Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Saturday, December 28, 2013
All Aboard the Investor Wealth Rocket 2014 / Stock-Markets / Investing 2014
By: Money_Morning
Michael A. Robinson writes: New Year’s Eve is one of my favorite times of the year.
And not because I look forward to the lavish parties folks like to hold on that final night of the year.
In fact, I don’t party at all.
My wife and I have actually established a neat little ritual that lets us say adios to the outgoing year and to welcome in the new one by setting some goals for the one that’s coming in.
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Friday, December 27, 2013
Stock Market Cycle Top Amidst TNX and WTIC Signs for Deteriorating Economy / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2013
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
TNX is now over 3%. What a way to start the New Year!
ZeroHedge reports, “While a few media outlets had premature releases yesterday, Bloomberg data just confirmed that for the second time this year, 10Y US Treasury yields have crossed 3% (it was 3.005% in Sept 2013) breaking to the highest since July 2011(right before the yield collapse after the US debt-ceiling downgrade debacle). We are sure the media will proclaim this as 'proof' that the recovery is different this time, except the term structure continues to flatten (suggesting less faith in the future) and to spice things up 30Y mortgage rates have surged to 4.63% - almost the highest since May 2011 - but again, apparently, this won't affect the housing recovery either (even though mortgage apps are down two-thirds from their highs).”
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Friday, December 27, 2013
Stock Market Final Friday of 2013 – No Worries? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2013
By: PhilStockWorld
1.3M US Citizens get cut off tomorrow.
That's right, we're finally pulling the plug on those lazy, unemployed leeches that have been draining $300M a week from us job creators (though, obviously, we didn't create jobs for them!). That's $15.6Bn a year – enough money to pay for 3 nuclear submarines! And what's more important to America – feeding 1.3M families (1% of the workforce) the week after Christmas or having 1% more submarines in our fleet? The choices couldn't be more clear for our Congress!
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Friday, December 27, 2013
Where to Invest in India 2014? Housing? Stocks? Gold & Silver? / Stock-Markets / Investing 2014
By: Dhaval_Shah
Where to invest in 2014?
Real Estate? Share Market? GOLD & Silver? FD/Bonds? Or Cash?……??
2013 has remained highly volatile. Let us review few important instances of 2013…
Ø On 1st Jan, 2013, Sensex was at 19,580 and as we are near to year end, it is trading around 21000. Less than 10% gain in a year, a flat year for the market.
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Friday, December 27, 2013
US Stock Market Top Forecast / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2013
By: John_Hampson
Time for another run through the checklist of typical cyclical bull tops in stocks.
1. Market valuation excessive
Second highest market cap to GDP valuation outside of 2000, the 4th highest Q ratio valuation and 4th highest CAPE valuation in history, last two years gains more than 80% multiple expansion and less than 20% earnings growth – CHECK
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Friday, December 27, 2013
Rising Interest Rates Fail to Prevent Another Stock Market New All Time High / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2013
By: PhilStockWorld
Courtesy of Doug Short: This morning’s jobless claims report showed a big drop in new claims (although the latest number is about 12,000 higher than the six-month moving average). The S&P 500 opened higher and then slowly drifted yet higher to its 0.52% intraday high shortly before its slightly trimmed closing gain of 0.47%, which is another all-time high.
Friday, December 27, 2013
Money vs Legal Tender - Deceptions, Dupes & Dots / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2014
By: Jim_Willie_CB
Let us take a break from the hustle & bustle loaded to the gills with nastiness and mayhem. Consider some information cookies during the Christmas holiday down time, not without a few lumps of coal. The deceptions are deep; the ranks of dupes are legion; connecting the dots is not so easy. Despite the constant stream of deception and the steady interference by the well-meaning but all too often simpletons in the madding crowd mixed with sheep, the story can be rather extensively told. It takes the new skill of connecting the dots, along with a mental stubbornness mixed with a certain measure of insight. The phrase connecting dots was not heard by the Jackass until a few years ago, from my unusual smart buddy UD in Nevada. His many messages over the years often contain the three words CONNECT THE DOTS. With his help and the guiding hand of numerous suspicious astute colleagues, we have made sense of widely scattered information from the battlefield during the global monetary war. After tying stories together, the main themes make for a fascinating spy novel that touches every corner of the world and reaches all our lives. A close examination reveals how the major nations and their leaders have been busy with popular betrayal on a grand scale, during a grand Paradigm Shift. The world will turn on more of an eastern axis in the future.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
The Stock Market Holiday Bulge – Prepare for Selling / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2013
By: Chris_Vermeulen
I would like to start by wishing you a Happy Holidays & New Year!
So far this year (2013) has been a great year for trading and my 2014 forecast looks to be as good if not even better. I do have something exciting to share with you that is going to make 2014 really amazing, but first let me talk about the stock market and what is likely to unfold in the next week or two so you can protect your investments.
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Thursday, December 26, 2013
Stock Market Low Volume Rally May be Nearing its End / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2013
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
My phones and internet are back after last Saturday’s ice storm. There are still neighborhoods without power as the ice hasn’t melted from the trees yet. In some neighborhoods with mature trees the work crews are saying it may take another week before the obstructions are removed and the power reinstalled. My son and his wife are without power and are staying with us, since their house is literally freezing.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Another Stock Market Bubble Looking for a Pin - Crash Forecast 2014 / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2014
By: Toby_Connor
Well the Fed in its infinite wisdom has gone and done it again. They've created another bubble. And this bubble is arguably the 6th in the last 13 years (tech, real estate, credit, bond, oil, and now stocks - again). And let's footnote the Fed's creation of the present echo bubble in housing, for good measure.
If one steps back far enough they can see what's really happening. The Fed has now manufactured a parabolic move in the stock market. This parabola is much more aggressive (and thus even more unsustainable) than witnessed at either the 2000 or 2007 stock market tops.
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Thursday, December 26, 2013
Stock and Commodity Market Forecasts for 2014 / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2014
Dear Reader,
I may not be Santa Claus, but I have an early present for you this year. It’s actually 15 presents in the form of 15 charts of financial markets with analysis by Bob Prechter, the president of Elliott Wave International.
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Thursday, December 26, 2013
Stock Market Thoughts For the End of the Year / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2013
By: PhilStockWorld
What a year this has been!
As you can see from Doug Short's S&P chart, we're now up 171% from our 2009 low of 666 but the mission is not yet accomplished at 1,833 – not with 1,850 so close and obtainable as a target for a 2013 finish that will put this year firmly in the history books – as well as in brochures that will be used to entice more people into the market next year.
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Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Secular Stock Market Cycles - Don't Accept Breakeven / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2013
By: John_Mauldin
For today's special Christmas Eve Outside the Box, my good friend Ed Easterling brings us pearls of wisdom on the subject of rowing vs. sailing. "Rowing?" you ask. "Sailing?" And, you're thinking, "I would surely prefer to be a sailor." Well, not so fast. Let Ed explain why putting your back into your investing process can pay off handsomely. A nice piece to think about as you are mashing the potatoes or icing the cake. You can see more of Ed’s marvelous work at www.crestmontresearch.com.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Stock Market Snapshot: Another Day, Another All-Time High / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2013
By: PhilStockWorld
Courtesy of Doug Short: This morning’s strong Durable Goods report set the stage for a continuation of the holiday rally. The S&P 500 opened fractionally above yesterday’s close and rose steadily to it modest intraday high at the closing bell, up 0.29%. The 0.29% intraday range in today’s abbreviated trading day was the second smallest of the year … second to the March 7th range of 0.28%.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Stock Market 2014 Party On! / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2014
By: Puru_Saxena
BIG PICTURE - Interest rates are near historic lows, credit is cheap and the prominent central banks are not planning to pursue tough monetary policies anytime soon. Consequently, the stock markets of the developed world are rallying and their property markets are recovering.
There can be no doubt that the world's business activity is mediocre, but the financial markets are primarily driven by monetary policy. Remember, the risk free rate of return determines the value of every asset and with near zero interest rates, it is hardly surprising that prices are appreciating.
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Tuesday, December 24, 2013
World Stocks Rally on Steroids - Except for China / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2013
By: PhilStockWorld
Courtesy of Doug Short: Six of the eight indexes in my international focus group posted substantial gains over the past week. The average of the six was an impressive 2.91%, with Germany’s DAXK as the top performer, up 4.37%. The two negative performers were the two China indexes. The Hang Seng fell 1.87% and the Shanghai Composite plunged a gut-wrenching 5.07%, its worst weekly loss since May 2011.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Stock Market Melt-up, Then Down in 2014 / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2014
By: Clif_Droke

Writing in Barron’s, Randall Forsyth pointed out that each cycle of 40-years plus “has been marked by blowups.” He cited the following debacles: Penn Central (1970), Herstatt Bank (1974), the Hunt Brothers (1980), the October 1987 crash, the S&L crash (1990), the mortgage securities and Mexican crises of 1994, the emerging-market debt crises of 1997-98, the dot-com crash of 2000, and the housing crash of 2007-08.
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Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Stock Market Crash Postponed, But Not Cancelled / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
We’re dealing with a major ice storm here in mid-Michigan. We have a half inch of ice on everything, stripping branches from trees and bringing down powerlines and the weather is turning colder. Major swaths of the state are without electricity, much less phones & internet. I had to drain several peoples’ water pipes because with no heat, they will freeze. We are fortunate to have power, but many may not have electricity back on until after Christmas.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Merry Stock Markets – Apple Provides More Lift / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2013
By: PhilStockWorld
AAPL strikes again!
In last Wednesday's Webcast (Our Top Picks for 2014), I noted that AAPL was once again going to be my pick of the year (it was our top pick for 2013 too) because, once again, not only was it cheap but BECAUSE we could construct a ridiculously cheap option spread for it that can once again deliver a massive return of 500% or more.
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Monday, December 23, 2013
Jim Rogers On “Buying Panic” And Investments Nobody Is Talking About / Stock-Markets / Investing 2014
By: Casey_Research
By Nick Giambruno, Senior Editor, International Man
I am very pleased to have had the chance to speak with Jim Rogers, a legendary investor and true international man.
Jim and I spoke about some of the most exciting investments and stock markets around the world that pretty much nobody else is talking about.
You won't want to miss this fascinating discussion, which you'll find below.
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