Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Friday, September 14, 2012
Apple's iPhone, Germany, the Fed: Why It's All Irrelevant to Stock Market Trend / Stock-Markets / Elliott Wave Theory
A lot of people know that R.N. Elliott discovered the Wave Principle.
Yet few are aware that Elliott made another observation during his years of studying the stock market.
Read full article... Read full article...As the Wave Principle forecasts the different phases or segments of a cycle, the experienced student will find that current news or happenings, or even decrees or acts of government, seem to have but little effect, if any, upon the course of the cycle. It is true that sometimes unexpected news or sudden events, particularly those of a highly emotional nature, may extend or curtail the length of travel between corrections, but the number of waves or underlying rhythmic regularity of the market remains constant [emphasis added].
Friday, September 14, 2012
Central Bankers Insider Traders of Last Resort, Can Remain Solvent Longer Than Markets Can Stay Irrational / Stock-Markets / Quantitative Easing
By: Andrew_Butter

Surely Hayek is turning in his grave? Perhaps not:
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Friday, September 14, 2012
Why There’s No Jail Time for Wall Streeters / Stock-Markets / Market Manipulation
By: Money_Morning

So, if you're waiting to get back into the markets once the trash has been taken out, you're about to find out your wait may be a lot longer than you expected.
Friday, September 14, 2012
QE3 of $40 Billion Per Month Impact on Markets / Stock-Markets / Quantitative Easing
By: Puru_Saxena
On Thursday, the Federal Reserve initiated QE3 and this prompted a big rally in risky assets. As you know, we were expecting Mr. Bernanke to unleash ‘stimulus’ but even we were taken aback by the extent of the easing.
During his press conference, Mr. Bernanke stated that the Federal Reserve will buy US$40 billion worth of agency mortgage-backed securities every month until the US job market improves. Furthermore, he confirmed that the Federal Reserve will continue with its Operation Twist 2 program,keep interest rates at near zero until mid-2015 and maintain an accommodative monetary policy well into the economic recovery! When a reporter asked Mr. Bernanke whether he could elaborate until when the Federal Reserve will continue to create US$40 billion every month ‘out of thin air’, he evaded the question.
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Thursday, September 13, 2012
Investing Secrets You Need to Know to Keep Wall Street From Stealing Your Future / Stock-Markets / Investing 2012
By: Money_Morning
William Patalon III writes:
One of the great things about vacation - in addition to all the time I get to spend with my wife and five-year-old son - is that I actually get to peruse the books and watch the movies that I spent the other 51 weeks of the year setting aside.
Don't misunderstand: I don't spend the week away from the office holed up and away from my family. Quite the opposite.
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Thursday, September 13, 2012
Dollar and Gold Resting on the Bernanke Decision / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
By: Darah_Bazargan
Often is the case that the dollar will reverse just before or within days of a major anticipated news event. If I'm right, today's potential bottoming tail candlestick just shy of the Fed’s announcement tomorrow may be an indication of a Bernanke disappointment. On this basis, the dollar has bottomed and will likely undergo a sharp upward reversal into the remainder of this week.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
End of Stocks Bull Market Signaled by Three Peaks and a Domed House Pattern / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Submissions
Ed Carlson writes: Even prior to the new high on 9/11/12, a follower of George Lindsay's Three Peaks and a Domed House model might have been wondering 'could the 3PDh forecast be incorrect?' What would make it incorrect? The three peaks, as labeled in the chart below, meet the requirement of a time span of 6-10 months between peaks one and three. Actually, the distance is not quite six months but is greater than five months.
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Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Where Would Stock Market Be Without Fed Intervention? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Graham_Summers
We’ve entered a truly dangerous environment in the financial markets.
Economic fundamentals are deteriorating rapidly. Consider the US…
By all counts, the latest ISM (a measure of manufacturing in the US) was a complete and total disaster. In August the ISM hit 49. Anything below 50 is considered a recessionary rating.
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Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Stock Market Finally at the Top! / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
Things are speeding up on several fronts, including the markets. I will fall back to doing one closing Commentary on Wednesday and a Weekend Report on Saturday until further notice. I will still attempt to bring you breaking news as it happens.
I wish to inform you that I am being vetted for a position with a much larger RIA firm with a possible start date of October first. I still don’t know if or how that will affect my newsletters. Until then, I intend to keep the letters going, at least until further notice.
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Gold Versus Bonds - When Bond Markets Crash, Investors Will Rush The Exits / Stock-Markets / Global Debt Crisis 2012
By: Darryl_R_Schoon
When capital markets expand, the action is in the equity markets. When capital markets contract, bond markets are where the action is; because when credit and debt-based markets reach their limit, debt, not credit, has the upper hand.
Today’s economists, trapped between the flawed theories of John Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedman, assiduously avoid the observations of Carl Menger and the Austrian School of Economics. But try as they might, the misguided and devoted followers of Friedman and Keynes can’t escape the results of their misguided assumptions—today, economies everywhere are drowning in debt.
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Stock Market Large Tech Red Flag....... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Jack_Steiman
You wait for a moment that tells you it's likely you're nearing a short-term top, and today, we possibly saw that top as the market went after stocks it hasn't touched in months, and it nailed them in a very big way. Apple Inc. (AAPL), the leader of all leaders, was crushed to the tune of $18, while others were nailed with long tails off the top. Stocks, such as Google Inc. (GOOG) and Priceline.com (PCLN) just to name a few. We know we have a negative divergence on the S&P 500 daily chart, so you know it's coming at some point. Not only were some of the best froth stocks hit, but other stocks you don't see get hit very often took it on the chin a bit today.
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Forex, Financial and Commodity Markets Shackles broken / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2012
By: Capital3X
The title of the post should have conveyed my thoughts. The shackles on ES and copper and AUDUSD and AUDJPY have been broken. Same for bond markets. There seems to be perfect harmony between the inter markets and this is where it gets safer to trade. Some weeks like last are difficult. Some weeks like the one coming could be easier to trade. But that is matter of perspective and hence treat all weeks similar.
Time to look at all those detailed analysis and charts. Make sure you roll down to the end of the post read the summary as well.
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Monday, September 10, 2012
What Could Following New Stocks Bull Market Highs? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Andre_Gratian
SPX: Very Long-term trend - The very-long-term cycles are down and, if they make their lows when expected (after this bull market is over) there will be another steep and prolonged decline into late 2014. It is probable, however, that the steep correction of 2007-2009 will have curtailed the full downward pressure potential of the 120-yr cycle.
SPX: Intermediate trend - SPX is in a limited intermediate uptrend which may have ended in August. We need confirmation.
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Monday, September 10, 2012
U.S. Stock Market Investors Set Up to be Fleeced, Triple Top? / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Clive_Maund
Most investors were duped by the mainstream financial media into thinking that the broad US stockmarket made an important upside breakout last week, but according to our charts it did no such thing. Sure the market did breakout to new post 2008 - 2009 crash highs, but it DID NOT break out to new highs on longer-term charts, and DID NOT break out upside from the large bearish Rising Wedge that it remains stuck in.
Sunday, September 09, 2012
The Effects of the 4-Year Stock Market Cycle Peak, Apple / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Clif_Droke
Last week was pivotal for equities as well as a reminder that the 3½ year-old recovery is still alive. Many stocks broke out to new recovery highs as the result of the European Central Bank's (ECB) announcement that it would commence a bond-buying program to stimulate the troubled euro zone economy. The S&P 500 (SPX) made its highest close in four years as stock prices across many sectors rallied on the prospect of increased liquidity, the lifeblood of any bull market.
Sunday, September 09, 2012
U.S. Stock Market Rally Continues / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Tony_Caldaro
A good week for the bulls as the bull market made new highs in the SPX/NDX/NAZ. Oddly enough the DOW is lagging again, having failed to reach its May high of 13,339. For the week the SPX/DOW gained 1.95%, and the NDX/NAZ were +2.10%. Asian markets gained 1.4%, European markets gained 3.9%, and the DJ World index gained 2.6%. Forty two months into one of the most disliked bull markets in history, and it is still making new highs. On the economic front the reports continue to improve: this week 7 to 4 positive. On the uptick: monthly Auto sales, the ADP index, ISM services, long term Investor sentiment, the WLEI, and both the Unemployment rate and weekly Jobless claims improved. On the downtick: ISM manufacturing, Consumer spending, monthly Payrolls, and the Monetary base. Next week is FOMC meeting week wed/thurs. During the week we also get reports on Consumer credit, the CPI/PPI and Industrial production.
Saturday, September 08, 2012
Stock Market Higher Still...Complacency Creeping In....Jobs Report Awful....... / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
By: Jack_Steiman
The market is doing what all good markets do, and that's to keep doing what the masses think it shouldn't do. The real bears just can't understand, and who can blame them, why the markets keep chopping higher overall. They look at all the data coming in from both here and abroad, and it just doesn't add up. They're right, it doesn't. Today we saw the Jobs Report come in well below expectations of 125-150K. The number was 96K. One would think, here we go to the down side. No fun day. Not to be. Nothing to get excited about, but overall, pretty flat after yesterday's big run up. The reason the futures didn't implode on the bad news was simple. Protection from Mr. Bernanke as now the masses are thinking here comes QE3. Yes, more easing from the Fed, both here, and throughout the Eurozone.
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Friday, September 07, 2012
When an Over-Ripe Stock Market is Ready to Spoil / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2012
Anyone who enjoys eating fruit knows there's a fine line between ripe and over-ripe.
If it sits in the fruit bowl too long, over-ripe turns rotten.
As experienced investors know, the stock market goes through similar phases. An overbought, or over-ripe, market can spoil quickly.
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Friday, September 07, 2012
Enjoy the Stock Market Rally While it Lasts, Super Mario Draghi’s Bazooka is a Dud / Stock-Markets / Eurozone Debt Crisis
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes:
Not too long ago I mentioned that whatever European Central Bank President "Super Mario" Draghi delivers, it had better be big.
Because the only way he could hope to shore up the beleaguered e uro, wrest control of interest rates from the modern day financial pirates that dominate credit default swaps and break the impasse between skittish investors was with a monetary "bazooka."
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Friday, September 07, 2012
Progression of Stock Market Top, Crash Formations / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
SPX shows a well-formed Orthodox Broadening Top formation that may have a few points left to complete point 5. As it stands, it is already overbought and has the minimum requirements for a completed formation. The trading bands have squeezed together suggesting a violent transition is at hand.
Once the SPX declines below 1395, there is a good possibility of a bounce from the 50-day moving average (point 6) back to mid-Cycle resistance at 1410.27 (point 7), then a very dramatic decline to its average target of 1074.15, its 2011 low.
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