Monday, March 18, 2019
"This is for Tommy Robinson" Shouts Knife Wielding White Supremacist Terrorist in London / Politics / UK Politics
By: John_York
UKIP's embrace of Tommy Robinson has fuelled one of Britain's foremost hate preacher to reach a broad audience many of whom have been radicalised into committing acts of violence, thank fully nothing on the scale of last weeks New Zealand terror attack. However, copy cat attacks are taking place right across the UK that Britains' tough gun laws have prevented resulting in carnage on anywhere near the same scale as that witnessed in New Zealand.
One such attack that is being widely reported on by the mainstream media was in London on Saturday near Heathrow airport where a white male after an near hour of hurling racist and white supremacist abuse on the street at passers by including "death to all muslims","I want to kill muslims", and "this is for Tommy Robinson" as reported on by witnesses, eventually went and stabbed an asian teenager in a nearby Tesco car park.
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Sunday, March 17, 2019
This Is How You Create the Biggest Credit Bubble in History / Interest-Rates / Global Debt Crisis 2019
By: John_Mauldin
Last week, the ECB announced it would keep record-low interest rates for longer. The news comes shortly after the Fed gave in to the market and held off on further rate hikes.
While investors celebrate the policy reversal, they might soon regret it.
This stimulus may indeed buy the market an additional year or two. But postponing the inevitable downturn with artificially low rates will come at a cost.
The cost is a massive credit bubble that is already of biblical proportions. Its implications chill me to the bone.
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Crude Oil Bulls - For Whom the Bell Tolls / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Nadia_Simmons
The oil bull still managed to score another day of gains yesterday. A meager advance but still an advance, one could say. And be forgiven, as they would not have had examined the full picture. Are we just teasing you now? Come on, there can’t be possibly more to the story... There is. The scenario that we wrote about exactly to the day two weeks ago, has come to fruition. The implications are far-reaching. Time to share.
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Sunday, March 17, 2019
Gold Mining Stocks Fundamentals / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2019
By: Zeal_LLC
The major gold miners are grinding higher in a solid upleg, fueling growing interest in this small contrarian sector. They’ve mostly finished reporting their fourth-quarter results, revealing how they are really faring fundamentally. Collectively the world’s biggest gold miners continue to face serious challenges, which often stem from declining production. That makes stock picking more important than ever for investment success.
Four times a year publicly-traded companies release treasure troves of valuable information in the form of quarterly reports. Required by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, these 10-Qs and 10-Ks contain the best fundamental data available to traders. They dispel all the sentiment distortions inevitably surrounding prevailing stock-price levels, revealing corporations’ underlying hard fundamental realities.
While 10-Qs with filing deadlines of 40 days after quarter-ends are required for normal quarters, 10-K annual reports are instead mandated after quarters ending fiscal years. Most gold miners logically run their accounting on calendar years, so they issue 10-Ks after Q4s. Since these annual reports are larger and must be audited by independent CPAs, their filing deadlines are extended to 60 days after quarter-ends.
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Sunday, March 17, 2019
Why Buy a Land Rover - Range Rover vs Huge Tree Branch Falling on its Roof / Personal_Finance / Motoring
One of the attractions of buying a Land Rover tends to be their robust build, i.e. they tend to be tougher than most of the cars on the road, able to cope with ruggard terrains and offer increased safety in terms of accidents. We'll in this video we found out what happens when a Big Tree drops a huge branch onto a Range Rover's roof. Find out what damage a branch does to the Land Rover that would tend to crush most other cars.
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Sunday, March 17, 2019
UKIP Urged to Change Name to BNP 2.0 So BrExit Party Can Fight a 2nd EU Referendum / Politics / BrExit
By: John_York
The far rights near total takeover of UKIP, the party that played a pivotal role in delivering a LEAVE victory at the June 2016 EU Referendum under Nigel Farage's leadership. Which given the collapse in electoral support from a high of 18% of the vote to today's polls barely registering 5% support ensures that should there be a 2nd EU referendum then there is virtually ZERO chance that LEAVE would win a new vote. Even if Nigel Farage manages to get his new BrExit party of the ground.
As today's UKIP's primary objective is no longer for the UK to LEAVE the EU but to perpetuate and magnify hatred of all things muslim, that even resulted in UKIPS former leader Nigel Farage resigning membership of the party in the wake of its growing obsession with Islamophobia, increasingly embracing right wing extremist ideologies most notable of whom or Tommy Robinson (fake name) and Katie Hopkins, as UKIP continues to trend towards becoming BNP 2.0. Which soon becomes apparent when visiting any of the popular UKIP facebook groups, that UKIP / BNP 2.0 is no longer a party focused on the UK leaving the EU but rather in disseminating hatred of muslims with many similar tropes posted as found at the heart of the right wing extremist terrorist's so called manifesto focused on the 'Great Replacement'.
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Saturday, March 16, 2019
Tommy Robinson Looks Set to Become New UKIP Leader / Politics / BrExit
By: John_York
The final act in UKIP's drift into the arms of the far right will be when the extremist Tommy Robinson takes the helms of what's left of a party that once stood for Britain LEAVING the European Union, but now is focused virtually wholly on its hatred of Muslims, that even in the wake of the New Zealand massacre chose to join the the right wing chorus from an extremist Senator in Australia downwards seeking to blame the victims for migrating to New Zealand rather than those who perpetuated the act of terror.
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Saturday, March 16, 2019
Gold Final Warning: Here Are the Stunning Implications of Plunging Gold Price / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: P_Radomski_CFA
Gold has turned vigorously lower yesterday. And not only gold at that. Red, red, everywhere in precious metals you looked. The silent scream we wrote about in the Wednesday’s Alert for our subscribers brought serious repercussions. Immediately and just in time to reap the benefits. Today, we will devote extraordinary attention to the long-term view of the PMs complex.
In yesterday’s Part I, we shared with you the short-term check on precious metals sector health. That article was a limited sample of exclusive care our subscribers get on an everyday basis. Today, we will follow up with more of such a peek under the hood - another sample of what our subscribers already enjoyed yesterday. Whether you are reading this article on our website or elsewhere on the Internet, we will now share today’s full picture with you, the visitor, on the long-term charts and signals. Let’s examine whether the most recent developments changed the long-term view.
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Saturday, March 16, 2019
Towards the End of a Stocks Bull Market, Short term Timing Becomes Difficult / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Troy_Bombardia
The S&P remains stuck at its 2810 resistance level. Meanwhile, various economic indicators are flashing warning signs but not immediately bearish signs. Towards the end of a bull market, it’s very hard to know exactly how much gas there is left in the bull market’s tank. That’s why it’s better to focus on risk-reward instead of timing exact tops and bottoms.
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Saturday, March 16, 2019
Is The Brexit Debacle Going To Crash The Stock Market ... Again? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Avi_Gilburt
We are often directed to think that the market reacts in the same manner as Newtonian physics. We believe that a news event which accompanies a market move was certainly the “cause” of that market move. But, how often have we seen markets react in the exact opposite manner in which the substance of the news event suggests?
While science has moved away from Newtonian physics, stock market analysts have not.
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Saturday, March 16, 2019
UKIP Brexit Facebook Groups Reveling in the New Zealand Terror Attacks Blaming Muslim Victims / Politics / BrExit
By: John_York
It's not just far right Austrailian Senators who are busy blaming the victims of Friday's New Zealand terror attack and then seen punching teens in the face.
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Saturday, March 16, 2019
Australian Senator Punches Teen in the Face after Blaming New Zealand Victims for Immigrating / Politics / Austrailia
By: John_York
Australian far right Senator Fraser Anning who in comments blamed the victims of the New Zealand massacre for emigrating to the New Zealand, 49 of whom were killed on Friday, in response to a brave teen smashing an egg on his face that resulted in the Senator letting fly with several punches at the teens face.
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Saturday, March 16, 2019
Gold – US Dollar vs US Dollar Index / Currencies / US Dollar
By: Kelsey_Williams
When it comes to analysis of gold, the U.S. Dollar Index finds nearly universal acceptance. Or rather, when most analysts refer to comparison/correlation of the U.S. dollar to gold, they usually illustrate their point with a chart of the U.S. dollar index.
While they won’t say it straight out, most of them see the U.S. Dollar Index as a proxy for the U.S. dollar. But, is it? From Wikipedia…
“The U.S. Dollar Index (USDX, DXY, DX) is an index (or measure) of the value of the United States dollar relative to a basket of foreign currencies, often referred to as a basket of U.S. trade partners’ currencies. The Index goes up when the U.S. dollar gains “strength” (value) when compared to other currencies.”
The “basket of foreign currencies” used are: Euro, Japanese yen, Pound sterling, Canadian dollar, Swedish krona, Swiss franc.
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Saturday, March 16, 2019
Islamophobic Hate Preachers Tommy Robinson and Katie Hopkins have Killed UKIP and Brexit / Politics / BrExit
By: John_York
As New Zealand attempts to come to terms with shock Islamophobic terrorist attack that claimed 49 innocent victims, the usual Islamophobic suspects such as Tommy Robinson (fake name) and Katie "final solution" Hopkins have gone silent after a near 3 year campaign espousing far right hatred against Europe's muslim population, who in the UK like media whores have sought to ride on the back of the June 2016 EU referendum result, seeking to capitalise upon Brexit despite likely having very little to do with why most of the 17.4 million voted to LEAVE the European Union.
However, the consequences of their and other popular right extremists is to effectively have Killed UKIP, the party that under Nigel Farage's leadership played a pivotal role in bringing the BrExit outcome about by mobilising 17% of the electorate that helped tip the vote in BrExit's favour.
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Friday, March 15, 2019
Countdown to The Precious Metals Gold and Silver Breakout Rally / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Chris_Vermeulen
If you have been following our research over the past few months, you already know that we’ve called just about every major move in Gold over the past 14+ months. Recently, we called for Gold to rally to $1300 area, establish a minor peak, stall and retrace back to setup a momentum base pattern. We predicted this move to take place back in January 2019 – nearly 30+ days before it happened.
Now, we are publishing this research post to alert you that we are about 15~30 days away from the momentum base setup in Gold which will likely mirror in Silver. Thus, we have about 20+ days to look for and target entry opportunities in both Gold and Silver before this momentum bottom/base sets up.
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Friday, March 15, 2019
Deflationary Assets are Outperforming / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2019
By: Donald_W_Dony
During the current bull market, deflationary assets (industrials, technology, financials, communication, consumer discretionary and real estate) have greatly outperformed inflationary assets (commodities) for most of these past 10 years.
Martin Pring's Deflation/Inflation Index (Chart 1) illustrates that deflationary assets have largely outperformed inflationary assets from late 2011 to the beginning of 2016 and again from mid-2018 to the present.
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Friday, March 15, 2019
Shale Oil Splutters: Brent on Track for $70 Target $100 in 2020 / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Andrew_Butter
There is a sense of triumphalism in the tag-line, “U.S.A. is now a net oil exporter”. Reminiscent of “Mission Accomplished”; first it’s not true, second; what’s hiding in the wings is sinister.
- In February, in the Permian, Initial Production net Legacy-Loss (IPnL), which measures change in production capacity, was down 42% on the peak in May 2018
- 98.5% of changes in IPnL can be explained by changes in trailing average oil price. That sounds blindingly obvious; but there’s a catch.
- Shale oil output-growth affects oil prices; so there’s negative feedback-loop. What happened was legacy-loss in shale caught up, shale is still a “swing producer”; but soon they will need $70 WTI.
- Ten years ago the Saudi’s said $70-to-$80 Brent was “fair”, that’s what the world could afford, and what producers needed to bring in new oil, they said. They may get that, and more, soon.
Friday, March 15, 2019
Setting up a Business Just Got Easier / Companies / SME
By: Submissions
There are a lot of things that you need to make sure you think about when it comes to running a business. Modern businesses are becoming more common, and it is something that you need to make sure you get right when you are looking for the right career path for you. This is something that you need to look at if you decide you want to start a business.
Launching a startup is something that has become a lot more accessible these days. There are so many things that you can do to make sure you have the best and most successful modern business. This is something that you need to make sure you think carefully about moving forward. Here are some of the best ideas for setting up a business from home right now.
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Friday, March 15, 2019
Stock Market Elliott Wave Analysis Trend Forercast - Video / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Where elliott wave is concerned I like to keep things very simple which is why I don't adhere to the many tenants of elliott wave theory as for me, EW is just a another technical tool. Here's what my previous elliott wave interpretation which correctly expected a rally to Dow 27k into October 2018 that was virtually spot on.
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Friday, March 15, 2019
Gold Warning - Here Are the Stunning Implications of Plunging Gold Price - Part 1 / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: P_Radomski_CFA
Gold is turning vigorously lower. And not only gold at that. Red, red, everywhere in precious metals you look. The silent scream we wrote about yesterday brought serious repercussions. In this article, we devote extraordinary attention to the short-term picture throughout the PMs complex. Stay tuned as in the coming day(s) we’ll explain here how it affects the long-term charts and the 2012-2013 – now link in gold. That will be so much more than a great and actionable summary.
Yesterday’s Alert was quick and timely as it was important to keep our subscribers informed as gold and silver approached their resistance levels. Today, both metals are moving lower in the pre-market trading- silver erased more than 48 hours of gains and gold more than 24 hours of gains.
Let’s being with a look at the overnight performance. It’s important because it shows prices are already much lower than it might appear based on the daily charts.
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