Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
By: Donald_W_Dony

Financial forecasts, whether they are fundamentally or technically driven, are a combination of probabilities and assumptions. For example, when an analyst indicates that the earnings for a company are expected to increase during the next quarter and the business is now trading below its intrinsic value, he is suggesting that the probability of a number of issues should positively affect the near-term earnings outlook for this organization.
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Thursday, March 05, 2009
By: Jim_Willie_CB

A couple of bright friends reported to me some overriding themes at the PDAC gathering in Toronto last weekend. Apparently, some surprise came to them. They mentioned that more than a few analysts, writers, and speakers still do not get it. They actually believe the situation with the US Economy and US banking system has begun to stabilize. That is like saying a college basketball player has Michael Jordan under control, or a farmer has his Clydesdale horse under control, or a misguided King can call back the ocean tide, or a man has a hurricane under control as he clings to a roof rafter.
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Thursday, March 05, 2009
By: Marty_Chenard
Is there a "pent up demand" brewing of investors who want to become BUYERS?
We have talked a lot about divergences in the past week. Today, we will address a Positive Divergence coming from the New York Stock Exchange's daily "New Lows".
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Thursday, March 05, 2009

The March NASDAQ 100 was lower overnight as it consolidates some of Wednesday's short covering rally. Stochastics and the RSI are oversold but remain neutral to bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are still possible near-term. If March extends this month's decline, the 87% retracement level of the November-January rally crossing at 1052.76 is the next downside target. Closes above the 20-day moving average crossing at 1173.80 are needed to confirm that a short-term low has been posted.
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Thursday, March 05, 2009
By: Harry_Boxer

The market ended with a solid gain for the session, but it disappointed with a last half-hour sell-off that took back a chunk of the gains. The day started out with a gap up. They backed and filled early in the session, but then took off in the morning, reaching the morning highs just before the lunch hour. During the lunch hour and shortly thereafter they consolidated in a flag-like fashion, holding intraday support, and came on again in the afternoon, especially on the S&P 500 and Dow, as the blue chips caught up with the NDX from yesterday.
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Wednesday, March 04, 2009
By: Kingsley_Anderson

The bulls (and the shorts covering their positions) finally made a showing on Wall Street today. CNBC says that the reason for the bounce is that the Obama Administration announced its plan to provide relief to homeowners in distress as well as a stimulus plan being announced in China. That might not have hurt matters, but the real reason for the rally is that the market was extremely oversold. A positive day was bound to happen sooner rather than later.
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Wednesday, March 04, 2009
By: Nadeem_Walayat

The long ticking time bomb of Eastern European debt is starting to explode with an even greater inevitability as that of subprime mortgages exploding in the United States, as at least in the United States the determining factor of whether or not the mortgage market would go bust is the state of the US housing market. With Eastern Europe the big and obvious question mark that has been raised many times long before the housing markets peaked and the stock markets crashed was the degree of borrowing by Eastern Europeans in foreign currencies that set the borrowers up for the ticking currency time bomb when the forex trends reversed against them would send the value of debts soaring in the domestic currencies thus pushing for example the housing borrowers into negative equity
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Wednesday, March 04, 2009
By: Money_and_Markets

Sean Brodrick writes: In these tough times, a good investment is hard to find. In fact, the S&P 500 was down 18.2 percent year-to-date through Friday. And the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped more than 19 percent at the same time — so good investments are pretty scarce indeed.
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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

The March NASDAQ 100 was higher overnight due to short covering as it consolidates some of this week's decline. Stochastics and the RSI are oversold but remain neutral to bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are still possible near-term. If March extends this month's decline, the 87% retracement level of the November-January rally crossing at 1052.76 is the next downside target. Closes above the 20-day moving average crossing at 1179.22 are needed to confirm that a short-term low has been posted.
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Wednesday, March 04, 2009
By: PaddyPowerTrader

After a big fall in the previous sessions, traders sometimes look for a turnaround of up to 50% of the previous days drop or even a dead cat bounce. But despite the five day drubbing there was no such relief yesterday as the Dow Jones lost another 0.55%.
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Tuesday, March 03, 2009
By: Harry_Boxer
The market was mixed at the close, but the indices certainly disappointed with a late afternoon sell-off, taking the indices from the plus column into the negative column, except for the Nasdaq 100.
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Tuesday, March 03, 2009
By: Chris_Ciovacco
"The current state of investors’ collective fear means the odds remain against those who own stocks and in favor of those who short stocks or remain defensive."
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Tuesday, March 03, 2009
By: Axel_Merk

Shaken insurance giant AIG has argued that fair value accounting is what got the world into this financial crisis. This debate is flaring up once again as it becomes ever more apparent that many of the world's largest banks would be insolvent if they priced their securities at “fair” market prices.
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Tuesday, March 03, 2009
By: Money_and_Markets

Tony Sagami writes: Warren Buffett knows a thing or two about investing. But what I really admire is that he always tells it exactly like it is … good or bad. Buffett really caught my attention a few days ago when he sent out his annual letter to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett's insurance and investment holding company.
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Tuesday, March 03, 2009
By: PaddyPowerTrader

With the impenetrable global financial market gloom showing no signs of abating, stocks took another pounding yesterday. Financials were crushed again and that will grab all the headlines today. Tabloid focus remains on the cosmic black hole that is AIG(reed) and their latest visit to the ATM (American Taxpayers Money), the prospects of Citibank ($1.20) becoming a sub $1 stock and the pared payouts at GE.
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Monday, March 02, 2009
By: Kingsley_Anderson

On Sunday, I indicated that when the market fails to sell off on bad news, it means the market is finding a floor. When it in fact sells off on bad news, it is certainly not a good sign. This sort of ties into the old market adage, “buy on the rumor, sell on the news,” whereby by the time the news has been published to the world, it has already been discounted by the market.
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Monday, March 02, 2009
By: Harry_Boxer
It was an extremely negative way to start the week, but that's been customary in this bear market. The indices started with big gaps down, tried to rally early on but didn't last long, and then rolled over and sold off steadily until early afternoon when they tried another rally that lacked thrust and rolled over in the last hour to close near the lows for the day.
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Monday, March 02, 2009
By: Frank_Holmes
Good Intentions, Unintended Consequences - Not long ago, financial regulators told Congress that the year-old accounting rule known as FAS 157 had little to do with last year's string of high-profile bank failures. This blanket exoneration, however, is not supported by the evidence.
While I don't think FAS 157 is the only reason for the problems encountered by banks, brokerages and other financial firms, it seems that this rule and other regulatory actions may have played an unintended yet significant role by exaggerating the risks associated with the banks' heavily leveraged balance sheets.
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Monday, March 02, 2009
By: Oxbury_Research
“A devastating crash occurs between 2010 and 2012, which ushers in a thirteen-year bear market into 2022” -Harry Dent Jr. This quote is taken directly from the back of Harry S. Dent Jr.'s bestselling book,
The Next Great Bubble Boom . Mr. Dent was a pioneer in the study demographics and their relation to the stock market. Before we dive into certain specifics and reasoning behind what is shaping up to be an ominous prediction, it is important to sift out why this renowned author came to such conclusions in the first place and if anything has changed since the book was published in 2004.
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Monday, March 02, 2009
By: Paul_J_Nolte

The nearer your destination, the more you slip slide away. Another week of weakness in the markets, punctuated by a one day rally (just to keep everyone honest) has put many investors in a rather foul mood. Just when the markets looked as though they had put in a bottom back in November, here we are again at critical point – looking like we will slip slide away toward much lower levels. The talk of the past week centered on the nationalization of the banks, just as the taxpayers took a 36% position in Citigroup, on top of their already dominate position in AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
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