Analysis Topic: Commodity Markets - Metals, Softs & Oils
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Friday, August 19, 2011
Copper Back at Pivotal Support Area / Commodities / Commodities Trading
By: Seven_Days_Ahead
The May/Jul recovery in Copper prices, from earlier Fibonacci support, stopped short of the Feb high and, now, the recent quick reversal has seen the market return to key supports on the daily and longer term charts.
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Friday, August 19, 2011
Gold Stocks Break to New Highs Against Equities / Commodities / Gold & Silver Stocks
By: Jordan_Roy_Byrne
In our most recent commentary we wrote about the relative strength in the gold equities. Gold equities have not only bucked the downtrend in the equity markets but in relative terms are breaking to new highs against equity indices. In the chart below we plot precious metals prices, GDX versus the Morgan Stanley World Index and GDX versus the S&P 500. We highlight how each performed during bear markets. Other than in the crash in 2008, precious metals and the equities have performed quite well during times of struggle for conventional stocks.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Silver Heading Higher / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Mike_Paulenoff
From a big picture pattern perspective, all of the action in the iShares Silver Trust (SLV) off of the major April high at 48.32 has carved out a base-like "cup" formation from early May to late July, which has been followed by a correction that has taken the shape of a "handle."
The composite picture produces a "cup-and-handle" intermediate-term bottom formation, which should propel silver prices -- and the SLV -- considering higher in the upcoming days and weeks.
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Thursday, August 18, 2011
Gold Season Starting Soon! / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Julian_DW_Phillips
There is a gold season but it has been changing its character for a while now, being swamped by the structural changes the gold world has experienced particularly over the last few years. To see the impact of the gold season may not be as easy as it was before. What is this gold season and what are the changes that are affecting its impact on the gold price now?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Is Another Gold Boom Waiting to Happen? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Eric_McWhinnie
Gold (NYSE:GLD) has been in an uptrend for over a decade now. Last week, gold climbed above $1800 per ounce before consolidating. Although gold seems to break a new nominal high every other day, the gold critics have been consistently wrong about gold being in a bubble. In fact, Geroge Soros called gold in late 2010 the “ultimate bubble.” Many investors may be wondering where the next catalyst for higher gold prices will come from (besides more money printing).
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Thursday, August 18, 2011
Gold Over $1808 May Be Poised for Parabolic Rise, West Not Prepared for Possible Currency Crisis / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: GoldCore
All major currencies have fallen sharply against gold again today but especially the ‘commodity’ fiat currencies of the Australian, New Zealand and Canadian dollar. Swiss francs are also under pressure again today.
Gold is trading at 1,808 USD, 1,259.10 EUR, 1,096.40 GBP, 1,436.90 CHF and 138,510 JPY per ounce.
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Thursday, August 18, 2011
The Truth About Crude Oil / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Money_Morning
Dr. Kent Moors writes:
Traditionally, demand levels would determine the overall condition of the oil market. Supply (and the investment required for that supply) would be based upon what demand told us.
Actually, oil never reflected the demand-supply relationship as well as other sectors of the market. Oil has an irritating habit of not reflecting what it should in the dynamics of market play. Until recently, petroleum economists would comment (or lament) about the demand inelasticity of oil. That means, due to the lack of available alternatives (especially in transportation), demand for oil products would not decline as the price rose.
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Thursday, August 18, 2011
On the Verge of a Gold Stock Explosion / Commodities / Gold & Silver Stocks
By: Jeff_Berwick
It's probably the #1 question on gold stock investors' minds. Are we on the verge of a repeat of the 2008 wipe-out.
Just by the very fact that we have had so many subscribers ask us this question, we can almost on this evidence alone say no. Massive crashes never happen when everyone is looking for them and afraid of it.
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Thursday, August 18, 2011
Reserve Currencies in Distress, Protect Yourself with Gold / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
Dollarization is term coined to describe the dollar’s influence as the reserve currency of choice around the globe. In 2010, the US dollar comprised 62% of the world’s foreign exchange reserves, dubbing it a very powerful player in the world of finance. But what about the second place reserve currency?
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Thursday, August 18, 2011
Increased Production No Threat to Silver Prices / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
Financial modeling is a science composed of complex “if, then” statements; this is evidenced clearly by the number of investment bankers who work 100 hour weeks toiling through Excel spreadsheets of merger and acquisition deals.
Bankers have it easier than most investors in completing modeling. For one, institutions assume an infinite timetable, as most banks outlive the humans that staff it. Secondly, banks have the ability to operate on the premise of cash flow, which is fairly simple to understand. If returns are larger in dollar terms than the cost to borrow, then a business can be levered.
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Thursday, August 18, 2011
Chavez Sends Gold GLD ETF a Wakeup Call / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: George_Maniere
OK. Let the fun begin! Yesterday Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced that planned to nationalize his countries gold mining industry in an attempt to increase its international reserves. This is not an unprecedented move. He has already nationalized the banking industry, telecommunication companies, the oil fields, the producers of power for the country and millions of acres of farm land. President Chavez said that the nationalization of the gold industry was to protect the people of Venezuela from having their gold fall into the hands of the mafia and smugglers.
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Thursday, August 18, 2011
Gold Is for Fighting Deflation, Not Inflation / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: The_Gold_Report
Whether out of fear or love, everyone is running to gold, says Frank Holmes, head of investment firm U.S. Global Investors. The lengthy Congressional battle to raise the debt ceiling left many investors clinging to gold for safety. But a growing world population continues to stock up on the honeyed metal for weddings and holidays. In this exclusive interview with The Gold Report, Holmes explains where our love-hate relationship with gold is headed and how to profit.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Gold and Silver Full Sprectrum Dominance / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Jim_Willie_CB
Gold and Silver have emerged in the last 12 months as the dominant asset group. They led the entire 2000 decade, still gathering disrespect. They do not require respect from the Wall Street and London crowd. They serve as effective protection during the slow motion crumbling process to the global monetary system. The sovereign bond crisis has circled the peripheral nations, rendered its wreckage, and is working toward the center where the USTBond and UKGilt reside (worried). Italy and Spain are squarely in the crosshairs for financial assaults, but France and the United States lie closer to the core of Western nation sacred debt territory, soon to become sacred burial grounds.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
New Record Nominal Gold High as Merkel and Sarkozy Plans Fail to Assure Markets / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: GoldCore
Gold is mixed in various currencies today after French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel unsurprisingly failed to deliver a solution to the euro zone debt crisis.
The London AM fix in USD was a new record nominal high. Gold’s London AM fix this morning was USD 1,792.00, EUR 1,240.39, GBP 1,089.96 per ounce (from yesterday’s USD 1,779.00, EUR 1,236.18, GBP 1,086.81 per ounce see LBMA).
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Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Gold Hits $1795, Useless Eurozone Leaders would Cut Funding to Govts Disobeying Brussels / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Ben_Traynor
THE DOLLAR gold price rose to a high of $1795 an ounce Wednesday morning in London – 1.1% off last Wednesday's record – before selling off towards lunchtime.
Broad commodity prices rose, while stock markets dropped following Tuesday's Franco-German summit in Paris.
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Wednesday, August 17, 2011
40 Years of Fiat Currency, Is Gold as ‘Cheap’ as it was in 1971? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: Aftab_Singh
Monday was the 40th anniversary of the irredeemable fiat dollar. Unlike the preceding 39 anniversaries, this one was actually noticed! Here, I present several charts that show the changes to the Fed’s balance sheet since 1971. I conclude that the current gold price may be as ‘cheap’ as it was in 1971!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Rare Earth Elements and The China Growth Story / Commodities / Metals & Mining
By: Investment_U
David Fessler writes: The average U.S. household owns hundreds of Chinese-manufactured goods. Almost the entire apparel industry moved out of the United States and halfway around the world. Most of our electronics, a lot of our food, and many of our automobile parts come from China.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Gold Price Could Crash... What Should I Do? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: DailyWealth
The new concern for contrarian gold owners: After watching the yellow metal soar from $1,500 to $1,800 per ounce, we're hearing how gold is "stretched" to the upside... and has become an increasingly popular asset.
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Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Can Gold's Bull Run Be Stopped? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011
By: George_Maniere
Everything that makes any sense tells me that gold’s run is over. The spot price of gold closed at $1788.90 which is $11.00 from its all time high. The Gold ETF GLD closed at 173.94 which is $1.19 from its all time high. The charts are screaming sell and gold keeps shrugging it off and rising in price.
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Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Six Rare Earth Element Metals to Watch / Commodities / Metals & Mining
By: Critical_Metals_Repo
Rare earth elements have made possible improvements in everything from smart phones and plasma televisions to clean energy technology. In this exclusive interview with The Critical Metals Report, Jason Burack, independent investor and cofounder of Wall St. for Main St., and Kevin Kerr, commodities trader and president of Kerr Trading, share the names of the rare earth element companies to watch as the market grows.