Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Stock Market POMO Activity, A Ferret In Our Shorts / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Barry_M_Ferguson
Wouldn’t it be nice for the Dow Jones Industrial Average to act sane for a day or two? Wouldn’t it be nice for it to just open in the morning and not move more than ten or twelve points in either direction? Of course, that would require an actual ‘market’ where traders and investors decide the minute-to-minute valuation of stocks. Instead, the current indexes can routinely plummet and ascend hundreds of points in either direction seemingly for no reason at all. It’s like someone put a ferret in our shorts and shot him up with crystal meth. Who would do such a thing?
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Monday, August 01, 2011
Stock Market Correction Remains Incomplete / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Andre_Gratian
Very Long-term trend - The continuing strength in the indices is causing me to question whether we are in a secular bear market or two consecutive, cyclical bull/bear cycles. In any case, the very-long-term cycles are down and, if they make their lows when expected, there will be another steep and prolonged decline into 2014-16 (no change).
Long-term trend - In March 2009, the SPX began a move which evolved into a bull market. Cycles point to a continuation of this trend for several more weeks (no change).
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Monday, August 01, 2011
Stock Market Panic Selling Provides Major Buying Opportunity! / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Chris_Vermeulen

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Sunday, July 31, 2011
Interbank Credit Markets Show Low Systemic Risk / Stock-Markets / US Interest Rates
By: Steven_Vincent
Tape action--market responsiveness to news, earnings and technical events--has been largely bullish as well. Psychology appears to be sufficiently negative to support a bottom as well. While doom and gloom are not at apocalyptic levels, there is a pervasive sense that after six months of grind and whipsaw, traders are tired and at a loss and are sitting on the sidelines waiting for the right cue. All in all, this is the stuff of which major bottoms are made. BullBear Traders are looking to build long positions as the market passes through a bottoming process soon, probably coinciding with the announcements of the downgrade of US sovereign debt and a DC debt deal. We are also keeping our eyes open to the possibility of a significant bearish market break.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Stock Market Crazy Week, Here We Go Again / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: WavePatternTraders
Another crazy week, and although we have not gone anywhere, as we are still stuck in the same range we have been for weeks.
However the market did put in a in a bull trap that we were suspicious off, I posted this to members last week in my weekend report.
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Sunday, July 31, 2011
Stock Markets Fall on Trouble in Monetary Paradise / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Tony_Caldaro
Equities declined throughout the week right from the gap down open on monday into the close on friday. In the end US equities experienced the worse weekly loss since the Primary wave II bottom in July 2010. The monthly economic reports were mostly negative, outpacing positive reports by 2:1. On the positive side: Case-Shiller, consumer confidence, and the WLEI all improved, while weekly jobless claims dropped.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Stock Market No Faith....Economy Faltering Again... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Jack_Steiman
There is much to discuss, but let's start with the news that's on everyone's minds. We all know those two annoying words by now. Debt ceiling. Yes, the debt ceiling and its daily annoyance to everything that is the stock market. Slowly, but surely, it became part of our daily lives. In our minds we began to wonder about whether it would be taken care of by our leaders. Then the days moved on, and the stock market began to take on a larger role with respects to wondering whether things would get taken care of by our leaders. The closer we got to August second the more annoyed the market seemed to get with what was taking place. It began to send a strong message last Friday. Then all week the market fell.
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Saturday, July 30, 2011
Essentials for Investor Wealth Acquisition Acceleration / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: DeepCaster_LLC
“The U.S. Federal Reserve gave out $16.1 trillion in emergency loans to U.S. and foreign financial institutions between Dec. 1, 2007 and July 21, 2010, according to figures produced by the government's first-ever audit of the central bank.
Last year, the gross domestic product of the entire U.S. economy was $14.5 trillion.
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Friday, July 29, 2011
Is Congress Fiddling While Rome Burns? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Marty_Chenard
I'm starting to think this is ironic ...
The country is in debt and the Government's revenue cannot cover the current debt. In other words, the cash outflow is greater than the cash inflows, so we have a Liquidity Contraction situation.
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Friday, July 29, 2011
Possible Stock Market Scenario For Meeting U.S. August 2nd Debt Ceiling Deadline / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Chris_Ciovacco
The deadline for some type of debt-ceiling deal is now only five calendar days away (three trading days). The odds of no agreement of any kind coming together remain relatively remote. The political stakes for all players involved, including both parties and the President, are too high.
Friday, July 29, 2011
U.S. Debt Downgrade Drama and the Stock Market / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: George_Maniere
I was watching Speaker of the House John Boehner speak today on Bloomberg TV (yes I have the TV on while I trade but the sound is off until I see something that is newsworthy). Speaker Boehner made the same old pitch about how the Republicans have out plans on the table and the Democrats have done nothing. I watched as his entourage climbed over each other to say something to the media and it hit me hard. This is July 28, 2011. In one year we will be in full reelection mode. How much money would one of these congressmen have to raise to get some prime time face time? I would guess it would be quite a bit.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Stock Market Negatives Building / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Tony_Caldaro
SHORT TERM: market opens flat, rallies, then drops, DOW -62
Overnight the Asian markets were mostly lower. Europe opened lower but closed mixed. US index futures were relatively flat overnight, and at 8:30 weekly Jobless claims dipped below 400K: 398K vs 418K. The market opened slightly lower at SPX 1304, after closing at 1305 yesterday. After bouncing around in the first few minutes the market started to rally. At 10:00 Pending home sales were reported lower but still positive: +2.4% vs +8.2%. The rally continued until about noon when the SPX hit 1316, then it started to pullback. Around 1:00 the FED released the following: http://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/press/bcreg/20110728a.htm. The pullback continued right into the close when the SPX hit 1299 and ended the day at 1301.
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Thursday, July 28, 2011
Stock Market Panic Selling, What Does It Mean? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Chris_Vermeulen

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Thursday, July 28, 2011
Missing the August 2nd U.S. Debt Ceiling Deadline Still Not Likely / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Chris_Ciovacco
After the market closed on July 27, we reviewed the latest news from Washington looking for information that can help us over the next six calendar days. Our current interpretation is that a deal will get done in some shape, form, or fashion.
A Bloomberg story noted that the credit markets are not overly concerned about the political banter in our nation’s capital:
Read full article... Read full article...Banks in the U.S. are scrutinizing credit-market movements as they look for distress ahead of next week’s deadline to raise the U.S. debt ceiling. So far, those metrics aren’t showing signs of panic.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Credit Market Ominous Similarities to 2007, Short Stock Indices / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Tony_Pallotta
Dramatic title I realize but look at the charts below and ask yourself if this is purely coincidence or something more telling. Regulars to this site have read posts comparing the current market to that of late 2007. From equities to credit markets to volatility and more the similarities across asset classes has been rather striking.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
US Debt Downgrade Grows Closer Than Ever / Stock-Markets / US Debt
By: George_Maniere
Each day that passes without a deal to prevent a U.S. debt default brings the United States closer to a financial calamity that would be more severe than the failure of Lehman Brothers in 2008.
Dueling speeches from U.S. President Barack Obama and Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-OH, Monday night did nothing to resolve the impasse between Republicans and Democrats over how to reduce budget deficits and raise the debt ceiling past the $14.3 trillion limit by Aug. 2.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Stock Market Sends A Loud Message For All To Hear..... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Jack_Steiman

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Stock Market, Is it Time to be Concerned? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011
By: Marty_Chenard
Last week, we posted an analysis of the NYSE's daily New Highs. Let's continue that exploration from a different angle so we can see the long term and short term picture of the story it is trying to tell.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011
How U.S. Debt Downgrade WIll Impact Stock and Bond Market Prices? / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011
By: Chris_Ciovacco
Since the United States has carried a AAA debt rating since 1917, the term unprecedented has been properly applied to the possibility of a downgrade to AA. The uncertainty associated with a debt downgrade/short-term default was captured by the Wall Street Journal on July 25:
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The Worst Case Scenario: Seven Potential Consequences of a U.S. Debt Default / Stock-Markets / US Debt
By: Money_Morning
David Zeiler writes: Each day that passes without a deal to prevent a U.S. debt default brings the United States closer to a financial calamity that would be more severe than the failure of Lehman Brothers in 2008.
Dueling speeches from U.S. President Barack Obama and Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-OH, Monday night did nothing to resolve the impasse between Republicans and Democrats over how to reduce budget deficits and raise the debt ceiling past the $14.3 trillion limit by Aug. 2.
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