Saturday, February 27, 2016
Challenging S&P 500 1947/Breakout....Sentiment Changes... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Jack_Steiman
A very interesting week as the S&P 500 made a strong move upward towards the double top breakout at 1947. It succeeded at getting through. That was as of the close yesterday, so naturally when you get a breakout what you want to see is follow-through, which was the case this morning when we woke up to some very strong futures. The breakout was on with a move to 1962 early on in the day. A nearly 1% move, which can be confirming, but only on a closing basis. When the day was over we saw the S&P 500 pull back, and, thus, it closed only one point above the breakout level, which is not enough to yet confirm that breakout move. Above, but not by enough. So yes, the market has made its strong move off the bottom, but now we get some deeper understanding about what's taking place. About whether this was a rally in a bearish environment, or whether the market is ready for much higher prices. When you study this evening's charts you'll see some very interesting back tests that got stopped today.
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Saturday, February 27, 2016
Stocks Rally on Lies, Fantasy, and Hope / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Barry_M_Ferguson
What should we make of the rally in stocks, world stocks, metals, materials, oil, junk bonds, and everything else that could be counted as an asset in the third week of February, 2016? Well, not much. When central banksters want a rally, we get a rally!
The stock rally can easily be explained through ‘calendar-ization’. This is a term that I coined a few years back so if you reuse it, send me some money. What it means is this. Every year, central bankers and their shills (Wall Street, bankers, financial media) goose asset prices in the fourth quarter so investors will get a pretty statement in January. Knowing that the next quarterly statement doesn’t get printed until April, these same manipulators take off the better part of January to rest and restock their inkjet money printers. Naturally, asset prices swoon. Realizing that most investors get monthly statements as well, these manipulators go into panic mode and begin to goose asset prices to mute the damage of January. If the selling in January is too brutal, as was the case this year (2016), the manipulators hold off until February. Then we get a rerun of the same movie.
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Saturday, February 27, 2016
UEFA Champions League 2016 Walkers Crisps Instant Win Prizes Experience / Personal_Finance / Freebies and Comps
By: Adnaan_Walayat
It's literally child's play to win tons of UEFA Champions League prizes in Walkers Crisps promotion as this video of 8 year old Anika illustrates. Literally tens of thousands of official UEFA t-shirts, footballs and sharing balls are up for grabs and your virtually guaranteed several wins from every walkers crisps multi-pack (24).
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Learn Why 2015 Was a Key Transition Year for Stocks, Early Stages of Bear Market / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
Steve Hochberg explains why he thinks we're in the early stages of a bear market
Our Chief Market Analyst Steve Hochberg talks to Moe Ansari on Market Wrap Radio. You'll hear his take on what we've seen in the markets so far in 2016 -- and why Steve thinks 2015 was a "transitional" year.
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Saturday, February 27, 2016
Obsoleting Banks, Brokers, Clearinghouses & Exchanges / Stock-Markets / Financial Crisis 2016
By: Gordon_T_Long
RA Co-Founder Gordon T. Long has an in-depth discussion on the future of Bitcoins and Block Chain technology with serial entrepreneur, Reggie Middleton. Middleton’s experience has given him the ability to recognize value, or the lack thereof, well before much of the professional populace. His ability to identify opportunity and his “out-the-box” mind-set are due to years of entrepreneurial pursuits in insurance, financial valuation/modeling, technology, media, and real estate. He is the founder of Veritaseum and the finance and technology blog, Boom Bust Blog. Until 2011, he wrote about financial evaluation and the global financial crisis at the Huffington Post.
Saturday, February 27, 2016
The Hong Kong Dollar, Rock Solid / Currencies / Hong Kong
By: Steve_H_Hanke
The currency speculators are restless, again. Many, like George Soros and Kyle Bass, are reportedly taking aim at the Hong Kong dollar (HKD). HKD bear circles think China’s renmimbi (RMB) will lose value against the U.S. dollar (USD) as China’s economy slows down and capital flight from China continues. This, it is asserted, will put pressure on the HKD, and force its devaluation. Thus rendering the fixed rate of 7.8 HKD/USD null and void, and pumping profits into the pockets of those who bet on a devaluation of the HKD.
Friday, February 26, 2016
OceanaGold’s Epic Fundamentals / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: Zeal_LLC
With the gold-mining sector’s market-dominating outperformance this year, investors are searching for the best-of-breed gold miners. The elite mid-tier OceanaGold is certainly among them. OceanaGold has truly epic fundamentals, combining super-profitable low-cost gold production with a solid balance sheet and great growth potential. Gold-stock investors really need to seriously consider this gem for their portfolios.
OceanaGold likely derives its name from Oceania, a loose geographic region comprising the islands of the southwest Pacific Ocean. And given OceanaGold’s operations in New Zealand and the Philippines, its name is quite apt. OceanaGold operates several gold mines, and recently acquired a great new gold project in South Carolina. While not widely known yet by American investors, OceanaGold eventually will be.
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Friday, February 26, 2016
BEA Revises U.S. 4th Quarter 2015 GDP Growth Upward to 1.00% / Economics / US Economy
In their second estimate of the US GDP for the fourth quarter of 2015, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported that the economy was growing at a +1.00% annualized rate, up +0.31% from their first estimate for the fourth quarter, but still down -0.99% (nearly half) from the third quarter.
All of the net improvement can be attributed to one line item, inventories -- which were up the same +0.31% as the headline aggregate -- while the sum of the changes in the other line items netted out to zero.
Friday, February 26, 2016
Look What’s Happening to Gold Priced in OTHER Currencies [Wow…] / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: MoneyMetals
At the close of market on the Wednesday this essay was written, the price of one troy ounce of gold was US$1,229. A troy ounce of silver was trading at US$15.25.
Around the world, the price of gold and silver is most commonly quoted in U.S. dollars. As Americans, we tend to think this is the pricing "gold standard." But it's easy to forget that foreign investors generally pay for a purchase in their country's dominant currency.
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Friday, February 26, 2016
SPX Rally Met by Triple Resistance / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
SPX did not make its Fibonacci 50% retracement at 1963.29. Instead, it declined back beneath its Cycle Top resistance at 1959.81 and Broadening formation trendline at 1956.00. A confirmation and sell signal comes beneath the 50-day Moving Average at 1943.49.
The peak came at 09:32 hours, only two minutes after the open. This may also be a confirmation of yesterday’s expected Pivot. We may yet see a retest of either the trendline at 1956.00 or the Cycle Top resistance now at 1961.70.
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Friday, February 26, 2016
More Than 30 Blocks of Fiscal Irresponsibility / Politics / Social Issues
By: James_Quinn
I’ve written dozens of articles about the 30 Blocks of Squalor over the years. The 30 blocks are essentially from 69th Street to 39th Street encompassing the wretched potholed route from unsafe Upper Darby through the killing fields of West Philly. The fine union government workers in the Streets Department have consistently maintained Chestnut Street in a constant state of disrepair. Not that drivers notice.
When there is an accident on the Schuylkill Expressway in the morning I’m forced to run the 30 Blocks gauntlet down Chestnut Street. I’ve had to do it a few times in recent days. The expletives flowed in waves as I hit four unmarked craters in the center lane. These were not the common everyday West Philly potholes that pock the landscape like it’s the moon. At least if you see a local resident fishing in the pothole, you can avoid it.
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Friday, February 26, 2016
Why the Euro Is a Doomed Currency / Currencies / Euro
By: Casey_Research
By Doug Casey
For a long time, I’ve advocated that the world’s governments should default on their debt. I recognize that this is an outrageous-sounding proposal.
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Friday, February 26, 2016
UK Credit Card Expenditure Statistics / Personal_Finance / Credit Cards & Scoring
By: MoneyFacts
Rachel Springall, Finance Expert at, comments:
“The latest statistics from the UK Cards Association reveal the increasing popularity of contactless payments over cash. With 140 million contactless transactions made in December 2015, the equivalent of 52 payments every second, it’s fair to say that this method of payment has become a firm favourite among spenders.
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Friday, February 26, 2016
“Buy Gold” As “Insurance Is Warranted” – Deutsche Bank / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: GoldCore
Buy gold as “insurance is warranted” Deutsche Bank have advised in a note issued today.
The embattled German bank has said that rising economic risks and market turmoil mean investors should buy gold for insurance.
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Friday, February 26, 2016
Binary Options Trading Strategies You Need To Know / Stock-Markets / Options & Warrants
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
Whenever you want to trade binary options you need to have a solid trading strategy. This is a necessity for all the traders that actually want to be successful. Having a binary options trading strategy will help you to get over any even that is unexpected and you will be able to increase your profits on the long run. Remember the fact that binary options have a really high volatility and you cannot have just one strategy that will always work. The smart trader has high binary options knowledge and uses that in order to be successful.Read full article... Read full article...
Friday, February 26, 2016
UK Out of Control Immigration Crisis Continues, Tax Credits, EU Referendum and BrExit / Politics / Immigration
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The latest ONS data released on 25th of Feb shows no let up in what amounts to a continuing 17 year long trend of out of control immigration with net migration of +323k in the year to Sept 2015, that follows the previous record busting ONS data release of net migration of 336k. Which literally translates into a DAILY flood of near 1000 people turning up on Britain's shores and demanding housing, education, school places, jobs and benefits such as tax credits, housing and child benefits, health & social services that have been buckling and breaking right across Britain as social housing in many cities has been in a state of paralysis for many years.
Friday, February 26, 2016
February 26 Could Be a Wild Day in Markets! / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Brad_Gudgeon
Not only does February 26 have a slew of economic reports, but it also has some interesting cycle, e-wave, and astro-signatures. Earlier this week, my thinking was we were going to see a ‘b’ wave pull back in the stock market followed by higher prices. Then the irregular top came in Monday and I was beginning to believe that we just completed a bear flag. Well, the first scenario is proving to be the correct one and that is we are in a “b” wave pull back. The chart below explains everything.
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Thursday, February 25, 2016
State of the Global Markets Report 2016 / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2016
Dear Investor,
State of the Global Markets Report -- 2016 edition, one of the most anticipated annual reports for investors and technical analysts, has just been released, and the first 10,000 copies can be reserved right now 100% free. After that, it goes to $99 per download, where it will stay for the rest of the year.
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Thursday, February 25, 2016
TNX Doesn't Buy the Rally in SPX Stocks Index / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
It appears that the rally is challenging the 50-day Moving Average at 1944.37. A new high above 1946.70 is not needed to change the Elliott Wave structure back to my original assessment, that Wave (2) peaked on February 1. I have re-oriented the chart to show this. The Broadening formation views this as an extension of point 5.
Note the trading bands are contracting, suggesting a large move ahead. The next step in this scenario is a potentially sharp decline. The Cycles Model calls for a probable decline through Friday, March 4, if I am reading the Model correctly. There may be a brief extension into Monday, March 7. The Cycles Model has kept my orientation fairly close to what the market has been delivering.
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Thursday, February 25, 2016
Central Bank Inflation Targets: Be Careful What You Wish For / Economics / Inflation
By: Michael_Pento
Did you ever ask yourself what this central bank obsession with inflation is really all about? After all, it is highly ironic that these erstwhile stewards of price stability have now perversely morphed into the frantic pursuit of currency destruction. This is because the current doctrine adopted by global central bankers is that growth comes from inflation; and without inflation there can be no growth. Therefore, as their new dogma dictates, inflation must be achieved at any cost.
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