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Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets

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Sunday, October 09, 2011

Market Short Squeezes and Trading Ranges, Risk On? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011

By: WavePatternTraders

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleWow!, every time I see one of those short squeezes they still blow me away at the speed and aggression they show, it clearly shows how many are selling this market, as without doubt that was another aggressive short squeeze you saw this past week.

Last week I left you with this chart, and the FX markets were suggesting that we were on the verge of a reversal.

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Sunday, October 09, 2011

Stock Market Breaking Down The Bullish Argument / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011

By: Tony_Pallotta

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleEquity bulls have found solace in the abnormally high bearish sentiment readings. Seems everyone wants to be considered a contrarian. Rather than follow the herd these free thinkers venture out into the cold dark tundra alone and unafraid. They proclaim to the world "huge bearish sentiment to propel the stock market rally."

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Saturday, October 08, 2011

Stocks Bear Market Deja Vu? / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market

By: Tony_Caldaro

Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleAnother wild week on Wall Street. For the past two weeks the market had made the high for the week on tuesday, and then sold off for the rest of the week. This week, however, the market made a new bear market low on tuesday, and then rallied for the rest of the week. Markets, worldwide, were generally higher with the DJ World index gaining 1.7%. In the US the SPX/DOW were +1.9%, and the NDX/NAZ gained 2.9%. Economic reports for the week continued their downward trend with negatives outpacing positives 6 to 4. On the positive side: ISM manufacturing, construction spending, auto sales and non-farm payrolls. On the negative side: factory orders, ISM services, consumer credit, the monetary base, the WLEI and weekly jobless claims rose. The ADP index and the unemployment rate both came in unchanged. Next week the FOMC minutes, the twin deficits. and Retail sales highlight the economic agenda.

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Saturday, October 08, 2011

Is the Stock Market About to Stage A Multi-Month Rally? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011

By: J_W_Jones

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe S&P 500 must have taken notice of the multitude of headlines coming at market participants and proceeded on a path of pure chaos. Since October 4th, the S&P 500 Index (SPX) managed to trade in a range that spanned from 1,074 to as high as 1,171 in 4 days. To put the past 4 days price action into perspective, the S&P 500 Index rallied 97 points or 9% in less than 96 hours.

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Saturday, October 08, 2011

Too Many Uncertainties Remain In Place! / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011

By: Sy_Harding

Consumers, businesses, and stock markets hate uncertainty, and they sure have been subjected to more of it than they can handle so far this year. As a result, consumer and business confidence is at very low readings, and stock markets around the world are in serious corrections, many down more than the 20% that marks their entry into bear markets.

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Saturday, October 08, 2011

Investor Gainful Navigation Aids / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011

By: DeepCaster_LLC

Best Financial Markets Analysis Article"Governments all over the world have created trillions of currency units since 2007 in the mistaken idea that it would create prosperity. The Americans, but also the Europeans, the Chinese and others, have papered things over for the short run mainly by inflating the stock markets, artificially depressing interest rates, and slowing the fall of the real estate market. All that extra currency has made people think they are richer than they are, and has encouraged extra consumption, which is a large part of the problem. Now they [central bankers] are out of bullets. We are coming out of the eye of the hurricane and it is going to be much more serious than it was in 2007, 2008, and 2009. That is because all those currency units they created are causing tremendous price rises on the retail level. It is going to be devastating for the average guy. A complete breakdown in confidence is happening right now in the US dollar. The Chinese, or at least their central bank, have more US dollars than anybody else, and they want to get rid of them. They are trying to offload those dollars, for instance in Africa, to get rid of them for real wealth. Nearly everybody in the world feels this way. The new deals that they cut, with the Iranians and the Argentines for instance, are almost like barter deals. Nobody wants to use the paper currency of an unreliable third party.

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Friday, October 07, 2011

Hyper Oversold Stock and Commodity Markets / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011

By: Zeal_LLC

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe recent sharp selloffs in stocks and commodities have fueled an incessant drumbeat of pessimism plaguing the financial markets.  Greece is doomed, Europe is fracturing, China is slowing, the US faces a recession, the sky is falling!  You’ve heard all the popular bearish arguments countless times.  But as usual at major turning points, popular consensus is dead wrong.  Oversold markets are very bullish!

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Friday, October 07, 2011

Can Global Economic Stimulus Stop Deflation? / Stock-Markets / Deflation

By: Clif_Droke

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe year 2011 has been a strange and unusual one on many counts. If anything, 2011 can be characterized as the first year since the credit crisis started in which deflation wasn't actively opposed by central bankers and financial regulators.

In some cases, fiscal policy has been designed seemingly to assist the deflationary trend. In just the past few months, for instance, we've seen the abrupt end of the Federal Reserve's attempt at bolstering asset prices, the dramatic increase in margin requirements for several key commodities, talk of increasing taxes and regulatory burdens on businesses and other pro-deflationary measures. It's enough to make you wonder if perhaps the regulators actually want to introduce a certain level of deflation into the economy and financial markets.

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Friday, October 07, 2011

Stock Market What's Next ... Will We Have a Rising or Falling Market? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011

By: Marty_Chenard

The most important market test of the past two months is coming up soon as seen on today's chart.

Note how the market Strength has behaved on our C-RSI, 30 day indicator. It has been in a down trend since April, and it has been in Negative Territory since the end of July. That has translated into a DOWN condition for the market during the past few months.

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Thursday, October 06, 2011

Gold, DAX Stocks Index and US. Dollar Still Pointing to Sharply Lower Prices / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2011

By: Chris_Vermeulen

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe past month has been a wild ride for both equity and commodity traders around the globe. Novice traders have had their heads handed to them and their investment accounts drained. When fear, uncertainty and volatility are running high, some of the best opportunities become available to those who know what to look for. These market conditions force you to focus and strive for perfection in finding low risk entry setups and to also actively managing positions with laser focus because within hours a winning trade can turn into a losing trade.

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Thursday, October 06, 2011

Stock Market Like March 2008 or August 2008? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011

By: Chris_Ciovacco

We have been calling for the markets to make new lows for eight weeks. The new low occurred on Monday. Given the similarities to March 2008 that have surfaced since Monday’s low of 1,074 on the S&P 500, it is prudent to understand how sharp bear market rallies can be. The bear market rally off the March 2008 lows pushed the S&P 500 14% higher.

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Thursday, October 06, 2011

Stock Market Volatility Continues To Signal Equity Selloff / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011

By: Tony_Pallotta

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleLooking purely at the Vix one could say it is moving down as fear comes out of the market. Equities are moving higher, Vix moving lower, all is coming back to normal. But if you look behind the Vix it is signaling a completely different picture.

What I see is something pulling back before a final assault and highly probable defeat of the 48.00 line in the sand. I see the Vix moving up to the 60 range in a matter of days. Perhaps that will lead to the final push lower in equities before some form of a tradable bottom is put in. Perhaps it is already in but judging by the divergence between volatility and the SPX I highly doubt it.

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Thursday, October 06, 2011

S&P 500 Stock Index Testing Key Resistance / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011

By: Mike_Paulenoff

Why did I bail out of my long ProShares Ultra S&P 500 (SSO) position (+7% in a day and a half)? Largely because the e-mini S&P 500 was bumping up against an important one-week resistance line at 1129.00, which in THIS market could elicit a negative reaction.

That said, so far there has been very little weakness after the initial bump against 1129. Should the e-SPZ hurdle and sustain above the resistance line, then my next optimal upside target zone is 1139-1143.

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Thursday, October 06, 2011

Stock Market New Cycle Begins / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011

By: Donald_W_Dony

Following the September 22, 2011 Market Minute titled "Nearing the low" today's market action suggests that the expected trough has likely occurred.

Over the past two months, models have been indicating the low for the 14-16 week cycle should arrive from late September to early October. The strong reversal on the 4th and today in global markets would correspond with that pattern.

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Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Forget Halloween, It's the Christmas Shopping Season that Has Retailers Running Scared / Stock-Markets / Sector Analysis

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleDavid Zeiler writes: Holiday retail sales - which account for almost 40% of retail revenue, worth $453 billion in sales last year - are in jeopardy.

Consumer spending continues to be restrained by an unemployment rate that has stayed above 9% for 26 of the past 28 months. Furthermore, rising food and gasoline costs, fears of a new recession, the loss of equity from the housing collapse, and mountains of leftover credit card debt have prospective purchasers tightening their purse strings.

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Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Stock Market Buying Opportunity Ahead Or Another Plunge? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011


Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleDear Investor,

"Lost decade."

The phrase originally applied to Japan's stock market. Yet in terms of depth and scale, it more accurately describes today's markets and economy in the United States.

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Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Stocks Bear Market Rally, Europe to the Rescue! / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market

By: Toby_Connor

Best Financial Markets Analysis Article

It appears that the news out of Europe, right before the close, that the EU is looking at further measures to recapitalize the banks, was enough to halt what was likely going to turn into a very nasty drop into the employment report on Friday. Instead what started as potentially very ugly morphed into a key reversal day. Since the market was getting very late in its daily cycle this will likely mark not only a daily cycle low, but a greater degree intermediate cycle low.

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Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Is the Stock Market on the Verge of a Rally? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011

By: J_W_Jones

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleOnly 5 short months ago the S&P 500 was trading at the 2011 highs around the 1,370 price level on the S&P 500 Index. Since then, the price action has devastated investors and traders alike. As of the close on Monday, the S&P 500 had worked over 270 handles lower in 5 months. The price action since September 27th has been a bloodbath.

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Tuesday, October 04, 2011

How to Get Rich in a Stocks Bear Market / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market

By: Money_Morning

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleShah Gilani writes: To most investors, just surviving a bear market is more important than finding the next jet-fueled growth stock.

But I want to let you in on a secret: Rather than just trying to survive, investors can actually thrive in bear markets. In fact, I make a lot more money a lot faster in bear markets than I do in bull markets.

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Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Stock Market Nasty Start to Week / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2011

By: Harry_Boxer

Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleThe week started off with a thud as the stock market indices gapped down. They had a strong snapback early in the session on positive economic news, but that was it for the day. The indices then came down hard in a 5-wave decline, but at the end of the day when it looked like they were snapping back into the close, they suddenly reversed course in the last 10 minutes and got crushed into the close, finishing at the lows for the day.

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