Thursday, January 28, 2016
Stock Market Broadening Formation May be in the Making / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
SPX ramped this morning from the Premarket and is carrying over into the open. We may be seeing a Broadening formation in motion. If so, the trendline top is near 1920.00 and the mid-Cycle resistance is 1929.79. All of this action is meant to punish both sides as stops are run again in both directions.
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Thursday, January 28, 2016
FOMC Dovish: Gold to Go Higher and Stocks to Bounce / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: Bob_Kirtley
The worsening of financial conditions this year led markets to price in rates to remain unchanged at the January FOMC meeting, with many speculating the Fed to deliver a dovish statement. This has now been realised. Language used described that the FOMC recognised that economic activity had slowed and that inflationary pressures and expectations had “decline further”. As a result, it will now take an improvement in financial market conditions for the Fed to hike again at their next meeting, which is in March.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Tech Stocks Investment Opportunities Available Right Now / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: Boris_Dzhingarov
Whenever talking about dividends, there are sectors that operate a lot better than others. Investors from all around the world adore tech stocks. They manage to get a steady cash flow and there is always the possibility to get a very high payday.The market is filled with so many different opportunities. You can invest in many parts of the tech industry from the healthcare sector to a web and mobile developer. However, a lot of research is necessary to find the greatest investment options. In order to help investors, we should highlight some stock investment opportunities that will be great.
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Thursday, January 28, 2016
FOMC Announcement Sends Stock Market Indices South... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Harry_Boxer
The stock market indices had a topsy-turvy day today, coming down hard in the morning, back up midday, they backed off until the FOMC, and then spiked right after the news for a few minutes, reversed very sharply, taking the Nasdaq 100 from 4218 down to 4112, more than 100 points. The S&P 500 then dropped from 1915 to 1872, a total of 43 points. It was a very nasty slide indeed. They managed to bounce, but really formed nothing more than bear flags, and closed down on the day.
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Thursday, January 28, 2016
Fed Message.....Global Economy Stinks!!!!... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Jack_Steiman
Fed Yellen made herself known to the world today by saying that she would keep the rates at 0.25 percent, for now, because she wanted to watch how things go globally on the economic front. That's what she said. What she didn't say, but clearly implied, was that the global economic situation is worsening far worse than I had envisioned. I blew it big time, and I don't know what to do. Someone help me as we're toast. She might raise 4 times, but it'll take many, many years for that to happen. She wanted to please the markets a month ago, so she raised a quarter, and said she'll keep raising in the hope the global situation would correct itself. It didn't! It worsened and worsened hard. She's stuck, and she knows it, and doesn't have a clue as to how to right her wrongs. Wrongs she continued after Bernanke blew it, and Greenspan blew it before them. No one worse than Greenspan.
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Thursday, January 28, 2016
How The Fed is Suffocating The U.S. Economy / Economics / US Economy
By: Clif_Droke
Investors are worried over the prospects that the long-term momentum behind the stock market recovery of 2009-2015 may be in danger of complete dissipation this year. That would mean a certain date with an extended bear market and, potentially, an economic recession perhaps sometime later this year.
Normally, within the context of an established bull market, worry would be a good thing given that the bull tends to proceed along a "wall of worry." In view of recent actions undertaken by central banks, however, those worries are legitimate as I'll explain in this commentary.
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Thursday, January 28, 2016
Watch The Stock Market VIX / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Marty_Chenard
The VIX closed at 22.50 and will be testing an important fan line support today (the support/fan line that the VIX was sitting on at the close yesterday).
Note the sequence of higher highs from December to now ... so the concern would be centered around a possibility that the VIX could rise higher than the previous high. (Since the VIX moves in the opposite direction of the stock market, that would be a negative.)
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Stock Market Rally is Over. Hope You're Short or in Cash / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
Today’s action made me glad that I had gone short on Friday. Today’s move was virtually untradeable, since if you had waited for the Wave (v) of [c], you would have done worse than going short last Friday.
The Wave (v) of [c] was truncated, leaving what appears to be a double zigzag Wave 2. Both the truncation and double zigzag in a Wave 2 are rare. The total time elapsed for the retracement was just shy of 37 hours [2(4.3 squared)] and would have been so, had Wave (v) gone above Wave (iii).
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Stock Market Crash: Is the Dow headed for a Repeat of 2008 / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Sol_Palha

We could not help ourselves and put the word stock market crash in the title because every Tom, Dick and Harry is now chanting this tune. Take a look at some of the recent headlines:
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
A Dangerous Moment for Social Security / Politics / Social Issues
By: Casey_Research
By Justin Spittler
Social Security funds are drying up…will there be any money left when you retire?
Social Security is America’s largest federal program. In 2015, it paid out $870 billion to more than 59 million Americans.
Most Americans see Social Security as a retirement savings program. During your working life, you pay 6.2% of every paycheck to Social Security. In return, the government sends you a check every month after you retire.
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016
The Populist Revolution: Bernie Sanders and Beyond / ElectionOracle / US Presidential Election 2016
By: Ellen_Brown
The world is undergoing a populist revival. From the revolt against austerity led by the Syriza Party in Greece and the Podemos Party in Spain, to Jeremy Corbyn’s surprise victory as Labour leader in the UK, to Donald Trump’s ascendancy in the Republican polls, to Bernie Sanders’ surprisingly strong challenge to Hillary Clinton – contenders with their fingers on the popular pulse are surging ahead of their establishment rivals.
Today’s populist revolt mimics an earlier one that reached its peak in the US in the 1890s. Then it was all about challenging Wall Street, reclaiming the government’s power to create money, curing rampant deflation with US Notes (Greenbacks) or silver coins (then considered the money of the people), nationalizing the banks, and establishing a central bank that actually responded to the will of the people.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Sugar Commodity Sweet Holiday Trade Is In Play & In The Money! / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities
By: Chris_Vermeulen
As traders we are always on the hunt for new trade ideas poised and ready for big moves. And back on Dec 17th 2015 I shared a sweet trade idea publicly on my blog and other financial websites.
If you want so see much more detailed charts and analysis from Dec 17th visit my blog page as it paints a clear picture:
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Will Crude Oil Prices Rebound in 2016? 60 Reasons Why Investors Should Hang On / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: OilPrice_Com
Inventories will continue to rise, but the momentum is slowing.
The following are some observations as to how we got here and how we're gonna get out.
9 reasons why oil has taken so long to bottom:
1. OPEC increased production in 2015 to multiyear highs, principally in Saudi Arabia and Iraq where production between the two added 1.5 million barrels per day (mb/d) to inventories after the no cut stance was adopted.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
The End Is Near, Apple's Revenue 'Falls Off A Cliff' / Companies / Apple
By: John_Rubino
One by one the pillars of the recovery are toppling. Last year the Chinese infrastructure party ended and the shale oil boom went bust. More recently the FANG stocks went from pulling the market up to pushing it down. And today Apple -- whose sales would always go up because everyone on Earth wants an iPhone and there were still some people in Africa and the Amazon Basin who don't yet have one -- reported that not only is its revenue no longer growing, but it might shrink in the year ahead.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Italian Bank Panic & Bail-In - The Next Domino To Fall / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2016
By: Jeff_Berwick
On January 1st of this year the European Union passed into law an official “bank bail-in” clause. The bail-in legislation put into law, across Europe, what was done in Cyprus in 2013 where bank account holders had their funds seized to “save” the bank. To us, and anyone who is paying half-attention, this was a clarion call to get your funds out of European banks.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Driverless Vehicles Powered by Artificial Intelligence / Companies / Auto Sector
The joy of driving was once an important part of the American Dream. Take to the open roads meant freedom and adventure. The utilitarian objective of moving from one place to another just does not seem to possess the same romance. As with all reminiscences of the past, the lingering memories like to keep the good times close and block out the troubles when possible. This same trait can be applied to the distinctly national love affair with the auto. But as with all things, times move on and many in the tech community believe that the next advancement in land travel will come from an AI revolution.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Another U.S. Constitutional Convention: An Idea Whose Time Has Not Come / Politics / US Politics
By: Antonius_Aquinas
In the midst of the seemingly indeterminable presidential electoral campaign, some of the candidates have been asked about the possibility of convening a constitutional convention in the hope of addressing the nation’s most pressing issues, most ominously the gargantuan federal deficit now in excess of $18 trillion.
Governor John Kasich supports such a notion with the explicit purpose of passing a balanced budget amendment.
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Which Energy Companies Being Added to US Global Funds in Anticipation of an Oil Rebalance? / Commodities / Oil Companies
By: The_Energy_Report
There are still winners in the energy space, but you have to move quickly. In advance of the rebalance U.S. Global Investors CEO Frank Holmes is expecting toward the end of 2016, he and analyst Samuel Pelaez point to the sectors taking advantage of opportunities, including refiners, midstream MLPs, low-cost producers, airlines and chemical companies. In this interview with The Energy Report, they name their favorites and outline the fundamentals that will make 2016 look a lot different than the year that just ended.
The Energy Report: In a recent Frank Talk, you quoted BCA Research with a prediction that oil markets will rebalance in 2016. What is that based on?
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Gold and Silver - There's Something Worse than Having a "Losing Position" / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016
By: MoneyMetals
David Smith writes: here's something worse than giving up at the bottom...
There's something worse than watching prices fall as you continue to add on the way down...
It's giving up "three feet from gold," when if you had just stuck it out a bit longer, things might have turned your way.
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Stock Market Top May Have Been Made on Friday.. / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
Shortly after 2:20 pm, SPX made its intra-day high at 1906.73. From a Cyclical view, last Friday’s high at 1908.85 was the high, consuming exactly 17.2 hours from bottom to top.
Today’s high counts well as an Elliott Wave [c] of 2, but it appears truncated. Short-term resistance is at 1900.28, with SPX now below it. The daily Cycle Bottom resistance is at 1898.86. These resistances are somewhat elastic, but they appear to be holding.
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