal_Finance / Investing 2021
By: Mark_Adan
Wednesday, August 04, 2021
Gold is the Key to Financial Wisdom / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2021
By: Michael_J_Kosares
To fully understand markets, understand gold. It is the key to financial wisdom. By learning of its role as a financial asset, one will discover universal truths about the value of money, and hence, the underlying value of all assets. It does not do much good, for example, to make a small fortune in the stock market, only to see it dwindle (or disappear overnight) in an inflationary storm or an implosion in financial markets.
The central tenet to the wisdom of gold lies in its status as the most liquid and widely owned asset that is not simultaneously someone else’s liability. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan once remarked: “No one refuses gold as payment to discharge an obligation. Credit instruments and fiat currency depend on the creditworthiness of a counter-party. Gold, along with silver, is one of the only currencies that has an intrinsic value. It has always been that way. No one questions its value, and it has always been a valuable commodity, first coined in Asia Minor in 600 BC.”
In 2001, James Grant wrote an essay aptly titled “For Real Money.” It is a study of gold’s role in the financial marketplace. Though two decades old, that essay still resonates today. In it, he said that a new bull market for gold was already underway. Few believed him, but he turned out to be right. At the time, the metal was trading in the $280 range. Over the ensuing twenty-year period, it would rise to a little over $1800 per ounce today for a total return of 567%, or just over 10% per year compounded. (Gold reached a record high in August 2020 at $2067 per ounce.) He summed up the need for gold as follows:
“There are many differences between physics and economics, but the greatest of these is that particles aren’t people. Participating in a monetary system, clever people will exploit the rules in such a way as eventually to bring the system down. The system in place subsidizes and encourages risk-taking and borrowing. Accordingly, leveraged financial structures and colossal debts abound. The gold standard failed by reason of its structure (perceived as rigid). The pure paper standard is failing on account of its lack of structure. Anticipating the end of the dominance of the paper dollar, we have cast around for an alternative. The answer we keep coming up with is the one you already know.”
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Monday, August 02, 2021
How to Trade Binance Vanilla Options for the First Time on Bitcoin, Crypto's / Currencies / cryptocurrency
Trading Options on Binance, looking at the options screen for the first time can be a daunting sight, what does it all mean here I show you what all of the facts and figures mean as I put on my very first Calls, Puts long and short options trades on Binance's Vanilla options trading platform, not to be confused with their Neapolitan or chocolate options :). Though do bare in mind that OPTONS are VERY HIGH RISK! So if your considering trading options start very, very small! I just started with 11 bucks that's how small because at the beginning it is very easy to make a mistake. So again start very small and beware that trading options is VERY HIGH RISK so do, do research before jumping in with both feet.
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Monday, August 02, 2021
From vaccine inequality to economic apartheid / Politics / Coronavirus 2021
By: Dan_Steinbock
Thanks to the containment failures of Covid-19 and the resultant new variants, coupled with vaccine inequality, global prospects are overshadowed by economic apartheid – the polarization between the West and poorer countries.Today, sub-Saharan Africa is in the grip of a third wave, parts of Latin America continue to see high levels of new deaths, and concerns remain about the Covid-19 situation in parts of South and Southeast Asia.
In Africa, the highly infectious Delta variant of coronavirus is spreading like a wildfire. Infection numbers have soared for 1.5 months with 224,000 new cases being recorded every week. Due to the low degree of testing, detection and vaccination, real numbers are much higher than official estimates.
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Monday, August 02, 2021
Stock Market Intermediate Top Reached / Stock-Markets / Stock Market 2021
By: Andre_Gratian
Current Position of the Market
SPX Long-term trend: There is some evidence that we are still in the bull market which started in 2009 and which could continue into 2021 until major cycles take over, and it ends. A move up to ~4500 is possible before the current bull market makes a final top and SPX corrects into its next major cycle low due in 2023.
SPX Intermediate trend: SPX has now reached its next intermediate top.
Analysis of the short-term trend is done daily with the help of hourly charts. They are important adjuncts to the analysis of daily and weekly charts which determine longer market trends.
Monday, August 02, 2021
Gold at a Crossroads of Hawkish Fed and High Inflation / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2021
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
Gold has been trading sideways recently, but this won’t last forever – the yellow metal is likely to move downward before continuing its rise.
So, so you think you can tell heaven from hell, a bull market from a bear market? It’s not so easy, as gold seems to be at a crossroads. On the one hand, accelerating inflation should take gold higher, especially that the real interest rates stay well below zero. On the other hand, a hawkish Fed should send the yellow metal lower, as it would boost the expectations of higher bond yields. The Fed’s tightening cycle increases the interest rates and strengthens the US dollar, creating downward pressure on gold.
However, gold is neither soaring nor plunging. Instead, it seems to be in a sideways trend. Indeed, as the chart below shows, gold has been moving in a trading zone of $1,700-$1,900 since September 2020.
Sunday, August 01, 2021
Bitcoin, Crypto Market Black Swans from Google to Obsolescence / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Dear Reader
This is part 3 of my extensive full spectrum analysis of the crypto markets, of what I expect to happen over the next 6 months in terms of a Bitcoin price trend forecast, and the strategy I am deploying to capitalise on as well as 5 potential black swans that could collapse the crypto markets where Stable Coins such as USDT are what could be imminent catalysts for. (Part 1 Investing in the Tulip Crypto Mania 2021, Part 2 Bitcoin Halvings Price Forecast and Stock to Flow Analysis)
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