Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Monday, July 18, 2016
Stocks Remain At All-Time High, Will They Continue Even Higher? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Paul_Rejczak
Briefly: In our opinion, speculative short positions are favored (with stop-loss at 2,210, and profit target at 2,050, S&P 500 index).
Our intraday outlook is now bearish, and our short-term outlook is bearish. Our medium-term outlook is now neutral, following S&P 500 index breakout above last year's all-time high:
Intraday outlook (next 24 hours): bearish
Short-term outlook (next 1-2 weeks): bearish
Medium-term outlook (next 1-3 months): neutral
Long-term outlook (next year): neutral
Monday, July 18, 2016
Stock Market Minor Top? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Andre_Gratian
Current Position of the Market
SPX Long-term trend: The long-term trend is near its all-time high
SPX Intermediate trend: The uptrend from 1810 is now challenging the 2135 high.
Analysis of the short-term trend is done on a daily basis with the help of hourly charts. It is an important adjunct to the analysis of daily and weekly charts which discuss longer market trends.
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Saturday, July 16, 2016
How Long Can Buybacks Continue To Support A Market Which Is Standing On A Fundamentally Flawed Premise? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Gordon_T_Long
FRA Co-Founder Gordon T.Long and Jeffrey Snider, Head of Global Investment Research at Alhambra Investment Partners discuss earnings, the Chinese Yuan, Japanese Yen and the falling credibility of central banks.
Read full article... Read full article...As Head of Global Investment Research for Alhambra Investment Partners, Jeff spearheads the investment research efforts while providing close contact to Alhambra’s client base. Jeff joined Atlantic Capital Management, Inc., in Buffalo, NY, as an intern while completing studies at Canisius College. After graduating in 1996 with a Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Jeff took over the operations of that firm while adding to the portfolio management and stock research process.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Understanding The Stock Market Bull After Fink Speaks... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Jack_Steiman
This has been one crazy market for quite some time now. The endless overall up trend has been with us for seven plus years. The last two years have been a time for consolidation in to the teeth of some very bad news. When bad news can't sell a market you understand it means that it's simply basing and waiting on the right combination of news to try the next leg up. It finally came in the form some good employment numbers. Job creation reached a level that allowed the bulls to race onward and upward. Prior to that report, we were dealing with a series of bad reports on the Jobs Report, ISM Manufacturing Report, and ISM Services numbers. The market simply couldn't find a catalyst. Earnings were on the decline as well. The market bears tried to get the market down as bad news kept hitting from everywhere, but they just couldn't get the job done consistently. They'd get a nice down move, but couldn't seem to ever follow through. The bulls would come in and save the day.
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Friday, July 15, 2016
The Fed is Terrified… Are You Ready For What’s Coming? / Stock-Markets / Financial Crisis 2016
By: Graham_Summers
Central Bankers are absolutely terrified.
Case in point, yesterday Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester suggested that the “next step” in monetary policy is “Helicopter money.”
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Friday, July 15, 2016
Capitalism Has Entered a New Era—and Historic Stock Market Investing Returns Are Gone Forever / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: John_Mauldin
We live in interesting times. We continue to see repercussions from Brexit. The other major players—in Europe, China, and Japan—seem to be in a downward spiral. Not to mention, the bubble-like issues we see in Canada and other parts of the world.
The world is quickly getting far more complex… something that central banks’ (and everybody else’s!) models can’t capture. We are tiptoeing into a period of enormous uncertainty.
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Friday, July 15, 2016
The Soaring Risk of Flying in Bernanke's Helicopter / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Doug_Wakefield
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"Although the term 'helicopter money' is very frequently used in economics, it is doubtful whether such a policy will bring the results people really want. The following example shows why.
Let us assume that the Bank of Japan one day mailed 1 million yen in new bank notes to every Japanese citizen. The person who finds 1 million in his mailbox will probably feel very happy at that moment, because he things he is richer by that amount. Thproblem is what happens next.
Friday, July 15, 2016
The Broad Stock Market, Helicopters and Gold / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: The_Gold_Report
There has been a stunning post Brexit turnaround in the markets, says technical analyst Clive Maund. Far from leading to chaos, the markets have taken it in their stride, and are now rising in anticipation of "helicopter money."
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Stock Market Exuberant New All Time Highs / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: James_Quinn
The stock market has reached new all-time highs this week, just two weeks after plunging over the BREXIT result. The bulls are exuberant as they dance on the graves of short-sellers and the purveyors of doom. This is surely proof all is well in the country and the complaints of the lowly peasants are just background noise. Record highs for the stock market must mean the economy is strong, consumers are confident, and the future is bright.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
New Stock Market Highs Correlate to $57 Trillion in Printed Global Currency Units / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: The_Gold_Report
Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger discusses the relationship of rising money velocity, money printing and new stock market highs.
When people use the term "money," it usually refers to a unit of currency used in the transacting of business and commerce. A woman works cleaning houses for a week and gets paid in a number of currency units and then goes to the supermarket and exchanges those units for food or diapers or medicine. What is left over at the end of the pay period is called "savings," which are allowed to accumulate receiving a modest rate of interest. Around the globe this weekend, a vast number of banks are offering negative returns on savings, such that keeping one's accumulated units of currency in the bank is penalized. The objective of this monetary experiment is to combat the global problem of deflation. Despite $57 trillion of new currency units having been printed since the 2009 financial crisis, global growth has been tepid at best because the velocity of "money" has remained moribund and since all collateral underpinning this massive global debt must not be allowed to depreciate, the central banks have been allowed to engage in a massive, coordinated reflation designed to jumpstart "money" velocity.
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Thursday, July 14, 2016
Stocks Bear Market Crash Apocalypse Resolves to New All Time Highs! / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The stock market commentariat that had convinced themselves all year that a stocks bear market or worse a crash was always imminent, tending to reach their most vocal fever pitched cry's of doom each time stocks bottomed and where BrExit is concerned, well that was expected to be the icing on the bear cake, that if it happened would surely herald an stock market apocalypse. Though of course most never saw brexit coming because the pollsters, markets and bookies ALL got the EU Referendum outcome WRONG which meant that WHEN it happened the expectations of doom reached a new level of intensity. Worse still because FEAR SELLS the usually clueless mainstream press liberally regurgitated and magnified the doom utterance of financial sales industry which ensured few were in a position to capitalise on the subsequent stock rally.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Italy on the Brink of a Full Blown Banking Crisis / Stock-Markets / Financial Crisis 2016
By: Joseph_T_Salerno
As several articles over the past few days have indicated (here, here, here and here), Italy is on the brink of a full-blown banking crisis. Bad debts, or "non-performing loans," held by the banking sector total 360 billion euros, which is a remarkable 17 percent of all the outstanding bank loans in Italy and equal to about one-fifth of the annual Italian GDP. It is also many times the level of bad debt held by Italian banks at the peak of the financial crisis in 2008. Since the beginning of 2016, prices of bank stocks have decreased by more than 50%. In the case of Italy's oldest and most troubled bank, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, its share price has declined more than 75%. It doesn't help that the Italian economy is struggling mightily to recover from the last financial crisis and is still 8% smaller than it was in 2008 and roughly the same size as it was at the end of the twentieth century.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Hong Kong, Signapore, and India Emerging Stocks Bull Markets / Stock-Markets / Emerging Markets
By: Tony_Caldaro
With the recent resurgence in the US indices, and the potential new leg up in the 2009 bull market, took a look at the foreign indices we track. The objective was to find indices that had dramatic selloffs during 2015-2016, and appear to have completed bear markets. Of the twenty indices we track three in particular look the best longer term.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Stocks Bull Market Crash Apocalypse Resolves to New All Time Highs - Again! / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The stock market commentariat that had convinced themselves all year that a stocks bear market or worse a crash was always imminent, tending to reach their most vocal fever pitched cry's of doom each time stocks bottomed and where BrExit is concerned, well that was expected to be the icing on the bear cake, that if it happened would surely have herald an stock market apocalypse. Though of course most never saw it coming because the pollsters, markets and bookies ALL got the EU Referendum outcome WRONG which meant that WHEN it happened the expectations of doom reached a new level of intensity as their worst expectations appeared to finally becoming manifest. Worse still because FEAR SELLS the usually clueless mainstream press liberally regurgitated and magnified the utterance of financial sales industry so as to ensure few would ever be in a position to capitalise on the stock rally.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Americans favour Coffee over Financial Freedom / Stock-Markets / Investing 2016
By: Sol_Palha
A little and a little, collected together, becomes a great deal; the heap in the barn consists of single grains, and drop and drop make the inundation.
Towards the end of last year, we published an article titled Americans favour coffee to stock market investing where we demonstrated that an overwhelming majority drink coffee as opposed to investing in the stock market’ 61% of Americans drink coffee on a daily basis as opposed to the 48% that invest in the market. On aannual basis, Americans spend about $1200 on coffee. If they put this money into the market and allowed compound interest to do its magic, it could grow into a nice tidy sum over a period of 20 years.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Not Too Late For Real Money In A World, Distracted / Stock-Markets / Global Financial System
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. - Henry Ford
A recent IMF study estimated that the profits of the big banks in the United States are almost entirely due to the government sponsored backstops. It’s not just bailouts, but also cheap credit, and judicial negligence.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Jubilee Disasters Are Sinking Europe Fast as Italy Unravels and Deutsche Bank Collapses / Stock-Markets / Financial Crisis 2016
By: Jeff_Berwick
There is much going on in Europe and most of it very bad. When we add what’s going on in Europe to what’s happening in Britain, the US and China, we end up with a comprehensive portrait of a world plunging off a precipice.
Of course if you’ve been visiting us regularly, you’re quite aware of the disasters of 2016. They are a continuation of 2015. We’ve been warning about it tirelessly for over a year now.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Stock market, leading sectors, and the price of Coffee / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Chris_Vermeulen
It was a relatively dull session yesterday (Monday July 11th) with stocks gapping higher only to trade sideways up till now. As I talked about in the morning’s video I expected stocks to grind higher, and for vix ETF to keep moving lower for another day or three.
Coffee continues to be on caffeine-high today testing near today’s high, which looks as though it will continue to run higher in the coming days.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Stock Market Topping Internals, Buy This Rally and See What Happens! / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Joseph_VanDerveer
Everyone is Bullish, perfect time to short with stops in place of course. Below is a simple chart of one way to look at market internals. Lets see what is going on under the hood.
The chart shows OEX or SPY with NYSE 3 month new highs using a line chart. The purple line going up is OEX or SPY. Basically what this is saying is the market is going higher on less participation not more.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2016
A Fed Bondsy Scheme / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2016
By: Ed_Carlson
Who needs the Fed's QE when the world is seemingly beating down the doors to buy US bonds? But like all Ponzi schemes, the end eventually comes. Last week's record low in bond yields arrived at the same time as an expected 6 month low in yields and may have marked at least a temporary end to the scheme. Stay tuned for a reversal in interest rates and its effect on equity markets as liquidity in global markets dries up.
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