Analysis Topic: Commodity Markets - Metals, Softs & Oils
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Sunday, June 19, 2011
Why Soybean Price Could Double From Here / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities
By: Submissions
Risk Hacker writes:
While for the past 12 months, corn and wheat prices have nearly doubled with corn price rising 88% by percent and wheat price by 95%, soybean price has been lagging the performance. However several key factors suggest that risk of soybean price is still dramatically skewed upwards.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
What Germany’s Political Decision To Exit Nuclear Means For Uranium Mining Stocks? / Commodities / Uranium
By: Jeb_Handwerger
Deutschland (EWG) is taking the wrong road again. It is a decision that is political and irrational motivated in response to the Green Party. It makes one wonder what some politicians do to try to get elected.
The leaders of German Industry have written an open letter stating that the ending of German Nuclear Energy with such "unprecedented haste" gives us increasing worry.
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Friday, June 17, 2011
Gold Going to $5,000 or More! / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Lorimer_Wilson
Of the 133 analysts who have now gone public in maintaining that gold will eventually go to a parabolic peak price of $2,500/ozt.+ before the bubble bursts, 90 – yes 90, maintain that gold will reach at least $5,000 per ozt. Take a look here at who is projecting what, by when.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Crude Oil Price Downward Pressure / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Mike_Paulenoff
Frankly, there are so many cross-currents influencing the markets at any given time, uncertainty clearly has the upper hand -- even when we think that new information or decisions are alleviating some of the uncertainty.
Case in point: crude oil prices. Is downward pressure positive for equities (for obvious reasons: i.e., the consumer gets a "tax cut"), or negative because it might reflect a serious slow down in U.S. and global economic growth (read: China demand)?
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Friday, June 17, 2011
Fiat Currencies Weight in Gold, The Real Prices of Things / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Casey_Research
Charles Vollum, Casey Research writes: Fiat currencies the world over are being manipulated by central banks, which is distorting asset and commodity prices. Successful investing requires that investors have a good idea of what things cost and what they are really worth – and using the world's oldest and most stable form of money, gold, to compare prices is one way to get that insight.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Six Gold Bubble Myths / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Adrian_Ash
Anyone calling gold a bubble is talking through their hat or worse...
YES, GROWTH IN global gold demand is rapid. No, another decade of quintupling prices isn't nailed on. But neither of those facts make gold a "bubble" today.
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Friday, June 17, 2011
The Value of Gold / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Submissions
Paul de Sousa writes: There is much confusion today over the role of gold. It is viewed as a commodity, as an investment, as a position to be traded. But if we set aside these preconceived notions and examine why gold and precious metals are resuming their historical role as money the world over, if we establish a gold mindset, we will see that their real value lies in forming the foundation of an investment portfolio, because precious metals provide the ultimate in wealth protection.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Will Central Banks and The IMF Sell Gold Again? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Julian_DW_Phillips
Before 2000, the gold markets of the world were in retreat because of the fear that central banks would unload the 34,000 tonnes of gold they held in reserves. Britain conducted the last, great sale, selling half of their reserves at the lowest price the gold market has seen since the early 1970's (and has not been seen since).
That fear was softened by the "Washington Agreement" wherein many of the world's leading central banks, (excluding the U.S. and Japan who gave their tacit blessing) agreed that they would sell no more than 400 tonnes of gold per year, for the next five years.
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Friday, June 17, 2011
Silver Fundamentals and Technicals Say Be Cautious! / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Przemyslaw_Radomski
As it was the case in our previous essay (Will Gold Price Decline Soon or Is This Summer Really Different), let’s begin also today’s article by answering one of the questions that we’ve received from one of our Subscribers. Here is the question.
- With the volatility in the stock market, the fears about the effect of the Greece debt crisis, “fukushima” in Japan, our various problems with housing, jobs and stunning national debt here in the U.S., I have to wonder if investors are increasingly looking to precious metals as a safe haven……in a way that might defy usually reliable quantitative measures?
- Also, is it possible the recent detailed study and report by Standard Chartered, citing the limited supply of gold in the next few years and projecting a $5,000 per oz top, tend to drive investors into gold in a way that could defy past technicals?
Friday, June 17, 2011
Silver Wheaton, A Super Buy at $22.50 / Commodities / Gold & Silver Stocks
By: Dudley_Baker
Don’t buy Silver Wheaton yet as it will probably drift down to serious support around the $22.50 range over the summer months.
Silver Wheaton, the go-to silver company for many investors, has taken a pounding of late.
The shares trade on both the NYSE and the Toronto Exchange under the symbol SLW. To quote from the company’s website,
Friday, June 17, 2011
Fort Knox U.S. Gold Reserves to be Independently Audited and Assayed? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: GoldCore
Gold is trading at $1,527.39/oz, €1,070.50/oz and £944.70/oz.
Gold has given up much of yesterday’s modest gains and is marginally lower in all currencies except the Swiss franc. The euro has stabilized despite continuing contagion concerns and an existential threat to the euro currency itself.
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Friday, June 17, 2011
Gold Bullion Well Supported as Athens Faces Petrol Bombs / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Ben_Traynor

German chancellor Merkel and French president Sarkozy meantime met to try and resolve the Eurozone's deadlock over Greek debt restructuring.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Gold and Silver Stocks Bottom Imminent / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Jordan_Roy_Byrne
Gold and Silver equities have led the markets lower and have underperformed the metals significantly this year. For the past month or so Gold has firmed and Bonds have moved higher as most asset classes have declined. Unfortunately mining equities have been among the worst performers. However, our work leads us to believe that an important bottom should be in place very soon.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Cocoa Drop Pauses at Multiple Support Area / Commodities / Commodities Trading
By: Seven_Days_Ahead
The fall back in Cocoa prices from a multi-year peak in early March recently found interesting Fibo support which the market seems reluctant to break through – is a temporary recovery just round the corner?
Friday, June 17, 2011
Silver Correction Appears to be Over / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Bob_Kirtley
There are a number of mixed opinions out there at the moment which in our opinion represents a healthy state of affairs. When we are all ‘over the top bullish’ it gives us the jitters, same goes for when the situation becomes overly bearish. Right now the bears are flexing their muscles following a correction in silver prices and the predictions for much lower silver prices sally forth.
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Friday, June 17, 2011
Rare Earths Metals Group Mine to Magnet / Commodities / Metals & Mining
By: Richard_Mills

Yttrium, atomic number 39, isn’t a lanthanide but is included in the rare earths because it often occurs with them in nature - it has similar chemical properties. Scandium, atomic number 21 is also included in the group although it usually occurs only in minor amounts.
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Thursday, June 16, 2011
How Silver is Like Oil: An Upcoming Explosion / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
As prices at the pump move toward $4 and even $5 per gallon, there is no shortage of people calling for new regulations in finance. Frequently blamed on “speculators,” high prices at the pump are, as some politicians say, the result of lax laws.
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Thursday, June 16, 2011
Is the World Running Out of Silver? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Jeff_Clark
(Excerpt from the Casey Research 2011 Silver Investing Guide)
Silver has been on fire over the last three years -- substantially outperforming its spotlight-grabbing cousin, gold.
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Thursday, June 16, 2011
Nuclear Twilight in Europe / Commodities / Nuclear Power
By: OilPrice_Com
It is becoming evident to many that the March nuclear catastrophe at Japan's six reactor Daichi Fukushima complex has dealt a huge, possibly fatal, blow to the nuclear industry's hopes of a revival.
A year ago even global warming enthusiasts reluctantly embraced nuclear power as a carbon-free energy generating system, and the industry was ramping up for glory days as a result.
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Thursday, June 16, 2011
Comex Silver Continues to Fall to Historic Lows / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Jesse
There were more large silver withdrawals from the Comex Deliverable Inventory with 773,018 ounces taken out of the Brinks depository. Additionally, there were withdrawals of 1,418,178 ounces of silver from the eligible (customer) inventory.
Comex will have to add to their deliverable inventory from some other sources in a tight market. Typically that implies higher prices.
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