Friday, September 27, 2019
More smelters, scrap metal ban driving Chinese copper imports / Commodities / Copper
By: Richard_Mills
Despite evidence of a slowing economy, shipments of raw materials are gliding across Chinese docks at a torrid pace, especially metals, which form the backbone of China’s industrial supply chain.
In fact a recent report shows that, while Chinese imports are down 5% compared to last year, and the trade war is hitting China’s manufacturing sector, imports of raw materials and ores “continue their seemingly perpetual upward trend.”
A blistering trade quotes BMO Global Commodities Research, the report’s author, saying that “In our opinion, while the trade war has caused many problems for China, it has not shaken the overall commodity business model of importing raw materials, having enough process capacity and ideally exporting a small amount of finished product as an inflation hedge.”
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Friday, September 27, 2019
Warning: The Stock Market is on VERY Thin Ice / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Graham_Summers
Yesterday’s drop did a lot of damage to the rally.
Stocks rolled over after hitting resistance (red line). They also broke the bearish rising wedge formation they’ve been forming over the last month (blue lines).
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Friday, September 27, 2019
Land Rover Discovery Sport Engine Management Warning / ConsumerWatch / Land Rover
My Land Rover Discovery Sport has just gone out of the manufacturers 3 year warranty and up pops the dreaded yellow engine managment warning light which could be triggered by something simple as a the fuel cap, faulty sensor or as expensive as a major fault with the engine. And this landrovers only done 18,000 miles!
Anyway here's what to expect when you own a Land Rover Discovery Sport when the engine management warning light pops up on your dashboard.
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Friday, September 27, 2019
Where to Find Progressive Web App Development Ideas / Companies / Mobile Technology
By: Umer_Mahmood
Progressive Web App Development generally represents to creating mobile sites attracted attention due to the relative ease of development and almost instant user interaction. In modern technology, this idea has got much popularity since its formation which was almost 4 years ago from now. This theory was really a problem that Is it possible to get the site installed on any gadget, receive notifications and use it even offline so now the solutions have been made on behalf of the latest technology reforms and to establishing new relationships between the clients and the owners of the sites. JavaScript, CSS, HTML and Service Worker have changed the working process by getting instant access and rapid response. There are numerous featuring software and tools which behave with the client as native applications. Advances in the improvement of browsers, cache, and push-interfaces permitted to get the application installed on the home screen straightforwardly from the browser, is good inspiring a feature which attract the most of the app developers to take prompt initiatives and to create such a unique and attractive feature platforms to get the expected results.Read full article... Read full article...
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Will Gold Benefit from Trump Impeachment Proceedings? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
This week, Nancy Pelosi announced that the House would launch a formal impeachment inquiry. Is it a well-grounded argument, publicity stunt or reflection of the growing polarization inside the Democratic party? Storm in a tea cup or not, should Trump be worried? And gold?
What’s This All About?
On Tuesday, Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker, announced that “the House of Representatives is moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry.” That’s a big shift among Democrats, who control the House. They were talking about the Trump impeachment for months and for a variety of reasons, but never launched the process. What changed their minds?
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Thursday, September 26, 2019
Economist Mad Men in Authority - That Time Keynes Had a Point / Economics / Economic Theory
By: John_Mauldin
John Maynard Keynes once said:
“Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back.”
While true, it doesn’t go far enough. The problem isn’t simply defunct economists or “scribblers of a few years back.”
We are in the grip of economists who, far from being defunct, hold great power. Whether they hear voices in the air (or Twitter), I can’t say, but they are indeed madmen in authority.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Hottest Investment Sector Of The year Is Flying Under Wall Street’s Radar / Companies / Gaming
By: OilPrice_Com
Thursday, September 26, 2019
News and Emotions Aside, This Is Where Stocks and Precious Metals Are Headed / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2019
By: Chris_Vermeulen
If you follow the headline news, read multiple articles a day from different sources on the markets, and are human then you are likely underperforming the market in which you are trying to beat like gold, miners, the SP500 index or whatever it may be.
The information I talk about below and in this video should be a real eye opener for those have not seen technical analysis in action, just how clear the we can see what the stock market, bonds, metals, oil and more will do next. Even at a time like this when the markets are gyrating all over hte place from week to week, we can still gauge our risk and be a winner.
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Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Disaster of Negative Interest Rates / Interest-Rates / Negative Interest Rates
By: Ellen_Brown
The dollar strengthened against the euro in August, merely in anticipation of the European Central Bank slashing its key interest rate further into negative territory. Investors were fleeing into the dollar, prompting President Trump to tweet on Aug. 30:
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Thursday, September 26, 2019
Democrats Launch Formal Trump Impeachment – What Should Gold, Stock Traders Expect? / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2019
By: Chris_Vermeulen
News of the formal impeachment proceedings came just after the markets closed on September 24, 2019. The markets had already broken a bit lower most of the day after Consumer Confidence and Jobs expectations were weaker than expected. We had just authored a public research post about our belief that the Technology sector was about to breakdown and begin to move lower. Additionally, we pushed out a post about how Silver would become the “Super-Hero” of 2019/2020 based on our expectations of further gains.
We believe the new impeachment proceedings will result in a market that is very similar to what happened when the US invaded Kuwait in August 1990. At that time, the US launched a very fast invasion of Kuwait that prompted a massive news event and resulted in hours of new invasion video that drew millions of Americans into watching the news every night. This invasion was almost like an extended Super Bowl or an extended World Series event where millions of people are actively engaged in this event, stop engaging in the local economy and focus their attentions on the news cycle, content and political circus originating in DC. But first, be sure to opt-in to our free market trend signals newsletter
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Thursday, September 26, 2019
5 Tips For Building A Winning Trading Strategy / InvestorEducation / Learn to Trade
By: Andrew_Cioffi
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Ford Falls Off a Cliff—These 3 Companies Could Be Next / Companies / Corporate Bonds
By: Robert_Ross
It’s been a long time coming.
PIMCO, the world’s largest bond hedge fund, has been warning investors about this for months. So has Federal Reserve Chairman Jay Powell.
So I wasn’t surprised when the first domino in the corporate debt crisis fell last week…
Credit rating agency Moody’s downgraded Ford Motor Co.’s bonds from investment grade to “junk” status last Monday.
The downgrade affected Ford’s entire $84-billion debt load, according to Bloomberg.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Day Trading versus Casino Gambling: is there really a difference? / Personal_Finance / Gambling
By: Submissions
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
To Fix the Economy, Fix Healthcare / Economics / US Economy
By: Patrick_Watson
If you are American and you have health insurance, you probably get it from either your employer or some kind of government program. Or possibly both, if the government is your employer.
Almost no one in the US gets health insurance on their own. We can’t afford to buy it and insurers can’t afford to sell it, thanks to our crazy patchwork system. As a result, people fall through the gaps and millions remain uninsured.
Even many who are insured might as well not be, since exorbitant deductibles leave them practically uncovered.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Amazon Could Soon Be the World’s Biggest Shipping Company / Companies / Amazon
By: Stephen_McBride

These days, you can click a button and get almost anything delivered to your door.
Amazon sold $164 billion worth of stuff on its website this year.
If there were a disruptor stock hall of fame, Amazon would be first in line.
But Amazon didn’t disrupt shopping alone. Goods can’t ship themselves.
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Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Gold not in Real Bull Market Yet / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Jordan_Roy_Byrne
Is Gold now back in a bull market? Most gold bugs think so and are quick to proclaim that.
But, could Gold remain in a secular bear market? It hasn’t made a new all time high in 8 years and the perma-bull, financial asset loving crowd certainly believes so.
This is semantics because what really matters is making money and nothing else.
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Wednesday, September 25, 2019
5 Fool-Proof Ways to Keep Your Home Tech-Compatible / Personal_Finance / Technology
By: Justin_Weinger
Technology changes more rapidly now than it has at any time in the past. Keeping up with the latest advances in technology means home improvements to accommodate them. First-time homeowners who want to future proof their homes should look to where technology is headed. That being said, here are a handful of ways you can help future-proof your home.
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Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Repo Liquidity Crunch Reveals Market Stress. Will Gold Shine? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Arkadiusz_Sieron
Last week, the Fed had to inject liquidity into the repo market for the first time since the Great Recession. Not once, but several times – and also commit to do more. Will such a crack in the proverbial dam let gold’s allure shine?
Scramble for Liquidity Pushes Rates Up
The focus last week was on the FOMC decision to cut interest rates. But a real drama was unfolding in the background. The Fed injected $278 billion into the securities repurchase, or “repo,” market over four days, to stabilize short-term interest rates and to calm the repo market scrambling for liquidity. More precisely, the U.S. central bank injected $53 billion in overnight repurchase agreement on Tuesday, followed by $75 billion re-open on Wednesday, then on Thursday and on Friday as well.
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Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Commitment From Stock Bulls / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Ricky_Wen
Monday’s session showcased commitment from bulls as they defended against last week’s 2980.75 key range low support on the Emini S&P 500 (ES) with a double-bottom low at 2982 during Globex trading. Price remained above the daily 20 EMA in the 2970s as the whole range day ground slowly higher with higher lows and higher highs into the regular trading hours (RTH) closing print.
The main takeaway is that the smaller range of 2980-3025 is taking place within the overall 2955-3025 range of the past couple weeks. Everybody and their mother seems to be waiting for this high level consolidation/digestion to complete and for the move toward new all-time highs as we head into next Monday’s quarter end and into October.
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Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Is Silver About To Become The Super-Hero Of Precious Metals? / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: Chris_Vermeulen
If you’ve been following our research, you already know how accurately we’ve been nailing the precious metals price moves. We’ve been calling Gold and Silver accurately since early 2018 and continue to focus a good portion of our efforts in studying these incredible setups. Let’s have a little fun and start with two charts from near July 20, 2019, to help our followers understand what we’ve been expecting, but first, be sure to opt-in to our free market research newsletter
This first Monthly Silver chart highlights what we believed would be the approximate wave structure of the silver price advance going forward. We did not attempt to accurately time these peaks of valleys, we simply used our Fibonacci Price Amplitude Arcs to allow price to tell us where these peaks may form. From those levels, we used our best “guess” to identify the trough bottoms.
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