Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Is Voluntary Repossession A Good Option When Facing Mortgage Arrears? / Housing-Market / Mortgages
Victoria Adams writes: What Is Voluntary Repossession?
If you are unable to pay your monthly instalments on a secured home loan/mortgage, there are chances that your lender might want to evict you and repossess your home. In such conditions, the first thought that would strike you would be to hand over your house keys to the lender voluntarily without facing the embarrassment of someone throwing you out of your house. This is known as voluntary repossession.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015
‘Black Swan’ Taleb Warns Financial Market Calm Before The Storm / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
- Is the apparent calm of the West a signal of latent instability?
- Increasing symptoms of instability in West as proposed by Nassim Taleb
- Wider public and mainstream press believe “experts” have everything under control
- Black Swan approaches and we may be experiencing “the calm before the storm”
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
China Stock Market Shanghai Composite Decline Kickoff to a Larger Move? Video / Stock-Markets / Chinese Stock Market
What if the 34% sell-off was just the beginning?
In this new interview, Elliott Wave International's Mark Galasiewski discusses the panic in China over the Shanghai Composite's recent decline.
Learn why, from the Elliott wave perspective, the Shanghai Composite's recent decline is a relatively normal occurrence -- and what it implies for the future of Chinese stocks. Watch.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015
The U.S. Fiscal Grand Canyon and the Cycle of Hyperinflation / Interest-Rates / US Debt
The cycle of hyperinflation is already upon us. It was set in motion long ago.We are in the ultimate conundrum. Politically, the US Government, Treasury, and Central Banks must satisfy - pay for - unfunded liabilities and promises.
But the “money” is is simply a desperate conjuring meant to keep the doors of government open.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Grexit or Jubilee? How Greek Debt Can Be Annulled / Politics / Eurozone Debt Crisis
The crushing Greek debt could be canceled the way it was made – by sleight of hand. But saving the Greek people and their economy is evidently not in the game plan of the Eurocrats.
Greece’s creditors have finally brought the country to its knees, forcing President Alexis Tsipras to agree to austerity and privatization measures more severe than those overwhelmingly rejected by popular vote a week earlier. No write-down of Greece’s debt was included in the deal, although the IMF has warned that the current debt is unsustainable.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Why Historic Iran Nuclear Deal with Will be a Historic Failure / Politics / Nuclear Weapons
For years the United States has tried to reach a nuclear deal with Iran. Never before in the history of the US, has a Secretary of State been so involved in a task or invested so much time and energy on a single mission. John Kerry has spent so much time with the Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, that finishing the deal probably felt like signing a divorce from your closest partner.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Here’s the Next Big Source of Energy Profits / Commodities / Energy Resources Dr. Kent Moors writes: Not long ago, the idea of disconnecting from the electrical grid and opting to live a “self-powered” life was limited to either “survivalists” or the realm of science fiction.
That’s beginning to change.
Back in 1973, the English economist E. F. Schumacher published Small Is Beautiful. The idea of the best-seller was to treat economics “as if people mattered.” The best way to do that, Schumacher posited, was by bringing the main elements of people’s lives closer to where they lived (remember, this was at the peak of the 1973 oil crisis). Basic human needs and well-being should be prized above materialism and the “bigger is better” mentality.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015
The Humiliation and Subjugation of Greece... / Politics / Eurozone Debt Crisis
Europe is a fascinating place, but not as interesting as it was before the European Union came into existence. Older travellers may recall the fun of going from one European country to another, with each having its own currency and banknotes which you could scrutinize with interest as you relaxed at various cafes or restaurants. The national stereotypes could still easily be found - Frenchmen on bicycles dressed in blue and white striped shirts and black berets pedaling around selling strings of onions, and refusing to speak English on principle even when they understood it, or spending their time productively on four hour lunches or womanizing. Germans with their ruthless efficiency and organization, but who produced great sausages and beer, which they would routinely consume in vast quantities in gigantic steins. They were supposed to be humorless, and were wonderfully personified by Gert Frobe in the classic 60's film Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines, who let slip a chuckle when one of his officers crashed a flying machine into a tree, but you certainly can't call the Bavarians in southern Germany humorless, with their oompah bands and their vaguely silly lederhosen - these people are an inspiration to drinkers the world over.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Five Ways to Profit From the Greek Debt Crisis / Companies / Investing 2015 Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras accepted his nation’s creditors’ austerity deal earlier this week – but this story is far from over.
In fact, just earlier today, a leaked International Money Fund (IMF) report shows that Europe’s basket case needs a whole lot more debt relief than previously understood.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015
How to Obtain Silver Coins and Rounds in Short Supply / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
There are two kinds of constraints when it comes to supply in the physical markets, and anyone building a position in physical metal needs to know the difference.
The first type is temporary. The other signals a sea-change, the rush for physical metal going mainstream. When it happens, it’ll be “go time” in the physical markets. The time get your hands on products widely available at low premiums will be over.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Stock Market Cycles - A Long Hot July / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
With the intra-day low on Tuesday and the closing low on Wednesday, the forecast for a low in the Dow early last week worked out well. Last week's commentary also laid out the case for that low to be followed by a very short rally into a high (approximately) this Wednesday.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015
OPEC, Get Ready For The Second U.S. Oil Boom / Commodities / Crude Oil
What OPEC countries fear most is a follow-up technological revolution that will lead to a second oil boom in the U.S., and that fear is now being realized.A technological revolution spurred the U.S. oil boom that resulted in the greatest increase in domestic oil production in a century, and while that has stuttered in the face of a major oil price slump and an OPEC campaign to maintain a grip on market share, the American response could be another technological revolution that demonstrates that the first one was merely an impressive embryonic experiment.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Silver Pretty, Silver Ugly / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
The big picture in simple terms:
- US national debt is huge, ugly, unpayable, and accelerating higher.
- Silver Eagles are pretty and are priced low.
- Silver prices will increase erratically, driven higher by a devalued dollar, along with increasing debt.
- Silver is currently at the low end of the silver to national debt ratio.
- Silver is currently at an 81 month cycle low.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
China Crash Real Problem is the Housing Market / Housing-Market / China Housing Market
I always say bubbles burst much faster than they grow. And after exploding up 159% in one year, Chinese stocks crashed 35% in three weeks.This all happened while the Chinese economy and exports continued to fall. And two thirds of these new trading accounts belong to investors who don’t have so much as a high school degree. How crazy is that?
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Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Bulletin: It’s a Credit Bubble! / Stock-Markets / Liquidity Bubble
You may have caught the title’s little inside joke.
Sometimes you (well, I anyway) can look at a graph representing data that is a culmination of history (i.e. reality) and just let it settle in for some perspective and even some conclusions.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Greeks Cannot Access Cash, Gold, Silver In Bank Safety Deposit Boxes / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2015
- Greek capital controls also prevent access to contents of safe deposit boxes
- Restrictions on safe deposit access doesn’t protect banking system unless contents confiscated
- Readers should heed warnings by Marc Faber and Ian Spreadbury of Fidelity
- Important to own assets outside banking system and not in bank safe deposit boxes
- Own physical bullion in private safety deposit boxes and the safest private vaults
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
The Secret to Superior Stock Investor Returns / Companies / Investing 2015 Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: Many people are surprised to learn that dividend income and reinvestment can account for nearly 90% of total stock market returns over time.
That's right. Not a quarter… Not half… But 90%.
That's why placing a high priority on dividends in the Money Map Report's proprietary 50-40-10 Strategy is paramount to its success.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2015
European Empire Strikes Back: Germany and the Greek Crisis / Politics / Eurozone Debt Crisis
George Friedman writes: A desperate battle was fought last week. It pitted Germany and Greece against each other. Each country had everything at stake. Based on the deal that was agreed to, Germany forced a Greek capitulation. But it is far from clear that Greece can allow the agreement reached to be implemented, or that it has the national political will to do so. It is also not clear what its options are, especially given that the Greek people had backed Germany into a corner, where its only choice was to risk everything. It was not a good place for Greece to put the Germans. They struck back with vengeance.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Has The Federal Reserve Missed Its Chance To Increase Interest Rates / Interest-Rates / US Interest Rates
The finance news space has been bombarded with so many different stories recently that many are starting to forget about one of the biggest stories in the space that we've seen throughout the year; the Federal Reserve. If you remember back to the beginning of the year, there were quite a bit of talks about a Federal Reserve interest rate hike that was to come in June, then it was September, and now, the story seems to have dissipated. Nonetheless, it's still a very important issue to follow; and more importantly, the landscape has changed quite a bit. So today, we'll talk about why Federal Reserve interest rates are so important, how the landscape has changed with regard to the topic, and why I think the Fed may have missed its chance to act. So, let's get right to it...
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Tuesday, July 14, 2015
China Crash, Greece Crisis Harbingers of Stocks Bear Market? Video / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2015
Whilst all eyes in the West were on Greece as its marxist Syriza government played game of thrones with the Greek peoples lives as they black mailed the Eurozone, the chinese stock market crashed, collapsing by over $2 trillion into a BEAR MARKET sending over 200 million chinese retail investors into a panic as they got a bitter taste of the dark side of capitalism, of what happens when investors believe the hype that stocks can only go up. We have all seen this play out many times before!
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