Tuesday, November 03, 2015
CISA Systemic Domestic Spying, U.S. Police State is Here / Politics / Intelligence Agencies
Technology in cyber space is designed to be the instrument of a totality surveillance society. Secretive methods, back doors, observation and collection of data have been in place for decades. CISA is the latest legislation authorization agreement that provides liability exemption for law enforcement and spooks to conduct their systematic assimilation with the codes and functions of technological development for the intended purpose of efficient monitoring of electronic communication.
Tuesday, November 03, 2015
Stock Market Pushing Up...How High Can We Go?...ISM Nearing Recession... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: Jack_Steiman
The market futures were quite a bit lower last night ahead of today's very important ISM Manufacturing Report due out thirty minutes into the trading day. As the night wore on, the European markets started to bid, and, thus, our futures bid up as well. We were green by the time the day started, and as the day wore on the market rose further and further leaving the bears scratching their heads in wonder.
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Monday, November 02, 2015
Human Evolution - 2 Million Years of Increasing Brain Size - Video / Politics / Evolution
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The primary evolution for the Genus HOMO of the past 2 million years has been largely in the brain, that in the fossil record has seen our cranial capacity expand from what was little different in size to that of a Chimpanzee some 2.5 million years ago to now triple the size, as natural selection selected those humans who were able to utilise a constant flow of new ideas whilst those individuals and populations who just could not make the leap in understanding were literally killed off by superior strategies, as one can imagine the leaps in cognition were a mixture of steady progress coupled with great leaps in insight such as using fire for first warmth then for protection and eventually realising that cooked meat / food is far more easily edible and digestible, that greatly boosted our calorific intake giving fuel for the brain to grow.
Monday, November 02, 2015
Sound Money Takes Center Stage in Presidential Campaigns / Politics / US Politics
By: MoneyMetals
Clint Siegner writes: Ron Paul put sound money issues on the national radar screen during his presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2012. His push to Audit the Fed introduced Americans to the sordid origins of our central bank. For the first time, large numbers of people began questioning the benevolence and wisdom of an institution, wholly owned by the nation’s largest banks, with total discretion to do whatever it wants in near total secrecy.
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Monday, November 02, 2015
Dow Death Cross is Not a Bearish Signal for the Stock Market / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: Sol_Palha
People who cannot recognize a palpable absurdity are very much in the way of civilization.- Agnes RepplierOne of the common themes we have spotted it that many of the readily available tools don’t provide their users with any meaningful edge. If the indicator is easy to use and easy to master, that means a plethora of individuals will be relying on it to give them some edge over the masses. What they fail to understand is that they are the part of the mass, they are trying to outwit. A lot of chatter has sprung about lately regarding the death cross. First it was the Dow, and now there is talk about the U.S dollar. This indicator like the “Hindenburg Omen” is far from perfect and could lead to more harm than good if utilized consistently, other than the cool names they carry, they offer little in terms of value: they are both easy to master and understand and this, in essence, renders them useless.
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Monday, November 02, 2015
Global Fiscal and Monetary Madness / Interest-Rates / Quantitative Easing
By: Michael_Pento
Last week China’s central bank (the PBOC) cut borrowing costs for the sixth time in a year and eased the reserve requirement ratio (RRR) for the third time this year, in a desperate attempt to achieve the prescribed growth target of 7% off the back of ever-increasing credit issuance. The PBOC lowered the one-year benchmark bank lending rate by 25 basis points to 4.35%, the one-year benchmark deposit rate was also lowered by 25 basis points to 1.5%.
Monday, November 02, 2015
Will The Fed Hike In December & What Does This Mean For Gold Prices? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Bob_Kirtley
The October statement from the Fed made one thing very clear; December is a live meeting and Fed is ready to hike rates if it sees fit. Yellen was more hawkish than the market was expecting, sending gold prices lower and bond yields higher. The critical focal point from here will be if the Fed’s hawkish stance will be validated by the upcoming economic data, most importantly the two employment releases we get between now and the December FOMC.
Monday, November 02, 2015
US Stocks Rebound May Be Hollow / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
Good Morning!
SPX closed just beneath its Diagonal trendline. Over the weekend, SPX futures were down as many as 10 points before recovering to breakeven this morning. The Premarket is mildly positive (+1.00), but does not appear to have thrown back into the Diagonal at this time. Odds seem to be in favor of a further decline this morning. If so, there is a probability of testing Short-term support at 2039.18. However, should a further bounce occur, SPX overhead resistance appears to be between 2086.20 and 2089.00.
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Monday, November 02, 2015
Gold Selling “Malevolent Force”? – Dennis Gartman / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: GoldCore
Dennis Gartman, author of the institutionally well followed ‘The Gartman Letter,’ has asked questions about gold’s peculiar price action last week and raised the question as to whether there was official central bank manipulation of gold prices.
Gold was 2.4% higher in October but fell 2% last week as the Fed again suggested they may soon increase interest rates. Gartman’s assertion is significant as he is no so-called ‘goldbug’. In fact, he is the darling of Wall Street, Bloomberg, CNBC and is highly respected and followed by large hedge funds and financial institutions.
Monday, November 02, 2015
Gold Price Testing Triangle Trend Line / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Gary_Savage
We've known all along that gold was going to test the triangle trend line during this daily correction. Yet now that it's happening everyone seems surprised.
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Monday, November 02, 2015
Europe Will Never Be The Same. Neither Will The World / Politics / Immigration
By: Raul_I_Meijer
To reiterate: People are genetically biased against change, because change means potential danger. People are also genetically biased against acknowledging this bias, because they wish to see themselves as being able to cope with both change and danger. Put together, this means that when changes come, people are largely unprepared or underprepared.
Take this beyond the bias of the individual, and apply it to that of the group (s)he belongs to, the vantage point of a society, and you find the bias multiplies and becomes self-confirming. That is, the members of the group reinforce each other’s bias. When change comes in small and gradual steps, as it mostly does, this can be said to work relatively well. When it comes in large and sudden steps, trouble ensues.
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Monday, November 02, 2015
Customers Be Cunning With Cashback Cards When You Switch or Spend / Personal_Finance / Credit Cards & Scoring
By: MoneyFacts
In the run-up to the festive spending season, Moneyfacts.co.uk can reveal that customers could earn hundreds of pounds in cashback thanks to the enticing deals on offer today.
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Monday, November 02, 2015
Bitcoin Price Doubles in 10 Months / Currencies / Bitcoin
By: Ashraf_Laidi
Bitcoin is on course for posting its 8th consecutive weekly gain (longest series of advances since late 2013) and is up 113% from its January lows. The recent break out in momentum emerged from last week's decision from the European Court of Justice to classify Bitcoin as a currency rather than a commodity, which means it will be exempt from VAT, thereby, improving its chances of being traded in an exchange.
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Monday, November 02, 2015
Ron Paul - Save The Apologies, Just Stop Promoting War! / Politics / US Politics
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
Usually when politicians apologize it's because they have been caught doing something wrong, or they are about to be caught. Such was likely the case with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who recently offered an "apology" for the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Blair faces the release of a potentially damning report on his government's conduct in the run-up to the 2003 US/UK invasion of Iraq.
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Monday, November 02, 2015
Silver and COMEX Inventory Part 1 / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis

We asked Ted if he could describe how this movement literally works…
"Are these literally trucks?
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Sunday, November 01, 2015
Stock Market Minor Correction Imminent / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
By: Andre_Gratian
Current Position of the Market
SPX: Long-term trend - Bull Market
Intermediate trend - SPX has resumed its uptrend in order to complete the last phase of the bull market.
Analysis of the short-term trend is done on a daily basis with the help of hourly charts. It is an important adjunct to the analysis of daily and weekly charts which discusses longer market trends.
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Sunday, November 01, 2015
Syria, Putin Makes Obama an Offer He Can’t Refuse / Politics / Syria
By: Mike_Whitney
Why is John Kerry so eager to convene an emergency summit on Syria now when the war has been dragging on for four and a half years?
Is he worried that Russia’s air campaign is wiping out too many US-backed jihadis and sabotaging Washington’s plan to topple Syrian President Bashar al Assad?
You bet, he is. No one who’s been following events in Syria for the last three weeks should have any doubt about what’s really going on. Russia has been methodically wiping out Washington’s mercenaries on the ground while recapturing large swathes of land that had been lost to the terrorists. That, in turn, has strengthened Assad’s position in Damascus and left the administration’s policy in tatters. And that’s why Kerry wants another meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov pronto even though the two diplomats met less than a week ago. The Secretary of State is hoping to cobble together some kind of makeshift deal that will stop the killing and salvage what’s left of Uncle Sam’s threadbare Syrian project.
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Sunday, November 01, 2015
Why The Super Bearish Gold and Silver COTs Portend a Plunging Euro... / Currencies / Euro
By: Clive_Maund
It was ironic that when Dr Watson complained to his companion Sherlock Homes that he had a stomach ache, Holmes clarified the situation at once by saying "Alimentary, my dear Watson". More generally, the legendary sleuth of Victorian London would make light of his accomplishments after solving cases that baffled the police, by remarking "Elementary, my dear Watson". Doubtless this expression was deeply irritating to his arch-enemy Moriarty.
Today we are going make light of what to other analysts may be abstruse and possibly baffling, by "joining the dots" to demonstrate the linear connection between an extremely bearish silver COT and an imminent crashing euro, so that by the conclusion of this article, you, dear reader, will have a clear understanding of what is set to unfold, and will be able to explain to other confused souls that it really is elementary.
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Sunday, November 01, 2015
Crude Oil Price Set For Big Rally / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Austin_Galt
The oil price has had a nice rise in the past week so let’s see just what is going on using the weekly and daily charts.
Sunday, November 01, 2015
Will Gold Bulls Finally Hit The Panic Button? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
By: Submissions
Nicholas Kitonyi writes:
The commodities market has been on the spot for the last 12 months and by extension over the last three years, if you include Iron, Copper and Aluminum. However, the most notable developments have come in the precious metals category and Oil and gas.
Specifically the prices of Gold and Oil have fluctuated extensively with Oil settling on a range of about $43 to $50 per barrel, while the price of gold has oscillated between $1,110 and $1,190 over the last two months. The price of oil is down 12% this year after making massive dips and spikes over the last 12 months, while gold remains barely unchanged.